Guradze, H. Die Reye’sche Geometrie der Mannigfaltigkeiten projectiver Grundgebilde behandelt mittels einer besonderen Art bilinearer Formen. (German) JFM 31.0576.02 Breslau. 68 S. \(8^\circ\) (1900). PDFBibTeX XML
Fuchs, L. Ueber eine besondere Gattung von rationalen Curven mit imaginären Doppelpunkten. (German) JFM 31.0575.03 Berl. Ber. 1900, 74-78 (1900). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Fuchs}, Berl. Ber. 1900, 74--78 (1900; JFM 31.0575.03)
Amodeo, F. Uno sguardo alle curve algebriche in base alla gonalità. (Italian) JFM 31.0575.02 Periodico di Mat. (2) 3, 69-80 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Amodeo}, Periodico di Mat. (2) 3, 69--80 (1900; JFM 31.0575.02)
Amodeo, F. Courbes normales trigonales du plan. (French) JFM 31.0575.01 C. R. 130, 1744-1745 (1900). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Amodeo}, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 130, 1744--1745 (1900; JFM 31.0575.01) Full Text: Gallica
Amodeo, F. Contributo alla determinazione delle sovrabbondanze dei sistemi di curve aggiunte alle curve algebriche. (Italian) JFM 31.0574.01 Napoli Rend. (3) 6, 224-232 (1900). Reviewer: Sommer, Prof. (Poppelsdorf) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Amodeo}, Napoli Rend. (3) 6, 224--232 (1900; JFM 31.0574.01)
Amodeo, F. Curve di gonalità \(k\) con punti fissi nella \((k-1)^{\text{esima}}\) serie canonica e rappresentazioni normali piane delle curve trigonali. (Italian) JFM 31.0573.02 Napoli Rend. (3) 6, 174-191 (1900). Reviewer: Sommer, Prof. (Poppelsdorf) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Amodeo}, Napoli Rend. (3) 6, 174--191 (1900; JFM 31.0573.02)
Macaulay, F. S. Extensions of the Riemann-Roch theorem in plane geometry. (English) JFM 31.0573.01 Lond. M. S. Proc. 32, 418-430 (1900). Reviewer: Sommer, Prof. (Poppelsdorf) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 32, 418--430 (1900; JFM 31.0573.01)
Michel, Ch. Remarques sur quelques théorèmes généraux de géométrie métrique. (French) JFM 31.0571.02 Nouv. Ann. (3) 19, 169-176 (1900). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Kosch, F. Normale und Krümmungsmittelpunkt der polytropischen Curven. (German) JFM 31.0571.01 Zeitschr. f. Math. 45, 161-166 (1900). Reviewer: Steinitz, Dr. (Charlottenburg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Kosch}, Schlömilch Z. 45, 161--166 (1900; JFM 31.0571.01)
Mangeot, S. Sur la symétrie de deux figures algébriques par rapport à un point. (French) JFM 31.0570.03 Nouv. Ann. (3) 19, 451-466 (1900). Reviewer: Maynz, Prof. (Ludwigslust) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Roberts, R. A. On foci and confocal systems of plane curves. (English) JFM 31.0570.02 Quart. J. 32, 141-182 (1900). Reviewer: Oster, Dr. (Mannheim) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. A. Roberts}, Quart. J. 32, 141--182 (1900; JFM 31.0570.02)
Ruffini, F. P. Linee radicali e punti radicali. (Italian) JFM 31.0570.01 Bologna Rend. (2) 4, 23-29 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) PDFBibTeX XML
Bouwman, W. Ueber den Ort der Berührungspunkte von Strahlenbüscheln und Curvenbüscheln. (Dutch) JFM 31.0569.02 Nieuw Archief (2) 4, 258-268 (1900,1901). Reviewer: Wölffing, Prof. (Stuttgart) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Bouwman}, Nieuw Arch. Wiskd., II. Ser. 4, 258--268 (1900; JFM 31.0569.02)
Grassi, A. Sulle curve di ordine \(n\) e in particolare sulle quartiche che ammettono coniche apolari. (Italian) JFM 31.0569.01 Batt. G. 38, 244-264 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Grassi}, Batt. G. (2) 38, 244--264 (1900; JFM 31.0569.01)
