Galbrun, H. De l’organisation des caisses de retraites. (French) JFM 64.1239.22 168 p. Paris, Gauthier-Villars (1939). PDFBibTeX XML
Nagel, Ernest [Neurath, Otto] Principles of the theory of probability. (English) JFM 64.1239.01 International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Vol. 1, No. 6. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. vii, 80 p. (1939). MSC: 60-01 PDFBibTeX XML
Durrieu, M. Cotejos económicos y selección económica. (Spanish) JFM 63.1130.19 An. Soc. ci. Argentina 123; 249-271, 300-320; 124, 23-32; 125 (1938); 145-157, 296-316, 419-435; 126 (1938), 47-66 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Mills, F. C. Statistical methods applied to economics and business. (Revised.). (English) JFM 64.1239.25 XIX + 746 p. New York, Henry Holt and Company. (American Business Series, General Editor, Roswell C. Mc Crea.) (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Stockton, J. R. Laboratory manual for business statistics, 1938-1939 series. (English) JFM 64.1239.24 97 p. Austin (Texas), Hemphill’s Book Store (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Sibirani, F. Sopra alcune novità introdotte nella matematica finanziaria. (Italian) JFM 64.1239.23 Mem. Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna, Cl. Sci. fis. (9) 5, 69-74 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Mazzoni, P.; Nobile, A. Elementi di matematica finanziaria e attuariale. (Italian) JFM 64.1239.21 Bari, L. Macri (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Kosiol, E. Finanzmathematik, Lehrbuch der Zinseszins-, Renten-, Tilgungs-, Kurs- und Rentabilitätsrechnung für Praktiker und Studierende. (German) JFM 64.1239.20 124 S. Hamburg 1938, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Invrea, R. Le ricerche italiane nel campo della matematica attuariale, durante gli anni XIV-XV E. F. (Italian) JFM 64.1239.19 Atti Soc. Ital. Progr. Sci. 26\(_{\text{II}}\), 61-90 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Tables de mortalité de la Pologne 1931/32. (French) JFM 64.1239.18 Warszawa, Office Centrale Statist. Pologne (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Tables de mortalité et de survie en Finlande pour les années 1931-1935. (French) JFM 64.1239.17 Helsinki, Bureau Centrale Statist. Finlande (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Tables de mortalité de la population Belge, 1928-1932. (French) JFM 64.1239.16 Bruxelles, Office Centrale Statist. Belgique (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Brett, J. H. Annuities on the basis of constant multiples of the mortality of a standard table. (English) JFM 64.1239.15 Trans. Actuar. Soc. Am. 39, 318-324 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Australian life tables 1932-1934. (English) JFM 64.1239.14 Camberra, Commonwealth Bureau for Census and Statist (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Winkler, W. Einige alte und neue Maße des natürlichen Bevölkerungswachstums. (German) JFM 64.1239.13 Rev. Inst. internat. Statist., La Haye, 6, 25-49 (1938). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Winkler}, Rev. Inst. Int. Stat. 6, 25--49 (1938; JFM 64.1239.13) Full Text: DOI
Neyman, J. The method of threefold sampling as applied to human populations. (Polish. English summary) JFM 64.1239.12 Przegląd statyst., Warszawa, 1, 150-160 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Lancelot Hogben (ed.) Political arithmetic: A symposium of population studies. (English) JFM 64.1239.11 531 p. New York, The Macmillan Company (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Calabrese, D. M. I principali risultati conseguiti in Italia, negli ultimi anni, nel campo delle applicazioni della statistica alle scienze biologiche e sociali. (Italian) JFM 64.1239.10 Atti Soc. Ital. Progr. Sci. 26\(_{\text{II}}\), 114-172 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Thomson, G. H. The estimation of specific and bi-factors. (English) JFM 64.1239.09 J. educat. Psychology 29, 355-362 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Wisniewski, J. Remarks on the definition of an average. (Polish. English summary) JFM 64.1239.08 Przegląd statyst., Warszawa, 1, 53-62 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Snkhatme, P. V. On the distribution of \(\chi^2\) in samples of the Poisson series. (English) JFM 64.1239.07 Suppl. J. R. statist. Soc., London, 5, 75-79 (1938). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. V. Snkhatme}, J. R. Stat. Soc., Suppl. 5, 75--79 (1938; JFM 64.1239.07)
