
Found 398 Documents (Results 1–100)

Notes on solutions of KZ equations modulo \(p^s\) and \(p\)-adic limit \(s\to\infty\). (English) Zbl 1497.13020

Koelink, Erik (ed.) et al., Hypergeometry, integrability and Lie theory. Virtual conference, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, December 7–11, 2020. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 780, 309-347 (2022).

Unit roots, cointegration, and pretesting in VAR models. (English) Zbl 1443.62227

Fomby, Thomas B. (ed.) et al., VAR models in macroeconomics: new developments and applications. Essays in honor of Christopher A. Sims. Mainly selected papers based on the presentations at the 12th advances in econometrics conference, Dallas, TX, USA, November 2–4, 2012. Bingley: Emerald. Adv. Econom. 32, 81-115 (2013).
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The generalized Artin conjecture and arithmetic orbifolds. (English) Zbl 1230.11141

Harnad, John (ed.) et al., Groups and symmetries. From Neolithic Scots to John McKay. Selected papers of the conference, Montreal, Canada, April 27–29, 2007. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4481-6/pbk). CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 47, 259-265 (2009).

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