
Found 105 Documents (Results 1–100)

Unified Lagrangian formulation for fluid and solid mechanics, fluid-structure interaction and coupled thermal problems using the PFEM. (English) Zbl 1366.76001

Springer Theses. Cham: Springer; Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Diss.) (ISBN 978-3-319-45661-4/hbk; 978-3-319-45662-1/ebook). xix, 211 p. (2017).
MSC:  76-02 74-02 76M10 74S05 74F10 80A20 00A79

Computational stability study using the CADNA software applied to the Navier-Stokes solver PEGASE. (English) Zbl 0853.76035

Alefeld, Götz (ed.) et al., Scientific computing and validated numerics. Proceedings of the international symposium on scientific computing, computer arithmetic and validated numerics SCAN-95, Wuppertal, Germany, September 26-29, 1995. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Math. Res. 90, 84-90 (1996).
MSC:  76M10 65M12 76D05

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