
Russakovskiĭ, Aleksandr Mironovich

Author ID: russakovskii.aleksandr-mironovich Recent zbMATH articles by "Russakovskiĭ, Aleksandr Mironovich"
Published as: Russakovskij, A. M.; Russakovskii, Alexander; Russakovskij, Alexander; Russakovskii, A. M.
External Links: MGP · Math-Net.Ru
Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 1982, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Reviewing Activity: 43 Reviews
Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
128 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 90 times in 84 Documents Cited by Year
Value distribution for sequences of rational mappings and complex dynamics. Zbl 0901.58023
Russakovskii, Alexander; Shiffman, Bernard
Approximation by entire functions on unbounded domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\). Zbl 0879.32015
Russakovskij, Alexander
Interpolation on plane sets in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\). Zbl 0786.32015
Papush, D. E.; Russakovskii, A. M.
Free interpolation by entire functions. Zbl 0577.30031
Grishin, A. F.; Russakovskij, A. M.
Approximation by entire functions and Arakelyan-type examples for moving targets. Zbl 0860.30032
Russakovskii, Alexander
On interpolation in the class of entire functions having the indicator not higher than the given one. II. Zbl 0599.30062
Russakovskij, A. M.
On extension with estimates of a function holomorphic on an algebraic set. Zbl 0604.32002
Ronkin, L. I.; Russakovskij, A. M.
Equidistribution for sequences of polynomial mappings. Zbl 0853.32006
Russakovskij, Alexander; Sodin, Mikhail
On continuation with estimates from analytic sets of codimension 1. Zbl 0698.32009
Russakovskij, A. M.
Free interpolation by entire functions. Zbl 0709.30033
Grishin, A. F.; Russakovskij, A. M.
On the interpolation in the class of entire functions having the indicator not higher than the given one. Zbl 0518.30035
Russakovskij, A. M.
Value distribution for sequences of rational mappings and complex dynamics. Zbl 0901.58023
Russakovskii, Alexander; Shiffman, Bernard
Approximation by entire functions and Arakelyan-type examples for moving targets. Zbl 0860.30032
Russakovskii, Alexander
Equidistribution for sequences of polynomial mappings. Zbl 0853.32006
Russakovskij, Alexander; Sodin, Mikhail
Approximation by entire functions on unbounded domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\). Zbl 0879.32015
Russakovskij, Alexander
Interpolation on plane sets in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\). Zbl 0786.32015
Papush, D. E.; Russakovskii, A. M.
Free interpolation by entire functions. Zbl 0709.30033
Grishin, A. F.; Russakovskij, A. M.
On continuation with estimates from analytic sets of codimension 1. Zbl 0698.32009
Russakovskij, A. M.
Free interpolation by entire functions. Zbl 0577.30031
Grishin, A. F.; Russakovskij, A. M.
On extension with estimates of a function holomorphic on an algebraic set. Zbl 0604.32002
Ronkin, L. I.; Russakovskij, A. M.
On interpolation in the class of entire functions having the indicator not higher than the given one. II. Zbl 0599.30062
Russakovskij, A. M.
On the interpolation in the class of entire functions having the indicator not higher than the given one. Zbl 0518.30035
Russakovskij, A. M.
all top 5

Cited by 82 Authors

7 Favre, Charles
7 Tien Cuong Dinh
6 Jonsson, Mattias
6 Truong Trung Tuyen
5 Dang, Nguyen-Bac
4 Gubbiotti, Giorgio
4 Roeder, Roland K. W.
3 de Thélin, Henry
3 Lin, Jan-Li
3 Silverman, Joseph Hillel
3 Vigny, Gabriel
3 Wulcan, Elizabeth
2 Ahn, Taeyong
2 Bedford, Eric
2 Blanc, Jérémy
2 Dektyarev, I. M.
2 Déserti, Julie
2 Glücksam, Adi
2 Guedj, Vincent
2 Kim, Kyounghee
2 Lyubich, Mikhail
2 Okuyama, Yûsuke
2 Pan Perez, Ivan
2 Ramadas, Rohini
2 Russakovskiĭ, Aleksandr Mironovich
2 Tiozzo, Giulio
1 Abarenkova, Nina
1 Amerik, Ekaterina Yu.
1 Anglès d’Auriac, Jean-Christian
1 Babaee, Farhad
1 Bayraktar, Turgay
1 Behrndt, Jussi
1 Benedetto, Robert L.
1 Bharali, Gautam
1 Bianchi, Fabrizio
1 Bisi, Cinzia
1 Bleher, Pavel M.
1 Böhning, Christian
1 Boucksom, Sébastien
1 Boukraa, Salah
1 Dijksma, Aad
1 Dupont, Christophe
1 Graf von Bothmer, Hans-Christian
1 Graffeo, Michele
1 Grigorchuk, Rostislav Ivanovich
1 Gröchenig, Karlheinz
1 Hasselblatt, Boris
1 Hauenstein, Jonathan D.
1 Ingram, Patrick
1 Jones, Rafe
1 Kaschner, Scott R.
1 Koch, Sarah Colleen
1 Leguil, Martin
1 Logvinenko, Vladimir Nikolaevich
1 Londhe, Mayuresh
1 Lyubarskii, Yurii I.
1 Maegawa, Kazutoshi
1 Maher, Joseph
1 Maillard, Jean-Marie
1 Malyutin, Konstantin Gennad’evich
1 Manes, Michelle
1 Marinescu, George
1 Momm, Siegfried
1 Ortega-Cerdà, Joaquim
1 Papush, D. E.
1 Pardo-Simón, Leticia
1 Propp, James Gary
1 Rakhimov, Karim
1 Rashkovskii, Alexander
1 Reschke, Paul
1 Scimiterna, Christian
1 Seip, Kristian
1 Sheparovych, I. B.
1 Sibony, Nessim
1 Sosna, Pawel
1 Sridharan, Shrihari
1 Sun, Jingzhou
1 Tosatti, Valentino
1 Tucker, Thomas John
1 Viallet, Claude Michel
1 Vu, Duc-Viet
1 Vust, Thierry
all top 5

Cited in 45 Serials

10 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
6 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
4 Michigan Mathematical Journal
3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
2 Functional Analysis and its Applications
2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
2 International Journal of Mathematics
2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
2 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
2 Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Nonlinearity
1 Studia Mathematica
1 Arkiv för Matematik
1 Advances in Mathematics
1 Duke Mathematical Journal
1 Geometriae Dedicata
1 Inventiones Mathematicae
1 Journal of Approximation Theory
1 Mathematische Annalen
1 Mathematische Nachrichten
1 Physica D
1 Publicacions Matemàtiques
1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Transformation Groups
1 Matematychni Studiï
1 Annales Henri Poincaré
1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
1 Symmetry
1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences
1 Arnold Mathematical Journal
1 Annales Fennici Mathematici

Citations by Year