von Ott, K. Fundamentals of graphic calculation and graphical statics. (Die Grundzüge des graphischen Rechnens und der graphischen Statik.) JFM 02.0661.01 Pr. Prag. 1870 (1874). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
de Saint-Venant. Investigation of a second approximation in the rational calculus for the pressure put on a wall whose late form has got an arbitrary inclination by cohesionless earth whose upper surface forms a plane of arbitrary slope beginning ar the top of this wall. (Recherche d’une deuxième approximation dans le calcul rationnel de la poussée exercée, contre un mur dont la face postérieure a une inclinaison quelconque, par des terres non cohérentes dont la surface supérieure s’élève en un talus plan quelconque à partir du haut de cette face du mur.) (French) JFM 02.0678.06 C. R. LXX, 717-724 (1870); Liouville J. (2) XV, 271-280 (1870). Reviewer: Wangerin, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70K10 70K99 70G50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Boussinesq, J. Integration of the differential equation that can give a second approximation for the rational calculation of the pressure put by cohesionless earth on a wall of arbitrary inclination. (Intégration de léquation différentielle qui peut donner une deuxième approximation, dans le calcul rationnel de la poussée exercée contre un mur par des terre dépourvues de cohésion.) (French) JFM 02.0678.05 C. R. LXX, 751-754 (1870); Liouville J. (2) XV, 267-270 (1870). MSC: 70K05 70K99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
de Saint-Venant. On a rational approximative determination of the pressure put by cohesionless earth on a wall of arbitrary inclination. (Sur une détermination rationnelle par approximation, de la poussée qu’exercent des terres dépourvues de cohésion, contre un mur ayan une inclinaison quelconque.) (French) JFM 02.0678.04 C. R. LXX, 229-235 (1870); C. R. LXX, 281-286, 894-896 (1870); Liouville J. (2) 250-263 (1870). MSC: 70K10 70K99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
de Saint-Venant. Rapport sur le mémorie de M. Maurice Lévy. (French) JFM 02.0678.03 C. R. LXX, 217-228 (1870); Liouville J. (2) XV, 237-249 (1870). MSC: 74-03 01A55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Rankine, W. J. M. Remarks on Mr. Heppels theory of continuous beams. (English) JFM 02.0678.01 Proc. of London XIX, 68-71 (1870). Reviewer: Caley, Prof. (Cambridge) (transl. by M”uller, Felix, Dr. (Berlin)). MSC: 74A10 74K10 74-03 01A55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Heppel, J. M. On the theory of continuous beams. (English) JFM 02.0677.03 Proc. of London XIX, 56-68 (1870). Reviewer: Caley, Prof. (Cambridge) (Müller, Felix, Dr. (Berlin)). MSC: 74A10 74K10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hepps, J. M. On a general investigation of the beading moments and deflections of continuous beams. (English) JFM 02.0676.01 Phil. Mag. (4) XL, 446-460 (1870). MSC: 74K10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Routh, E. J. Moment of inertia of a quadrilateral. (English) JFM 02.0675.02 Quart. J. XI, 109-111 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70E17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Reye, Th. Moments of inertia and higher moments for systems of masses with respect to planes. (Trägheits- und höhere Momente eines Massensystemes in Bezug auf Ebenen.) (German) JFM 02.0671.01 Borchardt J. LXXII, 293-326 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Crelle EuDML
Hansen, A. Determination of the center of gravity of an arbitrary spherical triangle. (Bestimmung des Schwerpunktes eines beliebigen sphärischen Dreiecks.) (German) JFM 02.0670.02 Leipz. Ber. XXII. 71-94. 1870 (1870). Reviewer: Wittstein, Dr. (Leipzig) MSC: 51M04 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Most, R. About the center of gravity of the boundary of the simplest plane figures and bodies. (Ueber den Schwerpunkt der Umgrenzung bei den einfachsten Figuren und Körpern.) (German) JFM 02.0670.01 Grunert Arch. LI, 15-19 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 51E15 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Fassbender The angles which are formed by the edges of a triangle with their respective lines of gravity. (Les angles que les côtés du triangle forment avec leurs lignes de gravité respectives.) (French) JFM 02.0669.03 Grunert Arch. LI, 46-48 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 51E15 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Emsmann, H. The coordinates of the center of gravity of an arbitrary quadrangle and constructions resulting of them to find that point in comparison with those toe find the center of gravity of a trapezium. (Die Coordinaten des Schwerpunktes eines beliebigen Vierecks, und sich aus denselben ergebende Constructionen dieses Punktes im Vergleich mit dem Schwerpunkt des Trapezes.) (German) JFM 02.0669.01 Grunert Arch. LI, 241-246 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Haton de la Goupillière, J. N. Investigations on the center of gravity. (Recherches sur les centres de gravité.) (French) JFM 02.0665.01 J.de l’Ec. Pol. Cah. XLIII. 123-155. 