Chinčin, A. Ja. Grenzgesetz für Summen von unabhängigen Zufallsgrößen. (Russian) JFM 64.1239.06 Moskau, Leningrad, ONTI (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Deming, W. E.; Birge, R. T. On the statistical theory of errors. (With additional notes dated 1937 and 1938). (English) JFM 64.1239.05 51 p. Washington, D. C., Graduate School of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Krisen Buros, O. Research and statistical methodology; books and reviews 1933-1938. (English) JFM 64.1239.04 100 p. New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers University Press (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Neyman, J. Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics. (English) JFM 64.1239.03 167 p. Washington, Department of Agriculture (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Castellano, V. Studi italiani riguardanti il calcolo delle probabilità e la statistica metodologica negli anni XIV-XV E. F. (Italian) JFM 64.1239.02 Atti Soc. Ital. Progr. Sci. 26\(_{\text{II}}\), 91-108 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Jones, H. E. The nature of regression functions in the correlation analysis of time series. (English) JFM 63.1131.05 Econometrica, Menasha, 5, 305-325 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: DOI
Frisch, R. Note on the phase diagram of two variates. (English) JFM 63.1131.04 Econometrica, Menasha, 5, 326-328 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: DOI
Slutzky, E. The summation of random causes as the source of cyclic processes. (English) JFM 63.1131.03 Econometrica, Menasha, 5, 105-146 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: DOI
Aucoin, A. A. \(N\) producers in cooperation and competition. (English) JFM 63.1131.02 Nat. math. Mag., Louisiana, 11, 354-360 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Aucoin}, Nat. Math. Mag. 11, 354--360 (1937; JFM 63.1131.02) Full Text: DOI
Stelson, H. E. A comparison of methods for finding the interest rate in installment payment plans. (English) JFM 63.1131.01 Nat. Math. Mag., Louisiana, 11, 172-176 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. E. Stelson}, Nat. Math. Mag. 11, 172--176 (1937; JFM 63.1131.01) Full Text: DOI
Wilson, J. G. Some notes on a nomogram giving the relation between price and yield of terminable bonds bearing a fixed rate of interest. (English) JFM 63.1130.25 J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 314-321 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Hicks, J. R. Théorie mathématique de la valeur en régime de libre concurrence. (French) JFM 63.1130.24 Actual. sci. industr. 580, 56 p (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Hicks, J. R. Mr. Keynes and the “Classics”; a suggested interpretation. (English) JFM 63.1130.23 Econometrica, Menasha, 5, 147-159 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: DOI
Piaggio, H. T. H. Fallacies concerning averages. (English) JFM 63.1130.22 Math. Gaz., London, 21, 369-370 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. T. H. Piaggio}, Math. Gaz. 21, 369--370 (1937; JFM 63.1130.22) Full Text: DOI
Bresciani-Turroni, C. On Pareto’s law. (English) JFM 63.1130.21 J. R. statist. Soc., London, 100, 421-432 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Bresciani-Turroni}, J. R. Stat. Soc., n. Ser. 100, 421--432 (1937; JFM 63.1130.21) Full Text: DOI
Bell, C. Mathematics of finance of the past and present. (English) JFM 63.1130.20 Scientia, Bologna, 62, 321-325 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Bell}, Scientia (Milano) 62, 321--325 (1937; JFM 63.1130.20)
Schweer, W. Wirtschaftsmathematik und Hochschule. (German) JFM 63.1130.18 Jber. Deutsche Math.-Verein. 47, 232-238 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Schweer}, Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 47, 232--238 (1937; JFM 63.1130.18) Full Text: EuDML
Bula, C. A. Elementos de matemática financiara. (Spanish) JFM 63.1130.17 63 p. Rosario, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales, aplicadas a la industria (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Mackenzie, D. H. Mathematics of finance. (English) JFM 63.1130.16 313 p. tables, 214 p. New York and London, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Usai, G. Complementi di matematica finanziaria e attuariale. (Italian) JFM 63.1130.15 Casa editrice Giuseppe Principato. Messina-Milano (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Tinbergen, J. An econometrie approach to business cycle problems. (English) JFM 63.1130.14 Actual. sci. industr. 525, 73 p (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Insolera, F. Corso di matematica finanziaria. 2 ed. (Italian) JFM 63.1130.13 XII + 420 p. Torino, Le Messaggerie Italiane (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Robek, A. Mortality tables of the population. (English) JFM 63.1130.12 Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Charles, Praha, 1937, Nr. 154, 25-27 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Neuhaus, J. Sulla determinazione dei pieni di conservazione nelle assicurazioni sulla vita. (Italian) JFM 63.1130.11 Giorn. Ist. Ital. Attuari 8, 350-353 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Neuhaus}, G. Ist. Ital. Attuari 8, 350--353 (1937; JFM 63.1130.11)
Natale, E. La curva logística, representativa del desarrollo numérico de la población humana. (Spanish) JFM 63.1130.10 An. Soc. ci. Argentina 124, 275-278 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Gumbel, E. J. Das Grenzalter. (German) JFM 63.1130.09 C. R. Congr. internat. Math., Oslo 1936, 2, 203-205 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Rich, C. D. The representation of \(l_x\) in the form of an integrable function. (English) JFM 63.1130.08 J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 551-553 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Anderson, R. D. Select mortality tables with special reference to the A 1924-29 mortality tables. (English) JFM 63.1130.07 J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 223-245. Discussion. J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 246-266 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
O’Brien, H.; Cameron, J. A. The application of uniform juniority to a mortality table graduated by the multiple geometric law. (English) JFM 63.1130.06 J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 541-550 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Olifiers, E. Graduation by double geometric laws supplementary to Makeham’s basic curve. With an application to the graduation of the A 1924-29 (Ultimate) table. (English) JFM 63.1130.05 J. Inst. Actuaries 68, 526-534 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Charkevich, A. A. Über die Anwendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate zur Abschätzung linearer Verzerrungen. (Russian) JFM 63.1130.04 Z. techn. Phys., Leningrad, Moskau, 7, 515-530 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Charkevich}, Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 7, 515--530 (1937; JFM 63.1130.04)
Kolmogoroff, A. Zur Statistik der Kristallisationsvorgänge in Metallen. (Russian. German summary) JFM 63.1130.03 Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS, Moscou, Cl. Sci. math. natur., Sér. math. 1937, 355-359 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Kolmogoroff}, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 1937, 355--359 (1937; JFM 63.1130.03)
Schtschukin, A. N. Anwendung der Theorie der Wahrscheinlichkeit auf die Fadingerscheinung. (Russian) JFM 63.1130.02 Z. techn. Phys., Leningrad, Moskau, 7, 107-129 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. N. Schtschukin}, Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 7, 107--129 (1937; JFM 63.1130.02)
Inouye, W. Statistic investigations of earthquake frequencies. (English) JFM 63.1130.01 Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., Tokyo 15, 142-169 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Wright, S. The distribution of gene frequencies in populations. (English) JFM 63.1129.26 Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. USA 23, 307-320 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Wright}, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 23, 307--320 (1937; JFM 63.1129.26) Full Text: DOI
Morse, J. W. Geometric presentation of correlation. (English) JFM 63.1129.25 J. Amer. statist. Assoc. 32, 364-365 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. W. Morse}, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 32, 364--365 (1937; JFM 63.1129.25) Full Text: DOI
Merrill, W. W. jun. Sampling theory in item analysis. (English) JFM 63.1129.24 Psychometrika, Chicago, 2, 215-223 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. W. Merrill jun.}, Psychometrika 2, 215--223 (1937; JFM 63.1129.24) Full Text: DOI
Harsh, C. M. A note on rotation of axes. (English) JFM 63.1129.23 Psychometrika, Chicago, 2, 211-214 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. M. Harsh}, Psychometrika 2, 211--214 (1937; JFM 63.1129.23) Full Text: DOI
Roberts, J. L. A coefficient of correlation between scholarship and salaries. (English) JFM 63.1129.22 Ann. math. Statist., Ann Arbor, 8, 66-68 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. L. Roberts}, Ann. Math. Stat. 8, 66--68 (1937; JFM 63.1129.22) Full Text: DOI
Dwyer, P. S.; Meacham, A. D. The preparation of correlation tables on a tabulator equipped with digit selection. (English) JFM 63.1129.21 J. Amer. statist. Assoc. 32, 654-662 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. S. Dwyer} and \textit{A. D. Meacham}, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 32, 654--662 (1937; JFM 63.1129.21) Full Text: DOI
Dwyer, P. S. The use of subcorrelation in the analysis of non-linear or non-homoschedastic correlation charts. (English) JFM 63.1129.20 J. educat. Psychology 28, 541-547 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Heilman, J. D. The \(k\) and \(g\) methods of interpreting the coefficient of correlation. (English) JFM 63.1129.19 J. educat. Psychology 28, 232-236 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Moore, T. V. The reduction of data showing non-linear regression for correlation by the ordinary product-moment formula, and the measurement of error due to curvilinear regression. (English) JFM 63.1129.18 J. educat. Psychology 28, 205-214 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Thorndike, E. L. On correlations between measurements which are not normally distributed. (English) JFM 63.1129.17 J. educat. Psychology 28, 367-370 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Sims, V. M. A note on scoring the rearrangement test. (English) JFM 63.1129.16 J. educat. Psychology 28, 302-304 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Spearman, C. Abilities as sums of factors, or as their products. (English) JFM 63.1129.15 J. educat. Psychology 28, 629-631 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Enlow, E. R. Statistics in education and psychology. (English) JFM 63.1129.14 IX + 180 p. New York, Prentice-Hall (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Yates, E. A further note on the arrangement of variety trials: quasi-latin squares. (English) JFM 63.1129.13 Ann. Eugenics, London, 7, 319-332 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Krishna Iyer, P. V. The distribution of the mean of Fisher’s \(t^2\) for samples from a normal population. (English) JFM 63.1129.11 Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. A 5, 528-531 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. V. Krishna Iyer}, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Sect. A 5, 528--531 (1937; JFM 63.1129.11)
Olds, E. G. A note on the problem of estimation. (English) JFM 63.1129.10 Amer. math. Monthly 44, 92-94 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. G. Olds}, Am. Math. Mon. 44, 92--94 (1937; JFM 63.1129.10) Full Text: DOI
Hendricke, W. A. An application of the method of maximum likelihood. (English) JFM 63.1129.09 Biometrika, Cambridge, 29, 154-155 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Pearson, E S. Maximum likelihood and methods of estimation. (English) JFM 63.1129.08 Biometrika, Cambridge, 29, 155-156 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Jacob, C. On the probability of a pupil to pass an exam. (Asupra probabilităţii pe care o are un elev de a fi admís la un examen.) (Romanian) JFM 63.1129.06 Rev. mat. Timişoara 16, 126-129 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Bartlett, M. S. Sub-sampling for attributes. (English) JFM 63.1129.04 Suppl. J. R. statist. Soc., London, 4, 131-135 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. S. Bartlett}, J. R. Stat. Soc., Suppl. 4, 131--135 (1937; JFM 63.1129.04)
Gumbel, E. J. Der größte Wert einer statistischen Veränderlichen. (German) JFM 63.1129.03 C. R. Congr. internat. Math., Oslo 1936, 2, 200-203 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Dor, L. Retour à l’hypothèse de l’erreur élémentaire. (French) JFM 63.1129.02 Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége 6, 358-363 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Dor}, Bull. Soc. R. Sci. Liège 6, 358--363 (1937; JFM 63.1129.02)
Gentile, G. Sulla probabilità di uno scarto compreso in un dato intervallo. (Italian) JFM 63.1129.01 Boll. mat., Firenze, (2) 16, 128 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Gentile}, Bollettino di Mat. (2) 16, 128 (1937; JFM 63.1129.01)
Molina, E. C. A tour through probability domains. (English) JFM 63.1128.10 Sci. Monthly 45, 55-59 (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Holmes, M. C. An outline of probability and its uses. (English) JFM 63.1128.09 119 p. Ann Arbor, Edwards Brothers, Inc (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Kattsoff, L. O. Modality and probability. (English) JFM 63.1128.08 Philos. Rev., New York, 46, 78-85 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. O. Kattsoff}, Philos. Rev. 46, 78--85 (1937; JFM 63.1128.08) Full Text: DOI
Deming, W. E.; Birge, R. T. On the statistical theory of errors. (English) JFM 63.1128.07 IV + 42 p. Washington, The graduate school of the United States. Department of Agriculture (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Gavett, G. I. A first course in statistical method. 2nd ed. (English) JFM 63.1128.06 X + 400 p. New York Mc Graw-Hill Book Company (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Bowley, Arthur L. Elements of statistics. 6 ed. (English) JFM 63.1128.05 XVI + 503 p. London, P. S. King and Son (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Neyman, J. Lectures and conferences on mathematical statistics. (Revised and supplemented by J. Neyman with the editorial assistance of W. E. Deming.). (English) JFM 63.1128.04 VIII + 163 p. Washington, The graduate school of the United States, Department of Agriculture (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Yule, G. Udny; Kendall, M. G. An introduction to the theory of statistics. 11 ed. (English) JFM 63.1128.03 XIII + 570p. London, Ch. Griffin & Co. (Griffin’s Scientific Text-Books.) (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Tippett, L. H. C. The methods of statistics. An introduction mainly for experimentalists. (English) JFM 63.1128.02 2. ed. 280 p. London, Williams and Norgate (1937). PDFBibTeX XML
Wald, A. Zur Theorie der Preisindexziffern. (German) JFM 63.1128.01 Z. Nationalökonomie 8, 179-219 (1937). Reviewer: Lorey, W., Prof. (Frankfurt am Main) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Wald}, Z. Nationalökon. 8, 179--219 (1937; JFM 63.1128.01)
Koopmans, T. Linear regression analysis of economic time series. (English) JFM 63.1127.04 150 p. Haarlem, De Erven, F. Bohn. (Nederlandsen Economisch Instituut, Nr. 20.) (1937). Reviewer: Boehm, C., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XML
Morrison, J. T. Note on the maximum correlation coefficient between two series whose values have been determined at equal intervals. (English) JFM 63.1127.03 Philos. Mag., London, (7) 24, 240-245 (1937). Reviewer: Von Schelling, H., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. T. Morrison}, Philos. Mag., VII. Ser. 24, 240--245 (1937; JFM 63.1127.03)
Fisher, I. Note on a short-cut method for calculating distributed lags. (English) JFM 63.1127.02 Bull. Inst. internat. Statist. 29, No. 3, 323-328 (1937). Reviewer: Riebesell, P., Prof. (München) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Fisher}, Bull. Inst. Int. Stat. 29, No. 3, 323--328 (1937; JFM 63.1127.02)
Risser, R. Les principes de la statistique mathématique. III: Retour sur les coefficients de covariation. Courbes moyennes et utilisation de la théorie des différences. (French) JFM 63.1126.04 J. Soc. Fr. Stat. 78, 40-74 (1937). Reviewer: Geppert, Maria Pia, Dr. (Bad Nauheim) MSC: 62-XX PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: EuDML
Tintner, G. Monopoly over time. (English) JFM 63.1126.03 Econometrica, Menasha, 5, 160-170 (1937). Reviewer: Riebesell, P., Prof. (München) PDFBibTeX XML Full Text: DOI
Vogt, O. Über den Beharrungszustand einer Bausparkasse. (German) JFM 63.1126.02 Mitt. Verein. Schweiz. Vers.-Math. 34, 23-36 (1937). Reviewer: Riebesell, P., Prof. (München) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Vogt}, Mitt., Ver. Schweiz. Versicherungsmath. 34, 23--36 (1937; JFM 63.1126.02)
Simonsen, W. Über offene Bausparkassen mit Zuteilung nach dem Listensystem. (German) JFM 63.1126.01 Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 20, 1-38 (1937). Reviewer: Löer, K., Dr. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Simonsen}, Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 20, 1--38 (1937; JFM 63.1126.01)
Heubeck, G. Beiträge zur mathematischen Theorie des Bausparens. I. (German) JFM 63.1125.03 Bl. Vers.-Math. verw. Geb. 4, 125-149, 171-196 (1937). Reviewer: Schulz, Fritz (Eberswalde) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Heubeck}, Bl. Versich.-Math. 4, 125--149, 171--196 (1937; JFM 63.1125.03)
Giaccardi, F. Sul valore capitale della rendita certa a tasso oscillante. (Italian) JFM 63.1125.02 Giorn. Mat. finanz. (2) 7, 22-29 (1937). Reviewer: Geppert, Maria Pia, Dr. (Bad Nauheim) PDFBibTeX XML
Misra, D. P. Move multiplicity in the rate of interest; polyparty and polycreditor transactions. (English) JFM 63.1125.01 Aktuárské Vědy 7; 22-43, 60-70 (1937). Reviewer: Riebesell, P., Prof. (München) PDFBibTeX XML
Campagne, C. Équation différentielle et équation intégrale du cours mathématique des emprunts. (French) JFM 63.1124.03 Verzekerings-Arch. 18, (97)-(114) (1937). Reviewer: Schulz, Fritz (Eberswalde) PDFBibTeX XML
Weinberger, O. Economia matematica. (Italian) JFM 63.1124.02 Atti Accad. Pontaniana Sci. morali politiche Soc. R. Napoli 58, 184-209 (1937). Reviewer: Geppert, Maria Pia, Dr. (Bad Nauheim) PDFBibTeX XML