
Found 467 Documents (Results 1–100)

On the quantum flag manifold \(\mathrm{SU}_q (3)/\mathbb{T}^2 \). (English) Zbl 1455.46075

Kielanowski, Piotr (ed.) et al., Geometric methods in physics XXXVII. Workshop and summer school, Białowieża, Poland, July 1–7, 2018. Dedicated to Daniel Sternheimer on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Cham: Birkhäuser. Trends Math., 129-139 (2019).

The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles. (English) Zbl 1116.53003

Kubarski, Jan (ed.) et al., Geometry and topology of manifolds. The mathematical legacy of Charles Ehresmann. On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birthday. Proceedings of the conference, Bȩdlewo, Poland, May 8–15, 2005. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics. Banach Center Publications 76, 65-86 (2007).

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