
Found 38 Documents (Results 1–38)

Solution of some nonlinear fluid dynamics problems by means of genetic algorithms. (English) Zbl 0908.76065

Chetverushkin, B. N. (ed.) et al., Experimentation, modelling and computation in flow, turbulence and combustion. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the 3rd French-Russian-Uzbek workshop on Fluid dynamics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, April 23–28, 1995. Chichester: Wiley. CMAS: Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 181-194 (1997).
MSC:  76M25 76G25 76M30 92D99

Criteria and methods of structural optimization. Ed. by Andrzej M. Brandt. Transl. from the Polish by Antoni Pol. (English) Zbl 0609.49001

Developments in Civil and Foundation Engineering 1. Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, a member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group; Warszawa: PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers. XIII, 538 p. (1986).
Reviewer: R.H.W.Hoppe

New directions in optimum structural design. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, October 19-22, 1981. (English) Zbl 0649.73039

Wiley Series in Numerical Methods in Engineering. A Wiley-Interscience Publication. Chichester etc.: John Wiley & Sons. xxi, 727 p. (TUB/Bau: 8Zt 111/2L) (1984).
MSC:  74Pxx 74S30 74-06

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