
Found 697 Documents (Results 1–100)

A novel symmetry in nanocarbons: pre-constant discrete principal curvature structure. (English) Zbl 07897293

Mladenov, Ivaïlo M. (ed.), Geometry, integrability and quantization. Volume 27. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy. Geom. Integrability Quantization 27, 25-44 (2024).
MSC:  53Z15 53A70 92E10

Constructing the Hamiltonian from the behaviour of a dynamical system by proper symplectic decomposition. (English) Zbl 1494.37035

Nielsen, Frank (ed.) et al., Geometric science of information. 5th international conference, GSI 2021, Paris, France, July 21–23, 2021. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 12829, 439-447 (2021).

Introductory lectures on equivariant cohomology. With appendices by the author and Alberto Arabia. (English) Zbl 1445.55001

Annals of Mathematics Studies 204. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (ISBN 978-0-691-19174-4/hbk; 978-0-691-19175-1/pbk; 978-0-691-19748-7/ebook). xx, 315 p. (2020).
Full Text: DOI

Scaffoldings and spines: organizing high-dimensional data using cover trees, local principal component analysis, and persistent homology. (English) Zbl 1405.62069

Chambers, Erin Wolf (ed.) et al., Research in computational topology. Based on the first workshop for women in computational topology, Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 2016. Cham: Springer; Minneapolis, MN: Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) (ISBN 978-3-319-89592-5/hbk; 978-3-319-89593-2/ebook). Association for Women in Mathematics Series 13, 93-114 (2018).
MSC:  62H25 55N35

Principal fiber bundles in non-commutative geometry. (English) Zbl 1378.81144

Cardona, Alexander (ed.) et al., Quantization, geometry and noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics. Contributions of the summer school, Villa de Leyva, Columbia. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-65426-3/hbk; 978-3-319-65427-0/ebook). Mathematical Physics Studies, 75-133 (2017).

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