
Found 117 Documents (Results 1–100)

Positive scalar curvature and homotopy theory. (English) Zbl 1539.58007

Gromov, Mikhail L. (ed.) et al., Perspectives in scalar curvature. Vol. 2. Singapore: World Scientific. 83-157 (2023).
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Bilipschitz invariance of the first transverse characteristic map. (English) Zbl 1269.46054

Pusz, Wiesław (ed.) et al., Operator algebras and quantum groups. Proceedings of the conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 19–23, 2011. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (ISBN 978-83-86806-17-1/pbk). Banach Center Publications 98, 245-260 (2012).
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Classifying foliations. (English) Zbl 1183.57022

Saldanha, Nicolau C. (ed.) et al., Foliations, geometry, and topology. Paul Schweitzer Festschrift. Conference in honor of the 70th birthday of Paul Schweitzer, S. J., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 6–10, 2007. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4628-5/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 498, 1-65 (2009).
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Characteristic classes for Riemannian foliations. (English) Zbl 1190.57018

Álvarez López, Jesús A. (ed.) et al., Differential geometry. Proceedings of the VIII international colloquium, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 7–11, 2008. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-4261-16-6/hbk). 11-35 (2009).
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A history of algebraic and differential topology 1900–1960. 2nd printing. (English) Zbl 1180.55001

Modern Birkhäuser Classics. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-0-8176-4906-7/pbk; 978-0-8176-4907-4/ebook). xxi, 648 p. (2009).
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The Weil algebra and the secondary characteristic homomorphism of regular Lie algebroids. (English) Zbl 1014.53048

Kubarski, Jan (ed.) et al., Lie algebroids and related topics in differential geometry. Proceedings of the conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 12-18, 2000. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Banach Cent. Publ. 54, 135-173 (2001).
MSC:  53D17 53C05 57R20
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Local index theory, eta invariants and holomorphic torsion: A survey. (English) Zbl 0967.58014

Hsiung, C. C. (ed.) et al., Surveys in differential geometry. Vol. III. A supplement to the Journal of Differential Geometry. Lectures on geometry and topology in honor of the 80th birthday of Chuan-Chih Hsiung, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, May 3-5, 1996. Boston, MA: International Press. 1-76 (1998).

On the multiplicative \(K\)-theory. (Sur la \(K\)-théorie multiplicative.) (French) Zbl 0889.19001

Cuntz, Joachim J. R. (ed.) et al., Cyclic cohomology and noncommutative geometry. Proceedings of a workshop, Fields Institute, Waterloo, Ont., Canada, June 14–18, 1995. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Fields Inst. Commun. 17, 59-77 (1997).
MSC:  19D55 46L80

Secondary characteristic classes of flat bundles. (Classes caractéristiques secondaires des fibrés plats.) (French) Zbl 0884.57022

Séminaire Bourbaki. Volume 1995/96. Exposés 805–819. Paris: Société Mathématique de France, Astérisque. 241, 411-424, Exp. No. 819 (1997).
Reviewer: F.Gomez (Malaga)
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Dependence relations for Cheeger-Chern-Simons invariants of locally symmetric spaces. (English) Zbl 0838.57017

Schweitzer, Paul A. (ed.) et al., Differential topology, foliations, and group actions. Workshop on topology, January 6-17, 1992, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 161, 271-279 (1992).
MSC:  57R20 53C35

Secondary characteristic classes: A survey. (English) Zbl 0804.57015

Szenthe, J. (ed.) et al., Differential geometry and its applications. Proceedings of a colloquium, held in Eger, Hungary, August 20-25, 1989, organized by the János Bolyai Mathematical Society. Amsterdam: North- Holland Publishing Company. Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai. 56, 671-689 (1992).
MSC:  57R32 57R20 57R30

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