Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Stong, Robert E. (b. 1936 d. 2008) Co-Author Distance Author ID: stong.robert-e Published as: Stong, R. E.; Stong, Robert E.; Stong, Robert more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · IdRef Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1960, including 3 Books 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 27 Joint Publications 247 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 73 single-authored 10 Smith, Larry 5 Landweber, Peter S. 3 Kosniowski, Czes 2 Ewing, John Harwood 1 Broto, Carles 1 Capobianco, Frank L. 1 Duflot, Jeanne 1 Edmonds, Allan L. 1 Glover, Henry H. 1 Hiller, Howard Lyn 1 Homer, William D. 1 Kulkarni, Ravi S. 1 Mitchell, Stephen Ames 1 Moolgavkar, Suresh H. 1 Patterson, Richard R. 1 Pergher, Pedro Luiz Queiroz 1 Ravenel, Douglas C. 1 Winkelnkemper, Horst Elmar 1 Witten, Edward 1 Yoshida, Toshio all top 5 Serials 20 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 14 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Mathematische Annalen 6 Topology 4 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Differential Geometry 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Michigan Mathematical Journal 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Topology and its Applications 1 International Journal of Modern Physics A 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of the Faculty of Science. Section I A 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Transformation Groups 1 Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Kodai Mathematical Seminar Reports 1 Management Science. Ser. A, Theory Series 1 Mathematical Notes (Princeton) all top 5 Fields 64 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 23 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 76 Publications have been cited 961 times in 782 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Notes on cobordism theory. Preliminary informal notes of University courses and seminars in mathematics. Zbl 0181.26604 Stong, Robert E. 227 1968 Finite topological spaces. Zbl 0151.29502 Stong, R. E. 118 1966 Involutions and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0402.57005 Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 41 1978 Realizability of branched coverings of surfaces. Zbl 0603.57001 Edmonds, Allan L.; Kulkarni, Ravi S.; Stong, Robert E. 40 1984 Unoriented bordism and actions of finite groups. Zbl 0201.25504 Stong, R. E. 38 1970 Cup products in Grassmannians. Zbl 0469.55005 Stong, R. E. 31 1982 Relations among characteristic numbers. I. Zbl 0136.20503 Stong, R. E. 30 1965 On fibering of cobordism classes. Zbl 0267.57025 Stong, R. E. 29 1973 Determination of \(H^* (BO(k,\ldots,\infty), Z_ 2)\), and \(H^* (BU(k,\ldots,\infty),Z_ 2)\). Zbl 0116.14702 Stong, R. E. 28 1963 Equivariant bordism and \((Z_ 2)^ k\) actions. Zbl 0204.23603 Stong, R. E. 25 1970 Circle actions on spin manifolds and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0647.57013 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 22 1988 Exotic cobordism theories associated with classical groups. Zbl 0174.54701 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 22 1968 Involutions fixing (point) \(\smile F^n\). Zbl 0985.57017 Pergher, P. L. Q.; Stong, R. E. 19 2001 Periodic cohomology theories defined by elliptic curves. Zbl 0920.55005 Landweber, Peter S.; Ravenel, Douglas C.; Stong, Robert E. 18 1995 The rank of an \(f\)-structure. Zbl 0409.53028 Stong, R. E. 15 1977 \((Z_2)^k\)-actions and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0437.57010 Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 15 1979 Some remarks on symplectic cobordism. Zbl 0168.44104 Stong, R. E. 13 1967 On the invariant theory of finite groups: Orbit polynomials and splitting principles. Zbl 0652.20046 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 11 1987 Projective bundle ideals and Poincaré duality algebras. Zbl 1206.13004 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 11 2011 The depth of rings of invariants over finite fields. Zbl 0623.55007 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 11 1987 Cobordism of maps. Zbl 0144.22702 Stong, R. E. 11 1966 Involutions fixing projective spaces. Zbl 0148.17402 Stong, R. E. 10 1966 Topological tools in 10-dimensional physics. Zbl 0683.55011 Witten, Edward 9 1986 Vector bundles over Dold manifolds. Zbl 0976.55013 Stong, R. E. 8 2001 Relations among characteristic numbers. II. Zbl 0142.40902 Stong, R. E. 8 1966 Stable parallelizability of lens spaces. Zbl 0374.57001 Ewing, John; Moolgavkar, Suresh; Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 8 1978 Involutions fixing products of circles. Zbl 0810.57023 Stong, R. E. 7 1993 Bordism and involutions. Zbl 0179.51601 Stong, R. E. 7 1969 Semicharacteristics of oriented Grassmannians. Zbl 0573.57007 Stong, R. E. 6 1984 Group actions on finite spaces. Zbl 0551.57021 Stong, R. E. 6 1984 Group actions having one fixed point. Zbl 0563.57019 Ewing, John; Stong, Robert 6 1986 Semi-characteristics and free group actions. Zbl 0294.57021 Stong, R. E. 6 1974 Invariants of binary bilinear forms modulo two. Zbl 1183.13008 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 6 2010 Splitting the tangent bundle of projective space. Zbl 0454.57013 Glover, Henry H.; Homer, William D.; Stong, Robert 6 1982 Immersion dimension for real Grassmannians. Zbl 0439.51014 Hiller, Howard; Stong, R. E. 6 1981 Splitting the universal bundles over Grassmannians. Zbl 0569.55009 Stong, Robert E. 5 1984 Poincaré duality algebras mod two. Zbl 1214.13002 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 5 2010 Cobordism and Stiefel-Whitney numbers. Zbl 0136.20502 Stong, R. E. 5 1965 Contact manifolds. Zbl 0281.53033 Stong, R. E. 4 1974 Subbundles of the tangent bundle. Zbl 0289.57016 Stong, R. E. 4 1974 Some characterizations of Riemann \(n\)-spheres. Zbl 0098.35101 Stong, Robert E. 4 1961 Complex and oriented equivariant bordism. Zbl 0281.57024 Stong, R. E. 4 1971 Equivariant bordism and Smith theory. Zbl 0223.57022 Stong, R. E. 4 1971 Thom modules and pseudoreflection groups. Zbl 0683.55012 Broto, Carlos; Smith, Larry; Stong, Robert 3 1989 Orientability of bundles. Zbl 0251.55003 Patterson, Richard R.; Stong, Robert E. 3 1972 Poincaré algebras modulo an odd prime. Zbl 0289.57017 Stong, R. E. 3 1974 Stationary point free group actions. Zbl 0168.44201 Stong, R. E. 3 1967 Clifford algebra cobordism. Zbl 0176.21302 Stong, R. E. 3 1969 On complex-spin manifolds. Zbl 0153.53601 Stong, R. E. 3 1967 On the cobordism of pairs. Zbl 0224.57017 Stong, R. E. 3 1971 Involutions with \(n\)-dimensional fixed set. Zbl 0469.57027 Stong, Robert E. 3 1981 A bilinear form for Spin manifolds. Zbl 0627.57021 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 2 1987 Branched coverings. II. Zbl 0514.57011 Stong, R. E. 2 1983 Immersions of real flag manifolds. Zbl 0532.57020 Stong, R. E. 2 1983 Wu classes. Zbl 0644.57011 Stong, Robert; Yoshida, Toshio 2 1987 Bilinear forms on manifolds. Zbl 0245.57010 Stong, R. E. 2 1973 Some differential geometric properties of submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0108.34001 Stong, R. E. 2 1961 A note on the sequential unconstrained minimization technique for non- linear programming. Zbl 0135.20002 Stong, R. E. 2 1965 On the squares of oriented manifolds. Zbl 0142.21603 Stong, R. E. 2 1966 Equivariant bordism and Smith theory. IV. Zbl 0315.57023 Stong, R. E. 2 1976 Torsion in manifolds and the semicharacteristic. Zbl 0336.57026 Stong, R. E. 2 1976 Some global properties of hypersurfaces. Zbl 0090.12304 Stong, Robert E. 2 1960 The structure of BSC. Zbl 0174.54603 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 2 1968 Pseudofree actions and the greedy algorithm. Zbl 0507.57031 Stong, R. E. 1 1983 Branched coverings. I. Zbl 0514.57010 Stong, R. E. 1 1983 Dirichlet series and homology theory. Zbl 0668.55003 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 1 1988 A cobordism. Zbl 0254.57020 Stong, R. E. 1 1972 Map bordism of maps. Zbl 0254.57024 Stong, R. E. 1 1972 Notes on cobordism theory. (Zametki po teorii kobordizmov.) Übersetzung aus dem Englischen und mit einem Anhang von V. M. Buhstaber. Zbl 0277.57010 Stong, Robert E. 1 1973 Manifolds with reflecting boundary. Zbl 0281.57016 Stong, R. E. 1 1974 Tangential cobordism. Zbl 0293.57017 Stong, R. E. 1 1975 Stiefel-Whitney classes of manifolds. Zbl 0356.57005 Stong, R. E. 1 1977 Cobordism of homology classes. Zbl 0187.45202 Stong, R. E. 1 1970 Free involutions. Zbl 0389.57015 Capobianco, Frank L.; Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Semi-free group actions. Zbl 0412.57022 Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Wall manifolds. Zbl 0417.57016 Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Projective bundle ideals and Poincaré duality algebras. Zbl 1206.13004 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 11 2011 Invariants of binary bilinear forms modulo two. Zbl 1183.13008 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 6 2010 Poincaré duality algebras mod two. Zbl 1214.13002 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 5 2010 Involutions fixing (point) \(\smile F^n\). Zbl 0985.57017 Pergher, P. L. Q.; Stong, R. E. 19 2001 Vector bundles over Dold manifolds. Zbl 0976.55013 Stong, R. E. 8 2001 Periodic cohomology theories defined by elliptic curves. Zbl 0920.55005 Landweber, Peter S.; Ravenel, Douglas C.; Stong, Robert E. 18 1995 Involutions fixing products of circles. Zbl 0810.57023 Stong, R. E. 7 1993 Thom modules and pseudoreflection groups. Zbl 0683.55012 Broto, Carlos; Smith, Larry; Stong, Robert 3 1989 Circle actions on spin manifolds and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0647.57013 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 22 1988 Dirichlet series and homology theory. Zbl 0668.55003 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 1 1988 On the invariant theory of finite groups: Orbit polynomials and splitting principles. Zbl 0652.20046 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 11 1987 The depth of rings of invariants over finite fields. Zbl 0623.55007 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 11 1987 A bilinear form for Spin manifolds. Zbl 0627.57021 Landweber, Peter S.; Stong, Robert E. 2 1987 Wu classes. Zbl 0644.57011 Stong, Robert; Yoshida, Toshio 2 1987 Topological tools in 10-dimensional physics. Zbl 0683.55011 Witten, Edward 9 1986 Group actions having one fixed point. Zbl 0563.57019 Ewing, John; Stong, Robert 6 1986 Realizability of branched coverings of surfaces. Zbl 0603.57001 Edmonds, Allan L.; Kulkarni, Ravi S.; Stong, Robert E. 40 1984 Semicharacteristics of oriented Grassmannians. Zbl 0573.57007 Stong, R. E. 6 1984 Group actions on finite spaces. Zbl 0551.57021 Stong, R. E. 6 1984 Splitting the universal bundles over Grassmannians. Zbl 0569.55009 Stong, Robert E. 5 1984 Branched coverings. II. Zbl 0514.57011 Stong, R. E. 2 1983 Immersions of real flag manifolds. Zbl 0532.57020 Stong, R. E. 2 1983 Pseudofree actions and the greedy algorithm. Zbl 0507.57031 Stong, R. E. 1 1983 Branched coverings. I. Zbl 0514.57010 Stong, R. E. 1 1983 Cup products in Grassmannians. Zbl 0469.55005 Stong, R. E. 31 1982 Splitting the tangent bundle of projective space. Zbl 0454.57013 Glover, Henry H.; Homer, William D.; Stong, Robert 6 1982 Immersion dimension for real Grassmannians. Zbl 0439.51014 Hiller, Howard; Stong, R. E. 6 1981 Involutions with \(n\)-dimensional fixed set. Zbl 0469.57027 Stong, Robert E. 3 1981 \((Z_2)^k\)-actions and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0437.57010 Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 15 1979 Free involutions. Zbl 0389.57015 Capobianco, Frank L.; Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Semi-free group actions. Zbl 0412.57022 Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Wall manifolds. Zbl 0417.57016 Stong, R. E. 1 1979 Involutions and characteristic numbers. Zbl 0402.57005 Kosniowski, Czes; Stong, R. E. 41 1978 Stable parallelizability of lens spaces. Zbl 0374.57001 Ewing, John; Moolgavkar, Suresh; Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 8 1978 The rank of an \(f\)-structure. Zbl 0409.53028 Stong, R. E. 15 1977 Stiefel-Whitney classes of manifolds. Zbl 0356.57005 Stong, R. E. 1 1977 Equivariant bordism and Smith theory. IV. Zbl 0315.57023 Stong, R. E. 2 1976 Torsion in manifolds and the semicharacteristic. Zbl 0336.57026 Stong, R. E. 2 1976 Tangential cobordism. Zbl 0293.57017 Stong, R. E. 1 1975 Semi-characteristics and free group actions. Zbl 0294.57021 Stong, R. E. 6 1974 Contact manifolds. Zbl 0281.53033 Stong, R. E. 4 1974 Subbundles of the tangent bundle. Zbl 0289.57016 Stong, R. E. 4 1974 Poincaré algebras modulo an odd prime. Zbl 0289.57017 Stong, R. E. 3 1974 Manifolds with reflecting boundary. Zbl 0281.57016 Stong, R. E. 1 1974 On fibering of cobordism classes. Zbl 0267.57025 Stong, R. E. 29 1973 Bilinear forms on manifolds. Zbl 0245.57010 Stong, R. E. 2 1973 Notes on cobordism theory. (Zametki po teorii kobordizmov.) Übersetzung aus dem Englischen und mit einem Anhang von V. M. Buhstaber. Zbl 0277.57010 Stong, Robert E. 1 1973 Orientability of bundles. Zbl 0251.55003 Patterson, Richard R.; Stong, Robert E. 3 1972 A cobordism. Zbl 0254.57020 Stong, R. E. 1 1972 Map bordism of maps. Zbl 0254.57024 Stong, R. E. 1 1972 Complex and oriented equivariant bordism. Zbl 0281.57024 Stong, R. E. 4 1971 Equivariant bordism and Smith theory. Zbl 0223.57022 Stong, R. E. 4 1971 On the cobordism of pairs. Zbl 0224.57017 Stong, R. E. 3 1971 Unoriented bordism and actions of finite groups. Zbl 0201.25504 Stong, R. E. 38 1970 Equivariant bordism and \((Z_ 2)^ k\) actions. Zbl 0204.23603 Stong, R. E. 25 1970 Cobordism of homology classes. Zbl 0187.45202 Stong, R. E. 1 1970 Bordism and involutions. Zbl 0179.51601 Stong, R. E. 7 1969 Clifford algebra cobordism. Zbl 0176.21302 Stong, R. E. 3 1969 Notes on cobordism theory. Preliminary informal notes of University courses and seminars in mathematics. Zbl 0181.26604 Stong, Robert E. 227 1968 Exotic cobordism theories associated with classical groups. Zbl 0174.54701 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 22 1968 The structure of BSC. Zbl 0174.54603 Smith, Larry; Stong, R. E. 2 1968 Some remarks on symplectic cobordism. Zbl 0168.44104 Stong, R. E. 13 1967 Stationary point free group actions. Zbl 0168.44201 Stong, R. E. 3 1967 On complex-spin manifolds. Zbl 0153.53601 Stong, R. E. 3 1967 Finite topological spaces. Zbl 0151.29502 Stong, R. E. 118 1966 Cobordism of maps. Zbl 0144.22702 Stong, R. E. 11 1966 Involutions fixing projective spaces. Zbl 0148.17402 Stong, R. E. 10 1966 Relations among characteristic numbers. II. Zbl 0142.40902 Stong, R. E. 8 1966 On the squares of oriented manifolds. Zbl 0142.21603 Stong, R. E. 2 1966 Relations among characteristic numbers. I. Zbl 0136.20503 Stong, R. E. 30 1965 Cobordism and Stiefel-Whitney numbers. Zbl 0136.20502 Stong, R. E. 5 1965 A note on the sequential unconstrained minimization technique for non- linear programming. Zbl 0135.20002 Stong, R. E. 2 1965 Determination of \(H^* (BO(k,\ldots,\infty), Z_ 2)\), and \(H^* (BU(k,\ldots,\infty),Z_ 2)\). Zbl 0116.14702 Stong, R. E. 28 1963 Some characterizations of Riemann \(n\)-spheres. Zbl 0098.35101 Stong, Robert E. 4 1961 Some differential geometric properties of submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0108.34001 Stong, R. E. 2 1961 Some global properties of hypersurfaces. Zbl 0090.12304 Stong, Robert E. 2 1960 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 759 Authors 31 Stong, Robert E. 23 Pergher, Pedro Luiz Queiroz 22 Smith, Larry 12 Lü, Zhi 12 Prástaro, Agostino 11 Minian, Elias Gabriel 9 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 9 Prvulović, Branislav I. 9 Wang, Yanying 8 Dovermann, Karl Heinz 8 Korbaš, Július 8 Petronio, Carlo 8 Radovanović, Marko 8 Tanaka, Kohei 7 Barmak, Jonathan Ariel 7 Sati, Hisham 7 tom Dieck, Tammo 7 Wu, Zhende 6 Ochanine, Serge 6 Petrović, Zoran Z. 5 Iarrobino, Anthony A. 5 Wasserman, Arthur G. 5 Wilson, W. Stephen 4 Ayadi, Mohamed Ali 4 Botvinnik, Boris I. 4 Cianci, Nicolás 4 Crowley, Diarmuid John 4 Fomenko, Tat’yana Nikolaevna 4 Georgiou, Dimitrios N. 4 Giambalvo, Vincent 4 Hambleton, Ian 4 Han, Fei 4 Hovey, Mark A. 4 Kosniowski, Czes 4 Laures, Gerd 4 Levine, Marc Noel 4 Liu, Kefeng 4 Löffler, Peter 4 McDaniel, Chris 4 Megaritis, Athanasios C. 4 Moron, Manuel Alonso 4 Ottina, Miguel 4 Papastavridis, Stavros G. 4 Ravenel, Douglas C. 4 Ray, Nigel 4 Rognes, John 4 Rowlett, Russell J. 4 Rusin, Tomáš 4 Sankaran, Parameswaran 3 Alvarez, Orlando 3 Balkan, Yavuz Selim 3 Berghammer, Rudolf 3 Bruner, Robert R. 3 Bunke, Ulrich 3 Chernov, Vladimir V. 3 Chernykh, G. S. 3 Davis, James Frederic 3 Figueira, Fábio G. 3 Foissy, Loïc 3 Hebestreit, Fabian 3 Hsiung, Chuan-Chih 3 Johnson, David Copeland 3 Killingback, Timothy P. 3 Kudryavtseva, Elena A. 3 Landweber, Peter S. 3 Lannes, Jean E. 3 Li, Jingyan 3 Macias-Virgós, Enrique 3 Marques, Pedro Macias 3 Mukerjee, Himadri Kumar 3 Mukherjee, Goutam 3 Panov, Taras E. 3 Passat, Nicolas 3 Pavešić, Petar 3 Podoprikhin, Dmitry A. 3 Ramos, Adriana 3 Rosenberg, Jonathan Micah 3 Rudyak, Yuli B. 3 Sadykov, Rustam 3 Segal, David Mordecai 3 Thornton, Melvin C. 3 Weinberger, Shmuel 3 Windey, Paul 3 Winter, Michael 3 Witten, Edward 3 Zhang, Yanlan 2 Ananthnarayan, Hariharan 2 Ando, Yoshifumi 2 Assadi, Amir H. 2 Babenko, Ivan K. 2 Baker, Andrew J. 2 Balashchenko, Vitaly V. 2 Barge, Jean 2 Bauer, Friedrich-Wilhelm 2 Bendersky, Martin 2 Bonora, Loriano 2 Bowden, Jonathan Peter 2 Brasselet, Jean-Paul 2 Broto, Carles 2 Brown, Richard L. W. ...and 659 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 207 Serials 67 Topology and its Applications 62 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 44 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 33 Mathematische Zeitschrift 27 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 21 Mathematische Annalen 20 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 19 Inventiones Mathematicae 16 Advances in Mathematics 13 Journal of Algebra 13 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 12 Communications in Mathematical Physics 11 Discrete Mathematics 11 Manuscripta Mathematica 10 Geometry & Topology 7 Journal of Geometry and Physics 7 Archiv der Mathematik 7 Geometriae Dedicata 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 7 Order 6 Mathematical Notes 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 6 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 6 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 6 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 5 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 5 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 5 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 5 Mathematica Slovaca 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Filomat 5 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 5 Journal of Topology 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 4 Discrete & Computational Geometry 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 4 Transformation Groups 3 Communications in Algebra 3 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 3 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 3 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Kodai Mathematical Journal 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Theoretical Computer Science 3 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 3 International Journal of Mathematics 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 3 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of High Energy Physics 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 3 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 3 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Journal of Topology and Analysis 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Functional Analysis and its Applications 2 Fundamenta Mathematicae 2 Publications Mathématiques 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 European Journal of Combinatorics 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 2 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) ...and 107 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 49 Fields 423 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 325 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 81 Differential geometry (53-XX) 80 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 76 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 62 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 54 General topology (54-XX) 45 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 37 Combinatorics (05-XX) 37 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 32 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 30 Quantum theory (81-XX) 24 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 24 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 23 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Number theory (11-XX) 16 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 10 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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