
Found 154,452 Documents (Results 1–100)

Trends and questions in open multi-agent systems. (English) Zbl 07920670

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 219-252 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Improved synthesis of saturating sampled-data control laws for linear plants. (English) Zbl 07920669

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 199-215 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Control of uncertain nonlinear fully linearizable systems. (English) Zbl 07920668

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 179-197 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
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A joint spectral radius for \(\omega\)-regular language-driven switched linear systems. (English) Zbl 07920667

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 161-178 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Relating the network graphs of state-space representations to Granger causality conditions. (English) Zbl 07920664

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 61-90 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Physics-based output-feedback consensus-formation control of networked autonomous vehicles. (English) Zbl 07920663

Postoyan, Romain (ed.) et al., Hybrid and networked dynamical systems. Modeling, analysis and control. Based on the presentations at the workshop, Toulouse, France, June 20–22, 2022. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Control Inf. Sci. 493, 27-60 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Magnetic field and ferrite particles interaction for membranes with augmented shock-absorption capability. (English) Zbl 07918104

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.), Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the third international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18–22, 2023. Volume II. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 279-290 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
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Free balls in a non-rotating track can mitigate rotor vibration. (English) Zbl 07918101

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.), Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the third international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18–22, 2023. Volume II. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 245-254 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
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Mitigating vibration levels of mistuned cyclic structures by use of contact nonlinearities. (English) Zbl 07918096

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.), Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the third international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18–22, 2023. Volume II. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 211-220 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Preliminary numerical analysis of the vibro-impact isolation systems under seismic excitations. (English) Zbl 07918094

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.), Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the third international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18–22, 2023. Volume II. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 189-198 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

Control of an acoustic mode by a digitally created nonlinear electroacoustic absorber at low excitation levels: experimental results. (English) Zbl 07918093

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.), Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the third international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18–22, 2023. Volume II. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 177-187 (2024).
MSC:  93-XX
Full Text: DOI

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