Avramov, Luchezar L. (ed.); Chardin, Marc (ed.); Morales, Marcel (ed.); Polini, Claudia (ed.) Commutative algebra. Interactions with algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the international conference, Grenoble, France, July 9–13, 2001 and the special session at the joint international meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Société Mathématique de France, Lyon, France, July 17–20, 2001. (English) Zbl 1020.00012 Contemporary Mathematics. 331. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). xiv, 358 p. (2003). MSC: 00B25 13-06 14-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto (ed.); Sifakis, Joseph (ed.) Embedded software. Second international conference, EMSOFT 2002, Grenoble, France, October 7–9, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1012.68861 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2491. Berlin: Springer. ix, 421 p. (2002). MSC: 68U99 68-06 68N99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Bonavero, Laurent (ed.); Brion, Michel (ed.) Geometry of toric varieties. Lectures of the summer school, Grenoble, France, June 19–July 7, 2000. (English) Zbl 1005.00028 Séminaires et Congrès. 6. Paris: Société Mathématique de France. xi, 272 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 14-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EMIS
Bošnački, Dragan (ed.); Leue, Stefan (ed.) Model checking software. 9th international SPIN workshop, Grenoble, France, April 11–13, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0992.00040 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2318. Berlin: Springer. x, 259 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Q60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kutsche, Ralf-Detlef (ed.); Weber, Herbert (ed.) Fundamental approaches to software engineering. 5th international conference, FASE 2002. Held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France, April 8–12, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0989.00047 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2306. Berlin: Springer. xiii, 341 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Nxx × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Le Métayer, Daniel (ed.) Programming languages and systems. 11th European symposium on programming, ESOP 2002, held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France, April 8–12, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0989.00059 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2305. Berlin: Springer. xii, 331 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Nxx × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Nielsen, Mogens (ed.); Engberg, Uffe (ed.) Foundations of software science and computation structures. 5th international conference, FOSSACS 2002, held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France, April 8–12, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0989.00051 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2303. Berlin: Springer. xiii, 435 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Qxx × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Katoen, Joost-Pieter (ed.); Stevens, Perdita (ed.) Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. 8th international conference, TACAS 2002. Held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2002, Grenoble, France, April 8–12, 2002. (English) Zbl 0988.00082 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2280. Berlin: Springer. xiii, 482 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Mxx × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bert, Didier (ed.); Bowen, Jonathan P. (ed.); Henson, Martin C. (ed.); Robinson, Ken (ed.) ZB 2002: Formal specification and development in Z and B. 2nd international conference of B and Z users, Grenoble, France, January 23–25, 2002. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0988.00083 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2272. Berlin: Springer. xii, 535 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 68-06 68Q60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Moortgat, Michael (ed.) Logical aspects of computational linguistics. 3rd international conference, LACL ’98, Grenoble, France, December 14–16, 1998. Selected papers. (English) Zbl 0967.00057 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2014. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer. x, 287 p. (2001). MSC: 00B25 03-06 68-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Brogliato, Bernard (ed.) Impacts in mechanical systems. Analysis and modelling. Papers from the Euromech Colloquium 397, Grenoble, France, June 30–July 2, 1999. (English) Zbl 0972.00062 Lecture Notes in Physics. 551. Berlin: Springer. ix, 273 p. (2000). MSC: 00B25 74-06 74M20 74M15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Dion, J.-M. (ed.); Dugard, L. (ed.); Fliess, M. (ed.) Linear time delay systems (LTDS ’98). Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop held in Grenoble, France, July 6–7, 1998. (English) Zbl 0930.93002 Amsterdam: Pergamon. 222 p. (1999). MSC: 93-06 00B25 93C23 93D21 93B25 93B36 93D09 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Coleman, R. (ed.) Differential algebraic equations (DAE). Selected contributions to the international symposium, Grenoble, France, May 1997. (English) Zbl 0915.00044 Numer. Algorithms 19, No. 1-4, 266 p. (1998). MSC: 00B25 65-06 34-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Puech, Claude (ed.); Reischuk, Rüdiger (ed.) STACS 96. 13th annual symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science. Grenoble, France, February 22–24, 1996. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0885.68010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1046. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-60922-9). xii, 690 p. (1996). MSC: 68-06 68Qxx 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Laborde, Jean-Marie (ed.) Intelligent learning environments: the case of geometry. Proceedings originating from the NATO advanced research workshop, held in Grenoble, France, November 13-16, 1989. (English) Zbl 0831.68082 NATO ASI Series. Series F. Computer and Systems Sciences. 117. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. viii, 267 p. (1996). MSC: 68T05 00A35 00B25 68-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Colin de Verdière, Yves (ed.) Colloque international en l’honneur de Bernard Malgrange, Grenoble, France, 7-11 juin 1993. Géométrie et analyse complexe, singularités, équations différentielles, \(D\)-modules. (International colloquium in honor of Bernard Malgrange, Grenoble, France, June 7-11, 1993. Geometry, complex analysis, singularities, differential equations, \(D\)-modules). Annales de l’Institut Fourier 43, No. 5. Annales de l’Institut Fourier 43, No. 5. (Colloque international en l’honneur de Bernard Malgrange, Grenoble, France, 7-11 juin 1993. Géométrie et analyse complexe, singularités, équations différentielles, \(D\)-modules.) (English, French) Zbl 0799.00017 Grenoble: Association des Annales d l’Institut Fourier, xxii, p. 1199-1688 (1994). MSC: 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Beale, J. T. (ed.); Cottet, G.