
Found 52 Documents (Results 1–52)

Psychology looks hopefully to logic. (English) Zbl 1087.03502

Cori, René (ed.) et al., Logic colloquium 2000. Proceedings of the annual European summer meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Paris, France, July 23–31, 2000. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters; Urbana, IL: Association for Symbolic Logic (ISBN 1-56881-251-5/hbk; 1-56881-252-3/hbk). Lecture Notes in Logic 19, 323-334 (2005).

Logical and geometric inquiry. (English) Zbl 1446.62045

Williams, Christopher J. (ed.), Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering. 22nd international workshop on Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods in science and engineering, Moscow, Idaho, USA, August 3–7, 2002. Melville, NY: AIP, American Institute of Physics. AIP Conf. Proc. 659, 243-280 (2003).
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