Fairclough, Kesna A.; Batra, Romesh C. Torsion and extension of functionally graded Mooney-Rivlin cylinders. (English) Zbl 07964503 J. Elasticity 157, No. 1, Paper No. 4, 16 p. (2025). MSC: 74B20 74E05 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yang, Shengfang; Dong, Huanhe; Liu, Mingshuo New wave behaviors and stability analysis for magnetohydrodynamic flows. (English) Zbl 07927812 Netw. Heterog. Media 19, No. 2, 887-922 (2024). MSC: 35Q35 76W05 76E25 35C05 35C08 35C09 35B10 35B06 35B65 22E70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter An edge dislocation interacting with a hypotrochoidal compressible liquid inclusion. (English) Zbl 1540.74016 Acta Mech. 235, No. 5, 3211-3218 (2024). MSC: 74B05 74F10 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Badreddine, Rana On the global well-posedness of the Calogero-Sutherland derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. (English) Zbl 1539.35226 Pure Appl. Anal. 6, No. 2, 379-414 (2024). MSC: 35Q55 35Q41 37K10 37K35 35C05 35A01 35A02 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter A partially debonded circular elastic inhomogeneity with an incompressible liquid inclusion occupying the debonded section. (English) Zbl 1546.74016 Acta Mech. 235, No. 2, 897-906 (2024). MSC: 74E05 74B05 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zadorozhniy, V. G.; Kabantsova, L. Yu. On solution of first-order linear systems of partial differential equations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1532.35125 J. Math. Sci., New York 278, No. 2, 328-341 (2024); translation from Sovrem. Mat., Fundam. Napravl. 67, No. 3, 549-563 (2021). MSC: 35F35 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Huang, Haojie; Song, Kun Modulation of heat flux and thermal stress at the double interface by nano-coating thickness. (English) Zbl 1531.74018 Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 75, No. 1, Paper No. 20, 18 p. (2024). MSC: 74F05 74E05 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Jing; Jiang, Jiao; Wu, Xiaotian Mathematical solution of a pharmacokinetic model with simultaneous first-order and Hill-type elimination. (English) Zbl 07920337 J. Appl. Anal. Comput. 13, No. 2, 623-643 (2023). MSC: 34A05 92C45 34A34 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Li, Shou-Zhen; Zhou, Xu-Hong; Wang, Yu-Hang; Gan, Dan; Deng, Xiao-Wei Closed-form solution of fundamental frequency of steel-concrete hybrid wind turbine tower. (English) Zbl 1537.74071 Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 23, No. 3, Article ID 2350031, 31 p. (2023). MSC: 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bosten, Armin; Denoël, Vincent; Cosimo, Alejandro; Linn, Joachim; Brüls, Olivier A beam contact benchmark with analytic solution. (English) Zbl 1532.74097 ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 103, No. 11, Article ID e202200151, 12 p. (2023). MSC: 74M15 74K10 74G05 74S05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wu, Bo; Chen, Haoxiang Modelling the spatially periodic deformation pattern of the surrounding rock near deep level tunnels by strain gradient elasticity theory. (English) Zbl 1528.74076 Meccanica 58, No. 10, 2003-2010 (2023). MSC: 74L10 74B99 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yang, Lianzhi; Zhang, Zijian; He, Fanmin Three-dimensional unsteady state solution of multilayered saturated anisotropic finite media subjected to point source. (English) Zbl 1529.74017 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 102, Article ID 105111, 10 p. (2023). MSC: 74F10 74E30 74B05 74H10 74H05 74S05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cannizzaro, F.; Fiore, I.; Caddemi, S.; Caliò, I. The exact distributional model for free vibrations of shear-bending multi-cracked Timoshenko beams. (English) Zbl 1527.74026 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 101, Article ID 105039, 15 p. (2023). MSC: 74H45 74K10 74R10 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Natsuki, Toshiaki; Kawai, Hikaru; Natsuki, Jun; Wu, Peiyu; Jiang, Haolin Instability analysis of buckling of graphene nanoribbons coated with nano-film considering shear effect. (English) Zbl 1523.74036 Meccanica 58, No. 5, 1003-1013 (2023). MSC: 74G60 74E30 74K35 74M25 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hvatov, Alexander; Sorokin, Sergey A simple example of the tunnelling effect in periodic elastic structures. (English) Zbl 1519.74032 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 100, Article ID 104807, 5 p. (2023). MSC: 74J05 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gao, X.