
Found 127 Documents (Results 1–100)

Periodic solutions of Mathieu oscillator, induced by fuzzy uncertainty. (English) Zbl 07912212

Lacarbonara, Walter (ed.) et al., Advances in nonlinear dynamics. Proceedings of the second international nonlinear dynamics conference, NODYCON 2021, virtual event, February 16–19, 2021. Volume 3. Cham: Springer. NODYCON Conf. Proc. Ser., 605-615 (2022).
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A phase-fitted symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation. (English) Zbl 1182.65127

Simos, Theodore E. (ed.) et al., Numerical analysis and applied mathematics. International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, September 18–22, 2009. Vol. 2. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0708-4/hbk; 978-0-7354-0709-1/set). AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, 2, 1595-1599 (2009).
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From exact-WKB toward singular quantum perturbation theory. II. (English) Zbl 1139.81348

Aoki, Takashi (ed.) et al., Algebraic analysis of differential equations. From microlocal analysis to exponential asymptotics. Festschrift in honor of Takahiro Kawai. Containing papers presented at the conference on algebraic analysis of differential equations–from microlocal analysis to exponential asymptotics, Kyoto, Japan, July 7–14, 2005. Tokyo: Springer (ISBN 978-4-431-73239-6/hbk). 321-334 (2007).

Inverse problem for harmonic oscillator perturbed by potential. (English) Zbl 1073.34013

Isozaki, Hiroshi (ed.), Inverse problems and spectral theory. Proceedings of the workshop on spectral theory of differential operators and inverse problems, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, October 28–November 1, 2002. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 0-8218-3421-5/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 348, 93-102 (2004).
MSC:  34A55 34L40 81Q10 30D55

Connection formula, hyperasymptotics, and Schrödinger eigenvalues: Dispersive hyperasymptotics and the anharmonic oscillator. (English) Zbl 0990.34073

Howls, Christopher J. (ed.) et al., Toward the exact WKB analysis of differential equations, linear or non-linear. Papers from the symposium on algebraic analysis of singular perturbations, Kyoto, Japan, November 30-December 5, 1998. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press. 121-134 (2000).

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