Schick, J. Beziehungen zwischen Isogonalcentrik und Invariantentheorie. (German) JFM 31.0567.01 Münch. Ber. 30, 249-272 (1900). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XML
Weiss, W. Bemerkung über eine Abzählung der Wendepunkte algebraischer Curven. (German) JFM 31.0566.04 Monatsh. f. Math. 11, 367-368 (1900). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Weiss}, Monatsh. Math. Phys. 11, 367--368 (1900; JFM 31.0566.04) Full Text: DOI
Scott, Ch. A. Studies in the transformation of plane algebraic curves. (English) JFM 31.0566.03 Quart. J. 32, 209-239 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ch. A. Scott}, Quart. J. 32, 209--239 (1900; JFM 31.0566.03)
Forsyth, A. R. Note on Halphen’s birational transformation. (English) JFM 31.0566.02 Messenger 30, 1-7 (1900). Reviewer: Wallenberg, Dr. (Charlottenburg) PDFBibTeX XML
Amodeo, F. Curve \(k\)-gonali di \(s^{esima}\) specie. (Italian) JFM 30.0516.01 Napoli Atti (2) 9, No. 4, 21 S. (1899). PDFBibTeX XML
Sporer, B. Zur Ableitung allgemeiner Eigenschaften algebraischer Curven. (German) JFM 30.0515.02 Pr. Ehingen. 24 S. \(4^\circ\) (1899). PDFBibTeX XML
Loria, G. Un problema de aritmética que se encuentra en el estudio de las rodóneas. (Spanish) JFM 30.0515.01 Progreso mat. (2) 1, 65-68 (1899). Reviewer: Teixeira, Prof. (Porto) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) PDFBibTeX XML
Bremiker, H. Sur la transformation des courbes algébriques en général et sur celle des courbes du troisième ordre en particulier (d’après des cours de M. Weierstrass et de M. Bruns). (French) JFM 30.0514.03 Pr. (No. 52) Französ. Gymnas. Berlin 19 S. \(4^\circ\) (1899). Reviewer: Oster, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XML
Ferrari, Fr. Construction de la transformation quadratique plane au moyen des triangles trihomologiques. (French) JFM 30.0514.02 Soc. Philom. Bull. (9) 1, 93-103 (1899). Reviewer: Schubert, Prof. (Hamburg) PDFBibTeX XML
Vályi, J. Ueber mehrfache Polarreciprocitäten in der Ebene. (Hungarian) JFM 30.0514.01 Ungar. Ber. 16, 50-88 (1899). Reviewer: Schubert, Prof. (Hamburg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Vályi}, Ungar. Ber. 16, 50--88 (1899; JFM 30.0514.01)
Cavazzoni, L. Sulle curve trigonali. (Italian) JFM 30.0513.02 Lomb. Ist. Rend. (2) 32, 776-796 (1899). Reviewer: Schlegel, Prof. (Hagen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Cavazzoni}, Ist. Lombardo, Rend., II. Ser. 32, 776--796 (1899; JFM 30.0513.02)
De Franchis, M. Sulle reti sovrabbondanti di curve piane di genere 2. (Italian) JFM 30.0513.01 Palermo Rend. 13, 200-201 (1899). Reviewer: Loria, Prof. (Genua) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. De Franchis}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 13, 200--201 (1899; JFM 30.0513.01) Full Text: DOI
De Franchis, M. Riduzione dei sistemi lineari \(\infty^k\) di curve piane di genere 3, per \(k>1\). (Italian) JFM 30.0512.01 Palermo Rend. 13, 130-160 (1899). Reviewer: Loria, Prof. (Genua) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. De Franchis}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 13, 130--160 (1899; JFM 30.0512.01) Full Text: DOI
De Franchis, M. Riduzione dei fasci di curve piane di genere 2. (Italian) JFM 30.0511.02 Palermo Rend. 13, 1-27 (1899). Reviewer: Loria, Prof. (Genua) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. De Franchis}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 13, 1--27 (1899; JFM 30.0511.02) Full Text: DOI
Cardoso-Laynes, G. Quistione 473. (Italian) JFM 30.0511.01 Periodico di Mat. 15, 123-125 (1899). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Cardoso-Laynes}, Periodico di Mat. (2) 2(15), 123--125 (1899; JFM 30.0511.01)
Scott, Ch. A. A proof of Noether’s fundamental theorem. (English) JFM 30.0510.02 Math. Ann. 52, 593-594 (1899). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ch. A. Scott}, Math. Ann. 52, 593--594 (1899; JFM 30.0510.02) Full Text: DOI EuDML
Macaulay, F. S. The theorem of residuation, Noether’s theorem, and the Riemann-Roch theorem. (English) JFM 30.0510.01 Lond. M. S. Proc. 31, 15-30 (1899). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 31, 15--30 (1899; JFM 30.0510.01) Full Text: DOI
Macaulay, F. S. The theorem of residuation being a general treatment of the intersections of plane curves at multiple points. (English) JFM 30.0509.03 Lond. M. S. Proc. 31, 381-422 (1899). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 31, 381--422 (1899; JFM 30.0509.03) Full Text: DOI
Segre, Corrado Intorno ai punti di Weierstrass di una curva algebrica. (Italian) JFM 30.0509.02 Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 8, No. 2, 89-91 (1899). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Segre}, Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 8, No. 2, 89--91 (1899; JFM 30.0509.02)
Manchester, J. E. Ueber Singularitäten ebener Curven. (German) JFM 30.0509.01 Tübingen. 38 S. gr. \(8^\circ\) (1899). Reviewer: Schubert, Prof. (Hamburg) PDFBibTeX XML
Biermann, O. Bemerkungen über die einer algebraischen Curve adjungirten Curven. (German) JFM 30.0508.03 Monatsh. f. Math. 10, 373-375 (1899). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Biermann}, Monatsh. Math. Phys. 10, 373--375 (1899; JFM 30.0508.03) Full Text: DOI
Cousin, P. Recherche des points doubles des courbes unicursales. (French) JFM 31.0576.01 Grenoble Ann. 11, 210-217 (1899). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Cousin}, Ann. Univ. Grenoble 11, 210--217 (1899; JFM 31.0576.01)
Valentiner, H. On hyperelliptic curves. (Om de hyperelliptiske Kurver.) (Danish) JFM 31.0572.01 Nyt Tidss. for Math. 10, B, 51-60 (1899). Reviewer: Valentiner, Dr. (Kopenhagen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Valentiner}, Nyt Tidss. for Math. 10, 51--60 (1899; JFM 31.0572.01)
Macaulay, F. S. The theorem of residuation, being a general treatment of the intersections of plane curves at multiple points. (English) JFM 31.0566.01 Lond. M. S. Proc. 31, 401-422 (1899). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 31, 401--422 (1899; JFM 31.0566.01)
Schoute, P. H. Sur les relations entre les nombres de Plücker d’une courbe plane et ceux de sa développée. (French) JFM 28.0513.01 Nieuw Archief (2) 3, 236-238 (1898,1899). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. H. Schoute}, Nieuw Arch. Wiskd., II. Ser. 3, 236--238 (1898; JFM 28.0513.01)
Stuyvaert, M. Normales aux surfaces et aux courbes algébriques. (French) JFM 29.0502.05 Mathesis (2) 8, 105-108 (1898). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Stuyvaert}, Mathesis (2) 8, 105--108 (1898; JFM 29.0502.05)
Schoute, P. H. On focal curves and focal surfaces. (Over focaalkrommen en focaaloppervlakken.) (Dutch) JFM 29.0502.04 Amst. Ak. Versl. 6, 404-407 (1898). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. H. Schoute}, Amst. Ak. Versl. 6, 404--407 (1898; JFM 29.0502.04)
Humbert, G. Sur une interprétation géométrique de l’équation modulaire pour la transformation du troisième ordre. (French) JFM 29.0502.03 S. M. F. Bull. 26, 233-236 (1898). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Humbert}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 26, 233--236 (1898; JFM 29.0502.03)
