Geigenmüller, R. Elemente der höheren Mathematik zugleich als Sammlung von Beispielen und Aufgaben aus der algebraischen Analysis, analytischen Geometrie, Differential- und Integralrechnung. Für technische Lehranstalten und zum Selbststudium. I. Algebraische Analysis enthaltend. (German) JFM 18.0192.01 Mittweida. Polyt. Buchhandl. (R. Schulze). 61 S. \(8^{\circ}\) (1899). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Peano, G. Letter from Peano to the editors. (Schreiben des Herrn Peano an die Redaction.) (German) JFM 26.0276.01 Monatsh. f. Math. VI, 204 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sonine, N. J. A remark on the letter from P. L. Chebyshev to S. W. Kowalevski. (Eine Bemerkung über den Brief von P. L. Tschebyschew an S. W. Kowalevski.) (Russian) JFM 26.0275.02 St. Pétersb. Bull. II, 15-27 (1895). Reviewer: Wassilieff, A.;Prof. (Kasan) MSC: 26D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Berwi, N. W. On some series and differential equations. (Ueber einige Reihen und Differentialgleichungen.) (Russian) JFM 26.0275.01 Mosk. Math. Samml. XVII. 838-843 (1895). Reviewer: Wassilieff, A.;Prof. (Kasan) MSC: 30B99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rogel, F. Summation of series by means of definite integrals. (Reihensummirungen mittels bestimmter Integrale.) (German) JFM 26.0273.01 Prag. Ber. 1895. 33 S. (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lerch, M. On the differentiation of a class of trigonometric series. (Sur la différentiation d’une classe de séries trigonométriques.) (French) JFM 26.0271.02 Ann. de l’Éc. Norm. (3) XII, 351-361 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 42A16 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Pascal, E. A chapter of differential calculus. (Un capitolo di calcolo differenziale.) (Italian) JFM 26.0271.01 Rivista di Mat. V. 37-49 (1895). Reviewer: Hurwitz, Prof. (Zürich) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pringsheim, A. On the development of single-valued analytic functions in power series. (Ueber die Entwickelung eindeutiger analytischer Functionen in Potenzreihen.) (German) JFM 26.0270.01 Münch. Ber. XXV. 75-92 (1895). Reviewer: Hurwitz, Prof. (Zürich) MSC: 30B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pringsheim, A. On power series on the circle of convergence and Fourier series. (Ueber Potenzreihen auf dem Convergenzkreise und Fourier’sche Reihen.) (German) JFM 26.0269.01 Münch. Ber. XXV. 337-364 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 30B30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Stolz, O. On the circle of convergence of an inverted series. (Ueber den Convergenzkreis der umgekehrten Reihe.) (German) JFM 26.0268.01 Wien. Ber. CIV, 485-501 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 30B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bougaïef, N. U. On the transformed Taylor theorem. (Sur le théorème de Taylor transformé.) (French) JFM 26.0267.01 C. R. CXXI, 1127-1129 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Zorawski, K. Iteration and inverse series. (Iterationen und Umkehrungsreihen.) (Polish) JFM 26.0266.04 Krak. Denkschr. XXIX. 240-249 (1895). Reviewer: Dickstein, Prof. (Warschau) MSC: 30D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Maillet, E. On the problem of interpolation in recursive sequences. (Sur le problème de l’interpolation dans les suites récurrentes.) (French) JFM 26.0266.03 Nouv. Ann. (3) XIV. 473-489 (1895). Reviewer: Hoppe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Maillet, E. On the problem of interpolation in recursive sequences. (Sur le problème de l’interpolation dans les suites récurrentes.) (French) JFM 26.0266.02 Toulouse Mém. (9) VII. 181 (1895). MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Maillet, E. On two criteria for reducibility of the law of a recursive sequence. (Sur deux critériums de réductibilité d’une loi d’une suite récurrente.) (French) JFM 26.0266.01 Toulouse Mém. (9) VII. 179-180 (1895). Reviewer: Simon, P. , Dr. (Bonn) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Maillet, Ed. Conditions for the order of a recursive sequence to be irreducible. (Des conditions pour que l’échelle d’une suite récurrente soit irréductible.) (French) JFM 26.0265.