-H. (ed.); Huberson, S. (ed.) Vortex flows and related numerical methods. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Grenoble, France, June 15-19, 1992. (English) Zbl 0818.00017 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 395. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. vii, 387 p. (1993). MSC: 00B25 76-06 65-06 35-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Aggarwal, J. K. (ed.) Multisensor fusion for computer vision. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Grenoble, France, June 26 - 30, 1989. (English) Zbl 0802.68001 NATO ASI Series. Series F. Computer and Systems Sciences. 99. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. x, 456 p. DM 158.00; öS 1.232.40; sFr 158.00 /hc (1993). MSC: 68-06 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jorrand, Ph. (ed.) 5th Sviet-French Symposium on theoretical computer science, methods and tools for compilation, and program development (Informatika ’91), Grenoble, France, October 1991. Selected papers. (English) Zbl 0783.00039 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 232 p. (1993). MSC: 00B25 68-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Laugier, Christian (ed.) Geometric reasoning for perception and action. Workshop, Grenoble, France, September 16–17, 1991. Selected papers. (English) Zbl 0825.00060 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 708. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. VIII, 281 p. DM 58.00 /sc (1993). MSC: 00B25 68-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Métais, O. (ed.); Lesieur, M. (ed.) Turbulence and coherent structures. Selected papers from “Turbulence 89: organized structures and turbulence in fluid mechanics”, Grenoble, France, 18-21 September 1989. (English) Zbl 0722.00040 Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, 2. Dordrecht etc.: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xiii, 620 p. Dfl. 250.00; £86.00; $ 155.00 (1991). MSC: 00B25 76-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Canudas de Wit, Carlos (ed.) Advanced robot control. Proceedings of the international workshop on nonlinear and adaptive control: issues in robotics, Grenoble, France, November 21-23, 1990. (English) Zbl 0778.00019 Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 162. Berlin: Springer- Verlag. ix, 314 p. (1991). MSC: 00B25 93-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sifakis, Joseph (ed.) Automatic verification methods for finite state systems. International workshop, Grenoble, France, June 12-14, 1989. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0745.68017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 407. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. VII, 382 p. (1990). Reviewer: M.Křetínský (Brno) MSC: 68-06 68Q10 68Q55 68Q60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie, no. 7. Année 1988-1989. (English, French) Zbl 0699.00033 Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie, Chambéry-Grenoble 7. Chambéry: Univ. de Savoie, Fac. des Sciences, Service de Math.; St. Martin d’Hères: Univ. de Grenoble I, Inst. Fourier. 138 p. (1989). MSC: 00B25 53-06 58-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Germain, Paul (ed.); Piau, Monique (ed.); Caillerie, Denis (ed.) Theoretical and applied mechanics. Proceedings of the XVIIth international congress of theoretical and applied mechanics, held in Grenoble, France, 21-27 August, 1988. (English) Zbl 0686.73001 International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM). Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland. xxxix, 454 p. $ 144.75; Dfl 275.00 (1989). Reviewer: M.N.L.Narasimhan MSC: 74-06 76-06 86-06 70K50 76Exx 74R99 37G99 35B32 37D45 76T99 74Cxx 74L10 76U05 76F99 74L05 74H55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Berlinet, Alain (ed.); Van Cutsem, Bernard (ed.) Estimation fonctionnelle. \((21^{\grave emes}\) Journées de Statistique, Grenoble, France, mai 1988). (French) Zbl 0667.00026 Statistique et Analyse des Données, Vol. 14, No. 1. Numéro spécial. Paris: L’Association pour la Statistique et ses Utilisations. III, 101 p. (1989). MSC: 00Bxx 62-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lacoume, J. L. (ed.); Chehikian, A. (ed.); Martin, N. (ed.); Malbos, J. (ed.) Signal processing IV: Theories and applications Vol. 1-3. Proceedings of EUSIPCO-88. Fourth European signal processing conference, Grenoble, France, September 5-8, 1988. (English) Zbl 0657.94003 Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland. xxxix, 1680 p. $ 355.25; Dfl. 675.00/3 vol. set (1988). MSC: 94-06 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Demongeot, J. (ed.); Hervé, T. (ed.); Rialle, V. (ed.); Roche, C. (ed.) Artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences. (Most of the lectures given at the conference, held in Grenoble from the 18th to the 20th February 1987). (English) Zbl 0647.68005 Proceedings in Nonlinear Science. Manchester (UK) etc.: Manchester University Press. XIII, 407 p. £39.50 (1988). Reviewer: M.Malik MSC: 68-06 68T99 92B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Carreau, P. J. (ed.); Piau, J. M. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on viscoelasticity of polymeric liquids, Grenoble, France, January 13-16, 1986. (English) Zbl 0601.00014 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 23, Special Issue. Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier. VIII, 449 p. $ 3.50 (1987). MSC: 00B25 76-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Chenin, Patrick (ed.); Di Crescenzo, Claire (ed.); Robert, François (ed.) Computers and computing. Informatique et calcul. Proceedings of the international conference ’Future Trends of Computing’, dedicated to N. Gastinel, Grenoble, France, December 2-6, 1985. (English) Zbl 0654.00011 Études et Recherches en Informatique. Chichester etc.: John Wiley and Sons; Paris etc.: Masson. 48 p. (1986). MSC: 00B25 00B30 68-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Calmet, Jacques (ed.) Algebraic algorithms and error-correcting codes. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on applied algebra and error correcting codes (AAECC-3), Grenoble, France, July 15–19, 1985. (English) Zbl 0591.00036 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 229. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. VII, 416 p. DM 55.00 (1986). MSC: 00B25 68-06 94-06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF