Kern, W. F.; Bland, J. R. Solid mensuration. With proofs. 2. ed. (English) JFM 64.1301.07 VII + 172 p. New York, John Wiley and Sons; London, Chapman and Hall (1938). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Smith, P. J. A trisector device. (English) JFM 64.1301.06 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 494-495 (1938). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Forder, H. G. A theorem on the orthopole. (English) JFM 64.1301.05 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 83 (1938). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hardingham, C. H. Triangle properties. (English) JFM 64.1301.04 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 184-185 (1938). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cavallaro, V. G. Sur l’emploi des côtés de polygones réguliers dans l’évaluation approchée des racines de certaines équations transcendantes. (French) JFM 64.1301.03 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 83-88 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lunell, E. Zwei Zirkelinstrumente. (Elementargeometrischer Konstruktionsbericht. 2.). (Swedish) JFM 64.1301.02 Elementa, Stockholm 21, 145-156 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Hjelmslev, J. Konstruktionen mit einem Zirkel fester Einstellung, ohne Gebrauch des Lineals. (Danish) JFM 64.1301.01 Mat. Tidsskr. København, A 1938, 77-85 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Espensen, H. C. Einige geometrische Versuche. (Danish) JFM 64.1300.05 Mat. Tidsskr. København, A 1938, 37-43 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Christoffersen, F. Einige Verhältnisse am gedrittelten Winkel. (Danish) JFM 64.1300.04 Mat. Tidsskr. København, A 1938, 43-50 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Yates, R. C. Line motion and trisection. (English) JFM 64.1300.03 Nat. Math. Mag., Louisiana, 13, 63-66 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Maxia, A. Su una classe di problemi di massimo e minimo. (Italian) JFM 64.1300.02 Periodico Mat. (4) 18, 237-248 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Tripier, Henri Construction géométrique de la moyenne arithmétique et du rapport de deux rapports donnés. (French) JFM 64.1300.01 Enseign. Math. 37, 326-329 (1938). Reviewer: Boy, A., Dr. (Treuburg in Ostpreußen) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Bilo, J. Généralisation d’un théorème relatif au lieu des orthopoles d’une droite par rapport aux triangles déterminés par les points d’intersection de certaines hyperboles. (French) JFM 64.1299.04 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 170-172 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
E. H. N. The contact of a variable circle with two fixed circles. (English) JFM 64.1299.03 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 378-380 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
E. H. N. “A curious rectangle”. (Note 1261. vol. XXI, p. 412.). (English) JFM 64.1299.02 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 288-290 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
A. P. R. On note 1261, “A curious rectangle”. (English) JFM 64.1299.01 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 287-288 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Robinson, R. T. Theorems on co-axal circles and co-axal spheres. (English) JFM 64.1298.05 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 429-439 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
On note 1287. (English) JFM 64.1298.04 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 391-392 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hodgetts, W. J. A geometrical problem. (English) JFM 64.1298.03 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 185 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hennecke, F. Die Zahl \(\pi\) und der Kreis. (German) JFM 64.1298.02 58 S. Hamburg, Boysen (1938). Reviewer: Fladt, K., Dr. (Tübingen) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Maccaferri, E. Applicazioni elementari del procedimento Borchardt Minkowski. (Italian) JFM 64.1298.01 Periodico Mat. (4) 18, 171-176 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lebesgue, H. Sur les subdivisions des polyèdres réguliers en polyèdres réguliers. (French) JFM 64.1297.03 Publ. math. Univ. Belgrade 6-7, 183-188 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Fournier, G. La division régulière de l’espace et la structure de la matière. I, II. (French) JFM 64.1297.02 J. Physique Radium (7) 9, 273-281 (1938); 9, 360-376 (1938). Reviewer: Nowacki, W., Dr. (Bern) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Brandenberger, E. Angewandte Kristallstrukturlehre. Ein Hilfsbuch zur Bestimmung von Kristallstrukturen. (German) JFM 64.1297.01 VI + 208 S. Berlin, Verl. Gebr. Borntraeger (1938). Reviewer: Nowacki, W., Dr. (Bern) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Weyl, H. Symmetry. (English) JFM 64.1296.02 J. Washington Acad. Sci. 28, 253-271 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Klee, R. Über die einfachen Konfigurationen der euklidischen und der projektiven Ebene. (German) JFM 64.1296.01 67 S. Dresden, Focken und Oltmanns (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Palatini, F. Classificazione dei poligoni piani convessi privi di lati paralleli. (Italian) JFM 64.1295.01 Ist. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti, Atti, II 97, 373-407 (1938). Reviewer: Togliatti, E. G., Prof. (Genua) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Abason, E. Sur quelques propriétés des polygones, au même centre de gravité, et leurs applications à la physique. (French) JFM 64.1294.03 Bull. math. Soc. Roumaine Sci. 40, 209-214 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vivanti, G. Sur quelques théorèmes géométriques de Charles Sturm. (French) JFM 64.1294.02 Enseign. math. 37, 275-291 (1938). Reviewer: Boy, A., Dr. (Treuburg in Ostpreußen) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Hexagones inscriptibles remarquables. (English) JFM 64.1294.01 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 395-399 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Deaux, R. Sur les coniques réelles inscrites dans un quadrilatère réel. (French) JFM 64.1293.05 Mathesis, Bruxelles 52, 283-289 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Forder, H. G. Steiner’s theorems on incentres and ecentres. (English) JFM 64.1293.04 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 79-82 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ad. M. Quadrilatère simple circonscrit à une parabole et inscrit à un cercle. (French) JFM 64.1293.03 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 247-248 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bongiovanni, E. Sur quelques problèmes remarquables relatifs au trapèze. (French) JFM 64.1293.02 Enseign. math. 37, 318-325 (1938). Reviewer: Boy, A., Dr. (Treuburg in Ostpreußen) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gibbins, N. M. Another eternal triangle. (English) JFM 64.1293.01 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 123-131 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bottema, O. Zwei Minimumaufgaben aus der Planimetrie. (Dutch) JFM 64.1292.03 Nieuw Tijdschr. Wiskunde 26, 3-7 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cavallaro, V. G. Sur les segments Torricelliens. (French) JFM 64.1292.02 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 290-293 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cavallaro, V. G. Détermination des tangentes des angles de Brocard et de Steiner en fonction des segments Torricelliens. (French) JFM 64.1292.01 Mathesis, Bruxelles 52, 174-175 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gambier, B. Transformations homographiques planes conservant la droite de l’infini et un point à distance finie. (French) JFM 64.1291.01 Ann. Fac. Sci. Univ. Toulouse Sci. math. Sci. physiques (4) 2, 155-175 (1938). Reviewer: Strubecker, K., Prof. (Wien) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Mineur, A. À propos des points jumeaux. (French) JFM 64.1290.02 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 14-22 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Goormaghtigh, R. Sur les groupes de points appartenant aux hauteurs d’un triangle ou d’un tétraèdre orthocentrique. (French) JFM 64.1290.01 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 225-231 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Sur la géométrie du triangle. (French) JFM 64.1289.06 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, Suppl., 24 p. (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Hodgetts, W. J. A suggestion for bridging the gulf between the queer alternatives mentioned in note 1229 of the Gazette for February 1937. (English) JFM 64.1289.05 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 388-391 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Krishnaswami Ayyangar, A. A. Postscript to note 1229. (English) JFM 64.1289.04 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 385-388 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Maxwell, E. A. Comment on note 1229. (English) JFM 64.1289.03 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 383-385 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Thébault, V. À propos du triangle podaire. (French) JFM 64.1289.02 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 167-170 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sispánov, S. Über ein Problem von Malfatti. (Spanish) JFM 64.1289.01 Bol. mat., Buenos Aires, 11, 171-178 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Sur l’isopole. (French) JFM 64.1288.04 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 236-238 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Schuh, F. Sätze über Isogonalen in einem Dreieck. (Dutch) JFM 64.1288.03 Nieuw Tijdschr. Wiskunde 26, 57-62 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
