Mustopa, Yusuf; Teixidor i. Bigas, Montserrat Rational curves on moduli spaces of vector bundles. (English) Zbl 07978986 Int. J. Math. 36, No. 3, Article ID 2450080, 20 p. (2025). MSC: 14H60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kubiś, Wiesław; Miculescu, Radu; Mihail, Alexandru; Nowak, Magdalena On the connectivity of graph Lipscomb’s spaces. (English) Zbl 07962343 J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 27, No. 1, Paper No. 1, 17 p. (2025). MSC: 28A80 37C70 54D05 54B15 54C25 37E25 05C90 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Das, Koushik Set-valued parametric optimization problems with higher-order \(\rho\)-cone arcwise connectedness. (English) Zbl 07980268 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA J. 81, No. 4, 589-607 (2024). MSC: 26B25 49N15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Alfran, Howida Adel On simplicity of undirected graphs and corresponding adjacent topological spaces. (English) Zbl 07978815 J. Appl. Math. Inform. 42, No. 5, 1091-1105 (2024). MSC: 05C20 05C99 18F60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chacón-Tirado, Mauricio; Piceno, César On colocal connectedness of \(F_1 (X)\) in \(F_2 (X)\). (English) Zbl 07978299 Colloq. Math. 176, No. 2, 171-175 (2024). MSC: 54F16 54B20 54F15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kapoor, Malti; Ahmad, Waqar; Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Path connectedness of solution sets for partially ordered set optimization problems. (English) Zbl 07972139 J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 8, No. 6, 973-986 (2024). MSC: 47-XX 46-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ando, Tomohiro; Bai, Jushan; Lu, Lina; Vojtech, Cindy M. Scenario-based quantile connectedness of the U.S. interbank liquidity risk network. (English) Zbl 07968520 J. Econom. 244, No. 2, Article ID 105786, 20 p. (2024). MSC: 62-XX 91-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jindal, A. The regular topology on \(C(X, Y)\) revisited. (English) Zbl 07966628 Acta Math. Hung. 174, No. 1, 234-243 (2024). MSC: 54C35 54D05 54H11 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kulal, Vikas; Khairnar, Anil Strongly annihilator ideal graph of a lattice. (English) Zbl 07956162 Asian-Eur. J. Math. 17, No. 7, Article ID 2450050, 14 p. (2024). MSC: 05C25 06B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Maungchang, Rasimate; Khachorncharoenkul, Prathomjit; Suksumran, Teerapong On combinatorial properties of Cayley graphs of gyrogroups. (English) Zbl 07956096 Asian-Eur. J. Math. 17, No. 2, Article ID 2450007, 15 p. (2024). MSC: 20N02 05C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Goswami, Amartya \(k\)-spaces of non-domain-valued geometric points. (English) Zbl 07945991 Appl. Gen. Topol. 25, No. 2, 375-383 (2024). MSC: 14A20 14A99 16D25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Haji, Nidaa Hasan; Hesari, Abdolaziz; Buti, Rafid Habib One-point connectifications of regular spaces. (English) Zbl 07939822 Topology Appl. 357, Article ID 109060, 12 p. (2024). MSC: 54D35 54D10 54D05 03G10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yang, Xue Yan; He, Hua Generalized integral composition operators between Fock spaces. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 07938019 Acta Math. Sin., Chin. Ser. 67, No. 1, 161-172 (2024). MSC: 47B33 47B38 47G10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wei, Yuming; Zhang, Han On connectedness in the parametric geometry of numbers. (English) Zbl 07937542 Comb. Number Theory 13, No. 4, 299-315 (2024). Reviewer: Gabriele Nebe (Aachen) MSC: 11H06 11J13 37B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Yang, Runfeng; Caporin, Massimiliano; Jiménez-Martin, Juan-Angel; Kacperczyk, Marcin Measuring climate transition risk spillovers. (English) Zbl 07935983 Rev. Finance 28, No. 2, 447-481 (2024). MSC: 91B76 62P20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chen, Shi; Schienle, Melanie Large spillover networks of nonstationary systems. (English) Zbl 1547.62667 J. Bus. Econ. Stat. 42, No. 2, 422-436 (2024). MSC: 62P20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Xu, Xiu; Wang, Weining; Shin, Yongcheol; Zheng, Chaowen Dynamic network quantile regression model. (English) Zbl 1547.62961 J. Bus. Econ. Stat. 42, No. 2, 407-421 (2024). MSC: 62P20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bricalli, Davide; Francesco Favale, Filippo; Pietro Pirola, Gian On the Hessian of cubic hypersurfaces. (English) Zbl 07931937 Int. Math. Res. Not. 2024, No. 10, 8672-8694 (2024). Reviewer: Alexander Kovačec (Coimbra) MSC: 14J70 14J17 14J30 14J35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Alvarez, Ulysses; Geoghegan, Ross Topological posets and tropical phased matroids. (English) Zbl 07931815 Discrete Comput. Geom. 72, No. 3, 1199-1231 (2024). MSC: 54F05 52B40 06-XX 14T10 54F35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dey, Dipankar; Mandal, Dhananjoy; Mukherjee, Manabendra Nath \(\delta_\mu\)-connectedness in a \(\mu\)-proximity space. (English) Zbl 07930998 Ann. Univ. Paedagog. Crac., Stud. Math. 386(23), 29-38 (2024). MSC: 54E05 54D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jiménez, Bienvenido Connectedness in set optimization via a nonlinear scalarization. (English) Zbl 07929250 Minimax Theory Appl. 9, No. 2, 325-339 (2024). MSC: 49J53 90C29 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Das, Madhusudan; Nahak, C.; Biswal, M. P. Existence and connectedness of the \(l\)-minimal approximate solutions for set optimization problems: an application in generalized multiobjective robustness. (English) Zbl 1548.49019 J. Anal. 32, No. 1, 373-398 (2024). MSC: 49J53 90C29 90C31 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Mathew, Jose; Mathew, Sunil; Secelean, Nicolae Adrian On attractors of type 1 iterated function systems. (English) Zbl 07926882 J. Appl. Math. Inform. 42, No. 3, 583-605 (2024). MSC: 28A80 31E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jin, Yuxin; Zhou, Shuming; Tian, Tao; Das, Kinkar Chandra Sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian properties of graphs based on the difference of Zagreb indices. (English) Zbl 1547.05144 Comput. Appl. Math. 43, No. 6, Paper No. 385, 17 p. (2024). MSC: 05C35 05C45 68R10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Laboureix, Bastien; Domenjoud, Eric On the connectedness of arithmetic hyperplanes. (English) Zbl 07921864 Theor. Comput. Sci. 1017, Article ID 114797, 26 p. (2024). MSC: 68Qxx × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Xiong, Wei; Chen, Xing; Wu, Yang; You, Zhifu; Lai, Hong-Jian Spanning connectivity of \(K_{1 , r}\)-free split graphs. (English) Zbl 1547.05157 Discrete Appl. Math. 358, 176-183 (2024). MSC: 05C40 05C45 68R10 05C60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bauer, Ulrich; Medina-Mardones, Anibal M.; Schmahl, Maximilian Persistent homology for functionals. (English) Zbl 07916667 Commun. Contemp. Math. 26, No. 10, Article ID 2350055, 40 p. (2024). Reviewer: Chong Zheng (Tōkyō) MSC: 55N31 58E05 58E12 54D05 55N05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Anza Hafsa, Omar; Mandallena, Jean-Philippe \(\Gamma\)-convergence of nonconvex unbounded integrals in strongly connected sets. (English) Zbl 1547.49008 Appl. Anal. 103, No. 9, 1704-1732 (2024). Reviewer: Stepan Agop Tersian (Rousse) MSC: 49J45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chauhan, Harsh V. S.; Luthra, Sheetal; Pasricha, Dimple Anti \(T_2 \)-generalized topological spaces. (English) Zbl 07905416 Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3) 42, Paper No. 137, 7 p. (2024). MSC: 54A05 54D10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cameron, Peter J.; Jannat, Firdous Ee; Nath, Rajat Kanti; Sharafdini, Reza A survey on conjugacy class graphs of groups. (English) Zbl 1548.20036 Expo. Math. 42, No. 4, Article ID 125585, 26 p. (2024). Reviewer: Egle Bettio (Venezia) MSC: 20D60 20E45 05C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Zheng, Chong The connectedness homomorphism between discrete Morse complexes. (English) Zbl 07900746 Topology Appl. 355, Article ID 109022, 18 p. (2024). MSC: 57Q70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Zhang, Jinxing Fix-speed flocking of high-dimensional Kuramoto oscillator systems with proximity graph. (English) Zbl 1542.93018 Syst. Control Lett. 191, Article ID 105866, 5 p. (2024). MSC: 93A16 93C35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gutiérrez, Juan; Valqui, Christian On two conjectures about the intersection of longest paths and cycles. (English) Zbl 1545.05193 Discrete Math. 347, No. 11, Article ID 114148, 6 p. (2024). MSC: 05C76 05C38 05C12 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Das, Koushik Set-valued semi-infinite programming problems with \(\tau\)-cone arcwise connectedness of higher-order. (English) Zbl 07896261 Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst., Ser. A, Math. Anal. 31, No. 4, 251-278 (2024). MSC: 26B25 49N15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link Link
Ekmekçi, Ramazan Connectedness in graded ditopological texture spaces. (English) Zbl 07891005 Math. Morav. 28, No. 1, 87-96 (2024). MSC: 54D05 54A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Winkert, Patrick Applied nonlinear functional analysis. An introduction. 2nd edition. (English) Zbl 07875861 De Gruyter Graduate. Berlin: De Gruyter (ISBN 978-3-11-128421-7/pbk; 978-3-11-128695-2/ebook). xii, 722 p. (2024). Reviewer: Dirk Werner (Berlin) MSC: 46-01 47-01 28-01 54-01 47H04 47H05 49J50 49J52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhou, Zhiang; Huang, Fei; Ansari, Qamrul Hasan Approximate Benson properly efficient solutions for set-valued equilibrium problems. (English) Zbl 07873837 Positivity 28, No. 3, Paper No. 38, 19 p. (2024). MSC: 90C26 90C29 90C46 26B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hussain, Muntazir; Bashir, Usman; Rehman, Ramiz Ur Exchange rate and stock prices volatility connectedness and spillover during pandemic induced-crises: evidence from BRICS countries. (English) Zbl 1542.91376 Asia-Pac. Financ. Mark. 31, No. 1, 183-203 (2024). MSC: 91G15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Alimov, A. R. Balayage theorems for connectedness problems in uniformly convex spaces. (English) Zbl 1543.41019 Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 50, No. 1, 53-61 (2024). Reviewer: Stefan Cobzaş (Cluj-Napoca) MSC: 41A65 46B20 46N10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lipin, A. E. On resolvability, connectedness and pseudocompactness. (English) Zbl 07857914 Acta Math. Hung. 172, No. 2, 519-528 (2024). MSC: 54A25 54A35 54B10 54D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Hogadi, Amit; Yadav, Suraj \(\mathbb{A}^{1}\)-connectedness of moduli of vector bundles on a curve. (English) Zbl 07851593 J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 23, No. 3, 1019-1027 (2024). MSC: 14F42 14D20 14D23 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Nakajima, Yuto Mandelbrot set for fractal \(n\)-gons and zeros of power series. (English) Zbl 07851523 Topology Appl. 350, Article ID 108918, 12 p. (2024). Reviewer: Kevin M. Pilgrim (Bloomington) MSC: 37F05 37F46 37F20 30D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Li, Huani; Lin, Shixun; Ma, Xuanlong On connected components and perfect codes of proper order graphs of finite groups. (English) Zbl 1540.05072 Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. 73, No. 1, 68-76 (2024). Reviewer: Joy Morris (Lethbridge) MSC: 05C25 05C69 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Haxell, Penny; Wdowinski, Ronen Degree criteria and stability for independent transversals. (English) Zbl 1536.05457 J. Graph Theory 106, No. 2, 352-371 (2024). MSC: 05D15 05C07 05C35 05C40 05C15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Birkar, Caucher On connectedness of non-klt loci of singularities of pairs. (English) Zbl 1546.14017 J. Differ. Geom. 126, No. 2, 431-474 (2024). Reviewer: Jingshan Chen (Beijing) MSC: 14C20 14E30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Heinonen, Helena; Klein-Seetharaman, Roshan; Sun, Minghan Optimal connectivity results for spheres in the curve graph of low and medium complexity surfaces. (English) Zbl 1542.57017 New York J. Math. 30, 351-368 (2024). Reviewer: Athanase Papadopoulos (Strasbourg) MSC: 57M15 57M50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: arXiv Link
Heinzer, William; Loper, K. Alan; Olberding, Bruce; Toeniskoetter, Matthew A connectedness theorem for spaces of valuation rings. (English) Zbl 1548.13010 J. Algebra 647, 844-857 (2024). Reviewer: Mara Pompili (Graz) MSC: 13A18 13H99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gismatullin, Jakub On model-theoretic connected groups. (English) Zbl 07827879 J. Symb. Log. 89, No. 1, 50-79 (2024). MSC: 03C60 20G15 20E45 03C98 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ansari, Qamrul Hasan; Sharma, Pradeep Kumar; Yao, Jen-Chih Contractibility of the solution sets for semi-infinite set optimization problems. (English) Zbl 1543.49010 J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 25, No. 2, 429-443 (2024). Reviewer: Irene Benedetti (Perugia) MSC: 49J53 90C29 90C31 90C34 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Böhme, Thomas; Harant, Jochen; Kriesell, Matthias; Mohr, Samuel; Schmidt, Jens M. Rooted minors and locally spanning subgraphs. (English) Zbl 1536.05430 J. Graph Theory 105, No. 2, 209-229 (2024). Reviewer: Martin Milanič (Koper) MSC: 05C83 05C40 05C38 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Mauri, Leandro V.; de Mattos, Denise; dos Santos, Edivaldo L. Colored Tverberg theorem with new constraints on the faces. (English) Zbl 1532.55001 Topology Appl. 341, Article ID 108743, 13 p. (2024). Reviewer: Mahender Singh (S.A.S. Nagar) MSC: 55M20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Krasiński, Dawid; Szyszkowska, Paulina Increasing sequence of \(T_0\)-topologies on the set of positive integers. (English) Zbl 1537.54016 Topology Appl. 341, Article ID 108732, 9 p. (2024). Reviewer: Dario Spirito (Padova) MSC: 54D05 11B25 11A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Boro, Laithun; Singh, Madan Mohan; Goswami, Jituparna The unit graph of a commutative semiring. (English) Zbl 1530.16047 J. Algebr. Syst. 12, No. 1, 79-89 (2024). MSC: 16Y60 05C40 05C45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
André, Robert Point-set topology with topics. Basic general topology for graduate studies. (English) Zbl 07762626 Singapore: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-12-7733-7/hbk; 978-981-12-7735-1/ebook). xv, 805 p. (2024). Reviewer: Eliza Wajch (Siedlce) MSC: 54-01 54A05 54A20 54B05 54B10 54B15 54C05 54C10 54C20 54C25 54C30 54C45 54C50 54D05 54D10 54D15 54D20 54D30 54D35 54D40 54D45 54D60 54D65 54D70 54D80 54E15 54E35 54E50 54E52 54G05 54G20 03E10 03E25 03E30 03E50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hladík, Milan Complexity issues in interval linear programming. (English) Zbl 07927193 Cappanera, Paola (ed.) et al., Optimization and decision science: operations research, inclusion and equity. ODS, Florence, Italy, August 30 – september 2, 2022. Cham: Springer. AIRO Springer Ser. 9, 123-133 (2023). MSC: 90C05 90C17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Dai, Xin-Rong; Luo, Jun; Ruan, Huo-Jun; Wang, Yang; Xiao, Jian-Ci Connectedness and local cut points of generalized Sierpiński carpets. (English) Zbl 07926240 Asian J. Math. 27, No. 4, 529-570 (2023). MSC: 28A80 54A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dzhafarov, Ehtibar N. The contextuality-by-default view of the sheaf-theoretic approach to contextuality. (English) Zbl 07920688 Palmigiano, Alessandra (ed.) et al., Samson Abramsky on logic and structure in computer science and beyond. Cham: Springer. Outst. Contrib. Log. 25, 573-593 (2023). MSC: 03B70 68Qxx 81P68 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Šlapal, Josef A digital Jordan surface theorem with respect to a graph connectedness. (English) Zbl 1547.05156 Open Math. 