Fontené, G. Sur les formules de Plücker. (French) JFM 29.0502.02 Revue de math. spéc. 8, 561-567 (1898). PDFBibTeX XML
Alasia, A. Sulle involuzioni di ordini superiori. (Italian) JFM 29.0502.01 Civitanova Marche. 38 S. \(8^\circ\) (1898). PDFBibTeX XML
Burkhardt, H. Sur le principe de correspondance. (French) JFM 29.0501.02 C. R. 126, 1854-1856 (1898). Reviewer: Oster, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Burkhardt}, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 126, 1854--1856 (1898; JFM 29.0501.02) Full Text: Gallica
Newson, H. B. Normal forms of projective transformations. (English) JFM 29.0501.01 Kansas Univ. Quart. 7, 125-141 (1898). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XML
Sommer, J. Ueber die Bestimmung ausgezeichneter Punktgruppen auf Curven vom Geschlecht \(p\). (German) JFM 29.0500.02 Tübingen: H. Laupp. jr. 33 S. \(8^\circ\) (1898). Reviewer: Oster, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XML
Hardcastle, Miss Frances Some observations on the modern theory of point groups. (English) JFM 29.0500.01 American M. S. Bull. (2) 4, 390-402 (1898). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. F. Hardcastle}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 4, 390--402 (1898; JFM 29.0500.01) Full Text: DOI
Hardcastle, Miss F. A theorem concerning the special systems of point-groups on a particular type of base-curve. (English) JFM 29.0499.03 Lond. M. S. Proc. 29, 132-139 (1898). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. F. Hardcastle}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 29, 132--139 (1898; JFM 29.0499.03) Full Text: DOI Link
Macaulay, F. S. Point-groups in a plane, and their effect in determining algebraic curves. (English) JFM 29.0499.02 Lond. M. S. Proc. 29, 673-695 (1898). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 29, 673--695 (1898; JFM 29.0499.02) Full Text: DOI Link
Stuyvaert, M. Sur les systèmes polaires des groupes de points. (French) JFM 29.0499.01 Mathesis (2) 8, 20-23 (1898). Reviewer: Mansion, Prof. (Gent) (Lampe, Prof. (Berlin)) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Stuyvaert}, Mathesis (2) 8, 20--23 (1898; JFM 29.0499.01)
Scott, Ch. A. Studies in the transformation of plane algebraic curves. (English) JFM 29.0497.04 Quart. J. 29, 329-381 (1898). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ch. A. Scott}, Quart. J. 29, 329--381 (1898; JFM 29.0497.04)
Scott, Ch. Angas Note on linear systems of curves. (Dutch) JFM 29.0497.02 Nieuw Archief (2) 3, 243-252 (1898,1899). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ch. A. Scott}, Nieuw Arch. Wiskd., II. Ser. 3, 243--252 (1898; JFM 29.0497.02)
Macaulay, F. S. On the intersections of plane curves. (English) JFM 29.0497.01 American M. S. Bull. (2) 4, 540-544 (1898). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. S. Macaulay}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 4, 540--544 (1898; JFM 29.0497.01) Full Text: DOI
Scott, Ch. Angas On the intersections of plane curves. (English) JFM 29.0496.05 American M. S. Bull. (2) 4, 260-273 (1898). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ch. A. Scott}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 4, 260--273 (1898; JFM 29.0496.05) Full Text: DOI
Del Pezzo, P. Rapporto. (Italian) JFM 29.0496.04 Napoli Rend. (3) 4, 433 (1898). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Del Pezzo}, Napoli Rend. (3) 4, 433 (1898; JFM 29.0496.04)
Amodeo, F. Spazio normale e genere massimo delle curve di ordine \(m\), \(k\)-gonali, di specie \(s\). (Italian) JFM 29.0496.03 Napoli Rend. (3) 4, 433-438 (1898). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Amodeo}, Napoli Rend. (3) 4, 433--438 (1898; JFM 29.0496.03)
Levi, B. Sulla trasformazione di una curva algebrica in un’altra priva di punti multipli. (Italian) JFM 29.0496.02 Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 7, No. 1, 111-113 (1898). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Levi}, Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 7, No. 1, 111--113 (1898; JFM 29.0496.02)
Stosch, Fr. Ueber diejenigen Unicursalcurven, welche nicht die Maximalzahl \(\frac12(n-1)(n-2)\) von Doppelpunkten besitzen. (German) JFM 29.0496.01 Pr. (No. 78) Gymn. Guben. 8 S. \(4^\circ\) (1898). Reviewer: Müller, R., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XML
Schmitz, A. Die rationalen ebenen Curven. (German) JFM 29.0495.01 Pr. Gymn. Münnerstadt. 51 S. \(8^\circ\) (1898). Reviewer: Maynz, Prof. (Ludwigslust) PDFBibTeX XML
Timerding, H. E. Sur une certaine famille de courbes algébriques. (French) JFM 29.0494.03 Nouv. Ann. (3) 17, 351-367 (1898). Reviewer: Maynz, Prof. (Ludwigslust) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Ripert Correspondance. (French) JFM 29.0494.02 Nouv. Ann. (3) 17, 333-334 (1898). Reviewer: Maynz, Prof. (Ludwigslust) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Mangeot, S. Sur une nouvelle méthode de recherche des centres dans les courbes et surfaces algébriques. (French) JFM 29.0494.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) 17, 215-218 (1898). Reviewer: Maynz, Prof. (Ludwigslust) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Mangeot, S. Sur la similitude et la symétrie de deux courbes ou surfaces algébriques. (French) JFM 29.0493.03 Ann. de l’Éc. Norm. (3) 15, 385-392 (1898). Reviewer: Jolles, Prof. (Halensee) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mangeot}, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (3) 15, 385--392 (1898; JFM 29.0493.03) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Nanson, E. J. On the vector pedal equation of a plane curve. (English) JFM 29.0493.01 Messenger (2) 28, 80-84 (1898). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XML
Segre, C. Le moltiplicità nelle intersezioni delle curve piane algebriche con alcune applicazioni ai principii della teoria di tali curve. (Italian) JFM 29.0492.03 Batt. G. 36, 1-50 (1898). Reviewer: Oster, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Segre}, Batt. G. (2) 36, 1--50 (1898; JFM 29.0492.03)
Houston, W. A. Note on unicursal plane curves. (English) JFM 30.0510.03 Messenger (2) 28, 187-189 (1898). Reviewer: Wallenberg, Dr. (Charlottenburg) PDFBibTeX XML
Pinna, S. Sulle curve piane razionali e sui fasci che con esse si possono fare. (Italian) JFM 28.0518.05 Torino: Bocca. 59 S. \(8^\circ\) (1897). PDFBibTeX XML
Nichols, T. F. On some special Jacobians. (English) JFM 28.0518.04 Math. Review 1, 60-80 (1897). PDFBibTeX XML
Humbert, E. Notes sur les axes de symétrie des courbes algébriques. (French) JFM 28.0518.03 Rev. de math. spéc. 8, 329-331 (1897). PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Dowling, A. A contribution to the theory of plane curves. (English) JFM 28.0518.02 American M. S. Bull. (2) 4, 4 (1897). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Dowling}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 4, 4 (1897; JFM 28.0518.02)
Bosi, L. Inviluppo di un sistema notevole di curve. (Italian) JFM 28.0517.02 Batt. G. 35, 120-124 (1897). Reviewer: Müller, R., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Bosi}, Batt. G. (2) 35, 120--124 (1897; JFM 28.0517.02)