van Ijzeren, J. Der “Satz von Runge”. (Dutch) JFM 64.1288.02 Nieuw Arch. Wiskunde 19, 113-128 (1938). Reviewer: Hofmann, J. E., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dobbs, W. J. Morley’s triangle. (English) JFM 64.1288.01 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 50-57 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gribnau, H. A. Über das Asymptotensystem der durch drei gegebene Punkte gehenden gleichseitigen Hyperbeln. (Dutch) JFM 64.1287.03 Chr. Huygens, Groningen, 16, 161-167 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gibbins, N. M. The Feuerbach quadrilateral. (English) JFM 64.1287.02 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 97-104 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bohačevskyj, J. Ein elementarer Beweis eines geometrischen Satzes. (German) JFM 64.1287.01 S.-B. naturw.-ärztl. Sekt., Ukrain. Ševčenko-Ges. Wiss. Lemberg 27, 7 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sajkin, S. F. Zum pythagoreischen Lehrsatz. (Russian) JFM 64.1286.04 Učen. Zapiski Kazan. Univ. 98, No. 7, 57-58 (1938). Reviewer: Höffding, W., Dr. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Petrovitch, M. À propos d’un théorème de M. Pompeiu. (French) JFM 64.1286.03 Bull. math. Soc. Roumaine Sci. 40, 205-208 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
McCarthy, J. P. A difficult converse. (English) JFM 64.1286.02 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 365-371 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Coenen, R. Note de trigonométrie. (French) JFM 64.1286.01 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 52, 234-235 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Agostini, A. Trigonometria piana e sferica. (Italian) JFM 64.1285.04 218 p. Livorno, R. Accademia Navale (1938). Reviewer: Tricomi, F., Prof. (Turin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
H. H. Über komplexe Zahlen und azentrale Vervielfachung. (Dutch) JFM 64.1285.03 Nieuw Tijdschr. Wiskunde 26, 183-187 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Nunn, P. Notes on the place of similarity in school geometry. (English) JFM 64.1285.02 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 234-249 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Fletcher, W. C. Euclid. (English) JFM 64.1285.01 Math. Gaz., London, 22, 58-65 (1938). Reviewer: Zacharias, M., Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Steinhaus, Hugo Mathematical snapshots. (English) JFM 64.1284.02 New York: G. E. Stechert & Co. 135 S. mit 180 Abb., einigen Modellen und einer Rotgrünbrille (1938). Reviewer: Feigl, G., Prof. (Breslau) MSC: 00A08 00-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Zilgalvis, J. Quelques procédés pour resoudre le problème de Potenote. (Latvian) JFM 63.1188.18 Zemes Ierīcība, Riga, 15, 195-199 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mineur, A. Note de trigonométrie. (French) JFM 63.1188.17 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 479 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Franckx, E. Note de trigonométrie. (French) JFM 63.1188.16 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 478 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Branson, J. W.; Hassler, J. O. Trigonometry. (English) JFM 63.1188.15 198 p. New York, Henry Holt and Company (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Harding, A. M.; Mullins, G. W. Plane trigonometry. Revised edition. (English) JFM 63.1188.14 VI + 172 p. New York, The Macmillan Company (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sparks, F. W.; Rees, P. K. Plane trigonometry. With tables. (English) JFM 63.1188.13 X + 161 p. New York, Prentice Hall (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mills; Atkin; Flagg Plane trigonometry. (English) JFM 63.1188.12 XII + 170 p. Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Company (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Simmons, H. A.; Gore, G. D. Plane trigonometry. (English) JFM 63.1188.11 VIII + 201 p. + 66 p. of tables. New York, John Wiley and Sons (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rosenbach, J. B.; Whitman, E. A.; Moskovitz, D. Plane trigonometry. Plane and spherical trigonometry. (English) JFM 63.1188.10 X + 288 + 23 p.; X + 336 + 27 p. Boston, Gin and Company (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rohrberg, A. Fliegeraufgaben aus der Ähnlichkeitslehre. (German) JFM 63.1188.09 Unterrichtsbl. Math. Naturw. 43, 21-23 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ionescu, I. Practical considerations on stating and solving mathematical problems. (Consideraţiuni practice la alcătuirea si rezolvarea problemelor de matematică.