
Found 2,214 Documents (Results 1–100)

Improved solution to a decision-making problem involving TraIFNs data with TOPSIS method. (English) Zbl 1509.68276

Kannan, S. R. (ed.) et al., Fuzzy mathematical analysis and advances in computational mathematics, FMAACM 2020, Pondicherry, India, February 25–26, 2021 (initially scheduled in 2020). Singapore: Springer. Stud. Fuzziness Soft Comput. 419, 111-125 (2022).
MSC:  68T37 91B06
Full Text: DOI

Modified operations of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers for solving fuzzy linear programming problems. (English) Zbl 1509.90231

Kannan, S. R. (ed.) et al., Fuzzy mathematical analysis and advances in computational mathematics, FMAACM 2020, Pondicherry, India, February 25–26, 2021 (initially scheduled in 2020). Singapore: Springer. Stud. Fuzziness Soft Comput. 419, 33-41 (2022).
MSC:  90C70 03E72
Full Text: DOI

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