
Found 88 Documents (Results 1–88)

Monotonicity properties of Banach lattices and their applications – a survey. (English) Zbl 1411.46018

de Jeu, Marcel (ed.) et al., Ordered structures and applications. Positivity VII (Zaanen centennial conference), Leiden, the Netherlands, July 22–26, 2013. Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer. Trends Math., 203-232 (2016).
Full Text: DOI

On local wavelet coefficients of functions of generalized Lipschitz classes. (English) Zbl 1051.42027

Kopotun, Kirill (ed.) et al., Trends in approximation theory. Papers from the internatinal symposium in honor of the 60th birthday of Larry L. Schumaker, Nashville, TX, USA, May 17–20, 2000. Nashville, TX: Vanderbilt University Press (ISBN 0-8265-1379-4/hbk). Innovations in Applied Mathematics, 253-260 (2001).
MSC:  42C40

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