21, Article ID 20230172, 9 p. (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C76 68R10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shekutkovski, Nikita; Misajleski, Zoran; Durmishi, Emin Chain connectedness – homotopy and shape invariant. (English) Zbl 07911694 Mat. Bilt. 47, No. 2, 123-131 (2023). Reviewer: Ivan Jelić (Split) MSC: 54D05 54J05 55P55 54C56 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shabna, O. K.; Sameena, K. Connectivity analysis and applications of graphic fuzzy matroids. (English) Zbl 1549.05375 South East Asian J. Math. Math. Sci. 19, No. 3, 333-346 (2023). MSC: 05C72 05C40 05B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zheng, Tingguo; Ye, Shiqi; Hong, Yongmiao Fast estimation of a large TVP-VAR model with score-driven volatilities. (English) Zbl 07865852 J. Econ. Dyn. Control 157, Article ID 104762, 22 p. (2023). MSC: 91-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Thakur, Mahima Intuitionistic fuzzy set P-connected mappings. (English) Zbl 1549.54070 Gaṇita 73, No. 2, 1-7 (2023). MSC: 54A40 54C08 03A99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Boukhecham, Houssam; Ounesli, Hamza Topology of the space of measure-preserving transformations of the circle. (English) Zbl 1537.37045 Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste 55, Paper No. 7, 7 p. (2023). Reviewer: Thomas B. Ward (Durham) MSC: 37E10 37A05 37C30 37C40 37D20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Iqbal, Najaf; Bouri, Elie; Grebinevych, Oksana; Roubaud, David Modelling extreme risk spillovers in the commodity markets around crisis periods including COVID19. (English) Zbl 1532.91124 Ann. Oper. Res. 330, No. 1-2, 305-334 (2023). MSC: 91G20 62P05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kanaujia, Alka; Sinha, Parijat; Srivastava, Manjari Fuzzy semi-separation axioms and fuzzy semi-connectedness in fuzyy biclosure spaces. (English) Zbl 1538.54036 Jñānābha 53, No. 1, 62-67 (2023). MSC: 54A40 03E72 54E55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Han, Yu Weak Henig proper solution sets for set optimization problems. (English) Zbl 07788150 J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 7, No. 6, 925-943 (2023). MSC: 47-XX 46-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Visweswaran, S. On the complement of the total zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring. (English) Zbl 1540.13004 São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 17, No. 2, 740-753 (2023). Reviewer: T. Tamizh Chelvam (Tirunelveli) MSC: 13A15 05C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chauhan, Tarun Kumar; Jindal, Varun Clopen linear subspaces and connectedness in function spaces. (English) Zbl 1546.54012 Rocky Mt. J. Math. 53, No. 5, 1415-1430 (2023). Reviewer: Eva Colebunders (Brussel) MSC: 54C05 54C35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Agarwal, Ravi P.; Rahman, Ghaus Ur; Muhsina Mathematical analysis of impulsive fractional differential inclusion of pantograph type. (English) Zbl 1532.34066 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46, No. 2, 2801-2839 (2023). MSC: 34K09 34K37 34K45 26A33 47N20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Veldsman, Stefan The significance of the contributions of congruences to the theory of connectednesses and disconnectednesses for topological spaces and graphs. (English) Zbl 1542.54004 Quaest. Math. 46, No. 12, 2669-2700 (2023). MSC: 54B15 54D05 05C40 05C25 16N80 54-02 05-02 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bai, Minglu; Tian, Yingzhi; Yin, Jiaqiong The super restricted edge-connectedness of direct product graphs. (English) Zbl 1543.05097 Parallel Process. Lett. 33, No. 3, Article ID 2350008, 7 p. (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C76 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Banaji, Amlan Metric spaces where geodesics are never unique. (English) Zbl 1526.53040 Am. Math. Mon. 130, No. 8, 747-754 (2023). MSC: 53C22 46B26 54F35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Cui, Chong; Li, Shengjie Connectedness of the solution sets for generalized vector equilibrium problems. (English) Zbl 1525.49006 Pac. J. Optim. 19, No. 3, 423-440 (2023). MSC: 49J40 90C29 90C31 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Ibedou, I.; Abbas, S. E.; Jafari, S. Ideals and grills associated with a rough set. (English) Zbl 1523.54011 Acharjee, Santanu (ed.), Advances in topology and their interdisciplinary applications. Singapore: Springer. Ind. Appl. Math., 167-181 (2023). MSC: 54A40 54A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Veldsman, Stefan A radical theory for graphs that do not admit loops. (English) Zbl 1549.05233 Period. Math. Hung. 87, No. 1, 27-39 (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C25 16N80 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shaik, Muneer; Rehman, Mohd Ziaur The dynamic volatility connectedness of major environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stock indices: evidence based on DCC-GARCH model. (English) Zbl 1521.91350 Asia-Pac. Financ. Mark. 30, No. 1, 231-246 (2023). MSC: 91G15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Feliu, Elisenda; Kaihnsa, Nidhi; de Wolff, Timo; Yürük, Oğuzhan Parameter region for multistationarity in \(n\) site phosphorylation networks. (English) Zbl 1520.92032 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 22, No. 3, 2024-2053 (2023). MSC: 92C42 92C40 14P99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ghaemi Asl, Mahdi; Adekoya, Oluwasegun B.; Rashidi, Muhammad Mahdi Quantiles dependence and dynamic connectedness between distributed ledger technology and sectoral stocks: enhancing the supply chain and investment decisions with digital platforms. (English) Zbl 1520.91387 Ann. Oper. Res. 327, No. 1, 435-464 (2023). MSC: 91G15 90B06 62P05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Chen, Bohui; Du, Cheng-Yong On weighted-blowup formulae of genus zero orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants. (English) Zbl 1547.14075 Compos. Math. 159, No. 9, 1833-1871 (2023). Reviewer: Lutian Zhao (Kashiwa) MSC: 14N35 14E15 53D45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sharma, Pradeep Kumar; Lalitha, C. S. Connectedness of the solution sets in generalized semi-infinite set optimization. (English) Zbl 1532.90136 Optim. Lett. 17, No. 7, 1575-1594 (2023). MSC: 90C34 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Koushesh, M. R. Connectedness modulo an ideal; a characterization theorem. (English) Zbl 1522.54034 Quaest. Math. 46, No. 7, 1457-1467 (2023). Reviewer: Eliza Wajch (Siedlce) MSC: 54D05 03E15 46E25 54D35 54D40 54D60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jain, Prachi; Maitra, Debasish Is there commodity connectedness across investment horizons? Evidence using news-based uncertainty indices. (English) Zbl 1518.91261 Econ. Lett. 225, Article ID 111025, 5 p. (2023). MSC: 91G15 62P05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gorski, Jochen; Klamroth, Kathrin; Sudhoff, Julia Biobjective optimization problems on matroids with binary costs. (English) Zbl 1532.90049 Optimization 72, No. 7, 1931-1960 (2023). Reviewer: Doina Carp (Bucureşti) MSC: 90C09 90C49 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Savinova, E. A. Sets in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) monotone path-connected with respect to some norm. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1518.54014 Mosc. Univ. Math. Bull. 78, No. 1, 49-51 (2023); translation from Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser. I 78, No. 1, 53-55 (2023). MSC: 54D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bishnoi, Chander Mohan; Mishra, Sanjay Quasicontinuous function on strong forms of connected space. (English) Zbl 1540.54013 J. Indones. Math. Soc. 29, No. 1, 106-115 (2023). Reviewer: Włodzimierz Ślęzak (Bydgoszcz) MSC: 54D05 54C08 26A15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Doustimehr, Mohammad Reza Indecomposability of top local cohomology modules and connectedness of the