Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Švec, Marko Co-Author Distance Author ID: svec.marko Published as: Švec, Marko; Svec, Marko; Svec, M.; Švec, M.; Şvec, Marko more...less Documents Indexed: 49 Publications since 1949 Reviewing Activity: 56 Reviews Biographic References: 5 Publications Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications 82 Co-Co-Authors Co-Authors 41 single-authored 3 Hricišáková, Daniela 2 Kolibiar, Milan 1 Haščák, Alexander 1 Kusano, Takaŝi 1 Ličko, Imrich all top 5 Serials 16 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Archivum Mathematicum 3 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky 2 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 2 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 2 Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Mathematica 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IV 1 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. Novaya Seriya 1 Matematicko-Fyzikálny Časopis, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied 1 Matematicko-Fyzikálny Sbornik, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied a Umeni all top 5 Fields 26 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 25 Publications have been cited 138 times in 120 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Le caractère oscillatoire des solutions de l’équation \(y^{(n)} +f(x)y^ \alpha = 0\), \(n>1\). Zbl 0123.28202 Ličko, Imrich; Švec, Marko 44 1963 Sur une propriété des intégrales de l’équation \(y^{(n)}+Q(x)y=0, n=3, 4\). Zbl 0089.06604 Švec, Marko 12 1957 Behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of some nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 0525.34029 Svec, Marko 11 1980 Einige asymptotische und oszillatorische Eigenschaften der Differentialgleichung \(y'''+A(x)y'+B(x)y = 0\). Zbl 0143.11202 Svec, Marko 10 1965 Monotone solutions of some differential equations. Zbl 0153.11002 Švec, Marko 9 1967 Sur le comportement asymptotique des intégrales de l’équation différentielle \(y^{(4)} + Q (x) y = 0\). Zbl 0083.07803 Švec, Marko 9 1958 Asymptotic relationship between solutions of two systems of differential equations. Zbl 0322.34037 Svec, Marko 9 1974 Fixpunktsatz und monotone Lösungen der Differentialgleichung \(y^{(n)} + B(x,y,y',\dots,y^{(n-1)})y = 0\). Zbl 0216.41003 Švec, M. 6 1966 On the various properties of the solutions of third- and fourth-order linear differential equations. Zbl 0128.31103 Svec, M. 5 1963 Some oscillatory properties of second order non linear differential equations. Zbl 0167.38304 Svec, Marko 4 1967 Über einige neue Eigenschaften der (oscillatorischen) Lösungen der linearen homogenen Differentialgleichung vierter Ordnung. Zbl 0056.31002 Švec, Marko 4 1954 Les propriétés asymptotiques des solutions d’une équation différentielle nonlinéaire d’ordre n. Zbl 0262.35006 Svec, Marko 4 1967 On unbounded positive solutions of nonlinear differential equations with oscillating coefficients. Zbl 0685.34011 Kusano, Takasi; Švec, Marko 3 1989 Sur les dispersions des intégrales de l’équation \(y^{(4)}+Q(x)y=0\). Zbl 0066.33405 Švec, Marko 3 1955 Eine Eigenwertaufgabe der Differentialgleichung \(y^{(n)}+ Q(x,\lambda)y=0\). Zbl 0075.07801 Švec, Marko 3 1956 L’existence globale et les propriétés asymptotiques des solutions d’une équation différentielle non-linéaire d’ordre n. Zbl 0237.34005 Svec, Marko 3 1966 Oscillatory criteria for differential equations with deviating argument. Zbl 0724.34078 Švec, Marko 2 1990 Behaviour of solutions of a fourth-order self-adjoint linear differential equation. Zbl 0565.34029 Švec, Marko 1 1983 Sur un problème aux limites. Zbl 0182.11801 Svec, Marko 1 1969 Existence of periodic solutions of differential equations of second order. Zbl 0288.34038 Švec, Marko 1 1970 Some remarks on the linear differential equation of the third order. Zbl 0129.06203 Svec, Marko 1 1965 Zum Problem der Eindeutigkeit der Integrale eines Systems von linearen Differentialgleichungen. Zbl 0081.30502 Švec, Marko 1 1952 Integral equivalence of two systems of differential equations. Zbl 0515.34025 Hascak, Alexander; Svec, Marko 1 1982 Periodic boundary value problems of a fourth-order differential inclusion. Zbl 0914.34015 Švec, Marko 1 1997 Some properties of functional differential equations. Zbl 0327.34062 Švec, Marko 1 1975 Periodic boundary value problems of a fourth-order differential inclusion. Zbl 0914.34015 Švec, Marko 1 1997 Oscillatory criteria for differential equations with deviating argument. Zbl 0724.34078 Švec, Marko 2 1990 On unbounded positive solutions of nonlinear differential equations with oscillating coefficients. Zbl 0685.34011 Kusano, Takasi; Švec, Marko 3 1989 Behaviour of solutions of a fourth-order self-adjoint linear differential equation. Zbl 0565.34029 Švec, Marko 1 1983 Integral equivalence of two systems of differential equations. Zbl 0515.34025 Hascak, Alexander; Svec, Marko 1 1982 Behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of some nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 0525.34029 Svec, Marko 11 1980 Some properties of functional differential equations. Zbl 0327.34062 Švec, Marko 1 1975 Asymptotic relationship between solutions of two systems of differential equations. Zbl 0322.34037 Svec, Marko 9 1974 Existence of periodic solutions of differential equations of second order. Zbl 0288.34038 Švec, Marko 1 1970 Sur un problème aux limites. Zbl 0182.11801 Svec, Marko 1 1969 Monotone solutions of some differential equations. Zbl 0153.11002 Švec, Marko 9 1967 Some oscillatory properties of second order non linear differential equations. Zbl 0167.38304 Svec, Marko 4 1967 Les propriétés asymptotiques des solutions d’une équation différentielle nonlinéaire d’ordre n. Zbl 0262.35006 Svec, Marko 4 1967 Fixpunktsatz und monotone Lösungen der Differentialgleichung \(y^{(n)} + B(x,y,y',\dots,y^{(n-1)})y = 0\). Zbl 0216.41003 Švec, M. 6 1966 L’existence globale et les propriétés asymptotiques des solutions d’une équation différentielle non-linéaire d’ordre n. Zbl 0237.34005 Svec, Marko 3 1966 Einige asymptotische und oszillatorische Eigenschaften der Differentialgleichung \(y'''+A(x)y'+B(x)y = 0\). Zbl 0143.11202 Svec, Marko 10 1965 Some remarks on the linear differential equation of the third order. Zbl 0129.06203 Svec, Marko 1 1965 Le caractère oscillatoire des solutions de l’équation \(y^{(n)} +f(x)y^ \alpha = 0\), \(n>1\). Zbl 0123.28202 Ličko, Imrich; Švec, Marko 44 1963 On the various properties of the solutions of third- and fourth-order linear differential equations. Zbl 0128.31103 Svec, M. 5 1963 Sur le comportement asymptotique des intégrales de l’équation différentielle \(y^{(4)} + Q (x) y = 0\). Zbl 0083.07803 Švec, Marko 9 1958 Sur une propriété des intégrales de l’équation \(y^{(n)}+Q(x)y=0, n=3, 4\). Zbl 0089.06604 Švec, Marko 12 1957 Eine Eigenwertaufgabe der Differentialgleichung \(y^{(n)}+ Q(x,\lambda)y=0\). Zbl 0075.07801 Švec, Marko 3 1956 Sur les dispersions des intégrales de l’équation \(y^{(4)}+Q(x)y=0\). Zbl 0066.33405 Švec, Marko 3 1955 Über einige neue Eigenschaften der (oscillatorischen) Lösungen der linearen homogenen Differentialgleichung vierter Ordnung. Zbl 0056.31002 Švec, Marko 4 1954 Zum Problem der Eindeutigkeit der Integrale eines Systems von linearen Differentialgleichungen. Zbl 0081.30502 Švec, Marko 1 1952 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 93 Authors 10 Švec, Marko 8 Kartsatos, Athanassios G. 6 Cecchi, Mariella 5 Došlá, Zuzana 5 Marini, Mauro 5 Rovder, Jozef 4 Bartušek, Miroslav 4 Kusano, Takaŝi 4 Peterson, Allan C. 4 Staikos, Vasilios A. 3 Graef, John R. 3 Kiguradze, Ivan Tarielovich 3 Ohriska, Ján 3 Onose, Hiroshi 3 Palumbíny, Oleg 3 Šeda, Valter 3 Sficas, Yiannis G. 2 Anderson, Larry R. 2 Dahiya, Rajbir S. 2 Erbe, Lynn Harry 2 Greguš, Michal 2 Haščák, Alexander 2 Heidel, J. W. 2 Koplatadze, R. G. 2 Kosmala, Witold A. J. 2 Lovelady, David Lowell 2 Mahfoud, Wadi Elias 2 Marušiak, Pavol 2 Naito, Manabu 2 Škerlík, Anton 1 Akhmet, Marat Ubaydulla 1 Anderson, Douglas Robert 1 Astashova, Irina Viktorovna 1 Bainov, Drumi Dimitrov 1 Baoguo, Jia 1 Barrett, John H. 1 Basti, Mehran 1 Bobisud, Larry E. 1 Cheng, Sui Sun 1 Chiu, Kuo-Shou 1 Eloff, C. L. 1 Foster, Kent 1 Futak, Jan 1 Gera, Milan 1 Gollwitzer, Herman E. 1 Grace, Said Rezk 1 Grammatikopoulos, Myron K. 1 Grimmer, Ronald 1 Gustafson, Grant B. 1 Hankerson, Darrel R. 1 Hinton, Don Barker 1 Jaroš, Jaroslav 1 Keener, Marvin S. 1 Kiguradze, Tariel I. 1 Kvinikadze, George 1 Lalli, Bikkar S. 1 Lazer, Alan C. 1 Leighton, Walter jun. 1 Mamrilla, Juraj 1 Mikunda, Ján 1 Mojsej, Ivan 1 Morchało, Jarosław 1 Nehari, Zeev 1 Neuman, František 1 Ohme, Paul A. 1 Oláh, Rudolf 1 Osička, Jan 1 Pašić, Mervan 1 Peil, Timothy 1 Petsoulas, Athanassios G. 1 Pinto, Manuel 1 Rogovchenko, Yuriy V. 1 Shevelo, Vladimir Nikolajevič 1 Simeonov, Pavel Sergeev 1 Singh, Bhagat 1 Sisolak, Frantisek 1 Spraker, John S. 1 Staněk, Svatoslav 1 Swanson, Charles A. 1 Takaŝi, Kusano 1 Tanigawa, Tomoyuki 1 Tleubergenova, M. A. 1 Toro, Jorge L. 1 Tóthová, Mária 1 Travis, Curtis C. 1 Trench, William F. 1 Utz, Winfried Roy jun. 1 Varekh, N. V. 1 Villari, Gabriele 1 Villari, Gaetano 1 Wong, Pui-Kei 1 Yoshida, Norio 1 Zafer, Ağacık all top 5 Cited in 24 Serials 27 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 23 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 11 Mathematica Slovaca 10 Journal of Differential Equations 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Matematický Časopis, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Differential Equations 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 1 Differential Equations and Applications Cited in 5 Fields 96 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) Citations by Year