1870 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Piani, F. On the center of gravity. A historical essay. (Sul centro di gravità. Disquisizione storicoertiche.) (Italian) JFM 02.0664.02 Mem. di Bologna. X. 1870 (1870). Reviewer: Jung, G., Dr. (Mailand) (transl. by Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70B10 70-03 01A55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Routh, E. J. Equilibrium of one heavy rough body on another. (English) JFM 02.0664.01 Quart. J. XI, 102-109 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Somof, J. Note related to a proof of the general equations of equilibrium given by Cauchy. (Note relative à une démonstration donnée par Cauchy des équations générales de l’équilibre .) JFM 02.0663.02 Bull. de St. Pétersbourg XIV, 381-392 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Culman, K. About the parallelogram and the composition of forces. (Ueber das Parallelogramm und über die Zusammensetzung der Kräfte.) (German) JFM 02.0662.01 Wolf J. XV. 1-24. 1870 (1870). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Levy, Maurice Essay on a rational theory of the eqilibrium of fresh stirred earth and its applications on the calculation of the stability of foundation walls. (Essai sur une théorie rationnelle de l’équilibre des terres fraîchement remuées et ses applications au calcul de la stabilité des murs de soutènement.) (French) JFM 02.0678.02 C. R. LXVIII, 1456-1458 (1869). MSC: 76T25 74N25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Carvallo, J. Investigation on the stability of lighthouses. (Étude sur la stabilité des tours balises.) (French) JFM 02.0677.02 C. R. LXIX, 1064-1068 (1869). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 74H55 76B15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Gallica
Maxwell, J. C. On reciprocal figures, frams, and diagrams of forces. (English) JFM 02.0677.01 Trans. of Edinb. XXVI. (I) 1869-70. 1-40. 1870 (1869,1870). Reviewer: Caley, Prof. (Cambridge) (Müller, Felix, Dr. (Berlin)). MSC: 74C05 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Townsend, R. On the moment of inertia of a ring with respect to its axis of revolution. (English) JFM 02.0675.01 Quart. J. X, 203-204 (1869). Reviewer: Henrici, Prof. (London) MSC: 70E17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Battaglini, G. Note on the theory of torques. (Nota sulla teoria dei momenti.) (Italian) JFM 02.0674.02 Rend. di Napoli 1869 (1869). Reviewer: Battaglini, Prof. (Neapel) (transl. by Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Battaglini, G. Remark about some systems of forces. (Nota sulla serie di sistemi di forze.) (Italian) JFM 02.0674.01 Rend. di Napoli 1869 (1869). Reviewer: Battaglini, Prof. (Neapel) (transl. by Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bretschneider, C. A. Remarks about a theorem referred in the Archive. (Bemerkungen über einen im Archiv besprochenen Lehrsatz.) (German) JFM 02.0669.02 Grunert Arch. L, 103-106 (1869). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 51E15 70B99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Grunert, A. On the center of gravity of a trapezium, especially on the graphic determination of it. (Ueber den Schwerpunkt des Trapeziums, insbesondere über die graphische Bestimmung desselben.) (German) JFM 02.0668.01 Grunert Arch. L, 212-219 (1869). Reviewer: Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 70B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Firth, W. A demonstration of the Principle of virtual velocity. (English) JFM 02.0663.01 Messenger V. 171-175 (1869). Reviewer: Glaisher, Prof. (Cambridge) (transl. by Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70G75 70B05 70E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Petersen, J. Application of the principle of virtual velocities on systems out of equilibrium. (De virtuelle Hastigheders Princip anvendt paa et System, hvor der er Gnidning.) (Danish) JFM 02.0662.03 Tychsen Tidsskr. (2) V, 113 (1869); V, 157 (1869). Reviewer: Hansen, P. C. V. (Kopenhagen) (transl. by Wangerin, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70G75 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Neumann, C. About the theorem of virtual displacements. (Ueber den Satz von der virtuellen Verrückung.) (German) JFM 02.0662.02 Leipz. Ber. XXI. 257-281. 1869 (1869). Reviewer: Neumann, C., Dr. (Leipzig) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Preece, W. H. The Parallelogram of forces. (English) JFM 02.0661.03 Phil. Mag. (4) XXXVIII, 428-430 (1869). Reviewer: Henrici, Prof. (London) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Battaglini, G. Note on the composition of forces. (Nota sulla composizione delle forze.) (Italian) JFM 02.0661.02 Rend. di Napoli. 1869 (1869). Reviewer: Battaglini, Prof. (Neapel) (transl. by Ohrtmann, Dr. (Berlin)) MSC: 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jenkin, F. On the practical application of reciprocal figures to the calculation of strains of framework. (English) JFM 02.0676.02 Trans. of Edinb. XXV, (II.) 1868-69. 441-447. 1869 (1868,1869). Reviewer: Caley, Prof. (Cambridge) (Müller, Felix, Dr. (Berlin)). MSC: 74C05 70C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI