
Found 141 Documents (Results 1–100)

Invariant subspaces and eigenvalues of the three-particle discrete Schrödinger operators. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07806530

Russ. Math. 67, No. 9, 1-15 (2023); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat. 2023, No. 9, 3-19 (2023).
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Hamiltonian approach to secondary quantization. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1410.81029

Dokl. Math. 98, No. 3, 571-574 (2018); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk, Ross. Akad. Nauk 483, No. 2, 138-142 (2018).
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Nonautonomous Hamiltonian quantum systems, operator equations, and representations of the Bender-Dunne Weyl-ordered basis under time-dependent canonical transformations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1387.81208

Theor. Math. Phys. 193, No. 1, 1444-1463 (2017); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 193, No. 1, 41-64 (2017).
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The heat kernel Lefschetz fixed point formula for the spin-c Dirac operator. Reprint of the 1996 original. (English) Zbl 1222.58014

Modern Birkhäuser Classics. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-0-8176-8246-0/pbk; 978-0-8176-8247-7/ebook). x, 247 p. (2011).
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The Weinstein conjecture in dimension 3 (after C. H. Taubes). (La conjecture de Weinstein en dimension 3 (d’après C. H. Taubes).) (French) Zbl 1220.53005

Séminaire Bourbaki. Volume 2008/2009. Exposés 997–1011. Paris: Société Mathématique de France (SMF) (ISBN 978-2-85629-291-4/pbk). Astérisque 332, 135-159, Exp. No. 1002 (2010).

Convergence of Green iterations for Schrödinger equations. (English) Zbl 1157.65507

Jorgensen, Palle (ed.) et al., Recent advances in computational sciences. Selected papers from the international workshop on computational sciences and its education, Beijing, China, 29–31 August, 2005. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-270-700-0/hbk). 201-208 (2008).
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Manifolds of positive scalar curvature: a progress report. (English) Zbl 1171.53028

Cheeger, Jeffrey (ed.) et al., Metric and comparison geometry. Surveys in differential geometry. Vol. XI. Somerville, MA: International Press (ISBN 978-1-57146-117-9/hbk). Surveys in Differential Geometry 11, 259-294 (2007).

Symbolic algorithm for factorization of the evolution operator of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1101.65089

Program. Comput. Softw. 32, No. 2, 103-113 (2006); translation from Programmirovanie 32, No. 2, 58-70 (2006).
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Mathematical and numerical analysis for molecular simulation: accomplishments and challenges. (English) Zbl 1098.35003

Sanz-Solé, Marta (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians (ICM), Madrid, Spain, August 22–30, 2006. Volume III: Invited lectures. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (ISBN 978-3-03719-022-7/hbk). 1507-1522 (2006).
MSC:  35-02 81Q05 81Q10 35Q72 35Q80

Dirac operator in contact symplectic parabolic geometry. (English) Zbl 1024.53021

Slovák, Jan (ed.) et al., The proceedings of the 21th winter school “Geometry and physics”, Srní, Czech Republic, January 13-20, 2001. Palermo: Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo, Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser. 69, 97-107 (2002).
MSC:  53C15 53D05

Contact symplectic geometry in parabolic invariant theory and symplectic Dirac operator. (English) Zbl 1039.58017

Brackx, F. (ed.) et al., Clifford analysis and its applications. Proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, October 30–November 3, 2000. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 0-7923-7044-9/hbk; 0-7923-7045-7/pbk). NATO Sci. Ser. II, Math. Phys. Chem. 25, 103-111 (2001).

Metrics with harmonic spinors on even dimensional spheres. (Metriken mit harmonischen Spinoren auf geradedimensionalen Sphären.) (German) Zbl 0986.53018

Berichte aus der Mathematik. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Hamburg: Univ. Hamburg, Fachbereich Mathematik (Diss.), 86 S. (2001).
MSC:  53C27

The tangent groups of a Lie group and gauge invariance in Lagrangian dynamical systems. (English) Zbl 1073.70514

Proceedings of the third international conference on symmetry in nonlinear mathematical physics, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 12–18, 1999. Part 2. Transl. from the Ukrainian. Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine (ISBN 966-02-1402-2/pt.2; 966-02-1444-8/set). Proc. Inst. Math. Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukr., Math. Appl. 30(2), 544-550 (2000).

The inverse spectral problem for first order systems on the half line. (English) Zbl 0956.34072

Adamyan, V. M. (ed.) et al., Differential operators and related topics. Proceedings of the Mark Krein international conference on operator theory and applications, Odessa, Ukraine, August 18-22, 1997. Volume I. Basel: Birkhäuser. Oper. Theory, Adv. Appl. 117, 199-238 (2000).
MSC:  34L05 34A55 34A25
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