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Piaggio, H. T. H. Geometry and relativity. (English) JFM 48.0647.06 Math. Gazette 11, 97-100 (1922). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. T. H. Piaggio}, Math. Gaz. 11, 97--100 (1922; JFM 48.0647.06) Full Text: DOI
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Schultze, A. Ist die Welt vierdimensional? (German) JFM 48.0646.13 Leipzig: Hillmann (1922). PDFBibTeX XML
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Baker, H. F. Principles of geometry. I: Foundations. II: Plane geometry, conics, circles, non-euclidean geometry. (English) JFM 48.0646.08 London: Cambridge Univ. Press. XI u. 182 S., XV u. 244 S. \(8^0\) (1922). PDFBibTeX XML
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Hilbert, D. Die Grundlagen der Geometrie. 5. Auflage. (Wissenschaft und Hypothese, No.7.). (German) JFM 48.0646.04 Leipzig: B. G. Teubner (1922). PDFBibTeX XML
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Brocard, H. Signification de géométrie à \(\frac lm\) dimensions (question 2223, de P. Tannery). (French) JFM 47.0519.04 Interméd. de math. 26, 76 (1919). PDFBibTeX XML
Hjelmslev, J. Geometrske Eksperimenter. (Danish) JFM 47.0519.01 Kopenhagen: Gjellerup (1919). PDFBibTeX XML
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Sommerville, D. M. Y. The elements of noneuclidean geometry. (English) JFM 47.0518.07 London: Bell & Sons, XVI u. 274 S. (1919). PDFBibTeX XML
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Heath, R. S. Solid geometry including mensuration of surfaces and solids. 4th edition. (English) JFM 46.0826.06 London: Rivingtons, 123 S. (1918). PDFBibTeX XML
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