Dirks, Bradley; Mustaţă, Mircea Minimal exponents of hyperplane sections: a conjecture of Teissier. (English) Zbl 1539.14037 J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 25, No. 12, 4813-4840 (2023). Reviewer: Mingyi Zhang (Beijing) MSC: 14F10 14B05 32S25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Mustaţă, Mircea [Szemberg, Tomasz] IMPANGA lecture notes on log canonical thresholds. (English) Zbl 1271.14025 Pragacz, Piotr (ed.), Contributions to algebraic geometry. Impanga lecture notes. Based on the Impanga conference on algebraic geometry, Banach Center, Bȩdlewo, Poland, July 4–10, 2010. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (ISBN 978-3-03719-114-9/hbk). EMS Series of Congress Reports, 407-442 (2012). Reviewer: Karl Schwede (University Park) MSC: 14F18 14B05 13A35 14C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv