Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hlavatý, Václav (b. 1894 d. 1969) Co-Author Distance Author ID: hlavaty.vaclav Published as: Hlavatý, V.; Hlavaty, V.; Hlavatý, Václav; Hlavaty, Vaclav more...less Homepage: https://web.math.muni.cz/biografie/vaclav_hlavaty.html External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 169 Publications since 1922, including 18 Books Biographic References: 5 Publications Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications 94 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 157 single-authored 4 Bortolotti, Enea 3 Mishra, Ratan Shanker 2 Gołąb, Stanisław 1 Pinl, Maximilian 1 Sáenz, Albert W. 1 Schouten, Jan Arnoldus all top 5 Serials 14 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, VI. Serie 14 Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 11 Proceedings. Akadamie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam 11 Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis 9 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 9 Mathematische Zeitschrift 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky a Fysiky 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 5 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 4 Trudy Seminara po Vektornomu i Tenzornomu Analizu 4 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique 2 Tensor. New Series 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 L’Enseignement Mathématique 2 Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. (Serie Nouă.) Secțiunea Ia. Matematică-Informatică 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Revista. Serie A. Matematica y Fisica Teorica 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Troisième Série 1 Christiaan Huygens Mathematisch Tijdschrift Fields 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 74 Publications have been cited 218 times in 117 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Geometry of Einstein’s unified field theory. Zbl 0078.43302 Hlavaty, Vaclav 28 1957 Zur Theorie der allgemeinen linearen Übertragung. JFM 55.1029.03 Schouten, J. A.; Hlavatý, V. 15 1929 Basic principles of the unified field theory of the second kind. Zbl 0082.21503 Hlavatý, V. 14 1958 Differential line geometry. Translation, based on the German text by Harry Levy, with the cooperation of Lucretia Switser Levy. Zbl 0051.39101 Hlavatý, Václav 12 1953 Théorie d’immersion d’une \(W_m\) dans \(W_n\). Zbl 0038.34801 Hlavaty, V. 8 1949 Proprietà differenziali delle curve in uno spazio a connessione lineare generale. JFM 55.1034.01 Hlavatý, V. 7 1929 Bemerkung zur Arbeit von Herrn T. Y. Thomas ”A projective theory of affinely connected manifolds”. JFM 54.0757.03 Hlavatý, V. 7 1928 Differentielle Liniengeometrie. Zbl 0063.02027 Hlavaty, Vaclav 6 1945 Einstein-Maxwell fields. Zbl 0095.42201 Hlavatý, Václav 6 1961 Einstein-Maxwell fields in the presence of matter and pressure. Zbl 0098.42805 Hlavatý, Václav 5 1961 Differentialgeometrie der Kurven und Flächen und Tensorrechnung. JFM 65.0738.02 Hlavatý, V. 5 1939 Sur les déplacements isohodoiques. JFM 53.0695.06 Hlavaty, V. 4 1927 Uniqueness theorems in the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0051.20302 Hlavatý, V.; Sáenz, A. W. 4 1953 The holonomy group. II: The Lie group induced by a tensor. III: Metrisable spaces. IV: The general \(L_n\) with symmetric connection. V: Weyl space \(W_4\), I. Zbl 0097.37605 Hlavatý, V. 4 1959 Zur Theorie der Vektor- und Punktkonnexion. JFM 58.0762.01 Hlavatý, V.; Gołab, S. 3 1932 Affine embedding theory I: Affine normal spaces. Zbl 0033.39702 Hlavaty, V. 3 1949 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. B. Zbl 0050.21801 Hlavatý, Václav 3 1953 Les courbes de la variété générale à \(n\) dimensions. Zbl 0009.03701 Hlavaty, Vaclav 3 1934 Projektive Invarianten einer Kurvenkongruenz und einer Kurve. Zbl 0002.15102 Hlavaty, V. 3 1931 Courbures projectives d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0006.03001 Hlavaty, V. 3 1932 Théorie des densités dans le déplacement général. JFM 54.0772.03 Hlavatý, V. 3 1928 Induzierte und eingeborene Konnexion in den (nicht) holonomen Räumen. JFM 60.0640.02 Hlavatý, V. 2 1934 Sus le déplacement linéaire du point. JFM 50.0496.01 Hlavatý, V. 2 1924 Classification of space-time curvature