Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Shavgulidze, Evgeniĭ Tengizovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: shavgulidze.evgenii-tengizovich Published as: Shavgulidze, E. T.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniĭ Tengizovich more...less Documents Indexed: 55 Publications since 1975, including 2 Books and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 3 Co-Authors with 26 Joint Publications 31 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 22 single-authored 26 Belokurov, Vladimir Viktorovich 12 Solov’ëv, Yuriĭ Petrovich 1 Akbarov, Sergei S. 1 Bogatyĭ, Semeon Antonovich 1 Chirskiĭ, Vladimir Grigor’evich 1 Gashkov, Sergey B. 1 Panchishkin, Alexei A. 1 Shavgulidze, N. E. 1 Tsar’kov, Igor’ Germanovich 1 Yudin, I. L. all top 5 Serials 4 Russian Mathematical Surveys 4 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 4 Functional Analysis and its Applications 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 3 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 2 Funktsional’nyĭ Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 2 Fundamental’naya i Prikladnaya Matematika 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Modern Physics Letters A 1 Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical all top 5 Fields 18 Functional analysis (46-XX) 18 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 34 Publications have been cited 55 times in 27 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Some properties of quasi-invariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 1072.37503 Shavgulidze, E. T. 11 2000 Correlation functions in the Schwarzian theory. Zbl 1404.81218 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 10 2018 On a measure that is quasi-invariant with respect to the action of a group of diffeomorphisms of a finite-dimensional manifold. Zbl 0704.58010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 8 1989 Method of approximate evaluation of path integrals using perturbation theory with convergent series. I. Zbl 0938.81015 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 7 1996 Unusual view of the Schwarzian theory. Zbl 1404.28022 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 7 2018 Quasiinvariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0916.58008 Shavgulidze, E. T. 6 1997 An example of a measure quasi-invariant under the action of the diffeomorphism group of the circle. Zbl 0412.58011 Shavgulidze, E. T. 6 1979 Conditions for certain forms of completeness in the class of projective limits of sequences of inductive limits of sequences of Frechet spaces. Zbl 0369.46013 Savgulidze, E. T. 4 1977 Nonlinear nonlocal substitutions in functional integrals. Zbl 1448.81377 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 4 2020 Calculation of functional integrals using convergent series. Zbl 0936.28009 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 1997 Properties of the convolution operation for quasi-invariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms of a circle. Zbl 1186.58010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2001 Method for approximate evaluation of path integrals using perturbation theory with convergent series. II: Euclidean quantum field theory. Zbl 0938.81016 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 1996 On two classes of spaces that are reflexive in the sense of Pontryagin. Zbl 1076.22001 Akbarov, S. S.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2003 Existence of functional integrals in a model of quantum field theory on a loop space. Zbl 1229.58013 Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2004 Perturbation theory with convergent series for functional integrals with respect to the Feynman measure. Zbl 0919.28009 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 1997 The Thompson group \(F\) is amenable. Zbl 1193.43002 Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2009 New perturbation theory for quantum field theory: Convergent series instead of asymptotic expansions. Zbl 1011.81011 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T.; Solovyov, Yu. P. 2 2001 A general approach to the calculation of functional integrals and the summation of divergent series. Zbl 0972.40005 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 1999 A method of summation of divergent series to any accuracy. Zbl 0971.40002 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2000 Asymptotic properties of functional integrals on the loop space in the quantum-field model. Zbl 1272.81108 Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2005 Polar decomposition of the Wiener measure: Schwarzian theory versus conformal quantum mechanics. Zbl 1436.81030 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2019 Amenability of discrete subgroups of the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 1179.43001 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 2009 A summation method for divergent series. Zbl 0964.40003 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1999 Path integrals in quadratic gravity. Zbl 1522.81166 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 1 2022 Der Satz von Minlos für Masse mit nicht festem Vorzeichen. Zbl 0337.28010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1976 On Kolmogorov’s forward equation for measures in the Hilbert scale of spaces. Zbl 0402.28009 Savgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 Ein Beispiel eines Maßes, das bezüglich der Operation der Gruppe der Diffeomorphismen einer Kreisperipherie invariant ist. Zbl 0403.28014 Savgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 The direct Kolmogorov equation for measures in the Hilbert scale of spaces. Zbl 0425.28011 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 \(B_r\) completeness. Zbl 0328.46007 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1976 Examples of computations in the framework of a new perturbation theory with convergent series. Zbl 1042.65002 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T.; Yudin, I. L. 1 2001 Schwarzian functional integrals calculus. Zbl 1519.81376 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 1 2020 Perturbation theory with convergent series for calculating physical quantities specified by finitely many terms of a divergent series in traditional perturbation theory. Zbl 1031.81517 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 2000 Hahn-Jordan decomposition for smooth measures. Zbl 0482.28024 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1981 Peculiar spaces for relativistic fields. Zbl 1459.81073 