
Found 203 Documents (Results 1–100)

Rational approximations, multidimensional continued fractions, and lattice reduction. (English) Zbl 07919514

Abdellatif, Ramla (ed.) et al., Women in numbers Europe IV. Research directions in number theory. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 4th workshop, WINE 4, Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 29 – September 2, 2022. Cham: Springer. Assoc. Women Math. Ser. 32, 111-154 (2024).

Stepped hyperplane and extension of the three distance theorem. (English) Zbl 1305.11058

Assani, Idris (ed.), Ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Proceedings of the ergodic theory workshops at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA, March 17–21, 2011 and March 22–25, 2012. Berlin: de Gruyter (ISBN 978-3-11-029813-0/hbk; 978-3-11-029820-8/ebook). De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 81-92 (2014).
MSC:  11J70 11J71 11H99

Characterization of multi-continued fractions for multi-formal Laurent series. (English) Zbl 1283.11104

Dong, Chongying (ed.) et al., Recent developments in algebra and related areas. Papers of the international conference on algebra and related areas, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 18–20, 2007. Dedicated to Zhexian Wan in honor of his 80th birthday. Somerville, MA: International Press; Beijing: Higher Education Press (ISBN 978-1-57146-135-3/pbk). Advanced Lectures in Mathematics (ALM) 8, 59-80 (2009).

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