tensor. General theory of h- classification. Zbl 0149.18303 Hlavaty, V.; Mishra, R. S. 2 1962 Classification of space-time curvature tensor. I: Introduction. Zbl 0149.18302 Hlavaty, V.; Mishra, R. S. 2 1963 Connections between Einstein’s two unified theories of relativity. Zbl 0051.20301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1953 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0047.20905 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. A. Zbl 0047.21001 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_1\) Introduction. Zbl 0055.20904 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1954 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_2\): Applications I. Zbl 0055.20905 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1954 Rigid motion in a Riemannian space \(V_n\). I: A recurrent \(V_n\). Zbl 0097.37301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1960 Ancora sulle proprieta differenziali delle curve in uno spazio a connessione lineare generale. JFM 55.1035.01 Hlavatý, V. 2 1929 Invariants projectifs d’une hypersurface. Zbl 0008.22402 Hlavaty, V. 2 1933 Connexion projective et deplacement projectif. Zbl 0009.03803 Hlavaty, V. 2 1934 Système complet des invariants d’une courbe dans un espace projectif courbe. Zbl 0013.07901 Hlavatý, V. 2 1935 Sur les courbes quasi asymptotiques. JFM 50.0497.04 Hlavatý, V. 2 1923 The Einstein connection of the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0046.40201 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The Schrödinger final affine field laws. Zbl 0048.16202 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The holonomy group. I: The curvature tensor. Zbl 0085.16301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1959 Espaces abstraits courbes de König. JFM 61.1446.02 Hlavatý, V. 2 1935 Hypersurfaces in a projective curved space. JFM 64.1366.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1938 Connexion projective et déplacement projectif. JFM 60.0630.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1934 Invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) (\(n\geq 3\)). JFM 58.0790.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1932 Projektion aus einer Ebene auf eine Ebene im fünfdimensionalen Raume. JFM 50.0446.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1924 Contribution au calcul différentiel absolu. JFM 52.0735.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1926 Invariants projectifs d’une hypersurface. JFM 59.1370.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1933 Spinor space and line geometry. Zbl 0044.17003 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1951 The spinor connection in the unified Einstein theory of relativity. Zbl 0051.20303 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1953 Maxwell’s field in the Einstein unified field theory. Zbl 0056.21702 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_3\). Applications II. Zbl 0057.43001 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 Contribution to the theory of general geometrodynamics. Zbl 0114.43906 Hlavaty, V. 1 1963 The holonomy group VI: Weyl space \(W_4\). II. Zbl 0109.14604 Hlavaty, V. 1 1962 Induzierte und eingeborene Konnexion in den (nicht)holonomen Räumen. Zbl 0008.17901 Hlavaty, V. 1 1934 Zur Konformgeometrie. I. Eichinvariante Konnexion. Zbl 0011.17505 Hlavaty, V. 1 1935 Zur Theorie der Vektor- und Punktkonnexion. Zbl 0005.11802 Hlavaty, V.; Golab, St. 1 1932 Encore sur les invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0005.37602 Hlavaty, V. 1 1932 Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flächen und die Tensorenrechnung. Zbl 0017.22503 Hlavaty, V. 1 1937 Über eine Art der Punktkonnexion. Zbl 0008.03301 Hlavaty, V. 1 1933 Invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0005.26103 Hlavaty, V. 1 1932 Hypersurfaces in a projective curved space. Zbl 0020.07101 Hlavaty, V. 1 1938 Sur les coefficients de Ricci. JFM 54.0773.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1928 Projektion von einer Geraden aus auf eine Ebene im vierdimensionalen Raum. JFM 49.0488.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1923 Les congruences dans les espaces non-euclidéens. JFM 49.0541.