Belokurov, Vladimir Viktorovich; Shavgulidze, Evgeniĭ Tengizovich 1 2020 Path integrals in quadratic gravity. Zbl 1522.81166 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 1 2022 Nonlinear nonlocal substitutions in functional integrals. Zbl 1448.81377 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 4 2020 Schwarzian functional integrals calculus. Zbl 1519.81376 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 1 2020 Peculiar spaces for relativistic fields. Zbl 1459.81073 Belokurov, Vladimir Viktorovich; Shavgulidze, Evgeniĭ Tengizovich 1 2020 Polar decomposition of the Wiener measure: Schwarzian theory versus conformal quantum mechanics. Zbl 1436.81030 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2019 Correlation functions in the Schwarzian theory. Zbl 1404.81218 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 10 2018 Unusual view of the Schwarzian theory. Zbl 1404.28022 Belokurov, Vladimir V.; Shavgulidze, Evgeniy T. 7 2018 The Thompson group \(F\) is amenable. Zbl 1193.43002 Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2009 Amenability of discrete subgroups of the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 1179.43001 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 2009 Asymptotic properties of functional integrals on the loop space in the quantum-field model. Zbl 1272.81108 Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2005 Existence of functional integrals in a model of quantum field theory on a loop space. Zbl 1229.58013 Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2004 On two classes of spaces that are reflexive in the sense of Pontryagin. Zbl 1076.22001 Akbarov, S. S.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2003 Properties of the convolution operation for quasi-invariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms of a circle. Zbl 1186.58010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 2001 New perturbation theory for quantum field theory: Convergent series instead of asymptotic expansions. Zbl 1011.81011 Belokurov, V. V.; Shavgulidze, E. T.; Solovyov, Yu. P. 2 2001 Examples of computations in the framework of a new perturbation theory with convergent series. Zbl 1042.65002 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T.; Yudin, I. L. 1 2001 Some properties of quasi-invariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 1072.37503 Shavgulidze, E. T. 11 2000 A method of summation of divergent series to any accuracy. Zbl 0971.40002 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 2000 Perturbation theory with convergent series for calculating physical quantities specified by finitely many terms of a divergent series in traditional perturbation theory. Zbl 1031.81517 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 2000 A general approach to the calculation of functional integrals and the summation of divergent series. Zbl 0972.40005 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 1999 A summation method for divergent series. Zbl 0964.40003 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1999 Quasiinvariant measures on groups of diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0916.58008 Shavgulidze, E. T. 6 1997 Calculation of functional integrals using convergent series. Zbl 0936.28009 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 1997 Perturbation theory with convergent series for functional integrals with respect to the Feynman measure. Zbl 0919.28009 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 2 1997 Method of approximate evaluation of path integrals using perturbation theory with convergent series. I. Zbl 0938.81015 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 7 1996 Method for approximate evaluation of path integrals using perturbation theory with convergent series. II: Euclidean quantum field theory. Zbl 0938.81016 Belokurov, V. V.; Solov’ev, Yu. P.; Shavgulidze, E. T. 3 1996 On a measure that is quasi-invariant with respect to the action of a group of diffeomorphisms of a finite-dimensional manifold. Zbl 0704.58010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 8 1989 Hahn-Jordan decomposition for smooth measures. Zbl 0482.28024 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1981 An example of a measure quasi-invariant under the action of the diffeomorphism group of the circle. Zbl 0412.58011 Shavgulidze, E. T. 6 1979 On Kolmogorov’s forward equation for measures in the Hilbert scale of spaces. Zbl 0402.28009 Savgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 Ein Beispiel eines Maßes, das bezüglich der Operation der Gruppe der Diffeomorphismen einer Kreisperipherie invariant ist. Zbl 0403.28014 Savgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 The direct Kolmogorov equation for measures in the Hilbert scale of spaces. Zbl 0425.28011 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1978 Conditions for certain forms of completeness in the class of projective limits of sequences of inductive limits of sequences of Frechet spaces. Zbl 0369.46013 Savgulidze, E. T. 4 1977 Der Satz von Minlos für Masse mit nicht festem Vorzeichen. Zbl 0337.28010 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1976 \(B_r\) completeness. Zbl 0328.46007 Shavgulidze, E. T. 1 1976 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 39 Authors 7 Belokurov, Vladimir Viktorovich 7 Shavgulidze, Evgeniĭ Tengizovich 3 Mertens, Thomas G. 2 Blommaert, Andreas 2 Verschelde, Henri 1 Achour, Jibril Ben 1 Ageev, Dmitriĭ Sergeevich 1 Albeverio, Sergio A. 1 Aref’eva, Irina Yaroslavna 1 Bozhkov, Yuri Dimitrov 1 da Conceição, Pammela Ramos 1 Das, Sumit R. 1 Fan, Yale 1 Ghosh, Animik 1 Iliesiu, Luca V. 1 Ivanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Ivanov, Aleksandr S. 1 Jevicki, Antal 1 Kazakov, Dmitri I. 1 Kolpakov, E. S. 1 Kužmin, P. A. 1 Livine, Etera R. 1 Lysukhina, A. V. 1 Masterov, Ivan 1 Masterova, Maria 1 Mazzucchi, Sonia 1 Mishchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 1 Onishchenko, Andrei I. 1 Popelenskii, Fedor Yu. 1 Pufu, Silviu S. 1 Rosenhaus, Vladimir 1 Sazonov, Vasily K. 1 Shavgulidze, N. E. 1 Solov’ëv, Yuriĭ Petrovich 1 Suzuki, Kenta 1 Troitskiĭ, Evgeniĭ Vadimovich 1 Verlinde, Herman L. 1 Wang, Yifan 1 Yoon, Junggi all top 5 Cited in 14 Serials 9 Journal of High Energy Physics 4 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2 Physics Letters. B 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Modern Physics Letters A 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of \(K\)-Theory all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 21 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year