
Found 1,767 Documents (Results 1–100)

A study of central identities equipped with skew Lie product involving generalized derivations. (English) Zbl 07924145

Ali, Shakir (ed.) et al., Advances in ring theory and applications. Proceedings of the workshop on associative rings and algebras, WARA22, Messina, Italy, July 18–20, 2022. Cham: Springer. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 443, 119-130 (2024).
MSC:  16W10 16W25 16N60
Full Text: DOI

A note on multiplicative (generalized)-derivations and left sided ideals in semiprime rings. (English) Zbl 07924137

Ali, Shakir (ed.) et al., Advances in ring theory and applications. Proceedings of the workshop on associative rings and algebras, WARA22, Messina, Italy, July 18–20, 2022. Cham: Springer. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 443, 1-11 (2024).
MSC:  16W25 16N60
Full Text: DOI

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