
Found 54 Documents (Results 1–54)

An elementary proof of the real version of the Riesz-Thorin theorem. (English) Zbl 1143.46305

De Carli, Laura (ed.) et al., Interpolation theory and applications. A conference in honor of Michael Cwikel on the occasion of his 59th birthday, March 29–31, 2006 and AMS special session on interpolation theory and applications, AMS sectional meeting, Miami, FL, USA, April 1–2, 2006. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4207-2/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 445, 179-182 (2007).
MSC:  46B70 46M35

The \(K\)-functional and Calderón-Zygmund type decompositions. (English) Zbl 1142.46314

De Carli, Laura (ed.) et al., Interpolation theory and applications. A conference in honor of Michael Cwikel on the occasion of his 59th birthday, March 29–31, 2006 and AMS special session on interpolation theory and applications, AMS sectional meeting, Miami, FL, USA, April 1–2, 2006. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4207-2/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 445, 183-194 (2007).
MSC:  46B70 46M35

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