
Found 118 Documents (Results 1–100)

On the smoothness of gap boundaries for generalized Harper operators. (English) Zbl 1199.47164

Boca, Florin-Petre (ed.) et al., Advances in operator algebras and mathematical physics. Proceedings of the 2nd conference on operator algebras and mathematical physics, Sinaia, Romania, June 26–July 4, 2003. Bucharest: Theta (ISBN 973-85432-7-4). Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics 5, 173-182 (2005).

Uniform ergodic theorems for dynamical systems under VC entropy conditions. (English) Zbl 0828.28006

Hoffmann-Jørgensen, Jørgen (ed.) et al., Probability in Banach spaces, 9: Proceedings from the 9th international conference on probability in Banach spaces, held at Sandbjerg, Denmark, August 16-21, 1993. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser. Prog. Probab. 35, 105-128 (1994).

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