Segre, C. Su alcuni punti singolari delle curve algebriche, e sulla linea parabolica di una superficie. (Italian) JFM 28.0517.01 Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 6, No. 2, 168-175 (1897). Reviewer: Loria, Prof. (Genua) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Segre}, Rom. Acc. L. Rend. (5) 6, No. 2, 168--175 (1897; JFM 28.0517.01)
Bernhard, M. Ueber lineare Scharen von Curven und Flächen. (German) JFM 28.0515.03 Tübingen. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler. 30 S. \(4^\circ\). [Auch Pr. (No. 607) Gymn. Ehingen.] (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XML
Fontené, G. Sur la décomposition d’une correspondance tangentielle. (French) JFM 28.0515.02 S. M. F. Bull. 25, 247-267 (1897). Reviewer: Hessenberg, Dr. (Charlottenburg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Fontené}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 25, 247--267 (1897; JFM 28.0515.02) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
White, H. S. Collineations in a plane with invariant quadric or cubic curves. (English) JFM 28.0515.01 American M. S. Bull. (2) 4, 17-23 (1897). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. S. White}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 4, 17--23 (1897; JFM 28.0515.01) Full Text: DOI
Dewulf, E. Question 1760. (French) JFM 28.0514.04 Nouv. Ann. (3) 16, 385-386 (1897). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XML
Kohn, G. Bemerkung über symmetrische Correspondenzen ungeraden Grades. (German) JFM 28.0514.03 Wien. Ber. 106, 488-489 (1897). Reviewer: Schubert, Prof. (Hamburg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Kohn}, Wien. Ber. 106, 488--489 (1897; JFM 28.0514.03)
Vahlen, K. Th. Ueber einige Anwendungen des Correspondenzprincips. (German) JFM 28.0514.02 J. für Math. 118, 251-256 (1897). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Th. Vahlen}, J. Reine Angew. Math. 118, 251--256 (1897; JFM 28.0514.02) Full Text: DOI Crelle EuDML
Küpper, K. Die primitiven und imprimitiven Specialgruppen auf \(C_p^n\). (Czech) JFM 28.0514.01 Prag. Ber., No. 31, 14 S. (1897). Reviewer: Sucharda, Prof. (Prag) PDFBibTeX XML
Küpper, C. Ueber \(K\)-gonale Curven \(C_p^n\) \(n^{\text{ter}}\) Ordnung vom Geschlechte \(p>1\). (German) JFM 28.0513.04 Monatsh. f. Math. 8, 57-78 (1897). Reviewer: Jolles, Prof. (Halensee) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Küpper}, Monatsh. Math. Phys. 8, 57--78 (1897; JFM 28.0513.04) Full Text: DOI
Del Pezzo, P. Rapporto. (Italian) JFM 28.0513.03 Napoli Rend. (3) 3, 206-207 (1897). Reviewer: Burkhardt, Prof. (Zürich) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Del Pezzo}, Napoli Rend. (3) 3, 206--207 (1897; JFM 28.0513.03)
Amodeo, F. Curve \(k\)-gonali di \(s^{\text{esima}}\) specie. (Italian) JFM 28.0513.02 Napoli Atti (2) 9, 21 S.; Auszug Napoli Rend. (3) 3, 207-208 (1897). PDFBibTeX XML
Bouwman, W. Die Plücker’schen Zahlen der Abweichungscurve. (German) JFM 28.0512.04 Math. Ann. 49, 24-38 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Bouwman}, Math. Ann. 49, 24--38 (1897; JFM 28.0512.04) Full Text: DOI EuDML
Mangeot, S. Sur le moyen de reconnaître une surface de révolution algébrique et de découvrir la position de son axe. (French) JFM 28.0512.03 Ann. de l’Éc. Norm. (3) 14, 191-193 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mangeot}, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (3) 14, 191--193 (1897; JFM 28.0512.03) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Mangeot, S. Sur les conditions pour qu’une courbe plane algébrique ait des axes en nombres donné. (French) JFM 28.0512.02 S. M. F. Bull. 25, 54-57 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mangeot}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 25, 54--57 (1897; JFM 28.0512.02)