-L. Critical velocities of a two-layer composite tube under a moving internal pressure. (English) Zbl 1514.74063 Acta Mech. 234, No. 5, 2021-2043 (2023). MSC: 74K25 74E30 74H05 74E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Agnus, Sherin; Halder, Amlan Kanti; Seshadri, Rajeswari; Leach, P. G. L. Analysis of the Calogero-Degasperis equation through point symmetries. (English) Zbl 1507.34001 J. Anal. 31, No. 1, 705-718 (2023). MSC: 34A05 34A34 34C14 22E60 35B06 35C05 35C07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jiang, Jingnong; Ke, Liaoliang Linear and nonlinear vibrations of strain gradient beams with rough surface. (English) Zbl 1506.74138 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 117, Article ID 106937, 17 p. (2023). MSC: 74H45 74K10 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ghosh, Debdulal; Paul, Jayanta; Kumar, Jitendra On equilibrium solution to a singular coagulation equation with source and efflux. (English) Zbl 1504.35136 J. Comput. Appl. Math. 422, Article ID 114909, 14 p. (2023). MSC: 35F25 35C05 35R09 34A12 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Momeni-Khabisi, Hamed; Tahani, Masoud Coupled thermal stability analysis of piezomagnetic nano-sensors and nano-actuators considering the flexomagnetic effect. (English) Zbl 1504.74024 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 97, Article ID 104773, 12 p. (2023). MSC: 74G60 74F15 74F05 74K20 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Fabrikant, V. I. Exact solution to axisymmetric interface crack problem in magneto-piezo-electric transversely isotropic materials. (English) Zbl 1533.74071 Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 75, No. 4, 371-392 (2022). MSC: 74R10 74F15 74E10 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Halder, Amlan K.; Paliathanasis, Andronikos; Leach, Peter G. L. New insights into singularity analysis. (English) Zbl 07678002 Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 23, No. 7-8, 1085-1108 (2022). MSC: 34A05 17B80 34A34 34C14 35B06 35C05 35C07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter A coated circular inhomogeneity in nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric materials. (English) Zbl 1501.74013 J. Eng. Math. 136, Paper No. 4, 13 p. (2022). MSC: 74E05 74F05 74F15 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gao, X.-L. Critical velocities of anisotropic tubes under a moving pressure incorporating transverse shear and rotary inertia effects. (English) Zbl 1500.74042 Acta Mech. 233, No. 9, 3511-3534 (2022). MSC: 74K25 74E10 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wu, Xiaotian; Zhang, Hao; Li, Jun An analytical approach of one-compartmental pharmacokinetic models with sigmoidal Hill elimination. (English) Zbl 1506.92045 Bull. Math. Biol. 84, No. 10, Paper No. 117, 26 p. (2022). Reviewer: Dieter Erle (Dortmund) MSC: 92C45 92C50 34A05 37N25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Migliaccio, Giovanni Analytical evaluation of stresses and strains in inhomogeneous non-prismatic beams undergoing large deflections. (English) Zbl 1493.74059 Acta Mech. 233, No. 7, 2815-2827 (2022). MSC: 74K10 74E05 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Liu, Jiangsen; Peng, Yijiang Phenomenon of sharp change and concise solutions for Timoshenko beam based on modified couple stress theory. (English) Zbl 1494.74047 Acta Mech. 233, No. 7, 2595-2613 (2022). MSC: 74K10 74M25 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vaccaro, Marzia Sara; Barretta, Raffaele; Marotti de Sciarra, Francesco; Reddy, Junuthula N. Nonlocal integral elasticity for third-order small-scale beams. (English) Zbl 1493.74061 Acta Mech. 233, No. 6, 2393-2403 (2022). MSC: 74K10 74B99 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhao, Qiulan; Cheng, Hongbiao; Cao, Rui Dynamics analysis for the Wadati-Konno-Ichikawa(II)-short pulse equation. (English) Zbl 1490.35080 Appl. Math. Lett. 129, Article ID 107941, 9 p. (2022). MSC: 35C05 35C08 35Q51 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wu, Bing; Zhu, Bao-Yin; Song, Hao-Meng; Huang, Qiong-Ao Theoretical analysis of two collinear cracks in an orthotropic solid under linear thermal flux and linear mechanical load. (English) Zbl 1490.74096 Adv. Math. Phys. 2022, Article ID 8371954, 9 p. (2022). MSC: 74R10 74G70 74F05 74E10 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Migliaccio, G.; Ruta, G. The influence of an initial twisting on tapered beams undergoing large displacements. (English) Zbl 1520.74048 Meccanica 56, No. 7, 1831-1845 (2021). MSC: 74K10 74G65 74G10 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Fiorini, Alessandro; Ruta, Giuseppe Buckling of circular plates with functional grading in two directions. (English) Zbl 1521.74064 Meccanica 56, No. 1, 245-252 (2021). MSC: 74G60 74K20 74E05 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gupta, Shishir; Smita; Pramanik, Snehamoy; Pramanik, Abhijit Scattering of plane-wave through fluid medium of finite width between self-reinforced and triclinic half spaces. (English) Zbl 1493.74050 Waves Random Complex Media 31, No. 6, 1258-1286 (2021). MSC: 74J20 74F10 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Akrour, Youssouf; Mesmouli, Mouataz Billah; Tollu, Durhasan Turgut; Touafek, Nouressadat On the solutions of a system of max-type difference equations. (English) Zbl 1490.39001 Adv. Stud.: Euro-Tbil. Math. J. 14, No. 4, 159-187 (2021). MSC: 39A10 39A23 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Santana, M. V. B.; Gonçalves, P. B.; Silveira, R. A. M. Closed-form solutions for the symmetric nonlinear free oscillations of pyramidal trusses. (English) Zbl 1493.74040 Physica D 417, Article ID 132814, 11 p. (2021). MSC: 74H45 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yarımpabuç, Durmuş Transient-thermoelastic analysis of periodically rotated functionally graded hollow cylinder. (English) Zbl 1487.74030 J. Eng. Math. 128, Paper No. 18, 11 p. (2021). MSC: 74F05 74B05 74E05 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yang, Guang; Pei, Pengyu; Huang, Cheng; Dai, Ming Modified solution of an interface rigid line between two bonded half-planes under remote in-plane heat flux. (English) Zbl 1484.74019 Acta Mech. 232, No. 10, 4189-4198 (2021). MSC: 74F05 74B05 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter A screw dislocation interacting with a cycloid rough surface. (English) Zbl 1489.74003 Acta Mech. 232, No. 6, 2417-2423 (2021). MSC: 74A50 74A60 74G70 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jelenić, Gordan On pure bending in non-linear elasticity: a circular closed-form 2D solution for semi-linear orthotropic material. (English) Zbl 1520.74047 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 90, Article ID 104289, 11 p. (2021). MSC: 74K10 74B20 74E10 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shang, Yadong; Chen, Quting The generalized Cole-Hopf transformation for a generalized Burgers-Fisher equation with spatiotemporal variable coefficients. (English) Zbl 1462.35011 Appl. Math. Lett. 117, Article ID 107074, 8 p. (2021). MSC: 35A22 35C05 35K58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhou, Yan-Bin; Liu, Guan-ting; Li, Lian-he Effect of \(T\)-stress on the fracture in an infinite one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal with a Griffith crack. (English) Zbl 1479.74112 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 86, Article ID 104184, 11 p. (2021). MSC: 74R10 74F15 74E15 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sarsekeyeva, Aigul S. Model free boundary problems with a small parameter for the system of the parabolic equations. (English) Zbl 1488.35645 Kazakh Math. J. 20, No. 3, 23-47 (2020). MSC: 35R35 35K20 35B25 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Halder, Amlan K.; Leach, P. G. L.; Paliathanasis, A.; Sinuvasan, R. Cheng equation: a revisit through symmetry analysis. (English) Zbl 1458.35018 Quaest. Math. 43, No. 7, 857-867 (2020). MSC: 35B06 34A05 34A34 34C14 22E60 35C05 35C07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Roscani, Sabrina D.; Caruso, Nahuel D.; Tarzia, Domingo A. Explicit solutions to fractional Stefan-like problems for Caputo and Riemann-Liouville derivatives. (English) Zbl 1450.35302 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 90, Article ID 105361, 16 p. (2020). MSC: 35R35 35R11 26A33 35C05 33E20 80A22 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bîrsan, Mircea Closed-form Saint-Venant solutions in the Koiter theory of shells. (English) Zbl 1440.74203 J. Elasticity 140, No. 1, 149-169 (2020). MSC: 74K25 74G05 74B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Itou, Hiromichi; Kovtunenko, Victor A.; Rajagopal, Kumbakonam R. The Boussinesq flat-punch indentation problem within the context of linearized viscoelasticity. (English) Zbl 1465.74129 Int. J. Eng. Sci. 151, Article ID 103272, 11 p. (2020). MSC: 74M15 74D05 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Elishakoff, Isaac; Ajenjo, Antoine; Livshits, David Generalization of Eringen’s result for random response of a beam on elastic foundation. (English) Zbl 1477.74048 Eur. J. Mech., A, Solids 81, Article ID 103931, 5 p. (2020). MSC: 74H50 74K10 74H10 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bizhanova, G. I. Solution of the nonregular multidimensional two-phase problem for the parabolic equations with time derivative in the conjugation condition. (English) Zbl 1488.35282 Kazakh Math. J. 19, No. 2, 31-48 (2019). MSC: 35K20 35B20 35C05 35B65 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Song, K.; Song, H. P.; Schiavone, P.; Gao, C. F. Mechanical performance of a thermoelectric composite in the vicinity of an elliptic inhomogeneity. (English) Zbl 1475.74026 Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 72, No. 4, 429-447 (2019). MSC: 74E30 74E05 74F15 74F05 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sudak, L. J. Two imperfectly bonded half-planes with an arbitrary inclusion subject to linear eigenstrains in anti-plane shear. (English) Zbl 1452.74024 Arch. Mech. 71, No. 6, 615-631 (2019). MSC: 74E05 74B05 74S70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kluczek, Mateusz; Rodríguez-Sanjurjo, Adrián Global diffeomorphism of the Lagrangian flow-map for a Pollard-like internal water wave. (English) Zbl 1460.35347 Henry, David (ed.) et al., Nonlinear water waves. An interdisciplinary interface. Based on the workshop held at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria, November 27 – December 7, 2017. Cham: Birkhäuser. Tutor. Sch. Workshops Math. Sci., 19-34 (2019). MSC: 35Q86 35A16 35C05 35Q35 86A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shaban, M.; Mazaheri, H. Closed-form elasticity solution for smart curved sandwich panels with soft core. (English) Zbl 1481.74201 Appl. Math. Modelling 76, 50-70 (2019). MSC: 74G05 74F15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Huh, Hyungjin Remarks on the Schrödinger-Lohe model. (English) Zbl 1447.82019 Netw. Heterog. Media 14, No. 4, 759-769 (2019). Reviewer: Bassano Vacchini (Milano) MSC: 82C10 34E10 35C05 35Q41 60H10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Rodríguez-Sanjurjo, Adrián Global diffeomorphism of the Lagrangian flow-map for Pollard-like solutions. (English) Zbl 1406.35414 Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 197, No. 6, 1787-1797 (2018). MSC: 35Q86 35A16 35C05 35Q35 76U05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bollati, Julieta; Tarzia, Domingo A. Exact solution for a two-phase Stefan problem with variable latent heat and a convective boundary condition at the fixed face. (English) Zbl 1388.35228 Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 69, No. 2, Paper No. 38, 15 p. (2018). MSC: 35R35 80A22 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
An, Xiaowei; He, Zhen; Song, Xianfa The explicit solution to the initial-boundary value problem of Gierer-Meinhardt model. (English) Zbl 1524.35297 Appl. Math. Lett. 80, 59-63 (2018). MSC: 35K51 35C05 35J57 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bollati, Julieta; Tarzia, Domingo A. One-phase Stefan problem with a latent heat depending on the position of the free boundary and its rate of change. (English) Zbl 1386.35487 Electron. J. Differ. Equ. 2018, Paper No. 10, 12 p. (2018). MSC: 35R35 80A22 35C05 35C06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: arXiv Link
Antipov, Y. A.; Mkhitaryan, S. M. A crack induced by a thin rigid inclusion partly debonded from the matrix. (English) Zbl 1457.74172 Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 70, No. 2, 153-185 (2017). MSC: 74R10 74E05 74G70 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Trotsenko, N. P. On power series representing solutions of the one-dimensional time-independent Schrödinger equation. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1382.34015 Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 57, No. 6, 967-977 (2017); translation from Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 57, No. 6, 973-984 (2017). MSC: 34A25 34A30 34A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Alfaro, Matthieu; Carles, Rémi Replicator-mutator equations with quadratic fitness. (English) Zbl 1376.92037 Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 145, No. 12, 5315-5327 (2017). MSC: 92D15 92D10 35K15 45K05 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Rosenau, Philip On reaction processes with a logarithmic-diffusion. (English) Zbl 1361.35177 Phys. Lett., A 381, No. 2, 94-101 (2017). MSC: 35Q82 60J60 76R50 35C05 35C08 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Escobedo, Miguel A short remark on a growth-fragmentation equation. (Une brève remarque sur une équation de croissance-fragmentation.) (English. French summary) Zbl 1515.35297 C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 355, No. 3, 290-295 (2017). MSC: 35R09 35C05 35B44 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Rodríguez-Sanjurjo, Adrián Global diffeomorphism of the Lagrangian flow-map for equatorially-trapped internal water waves. (English) Zbl 1354.35161 Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., Ser. A, Theory Methods 149, 156-164 (2017). MSC: 35Q86 35A16 35C05 35Q35 76B15 86A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
He, Bin; Meng, Qing Three kinds of periodic wave solutions and their limit forms for a modified KdV-type equation. (English) Zbl 1349.35335 Nonlinear Dyn. 86, No. 2, 811-822 (2016). MSC: 35Q53 35B44 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Tang, Yan A class of new special solution of nonlinear diffusion equation. (English) Zbl 1381.35097 Acta Math. Appl. Sin., Engl. Ser. 32, No. 2, 437-446 (2016). MSC: 35K59 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kudryashov, Nikolay A. Logistic function as solution of many nonlinear differential equations. (English) Zbl 1443.34004 Appl. Math. Modelling 39, No. 18, 5733-5742 (2015). MSC: 34A05 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bedroud, Mohammad; Nazemnezhad, Reza; Hosseini-Hashemi, Shahrokh Axisymmetric/asymmetric buckling of functionally graded circular/annular Mindlin nanoplates via nonlocal elasticity. (English) Zbl 1325.74060 Meccanica 50, No. 7, 1791-1806 (2015). MSC: 74G60 74K20 74G05 74E30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sastre-Gomez, Silvia Global diffeomorphism of the Lagrangian flow-map defining equatorially trapped water waves. (English) Zbl 1330.35341 Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., Ser. A, Theory Methods 125, 725-731 (2015). MSC: 35Q86 35A16 35C05 35Q35 86A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Liu, Hanze Painlevé test, generalized symmetries, Bäcklund transformations and exact solutions to the third-order