
Robust filtering circuit design for stochastic gene networks under intrinsic and extrinsic molecular noises. (English) Zbl 1130.92023

Summary: How to design a robust gene network to tolerate more intrinsic kinetic parameter variations and to attenuate more extrinsic environmental noises to achieve a desired filtering level will be an important topic for systems biology and synthetic biology. At present, there is no good systematic design method to achieve robust gene network designs. In this study, a gene network suffering from intrinsic kinetic parameter fluctuations and extrinsic environmental noises is modeled as a Langevin equation with state-dependent stochastic noises. Based on nonlinear stochastic filtering theory, a systematic gene circuit design method is proposed to make gene networks improve their robustness to tolerate more intrinsic noises and to attenuate extrinsic noises to a prescribed filtering level. The robust gene network design principles have not only yielded a comprehensive design theory of robust gene networks, but also gained valuable insights into the molecular noise filtering of gene networks from a systematic perspective.


92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology
60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
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