
Found 97 Documents (Results 1–97)

Toroidal compactification: the generalised ball case. (English) Zbl 1475.14099

Ji, LizhenTung (ed.) et al., Moduli spaces and locally symmetric spaces. Based on two workshops, Morningside Center of Mathematics, Beijing, China, February 2017 and March 2019. Somerville, MA: International Press; Beijing: Higher Education Press. Surv. Mod. Math. 16, 107-133 (2021).

Stable Betti numbers of (partial) toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varieties. With an appendix by Mathieu Dutour Sikirić. (English) Zbl 1427.14092

Andersen, Jørgen Ellegaard (ed.) et al., Geometry and physics. A festschrift in honour of Nigel Hitchin. Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 581-609 (2018).
MSC:  14K10 52B40

Mumford compactification of Siegel variety from the viewpoint of Kähler-Einstein metric. (English) Zbl 1379.14021

Lin, Chang-Shou (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the sixth international congress of Chinese mathematicians, ICCM 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, July 14–19, 2013. Volume I. Somerville, MA: International Press; Beijing: Higher Education Press (ISBN 978-1-57146-348-7/pbk; 978-1-57146-350-0/set). Advanced Lectures in Mathematics (ALM) 36, 541-555 (2017).
MSC:  14J15 14-02

Kato-Usui partial compactifications over the toroidal compactifications of Siegel spaces. (English) Zbl 1298.32011

Doran, Robert S. (ed.) et al., Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory. NSF-CBMS regional conference in mathematics. Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory, Fort Worth, TX, USA, June 18, 2012. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-9415-6/pbk; 978-1-4704-1470-2/ebook). Contemporary Mathematics 608, 143-155 (2014).
MSC:  32G20

Degenerations of (1,3) Abelian surfaces and Kummer surfaces. (English) Zbl 0968.14020

Pragacz, Piotr (ed.) et al., Algebraic geometry: Hirzebruch 70. Proceedings of the algebraic geometry conference in honor of F. Hirzebruch’s 70th birthday, Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Warszawa, Poland, May 11-16, 1998. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 241, 177-192 (1999).

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