
Found 174 Documents (Results 1–100)

Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian approaches to electrodynamics including supersymmetry. (English) Zbl 1171.78303

Kielanowski, Piotr (ed.) et al., XXVI international workshop on geometrical methods in physics, Białowieża, Poland, 1-7 July 2007. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0470-0/hbk). AIP Conference Proceedings 956, 50-54 (2007).
MSC:  78A25 83C50

Calculus of variations and field theory on graded fiber bundles. (English) Zbl 1152.58306

de Andrés, Luis C. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the XIV fall workshop on geometry and physics, Bilbao, Spain, September 14–16, 2005. Madrid: Real Sociedad Matemática Española (ISBN 84-933610-7-0/pbk). Publicaciones de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 8, 218-224 (2006).
MSC:  58E30 46S60 58A50

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