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1188.08 Gaz. mat., Bucureşti, 43, 19-23 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Buicliu, G. G. A problem on geometry. (O problemă de geometrie.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1188.07 Rev. mat. Timişoara 17, 73-75 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rickey, F. A. On the projection of an angle upon a plane. (English) JFM 63.1188.06 Nat. Math. Mag., Louisiana, 11, 209-212 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Schuler, K. Über den Winkel zweier Geraden. (German) JFM 63.1188.05 Unterrichtsbl. Math. Naturw. 43, 46 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ionescu-Bujor, C. On the orthogonal circles. (Asupra cercurilor ortogonale.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1188.04 Gaz. mat., Bucureşti, 42, 455-461 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mihaileanu, N. N. Propositions deduced by inversion. (Propozitii deduse prin inversiune.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1188.03 Rev. mat. Timişoara 17, 3-6 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pizzarello, R. Archi associati e riduzione al primo quadrante. (Italian) JFM 63.1188.02 Boll. mat., Firenze, (2) 16, 56-65 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rollett, A. P. A curious rectangle. (English) JFM 63.1188.01 Math. Gaz., London, 21, 412 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Thébault, V. Sur un triangle spécial. (French) JFM 63.1187.25 Mathesis, Bruxelles. 51, 379-380 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Sur le triangle isocèle. (French) JFM 63.1187.24 Mathesis, Bruxelles. 51, 477-478 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
van Wijk, U. H. Voetpuntsdriehoeken. (Dutch) JFM 63.1187.23 Mathematica B, Zutphen, 6, 55-68 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bopp, E. Vom Höhenfußpunktdreieck. (German) JFM 63.1187.22 Unterrichtsbl. Math. Naturw. 43, 326-327 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mihăileanu, N. N. On Lemoine’s point. (Asupra punctului Lemoine.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1187.21 Gaz. mat., Bucuresti, 42, 628-631 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Sur le point de Feuerbach du triangle tangentiel. (French) JFM 63.1187.20 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 378 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V.; Mineur, A. Sur le point de Feuerbach. (French) JFM 63.1187.19 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 479-481 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Krishnaswami Ayyangar, A. A. The foci of the Steiner circum-conic of a triangle. (English) JFM 63.1187.18 Math. Student, Madras 5, 23-24 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Sur le point de Steiner. (French) JFM 63.1187.17 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 276 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mineur, A. Sur le point de Steiner. (French) JFM 63.1187.16 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 276 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Goormaghtigh, R. Sur les triangles tangentiel et anticomplémentaire d’un triangle. (French) JFM 63.1187.15 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 83-84 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Circles associated to a triangle. (Cercuri asociate unui triunghiu.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1187.14 Gaz. mat., Bucureşti, 42, 452-455 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Goormaghtigh, R. Relations between triangle surfaces. (Relatiuni intre suprafeţe de triunghiurì.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1187.13 Gaz. mat., Bucureşti, 42, 511-512 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Triangle bordé de carrés. (French) JFM 63.1187.12 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 81-82 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Thébault, V. Triangle bordé de triangles équilatéraux. (French) JFM 63.1187.11 Rev. mat. Timişoara 17, 99 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Goormaghtigh, R. Sur les triangles semblables construits sur les côtés d’un triangle. (French) JFM 63.1187.10 Mathesis, Bruxelles, 51, 334 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Musselman, J. R. On a triangle connected with any triangle. (English) JFM 63.1187.09 Amer. math. Monthly 44, 524 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sakkers, J. De formules voor \(r\), \(r_a\) enz. (Dutch) JFM 63.1187.08 Nieuw Tijdschr. Wiskunde 24, 252-253 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Durairajan, N. A result in the geometry of the triangle. (English) JFM 63.1187.07 Math. Student, Madras 4, 203 (1937). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF