
Found 133 Documents (Results 1–100)

Two-dimensional limit theorem for a critical catalytic branching random walk. (English) Zbl 1062.60091

Drmota, Michael (ed.) et al., Mathematics and computer science III. Algorithms, trees, combinatorics and probabilities. Proceedings of the international colloquium of mathematics and computer sciences, Vienna, September 13–17, 2004. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 3-7643-7128-5/hbk). Trends in Mathematics, 387-395 (2004).

Individuals at the origin in the critical catalytic branching random walk. (English) Zbl 1034.60078

Branderier, Cyril (ed.) et al., Discrete random walks, DRW’03. Proceedings of the conference, Paris, France, September 1–5, 2003. Paris: Maison de l’Informatique et des Mathématiques Discrètes (MIMD). Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Proc. AC, 325-332, electronic only (2003).
MSC:  60J80

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