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) XIV. 152-157, 197-206 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Netto, E. On recursive sequences. (Ueber recurrirende Reihen.) (German) JFM 26.0264.01 Monatsh. f. Math. VI, 285-290 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chessin, A. S. On divergent series. (English) JFM 26.0263.02 American M. S. Bull. (2) II, 72-75 (1895). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Borel, É. On the summation of divergent series. (Sur la sommation des séries divergentes.) (French) JFM 26.0262.01 C. R. CXXI, 1125-1127 (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40G10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Schimpf, E. A theory of convergence of infinite series. (Eine Theorie der Convergenz unendlicher Reihen.) (German) JFM 26.0259.01 Pr. (No. 353) Gymn. Bochum. 56 S. \(4^\circ\) (1895). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Biermann, O. Elements of higher mathematics. Lectures on the preparation of the study of differential calculus, algebra, and function theory. (Elemente der höheren Mathematik. Vorlesungen zur Vorbereitung des Studiums der Differentialrechnung, Algebra und Functionentheorie.) (German) JFM 26.0258.01 Leipzig. B. G. Teubner. XII u. 381 S. gr. \(8^\circ\) (1895). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 26-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jensen, J. B. W. V. On a simple expression for the remainder in Newton’s interpolation formula. (Sur une expression simple du reste dans la formule d’interpolation de Newton.) (French) JFM 25.0401.01 Kjöb. Overs. 1894. 1-7 (1894). Reviewer: Valentiner, Dr. (Kopenhagen) MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
De Cabedo, J. B. On the coefficients of Fourier series. (Sobre os coefficientes da serie de Fourier.) (Portuguese) JFM 25.0395.01 Teixeira J. XII. 81-84 (1894). Reviewer: Teixeira, Prof. (Porto) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 42A16 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dickstein, S. On the “supreme law” of Hoene Wronski. Second article. (Ueber die “loi suprême” von Hoene-Wronski. Zweiter Artikel.) (Polish) JFM 25.0394.01 Prace mat.-fiz. V, 123-145 (1894). Reviewer: Dickstein, Prof. (Warschau) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Zorawski, K. Inverse series. (Umkehrungsreihen.) (Polish) JFM 25.0393.01 Prace mat.-fiz. V, 146-159 (1894). Reviewer: Dickstein, Prof. (Warschau) MSC: 30B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
McMahon, J. On the general term in tbe reversion of series. (English) JFM 25.0392.03 New York M. S. Bull. III, 170-173 (1894). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 30B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Echols, W. H. Note on the expansion of a function. (English) JFM 25.0391.02 Annals of Math. VIII, 176-180 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Echols, W. H. An elementary deduction of Taylor’s formula. (English) JFM 25.0391.01 Annals of Math. VIII, 62-63 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jekel, A. New proof of Taylor’s theorem. (Nieuw bewijs voor het theorema van Taylor.) (Dutch) JFM 25.0389.02 Nieuw Archief (2) I, 201-205 (1894). Reviewer: Molenbroek, Dr. (Haag) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pringsheim, A. On functions which at certain points have finite difference quotients of every finite order but no Taylor expansion. (Ueber Functionen, welche in gewissen Punkten endliche Differentialquotienten jeder endlichen Ordnung, aber keine Taylor’sche Reihenentwickelung besitzen.) (German) JFM 25.0389.01 Math. Ann. XLIV, 41-56 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 26E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Pringsheim, A. On the conditions for validity of Taylor’s theorem for real variables. (Ueber die Gültigkeits-Bedingungen des Taylor’schen Lehrsatzes für reelle Veränderliche.) (German) JFM 25.0388.01 Deutsche Math.-Ver. III, 82-84 (1894). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 26E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Pringsheim, A. On the necessary and sufficient conditions of Taylor’s theorem for functions of a real variable. (Ueber die notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen des Taylor’schen Lehrsatzes für Functionen einer reellen Variablen.) (German) JFM 25.0386.02 Math. Ann. XLIV, 57-82 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 26E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Zindler, K. Remarks on power series in two variables. (Bemerkung über Potenzreihen zweier Veränderlichen.) (German) JFM 25.0380.01 Monatsh. f. Math. V, 287-288 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 32A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vivanti, G. On power series in two variables. (Ueber Potenzreihen zweier Veränderlichen.) (German) JFM 25.0379.02 Monatsh. f. Math. V, 99-103 (1894). MSC: 32A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Padé, H. On power series which are convergent or divergent and on rational continued fractions. (Sur les séries entières convergentes ou divergentes et les fractions continues rationnelles.) (French) JFM 25.0378.02 Acta Math. XVIII, 97-112 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40C15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
D’Ocagne, M. Memoire on recurrent sequences. (Mémoire sur les suites réurrentes.) (French) JFM 25.0378.01 J. de l’Éc. Pol. Cah. LXIV. 151-224 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Hočevar, F. The associative law for infinite series and products. (Das Associationsgesetz der unendlichen Reihen und Producte.) (German) JFM 25.0377.03 Monatsh. f. Math. V, 307-312 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pringsheim, A. On conditional convergence of infinite products. (Ueber bedingte Convergenz unendlicher Producte.) (German) JFM 25.0377.01 Math. Ann. XLIV, 413-416 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Manning, H. P. On the order of terms in a semi-convergent series. (English) JFM 25.0376.02 American J. XVI, 151-155 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chatounovsky, S. On a rule for convergence of series with positive terms. (Sur une règle de convergence des séries à termes positifs.) (French) JFM 25.0376.01 J. de Math. spéc. (4) III. 25-27 (1894). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Hadamard, J. Additional note on the paper “Sur les caractères de convergence des séries à termes positifs et sur les fonctions indéfiniment croissantes”. (Note additionnelle à l’article “Sur les caractères de convergence des séries à termes positifs et sur les fonctions indéfiniment croissantes”.) (French) JFM 25.0375.02 Acta Math. XVIII, 421 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hadamard, J. On the characters of convergence of series with positive terms and on indefinitely decreasing functions. (Sur les caractères de convergence des séries à termes positifs et sur les fonctions indéfiniment croissantes.) (French) JFM 25.0375.01 Acta Math. XVIII, 319-336 (1894). MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hurwitz, A. On Riemann’s convergence criterion. (Ueber Riemann’s Convergenzkriterium.) (German) JFM 25.0374.02 Math. Ann. XLIV, 83-88 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
De Longchamps, G. On the infinitude of the series whose term is \(1/\log n\). (Sur l’infinitude de la série dont le terme est \(1/Ln\).) (French) JFM 25.0374.01 Progreso mat. IV. 356-359 (1894). Reviewer: Teixeira, Prof. (Porto) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Eneström, G. Note upon the history of the rules of convergence in the eighteenth century. (English) JFM 25.0373.02 New York M. S. Bull. III, 186-187 (1894). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Weyr, Ed. Mathematical lectures. (Mathematische Vorträge.) (Czech) JFM 25.0373.01 Bd. I u. II (1894). Reviewer: Studnička, Prof. (Prag) MSC: 51-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cesàro, E. A course in algebraic analysis with an introduction to infinitesimal calculus. (Corso di analisi algebrica con introduzione al calcolo infinitesimale.) (Italian) JFM 25.0372.01 Torino. Bocca. VIII u. 500 S. \(8^\circ\) (1894). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) MSC: 26-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Martone, M. Introduction to the theory of series. Part III (last). The most celebrated series and the supreme law. (Introduzione alla teoria delle serie. Parte III (ultima). Le serie più celebre e la legge suprema.) (Italian) JFM 26.0277.01 Cantazaro. 17 S. \(4^\circ\) (1894). MSC: 40-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Petrovitch Summation of series by means of definite integrals. (Sommation des séries à l’aide des intégrales définies.) (French) JFM 26.0272.01 C. R. CXX, 819-821 (1894). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Cajori, F. The multiplication of semi-convergent series. (English) JFM 26.0263.01 American M. S. Bull. (2) I, 180-183 (1894). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
d’Ocagne, M. On the summation of a certain class of series. (Sur la sommation d’une certaine classe de séries.) (French) JFM 24.0224.02 C. R. CXV, 790-792 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Saint-Germain, A. The character of convergence of series. (Caractère de convergence des séries.) (French) JFM 24.0221.04 C. R. CXV, 1258-1259 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Laurent, H. To recognize if a polynomial in several variables can be decomposed into entire factors. (Reconnaître si un polynôme à plusieurs variables peut être décomposé en facteurs entiers.) (French) JFM 25.0403.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) XII. 315-321 (1893). Reviewer: Faerber, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 26C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Netto, E. On Cauchy’s interpolation problem. (Zur Cauchy’schen Interpolationsaufgabe.) (German) JFM 25.0402.02 Math. Ann. XLII, 453-456 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Echols, W. H. On some forms of Lagrange’s interpolation formula. (English) JFM 25.0402.01 Annals of Math. VIII, 22-24 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pincherle, S. On interpolation. (Sull’interpolazione.) (Italian) JFM 25.0399.01 Bologna Mem. (5) III. 293-318 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rogel, Fr. Derivations of arithmetic series. (Ableitungen arithmetischer Reihen.) (German) JFM 25.0397.01 Hoppe Arch. (2) XII, 37-56 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 42A16 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Beau, O. Some notes on the subject of trigonometric series and Fourier integrals. (Einige Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der trigonometrischen Reihen und der Fourier’schen Integrale.) (German) JFM 25.0396.01 Pr. (No. 87) Gymn. Sorau. 22 S. \(4^\circ\) (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 42A16 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Amigues, E. Generalization of Lagrange’s series. Remark on this note. (Généralisation de la série de Lagrange. — Remarque à cette note.) (French) JFM 25.0392.02 C. R. CXVI, 368-370 (1893); C. R. CXVI, 429 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Echols, W. H. On a general formula for the expansion of functions in series. (English) JFM 25.0392.01 New York M. S. Bull. II, 135-144 (1893). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Echols, W. H. A deduction and demonstration of Taylor’s formula. (English) JFM 25.0390.02 American J. XV, 283-284 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Amigues, E. The remainder of Taylor series. (Le reste de la série de Taylor.) (French) JFM 25.0390.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) XII. 88-92 (1893). Reviewer: Müller, R. (Berlin) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Pringsheim, A. On the theory of Taylor series and analytic functions with bounded domain of existence. (Zur Theorie der Taylor’schen Reihe und der analytischen Functionen mit beschränktem Existenzbereich.) (German) JFM 25.0386.01 Math. Ann. XLII, 153-184 (1893). MSC: 26E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Scheibner, W. On a method of C. G. J. Jacobi on the determination of the remainder of infinite series. (Ueber eine Methode von C. G. J. Jacobi zur Bestimmung des Restes unendlicher Reihen.) (German) JFM 25.0385.03 Leipz. Ber. XLV. 432-443 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cesàro, E. New contributions to the fundamental principles of asymptotic arithmetic. (Nuova contribuzione ai principii fondamentali dell’aritmetica assintotica.) (Italian) JFM 25.0385.01 Napoli Rend. (2) VII, 208-209 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cesàro, E. On the asymptotic determination of power series. (Sulla determinazione assintotica delle serie di potenze.) (Italian) JFM 25.0383.02 Napoli Rend. (2) VII, 187-195 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vivanti, G. On power series. (Sulle serie di potenze.) (Italian) JFM 25.0383.01 Rivista di Mat. III. 111-114 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 30B30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vivanti, G. On power series. (Extract from a letter to Prof. S. Pincherle). (Sulle serie di potenze. (Estratto d’una lettera al prof. S. Pincherle.).) (Italian) JFM 25.0381.03 Annali di Mat. (2) XXI, 193-194 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pincherle, S. On power series. (Extract from a letter to Dr. Vivanti). (Sulle serie di potenze. (Estratto d’una lettera al dott. Vivanti).) (Italian) JFM 25.0381.02 Annali di Mat. (2) XXI, 138-140 (1893). MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vivanti, G. On power series whose coefficients depend on a variable. (Sulle serie di potenze i cui coefficienti dipendono da una variabile.) (Italian) JFM 25.0381.01 Annali di Mat. (2) XXI, 25-32 (1893). MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zindler, K. On separated common domains of convergence of two power series of two variables. (Ueber getrennte gemeinsame Convergenzgebiete zweier Potenzreihen zweier Veränderlichen.) (German) JFM 25.0379.01 Monatsh. f. Math. IV, 115-119 (1893). MSC: 32A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cajori, F. On the multiplication of semi - convergent series. (English) JFM 25.0377.02 American J. XV, 339-343 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Euclid
Zorawski, K. On convergence of iteration. (Ueber die Convergenz der Iterationen.) (Polish) JFM 25.0376.03 Krak. Ber. XXIV. 271-288 (1893). Reviewer: Dickstein, Prof. (Warschau) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Hadamard, J. On the characters of convergence of series. (Sur les caractères de convergence des séries.) (French) JFM 25.0375.03 C. R. CXVII, 844-845 (1893). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
De Longchamps, G. On the infinitude of divergent series. (Sur l’infinitude des séries divergentes.) (French) JFM 25.0373.04 Progreso mat. III. 17-23, 132-134 (1893). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mansion, P. Limit or generator. (Limite ou génératrice.) (French) JFM 25.0373.03 Mathesis (2) III, 225-228 (1893). Reviewer: Demoulin, Dr. (Gent) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 51N20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Martone, M. Introduction to the theory of series. Second part. The universal problem of Wronski and the algebraic solution of equations. (Introduzione alla teoria delle serie. Parte seconda. Il problema universale del Wronski e la risoluzione algebrica delle equazioni.) (Italian) JFM 23.0256.02 Catanzaro. Asturi. 42 S. \(4^\circ\) (1892). Reviewer: Vivanti, Dr. (Mantua) MSC: 26B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Martone, M. Introduction to the theory of series. Part II. The universal problem of Wronski and the algebraic solution of equations. (Introduzione alla teoria delle serie.Parte II. Il problema universale del Wronski e la risoluzione algebrica delle equazioni.) (Italian) JFM 24.0227.03 Catanzaro. Asturi (1892). MSC: 40-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jelínek, Laur. On the degree of precision of interpolated numbers in tables. (Ueber den Grad der Genauigkeit von interpolirten Tabellenzahlen.) (Czech) JFM 24.0227.02 Casopis XXI, 31-39 (1892); (Böhmisch). Reviewer: Studnička, Prof. (Prag) MSC: 60D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lerch, M. Remarks on interpolation theory. (Bemerkungen zur Interpolationstheorie.) (Czech) JFM 24.0227.01 Rozpravy. I. Nr. 32. (Böhmisch.) (1892). Reviewer: Lerch, Dr. (Prag) MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
de Séguier, J. On Fourier series. (Sur la série de Fourier.) (French) JFM 24.0226.02 Nouv. Ann. (3) XI. 299-301 (1892). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 42A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Morera, G. Observations concerning the remainder in the Taylor expansion. (Osservazione relativa al resto nello sviluppo di Taylor.) (Italian) JFM 24.0226.01 Rivista di Mat. II. 36 (1892). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gambioli, D. On the expansion in powers of \(x\) of the fraction \(1/\sum_0^n a_rx^r\), where \(a_0=1\). (Sopra lo sviluppo secondo le potenze di \(x\) della frazione \(1 : \sum^n_0 a_rx^r\), ove è \(a_0=1\).) (Italian) JFM 24.0225.01 Batt. G. XXX, 35-39 (1892). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