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1923 Projective geometrization of a system of partial differential equations. I: Normal points. II: Frenet formulae for normal points. III: Projective normal spaces. IV. Frenet formulae for projective normal spaces and their integrability conditions. Zbl 0037.24701 Hlavaty, V. 1 1950 Spinor space and line geometry. II. Zbl 0046.40202 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1952 Projektive Geometrie. I: Einparametrige Systeme. II: Zweiparametrige Systeme. Zbl 0061.30704 Hlavaty, Vaclav 1 1945 Report on the recent Einstein unified field theory. Zbl 0057.42907 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory ot relativity, \(C_ 4\) general case. Zbl 0072.44102 Hlavaty, Vaclav 1 1956 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(B_3\). Zbl 0066.21904 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1955 Basic principles of the unified field theory of the second kind. II. Zbl 0082.41302 Hlavatý, V. 1 1958 Système complet des invariants d’une courbe dans un espace projectif courbe. JFM 61.0816.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1935 Zur Konformgeometrie. I: Eichinvariante Konnexion. JFM 61.0820.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1935 Les courbes de la variété générale à \(n\) dimensions. JFM 60.1311.04 Hlavatý, V. 1 1934 Some remarks concerning the paper of S. Golab and A. Jakubowicz. Zbl 0177.50402 Hlavaty, V. 1 1969 Some remarks concerning the paper of S. Golab and A. Jakubowicz. Zbl 0177.50402 Hlavaty, V. 1 1969 Classification of space-time curvature tensor. I: Introduction. Zbl 0149.18302 Hlavaty, V.; Mishra, R. S. 2 1963 Contribution to the theory of general geometrodynamics. Zbl 0114.43906 Hlavaty, V. 1 1963 Classification of space-time curvature tensor. General theory of h- classification. Zbl 0149.18303 Hlavaty, V.; Mishra, R. S. 2 1962 The holonomy group VI: Weyl space \(W_4\). II. Zbl 0109.14604 Hlavaty, V. 1 1962 Einstein-Maxwell fields. Zbl 0095.42201 Hlavatý, Václav 6 1961 Einstein-Maxwell fields in the presence of matter and pressure. Zbl 0098.42805 Hlavatý, Václav 5 1961 Rigid motion in a Riemannian space \(V_n\). I: A recurrent \(V_n\). Zbl 0097.37301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1960 The holonomy group. II: The Lie group induced by a tensor. III: Metrisable spaces. IV: The general \(L_n\) with symmetric connection. V: Weyl space \(W_4\), I. Zbl 0097.37605 Hlavatý, V. 4 1959 The holonomy group. I: The curvature tensor. Zbl 0085.16301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1959 Basic principles of the unified field theory of the second kind. Zbl 0082.21503 Hlavatý, V. 14 1958 Basic principles of the unified field theory of the second kind. II. Zbl 0082.41302 Hlavatý, V. 1 1958 Geometry of Einstein’s unified field theory. Zbl 0078.43302 Hlavaty, Vaclav 28 1957 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory ot relativity, \(C_ 4\) general case. Zbl 0072.44102 Hlavaty, Vaclav 1 1956 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(B_3\). Zbl 0066.21904 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1955 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_1\) Introduction. Zbl 0055.20904 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1954 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_2\): Applications I. Zbl 0055.20905 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1954 Maxwell’s field in the Einstein unified field theory. Zbl 0056.21702 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. \(C_3\). Applications II. Zbl 0057.43001 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 Report on the recent Einstein unified field theory. Zbl 0057.42907 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1954 Differential line geometry. Translation, based on the German text by Harry Levy, with the cooperation of Lucretia Switser Levy. Zbl 0051.39101 Hlavatý, Václav 12 1953 Uniqueness theorems in the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0051.20302 Hlavatý, V.; Sáenz, A. W. 4 1953 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. B. Zbl 0050.21801 Hlavatý, Václav 3 1953 Connections between Einstein’s two unified theories of relativity. Zbl 0051.20301 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1953 The spinor connection in the unified Einstein theory of relativity. Zbl 0051.20303 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1953 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0047.20905 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The elementary basic principles of the unified theory of relativity. A. Zbl 0047.21001 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The Einstein connection of the unified theory of relativity. Zbl 0046.40201 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 The Schrödinger final affine field laws. Zbl 0048.16202 Hlavatý, Václav 2 1952 Spinor space and line geometry. II. Zbl 0046.40202 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1952 Spinor space and line geometry. Zbl 0044.17003 Hlavatý, Václav 1 1951 Projective geometrization of a system of partial differential equations. I: Normal points. II: Frenet formulae for normal points. III: Projective normal spaces. IV. Frenet formulae for projective normal spaces and their integrability conditions. Zbl 0037.24701 Hlavaty, V. 1 1950 Théorie d’immersion d’une \(W_m\) dans \(W_n\). Zbl 0038.34801 Hlavaty, V. 8 1949 Affine embedding theory I: Affine normal spaces. Zbl 0033.39702 Hlavaty, V. 3 1949 Differentielle Liniengeometrie. Zbl 0063.02027 Hlavaty, Vaclav 6 1945 Projektive Geometrie. I: Einparametrige Systeme. II: Zweiparametrige Systeme. Zbl 0061.30704 Hlavaty, Vaclav 1 1945 Differentialgeometrie der Kurven und Flächen und Tensorrechnung. JFM 65.0738.02 Hlavatý, V. 5 1939 Hypersurfaces in a projective curved space. JFM 64.1366.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1938 Hypersurfaces in a projective curved space. Zbl 0020.07101 Hlavaty, V. 1 1938 Differentialgeometrie von Kurven und Flächen und die Tensorenrechnung. Zbl 0017.22503 Hlavaty, V. 1 1937 Système complet des invariants d’une courbe dans un espace projectif courbe. Zbl 0013.07901 Hlavatý, V. 2 1935 Espaces abstraits courbes de König. JFM 61.1446.02 Hlavatý, V. 2 1935 Zur Konformgeometrie. I. Eichinvariante Konnexion. Zbl 0011.17505 Hlavaty, V. 1 1935 Système complet des invariants d’une courbe dans un espace projectif courbe. JFM 61.0816.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1935 Zur Konformgeometrie. I: Eichinvariante Konnexion. JFM 61.0820.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1935 Les courbes de la variété générale à \(n\) dimensions. Zbl 0009.03701 Hlavaty, Vaclav 3 1934 Induzierte und eingeborene Konnexion in den (nicht) holonomen Räumen. JFM 60.0640.02 Hlavatý, V. 2 1934 Connexion projective et deplacement projectif. Zbl 0009.03803 Hlavaty, V. 2 1934 Connexion projective et déplacement projectif. JFM 60.0630.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1934 Induzierte und eingeborene Konnexion in den (nicht)holonomen Räumen. Zbl 0008.17901 Hlavaty, V. 1 1934 Les courbes de la variété générale à \(n\) dimensions. JFM 60.1311.04 Hlavatý, V. 1 1934 Invariants projectifs d’une hypersurface. Zbl 0008.22402 Hlavaty, V. 2 1933 Invariants projectifs d’une hypersurface. JFM 59.1370.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1933 Über eine Art der Punktkonnexion. Zbl 0008.03301 Hlavaty, V. 1 1933 Zur Theorie der Vektor- und Punktkonnexion. JFM 58.0762.01 Hlavatý, V.; Gołab, S. 3 1932 Courbures projectives d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0006.03001 Hlavaty, V. 3 1932 Invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) (\(n\geq 3\)). JFM 58.0790.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1932 Zur Theorie der Vektor- und Punktkonnexion. Zbl 0005.11802 Hlavaty, V.; Golab, St. 1 1932 Encore sur les invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0005.37602 Hlavaty, V. 1 1932 Invariants projectifs différentiels d’une courbe dans l’espace projectif \(P_{n-1}\) \((n\geq 3)\). Zbl 0005.26103 Hlavaty, V. 1 1932 Projektive Invarianten einer Kurvenkongruenz und einer Kurve. Zbl 0002.15102 Hlavaty, V. 3 1931 Zur Theorie der allgemeinen linearen Übertragung. JFM 55.1029.03 Schouten, J. A.; Hlavatý, V. 15 1929 Proprietà differenziali delle curve in uno spazio a connessione lineare generale. JFM 55.1034.01 Hlavatý, V. 7 1929 Ancora sulle proprieta differenziali delle curve in uno spazio a connessione lineare generale. JFM 55.1035.01 Hlavatý, V. 2 1929 Bemerkung zur Arbeit von Herrn T. Y. Thomas ”A projective theory of affinely connected manifolds”. JFM 54.0757.03 Hlavatý, V. 7 1928 Théorie des densités dans le déplacement général. JFM 54.0772.03 Hlavatý, V. 3 1928 Sur les coefficients de Ricci. JFM 54.0773.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1928 Sur les déplacements isohodoiques. JFM 53.0695.06 Hlavaty, V. 4 1927 Contribution au calcul différentiel absolu. JFM 52.0735.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1926 Sus le déplacement linéaire du point. JFM 50.0496.01 Hlavatý, V. 2 1924 Projektion aus einer Ebene auf eine Ebene im fünfdimensionalen Raume. JFM 50.0446.03 Hlavatý, V. 1 1924 Sur les courbes quasi asymptotiques. JFM 50.0497.04 Hlavatý, V. 2 1923 Projektion von einer Geraden aus auf eine Ebene im vierdimensionalen Raum. JFM 49.0488.01 Hlavatý, V. 1 1923 Les congruences dans les espaces non-euclidéens. JFM 49.0541.02 Hlavatý, V. 1 1923 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 102 Authors 12 Hlavatý, Václav 8 Hwang, Inho 6 Mishra, Ratan Shanker 5 Bortolotti, Enea 4 Kalinowski, Marek Wojciech 4 Özdeğer, Abdülkadir 4 Schouten, Jan Arnoldus 3 Canfes, Elif Özkara 3 Duggal, Krishan Lal 3 Gołąb, Stanisław 2 Chung, Kyung Tae 2 Goenner, Hubert F. M. 2 Gül, İlhan 2 Haantjes, Johannes 2 Kawaguchi, Akitsugu 2 Özdemir, Fatma 2 van Dantzig, David 2 Weise, Karl Heinrich 2 Yıldırım, Gülçin Çivi 2 Zlatanov, Georgi Z. 1 Abd-Ellah, Hambdy N. 1 Abdel-All, Nassar Hassan 1 Ahsan, Zafar 1 Ajeti, Musa 1 Altay, Sezgin 1 Asuke, Taro 1 Attallah, Sabria 1 Bertotti, Bruno 1 Bown, A. 1 Burman, R. R. 1 Cardin, Franco 1 Cenkl, Bohumil 1 Chaki, Manindra Chandra 1 Chandra Shekhar, Kaushik 1 Chanyal, Bhupesh Chandra 1 Chen, Horng-Yang 1 Cheoi, Pae Ho 1 Doliwa, Adam 1 Durnová, Helena 1 Edgar, S. Brian 1 Ericksen, Jerald LaVerne 1 Fulton, Curtis M. 1 Martínez Gadea, Pedro 1 Gregory, L. J. 1 Güler, Fatma 1 Gürsoy, Osman 1 Hartman, Philip 1 Havelka, Josef 1 Havlicek, Hans 1 Havlíček, Karel 1 Hernando, José M. 1 Husain, Saiyid Izhar 1 Ivanov, Stefan P. 1 Karabey, B. 1 Karakılıç, Ilhan 1 Katore, S. D. 1 Klotz, A. H. 1 Köse, Ömer 1 Křížek, Michal 1 Kucharzewski, Mieczyslaw 1 Kursunoglu, Behram N. 1 Légaré, J. 1 Liebscher, Dierck-Ekkehard 1 Marques-Bonham, Sirley 1 Matzner, Richard Alfred 1 Maurer-Tison, Francoise 1 Misra, R. M. 1 Moffat, John W. 1 Montesinos Amilibia, Angel 1 Noriega, Ricardo José 1 Ohmoto, Toru 1 Ostianu, N. M. 1 Penrose, Roger 1 Peres, Asher 1 Pottmann, Helmut 1 Pradhan, Anirudh 1 Pylarinos, Othon 1 Rakhula, M. O. 1 Rane, R. S. 1 Rosca, Radu M. 1 Sarıoğlu, Celal Cem 1 Sauer, Tilman 1 Schifini, Claudio G. 1 Şentürk, Gülsüm Yeliz 1 Šilhan, Josef 1 So, Keum Sook 1 Stamatakis, Stylianos S. 1 Tanaka, Junki 1 Taş, Ferhat 1 Tazzioli, Rossana 1 Teofilova, Marta 1 Treder, Hans-Jürgen 1 Tsareva, Bistra Baeva 1 Turkoğlu, Mustafa Deniz 1 Uysal, S. Aynur 1 Valère Bouche, Liane 1 Van Kampen, Egbert Rudolf 1 Wong, Yung-Chow 1 Yüce, Salim 1 Žádník, Vojtěch ...and 2 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 53 Serials 16 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 9 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 8 Korean Journal of Mathematics 6 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 5 General Relativity and Gravitation 4 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 4 Journal of Geometry 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematische Annalen 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Fortschritte der Physik 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Historia Mathematica 2 Living Reviews in Relativity 2 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Annals of Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Filomat 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Troisième Série 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. III. Ser 1 Il Nuovo Cimento, IX. Series 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Toulouse pour les Sciences Mathématiques et les Sciences Physiques. 4ième Série 1 International Electronic Journal of Geometry 1 Journal of Singularities 1 Trabajos de Estadística all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 54 Differential geometry (53-XX) 28 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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