Burgers’ equations. (English) Zbl 1315.35190 J. Stat. Phys. 158, No. 2, 433-446 (2015). MSC: 35Q53 37K35 17B80 22E70 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Nadjafikhah, Mehdi; Chekini, Omid Invariant solutions of Barlett and Whitaker’s equations. (English) Zbl 1371.35014 Malaya J. Mat. 2, No. 2, 103-107 (2014). MSC: 35C05 22E70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Liu, Huan-Wen; Zhou, Xiao-Mei Explicit modified mild-slope equation for wave scattering by piecewise monotonic and piecewise smooth bathymetries. (English) Zbl 1359.76104 J. Eng. Math. 87, 29-45 (2014). MSC: 76D33 35Q35 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Roscani, Sabrina D.; Tarzia, Domingo A. A generalized Neumann solution for the two-phase fractional Lamé-Clapeyron-Stefan problem. (English) Zbl 1327.35413 Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 24, No. 2, 237-249 (2014). MSC: 35R11 26A33 35R35 35C05 80A22 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: arXiv
Alfaro, Matthieu; Carles, Rémi Explicit solutions for replicator-mutator equations: extinction versus acceleration. (English) Zbl 1334.92286 SIAM J. Appl. Math. 74, No. 6, 1919-1934 (2014). Reviewer: Lubomira Softova (Aversa) MSC: 92D15 35K15 45K05 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv HAL
Mirzazadeh, Mohammad The extended homogeneous balance method and exact 1-soliton solutions of the Maccari system. (English) Zbl 1314.34038 Comput. Methods Differ. Equ. 2, No. 2, 83-90 (2014). MSC: 34A45 34B15 35C05 34A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Xie, Yuan-Xi Seeking the explicit exact solutions of sinh-Poisson type equations by a modified auxiliary ODE technique. (English) Zbl 1304.35625 Far East J. Appl. Math. 87, No. 2, 159-180 (2014). MSC: 35Q53 35C05 35A24 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Chen, Yi-zhou Closed form solution and numerical analysis for Eshelby’s elliptic inclusion in plane elasticity. (English) Zbl 1302.74018 Appl. Math. Mech., Engl. Ed. 35, No. 7, 863-874 (2014). MSC: 74B05 74G05 45C05 65E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Israwi, Samer; Mourad, Ayman An explicit solution with correctors for the Green-Naghdi equations. (English) Zbl 1292.35264 Mediterr. J. Math. 11, No. 2, 519-532 (2014). MSC: 35Q53 35L99 35C05 65M99 35B40 76B15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bizhanova, G. I. Estimates of the solution of the two-phase singularly perturbed problem for the parabolic equations. I. (English) Zbl 1488.35280 Mat. Zh. 13, No. 2, 31-49 (2013). MSC: 35K20 35B25 35C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Liu, Huan-Wen; Xie, Jian-Jian The series solution to the modified mild-slope equation for wave scattering by Homma islands. (English) Zbl 1454.76026 Wave Motion 50, No. 4, 869-884 (2013). MSC: 76B15 35Q35 86A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bedroud, Mohammad; Hosseini-Hashemi, Shahrokh; Nazemnezhad, Reza Buckling of circular/annular Mindlin nanoplates via nonlocal elasticity. (English) Zbl 1335.74022 Acta Mech. 224, No. 11, 2663-2676 (2013). MSC: 74G60 74K20 74M25 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kim, Tae-Uk The J-integral for single-lap joint using the stress field from the mixed variational principle. (English) Zbl 1330.74047 Acta Mech. 224, No. 11, 2611-2622 (2013). MSC: 74E30 74R10 74G65 74G05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hosseini-Hashemi, Sh.; Atashipour, S. R.; Fadaee, M.; Girhammar, U. A. An exact closed-form procedure for free vibration analysis of laminated spherical shell panels based on sanders theory. (English) Zbl 1293.74181 Arch. Appl. Mech. 82, No. 7, 985-1002 (2012). MSC: 74H45 74K25 74E30 74H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sator, C.; Becker, W. Closed-form solutions for stress singularities at plane bi- and trimaterial junctions. (English) Zbl 1293.74141 Arch. Appl. Mech. 82, No. 5, 643-658 (2012). MSC: 74G70 74K30 74G05 74S70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
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