d’Ocagne, M. On recursive sequences. (Sur les suites récurrentes.) (French) JFM 24.0224.01 S. M. F. Bull. XX, 121-122 (1892). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 11B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Petersen, J. Short communications. (Mindre Meddelelser.) (Danish) JFM 24.0223.02 Naturforskermöde. 354-356 (1892). Reviewer: Valentiner, Dr. (Kopenhagen) MSC: 40-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bruno de Cabêdo, J. On the convergence of infinite products. (Sobre a convergencia dos productos infinidos.) (Portuguese) JFM 24.0223.01 Teixeira J. X. 138-140 (1892). Reviewer: Teixeira, Prof. (Porto) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 40A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Longchamps, G. de The calculation of convergent series. (Le calcul des séries convergentes.) (Spanish) JFM 24.0222.03 Progreso mat. II. 10-15, 37-41 (1892). Reviewer: Teixeira, Prof. (Porto) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 40A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Saint-Germain, A. de On the convergence of series. (Sur la convergence des series.) (French) JFM 24.0222.02 Nouv. Ann. (3) XI. 267-268 (1892). Reviewer: Hoppe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Jamet, V. On series with positive terms. (Sur les séries à termes positifs.) (French) JFM 24.0222.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) XI. 99-103 (1892). Reviewer: Hoppe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Jamet, V. On series with positive terms. (Sur les séries à termes positifs.) (French) JFM 24.0221.03 C. R. CXIV, 57-60 (1892). MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Cayley, A. Note on uniform convergence. (English) JFM 24.0221.02 Edinb. Proc. XIX, 203-207 (1892). Reviewer: Cayley, Prof. (Cambridge) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cajori, Fl. Evolution of criteria of convergence. (English) JFM 24.0221.01 New York M. S. Bull. II, 1-10 (1892). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40-03 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Cajori, Fl. Multiplication of series. (English) JFM 24.0220.03 New York M. S. Bull. I, 184-189 (1892). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 40-03 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Brunn, H. On a sequence of mean values. (Ueber die Grössenfolge einer Reihe von Mittelwerten.) (German) JFM 24.0220.02 Schlömilch Z. XXXVII, 60-63 (1892). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 11B83 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Fouché, M. Proof of a very general theorem on limits. (Démonstration d’un théorème très général sur les limites.) (French) JFM 24.0220.01 J. de Math. élém. (4) I. 31-33 (1892). Reviewer: Gutzmer, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Catalan, E. New notes on algebra and analysis. (Nouvelles notes d’algèbre et d’analyse.) (French) JFM 24.0218.01 Belg. Mém. XLVIII. 98 S. (1892). Reviewer: Mansion, Prof. (Gent) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) MSC: 33-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gambioli, D. On the the expansion in powers of \(x\) of the algebraic fraction \(\frac1{\sum\limits_0^n a_rx^r}\) where \(a_0=1\). (Sopra lo sviluppo secondo le potenze di \(x\) della frazione algebrica \(\frac1{\sum\limits_0^n a_rx^r}\) ove \(a_0=1\).) (Italian) JFM 25.0385.02 Bologna Rend. 1890-92. 39-44 (1892). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) MSC: 30B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cesáro, E. New remarks on various articles on the theory of series. (Nouvelles remarques sur divers articles concernant la théorie des séries.) (French) JFM 23.0257.04 Teixeira J. X. 57-71 (1891). MSC: 40A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Radau, R. Studies on interpolation formulas. (Études sur les formules d’interpolation.) (French) JFM 23.0257.03 Paris. Gauthier-Villars et Fils (1891). MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Laisant, C. A. Remark on interpolation. (Remarque sur l’interpolation.) (French) JFM 23.0257.02 S. M. F. Bull. XIX, 44-48 (1891). Reviewer: Weltzien, Dr. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 41A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML