Cinquini, S. Sopra una nuova estensione di una formula di Curtiss. (Italian) JFM 64.1050.01 Atti. Soc. Ital. Progr. Sci. 26\(_{\text{I}}\), 15-16 (1938). PDFBibTeX XML
Jacob, Caius Sur quelques conditions aux limites susceptibles de déterminer une fonction analytique. (French) JFM 64.1049.03 Bull. math. Soc. Roumaine Sci. 40, 125-130 (1938). Reviewer: Brödel, Walter, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Jacob}, Bull. Math. Soc. Roum. Sci. 40, No. 1--2, 125--130 (1938; JFM 64.1049.03)
Onicescu, O. Sur la relation de Poisson-Jensen. (French) JFM 64.1049.02 Bull. math. Soc. Roumaine Sci. 40, 109-122 (1938). Reviewer: Af Hällström, G., Dr. (Abo) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Onicescu}, Bull. Math. Soc. Roum. Sci. 40, No. 1--2, 109--122 (1938; JFM 64.1049.02)
Privalov, I.; Brodsky, G. On the limit values of a Cauchy-Stieltjes integral. (Russian. English summary) JFM 64.1049.01 Mitt. Forsch.-Inst. Math. Mech. Kujbyschew-Univ. Tomsk 2\(_{\text{II}}\), 43-51 (1938). Reviewer: Obreschkoff. PDFBibTeX XML
Soens, M. Über einen Artikel des Herrn J. F. Schuh. (Dutch) JFM 64.1048.04 Chr. Huygens, Groningen, 16, 273-274 (1938). Reviewer: Visser, C., Dr. (Dodrecht) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Soens}, Christiaan Huygens 16, 273--274 (1938; JFM 64.1048.04)
Schuh, J. F. Sur une extension de la formule de Cauchy. (French) JFM 64.1048.03 Chr. Huygens, Groningen, 16, 168-169 (1938). Reviewer: Visser, C., Dr. (Dodrecht) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. F. Schuh}, Christiaan Huygens 16, 168--169 (1938; JFM 64.1048.03)
Federighi, U. Sul teorema fondamentale di Cauchy per le funzioni analitiche. (Italian) JFM 64.1048.02 Ist. Lombardo, Rend., Cl. Sci. mat. natur. (3) 2, 186-192 (1938). Reviewer: Visser, C., Dr. (Dodrecht) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{U. Federighi}, Ist. Lombardo, Rend., III. Ser. 2(71), 186--192 (1938; JFM 64.1048.02)
Saks, S.; Zygmund, A. Fonctions analytiques, cours universitaire. (Polish) JFM 64.1048.01 Monografie Matematyczne 10. Warszawa: Seminarium Matematyczne Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; Warszawa: Instytut Matematyczny PAN. viii, 432 p. (1938). Reviewer: Kempisty, S., Prof. (Wilna) PDFBibTeX XML
Milne-Thomson, L. M. On the relation of an analytic function of \(z\) to its real and imaginary parts. (English) JFM 63.0966.03 Math. Gaz., London, 21, 228-229 (1937). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. M. Milne-Thomson}, Math. Gaz. 21, 228--229 (1937; JFM 63.0966.03) Full Text: DOI
Hachoff, F. Zur Riemannschen Randwertaufgabe. (German) JFM 63.0966.02 Rec. math. Moscou (2) 2, 673-683 (1937). Reviewer: Graeser, E., Dr. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Hachoff}, Rec. Math. Moscou, n. Ser. 2, 673--683 (1937; JFM 63.0966.02)
Kakeya, S. On the boundary values of analytic functions. (English) JFM 63.0966.01 Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 13, 292-295 (1937). Reviewer: Brödel, Walter, Dr. (Leipzig) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Kakeya}, Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan 13, 292--295 (1937; JFM 63.0966.01) Full Text: DOI
Menchoff, D. Sur une généralisation d’un théorème de M. H. Bohr. (French) JFM 63.0965.02 Rec. math., Moscou, (2) 2, 339-356 (1937). Reviewer: Haupt, O., Prof. (Erlangen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Menchoff}, Rec. Math. Moscou, n. Ser. 2, 339--356 (1937; JFM 63.0965.02)
Cinquini, S. Sopra una nuova estensione di una formula di Curtiss. (Italian) JFM 63.0965.01 Rend. Circ. mat. Palermo 61, 73-82 (1937). Reviewer: Bieberbach, L., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Cinquini}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 61, 73--82 (1937; JFM 63.0965.01) Full Text: DOI
Cinquini, S. Sopra un’estensione di una formula di Curtiss. (Italian) JFM 63.0964.02 Ist. Lombardo Sci. Lett., Rend., Cl. Sci. mat. nat. (3) 1, 236-248 (1937). Reviewer: Bieberbach, L., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Cinquini}, Ist. Lombardo, Rend., III. Ser. 1(70), 236--248 (1937; JFM 63.0964.02)
Friedrichs, K. On certain inequalities and characteristic value problems for analytic functions and for functions of two variables. (English) JFM 62.1200.03 Bull. Amer. math. Soc. 42, 810 (1936). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Friedrichs}, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 42, 810 (1936; JFM 62.1200.03)
Mitrovitsch, R. Grundprinzip der analytischen Funktionen. (Serbian) JFM 62.1200.02 Glas Srpske Akad. Beograd CLXIX (87), 213-222 (1936). PDFBibTeX XML
de Duffahel, M. Sur les couples de fonctions uniformes d’une variable. (Remarques se rapportant aux points d’une courbe algébrique de genre supérieur à l’unité.). (French) JFM 62.1200.01 Bull. Calcutta math. Soc. 28, 229-234 (1936). Reviewer: Graeser, E., Dr. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. de Duffahel}, Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 28, 229--234 (1936; JFM 62.1200.01)
Radojčić, M. Sur une propriété des fonctions analytiques dans la proximité des singularités essentielles. (Serbian, French) JFM 62.1199.04 Acad. R. Serbe, Bull. Acad. Sci. math. nat. A 3, 27-31. Serbisch: Glas Srpske Akad., Beograd, CLXXIII (85), 11-16 (1936). Reviewer: Lösch, F., Prof. (Rostock) PDFBibTeX XML
Radojčić, M. Domaines fondamentaux et valeurs exceptionnelles des fonctions analytiques aux environs des singularités essentielles. (Serbian, French) JFM 62.1199.03 Acad. R. Serbe, Bull. Acad. Sci. math. nat. A 3, 21-25. Serbisch: Glas Srpske Akad., Beograd, CLXXIII (85), 4-8 (1936). Reviewer: Lösch, F., Prof. (Rostock) PDFBibTeX XML
Mazurkiewicz, S. Sur le théorème de Rouché. (French) JFM 62.1199.02 C. R. Soc. Sci. Lett. Varsovie, Cl. III 28, 78-79 (1936). Reviewer: Grunsky, H., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mazurkiewicz}, C. R. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, Cl. III 28, 78--79 (1936; JFM 62.1199.02)
Stoilow, S. Remarques sur les fonctions analytiques continues dans un domaine où elles admettent un ensemble parfait discontinu de singularités. (French) JFM 62.1199.01 Bull. math. Soc. Roumaine Sci. 38, No. 2, 117-120 (1936). Reviewer: Ullrich, E., Prof. (Gießen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Stoilow}, Bull. Math. Soc. Roum. Sci. 38, No. 2, 117--120 (1936; JFM 62.1199.01)
Tricomi, Francesco Analytic functions. (Funzioni analitiche.) (Italian) JFM 62.1198.01 Monografie di matematica applicata. Bologna: N. Zanichelli. vi, 110 p., 27 fig. (1936). Reviewer: Erdélyi, A., Dr. (Edinburgh) MSC: 30-01 PDFBibTeX XML
Osgood, W. F. Functions of a complex variable. (English) JFM 62.1197.03 VIII + 258 p. Peking, University Press (1936). Reviewer: Wittich, H., Dr. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XML
Montel, P. Sur un théorème de M. Pompeiu. (French) JFM 61.1133.04 Mathematica, Cluj, 9, 182-183 (1935). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Montel}, Mathematica, Cluj 9, 182--183 (1935; JFM 61.1133.04)
Bouligand, G. Deux exercices sur les principes de la théorie des fonctions d’une variable complexe. (French) JFM 61.1133.03 Bull. math. Fac. Sc. et grandes Ecoles 1, 303-304 (1935). PDFBibTeX XML
Viola, T. Sull’accumulazione dei valori delle funzioni olomorfe che formano una successione uniformemente convergente. (Italian) JFM 61.1133.02 Rend. Circ. mat. Palermo 59, 288-303 (1935). Reviewer: Lösch, F., Dr. (Seestadt Rostock) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Viola}, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 59, 288--303 (1935; JFM 61.1133.02) Full Text: DOI
Radojčić, M. Sur les domaines fondamentaux des fonctions analytiques au voisinage d’une singularité essentielle. (French) JFM 61.1132.05 Publ. math. Univ. Belgrade 4, 185-200 (1935). Reviewer: Lösch, F., Dr. (Seestadt Rostock) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Radojčić}, Publ. Math. Univ. Belgrade 4, 185--200 (1935; JFM 61.1132.05)
Hu, Kuen-sen On Cauchy’s integral theorem. (English) JFM 61.1132.04 Sc. Rep. Tsing Hua Univ. A 3, 179-183 (1935). Reviewer: Grunsky, H., Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 30-XX PDFBibTeX XML
Fedorov, V. Sur les dérivées des fonctions partout continues d’une variable complexe. (Russian. French summary) JFM 61.1132.03 Bull. Acad. Sc. URSS 1935, 307-311 (1935). Reviewer: Schröder, K., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Fedorov}, Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS 1935, No. 2, 307--311 (1935; JFM 61.1132.03)
Fédoroff, U. Sur les fonctions monogènes. (Russian. French summary) JFM 61.1132.02 Rec. math. Moscou 42, 485-500 (1935). Reviewer: Pietsch, H., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{U. Fédoroff}, Rec. Math. Moscou 42, 485--500 (1935; JFM 61.1132.02)
Fedorov, W. Sur les fonctions monogènes. (French) JFM 61.1132.01 C. R. Acad. Sc. URSS 1935, No. 3, 13-14 (1935). Reviewer: Grunsky, H., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Fedorov}, C. R. (Dokl.) Acad. Sci. URSS, n. Ser. 1935, No. 3, 13--14 (1935; JFM 61.1132.01)
Kulyk, S. M. Zur Berechnung der Nullstellen der analytischen Funktion. (Ukrainian. German summary) JFM 61.1133.01 Journ. Cycle math. Acad. Sc. Ukraine 1\(_{\text{IV}}\) (1934), 45-50 (1934). Reviewer: Graeser, E., Dr. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XML