prime divisors graphs. (English) Zbl 1521.13025 J. Algebra Appl. 22, No. 8, Article ID 2350161, 9 p. (2023). Reviewer: Kamran Divaani-Aazar (Tehran) MSC: 13D45 14B15 13H99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Saye, Robert I. A connected component labeling algorithm for implicitly defined domains. (English) Zbl 1515.65054 Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 18, No. 1, 29-54 (2023). MSC: 65D18 14Q30 14Q65 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Khani, Mohsen; Koushesh, Mohammad Reza; Salamat, Majid Strong connectedness modulo an ideal. (English) Zbl 1518.54013 Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 49, No. 3, Paper No. 37, 16 p. (2023). MSC: 54D05 03E15 54D35 54D60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Varagona, Scott Inverse limits with Smith functions. (English) Zbl 1522.54047 Topol. Proc. 62, 23-43 (2023). Reviewer: Alejandro Illanes (Ciudad de México) MSC: 54F15 54F17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Wang, Lanchao; Lu, Junying; Chen, Yaojun Connectedness of friends-and-strangers graphs of complete bipartite graphs and others. (English) Zbl 1515.05102 Discrete Math. 346, No. 8, Article ID 113499, 8 p. (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C80 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Wang, Lanchao; Chen, Yaojun The connectedness of the friends-and-strangers graph of a lollipop and others. (English) Zbl 1514.05086 Graphs Comb. 39, No. 3, Paper No. 55, 6 p. (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C38 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bankston, Paul; McCluskey, Aisling On betweenness and equidistance in metric spaces. (English) Zbl 1514.51005 J. Convex Anal. 30, No. 1, 371-400 (2023). MSC: 51F99 46B20 52A01 52A10 52A21 52A30 54A05 54E35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Jansen, Sabine; Kolesnikov, Leonid; Matzke, Kilian The direct-connectedness function in the random connection model. (English) Zbl 1523.60168 Adv. Appl. Probab. 55, No. 1, 179-222 (2023). MSC: 60K35 60G55 82B43 60D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Filipazzi, Stefano; Svaldi, Roberto On the connectedness principle and dual complexes for generalized pairs. (English) Zbl 1527.14026 Forum Math. Sigma 11, Paper No. e33, 39 p. (2023). Reviewer: Jing Zhang (University Park) MSC: 14E30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Ran, Ziv Balanced curves and minimal rational connectedness on Fano hypersurfaces. (English) Zbl 1514.14051 Int. Math. Res. Not. 2023, No. 6, 4555-4600 (2023). Reviewer: Luca Chiantini (Siena) MSC: 14J45 14J70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Guo, Wanying; Zhang, Yingfang; Li, Wenxue Synchronization for the coupled stochastic strict-feedback nonlinear systems with delays under pinning control. (English) Zbl 1511.93132 Nonlinear Anal., Hybrid Syst. 48, Article ID 101326, 22 p. (2023). MSC: 93E15 93B52 93C10 93C43 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Han, Yu Density and connectedness of optimal points with respect to improvement sets. (English) Zbl 1516.90061 Optimization 72, No. 4, 979-1008 (2023). MSC: 90C26 90C29 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ruan, Huo-Jun; Wang, Yang; Xiao, Jian-Ci On the existence of cut points of connected generalized Sierpiński carpets. (English) Zbl 1547.28023 Ann. Fenn. Math. 48, No. 1, 229-254 (2023). MSC: 28A80 54A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Shi, Jian-yi The second lowest two-sided cell in the affine Weyl group \(\widetilde{B}_n\). (English) Zbl 1517.20073 J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 196, Article ID 105736, 32 p. (2023). Reviewer: Erich W. Ellers (Toronto) MSC: 20G15 20F55 20G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Šlapal, Josef Digital Jordan curves and surfaces with respect to a graph connectedness. (English) Zbl 1509.05107 Quaest. Math. 46, No. 1, 85-100 (2023). MSC: 05C40 05C38 05C12 68U03 68U05 52C22 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI