Gani, V. A.; Ksenzov, V. G.; Kudryavtsev, A. E. Stable branches of a solution for a fermion on domain wall. arXiv:1009.4370 Preprint, arXiv:1009.4370 [hep-ph] (2010). Summary: We discuss the case when a fermion occupies an excited non-zero frequency level in the field of domain wall. We demonstrate that a solution exists for the coupling constant in the limited interval \(1<g<g_{max}\approx 1.65\). We show that indeed there are different branches of stable solution for \(g\) in this interval. The first one corresponds to a fermion located on the domain wall (\(1<g<\sqrt[4]{2\pi}\)). The second branch, which belongs to the interval \(\sqrt[4]{2\pi}\le g\le g_{max}\), describes a polarized fermion off the domain wall. The third branch with \(1<g<g_{max}\) describes an excited antifermion in the field of the domain wall. × Cite Format Result Cite Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License arXiv data are taken from the arXiv OAI-PMH API. If you found a mistake, please report it directly to arXiv.