Mangeot, S. Sur la détermination des centres, axes et plans de symétrie dans les figures algébriques. (French) JFM 28.0512.01 Ann. de l’Éc. Norm. (3) 14, 9-19 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mangeot}, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (3) 14, 9--19 (1897; JFM 28.0512.01) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Schoute, P. H. Sur les focales planes d’une courbe plane à un ou plusieurs axes se symétrie. (French) JFM 28.0511.04 C. R. 125, 931-933 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. H. Schoute}, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 125, 931--933 (1897; JFM 28.0511.04) Full Text: Gallica
Bertini, E. Quand’è che due curve piane dello stesso ordine hanno le stesse prime polari. (Italian) JFM 28.0511.03 Torino Atti 33, 23-29 (1897). Reviewer: Toeplitz, Prof. (Breslau) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Bertini}, Torino Atti 33, 23--29 (1897; JFM 28.0511.03)
Elgé. Sur la méthode de Puiseux. (Un point paradoxal.). (French) JFM 28.0511.02 J. de Math. spéc. (5) 21, 109-111 (1897). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XML
Morley, F. A construction by the ruler of a point covariant with five given points. (English) JFM 28.0510.02 Math. Ann. 49, 596-600 (1897). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Morley}, Math. Ann. 49, 596--600 (1897; JFM 28.0510.02) Full Text: DOI EuDML
Newson, H. B. On Hessians and Steinerians of higher orders in geometry of one dimension. (English) JFM 28.0510.01 Annals of Math. 11, 121-128 (1897). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. B. Newson}, Annals of Math. 11, 121--128 (1897; JFM 28.0510.01) Full Text: DOI
Czuber, E. Ueber einen symbolischen Calcul auf Trägern vom Geschlechte Eins. (German) JFM 28.0509.02 Deutsche Math. Ver. 4, 100-107 (1897). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Czuber}, Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 4, 100--107 (1897; JFM 28.0509.02) Full Text: EuDML
Sgott, Ch. Angas Sur la transformation des courbes planes. (French) JFM 29.0497.03 Ass. Franç. St. Étienne 26, 50-59 (1897). Reviewer: Landsberg, Prof. (Heidelberg) PDFBibTeX XML
Andoyer, H. Sur la construction de certaines courbes algébriques en coordonnées polaires. (French) JFM 27.0478.01 Rev. de Math. spéc. 6, 345-347 (1896). PDFBibTeX XML
Mangeot, S. Étude analytique sur la symétrie. (French) JFM 27.0477.01 Nouv. Ann. (3) 15, 403-426 (1896). Reviewer: v. Braunmühl, Prof. (München) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Bagnera, G. Sul luogo dei contatti tripunti delle curve di un fascio con le curve di una rete. (Italian) JFM 27.0476.03 Palermo Rend. 10, 81-106 (1896). Reviewer: Kötter, E., Prof. (Aachen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Bagnera}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 10, 81--106 (1896; JFM 27.0476.03) Full Text: DOI
Delaunay, N. Ueber einige Eigenschaften der projectiven Transformation. (Russian) JFM 27.0476.02 Mosk. Math. Samml. 19, 387-392 (1896). Reviewer: Sintzow, Dr. (Kasan) PDFBibTeX XML
Valyi, J. Ueber die mehrfachen Involutionen. (Hungarian) JFM 27.0476.01 Ungar. Ber. 13, 247-269 (1896). Reviewer: Kötter, E., Prof. (Aachen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Valyi}, Ungar. Ber. 13, 247--269 (1896; JFM 27.0476.01)
Maschke, H. On systems of six points lying in three ways in involution. (English) JFM 27.0475.03 Annals of Math. 10, 22-34 (1896). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Maschke}, Annals of Math. 10, 22--34 (1896; JFM 27.0475.03) Full Text: DOI