Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Roussarie, Robert Co-Author Distance Author ID: roussarie.robert Published as: Roussarie, Robert; Roussarie, R.; Roussairie, Robert; Roussarrie, Robert; Roussarie, R. H. more...less Documents Indexed: 106 Publications since 1969, including 9 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 43 Co-Authors with 80 Joint Publications 768 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 26 single-authored 31 Dumortier, Freddy 11 Broer, Henk W. 6 Naudot, Vincent 6 Rosenberg, Harold 6 Rousseau, Christiane 5 De Maesschalck, Peter 4 Caubergh, Magdalena 4 Saleh, Khairul 3 Panazzolo, Daniel 3 Simó, Carles 3 Sotomayor, Jorge 2 Li, Chengzhi 2 Mardešić, Pavao 2 Moussu, Robert 2 Orieux, Michaël 2 Rodrigues, Paulo Roberto 2 Wagener, Florian 2 Weil, Daniel 1 Annabi, Mohamed Larbi 1 Bamón, Rodrigo 1 Brauner, Claude-Michel 1 Caillau, Jean-Baptiste 1 de Carvalho, Sonia 1 Denkowska, Zofia Bogumila 1 El Morsalani, Mohamed 1 Féjoz, Jacques 1 Françoise, Jean-Pierre 1 Jardón-Kojakhmetov, Hildeberto 1 Joubert, G. P. 1 Kokubu, Hiroshi 1 Laudenbach, François 1 Luca, Stijn E. 1 Mahmoudi, Lilia 1 Mamouhdi, Lylia 1 Mormul, Piotr 1 Mourtada, Abderaouf 1 Moussu, R. P. 1 Ngô van Quê 1 Palis, Jacob jun. 1 Schlomiuk, Dana I. 1 Shang, Peipei 1 Zhang, Linwan 1 Żołądek, Henryk all top 5 Serials 11 Journal of Differential Equations 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 6 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 4 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 3 Nonlinearity 3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 3 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 3 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série 2 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática 2 Publications Mathématiques 2 Topology 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 2 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 Resenhas do Instituto do Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 1 Astérisque 1 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge 1 Progress in Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Modern Birkhäuser Classics all top 5 Fields 60 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 54 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 13 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 86 Publications have been cited 1,910 times in 1,179 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Canard cycles and center manifolds. Zbl 0851.34057 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 252 1996 Bifurcation of planar vector fields and Hilbert’s sixteenth problem. Zbl 0898.58039 Roussarie, Robert 184 1998 On the number of limit cycles which appear by perturbation of separatrix loop of planar vector fields. Zbl 0628.34032 Roussarie, R. 145 1986 Bifurcations of planar vector fields. Nilpotent singularities and Abelian integrals. Zbl 0755.58002 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Sotomayor, J.; Żoładek, H. 116 1991 Generic 3-parameter families of vector fields on the plane, unfolding a singularity with nilpotent linear part. The cusp case of codimension 3. Zbl 0608.58034 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Sotomayor, J. 114 1987 Hilbert’s 16th problem for quadratic vector fields. Zbl 0802.34028 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 73 1994 More limit cycles than expected in Liénard equations. Zbl 1130.34018 Dumortier, Freddy; Panazzolo, Daniel; Roussarie, Robert 60 2007 Multiple canard cycles in generalized Liénard equations. Zbl 1024.34038 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 50 2001 Invariant circles in the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation for diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0876.58032 Broer, Henk; Roussarrie, Robert; Simó, Carles 41 1996 Cyclicity of common slow-fast cycles. Zbl 1233.34014 De Maesschalck, P.; Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 41 2011 Abelian integrals and limit cycles. Zbl 1111.34028 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 40 2006 Existence of a singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycle in the Lorenz system and its dynamical consequences. I. Zbl 1061.34036 Kokubu, Hiroshi; Roussarie, Robert 38 2004 Elementary graphics of cyclicity 1 and 2. Zbl 0855.58043 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 38 1994 Birth of canard cycles. Zbl 1186.34080 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 37 2009 Bifurcations of cuspidal loops. Zbl 0908.58043 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert; Sotomayor, Jorge 32 1997 Modeles locaux de champs et de formes. Zbl 0327.57017 Roussarie, Robert 32 1976 A note on finite cyclicity property and Hilbert’s 16th problem. Zbl 0676.58046 Roussarie, R. 31 1988 Germs of diffeomorphisms in the plane. Zbl 0502.58001 Dumortier, Freddy; Rodrigues, Paulo R.; Roussarie, Robert 31 1981 Plongements dans les variétés feuilletees et classification de feuilletages sans holonomie. Zbl 0356.57017 Roussarie, R. 27 1973 Dynamics of a predator-prey model with non-monotonic response. Zbl 1129.92061 Broer, H. W.; Saleh, K.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R. 26 2007 Cyclicité finie des lacets et des points cuspidaux. (Finite cyclicity of loops and cusps). Zbl 0679.58037 Roussarie, Robert 26 1989 Geometric singular perturbation theory beyond normal hyperbolicity. Zbl 1007.34058 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 23 2001 Putting a boundary to the space of Liénard equations. Zbl 1131.34036 Roussarie, Robert 22 2007 Topological equivalence of Reeb foliations. Zbl 0211.26602 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 18 1970 Reeb foliations. Zbl 0198.28402 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 17 1970 Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings of generic parabolic diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1077.37035 Mardešić, P.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 16 2004 Canard cycles. From birth to transition. Zbl 1515.34002 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 16 2022 A method of desingularization for analytic two-dimensional vector field families. Zbl 0783.32019 Denkowska, Zofia; Roussarie, Robert 16 1991 Canard cycles with two breaking parameters. Zbl 1140.34019 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 16 2007 Rélations de conjugaison et de cobordisme entre certains feuilletages. Zbl 0356.57018 Moussu, R.; Roussarie, R. 16 1973 A classification of closed orientable 3-manifolds of rank two. Zbl 0195.25404 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R.; Weil, D. 15 1970 Canard cycle transition at a slow-fast passage through a jump point. (Transition de cycles canard pour un passage lent-rapide par un point de saut.) Zbl 1291.34097 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 15 2014 A predator-prey model with non-monotonic response function. Zbl 1164.37318 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R.; Saleh, K. 13 2006 Organising centres in the semi-global analysis of dynamical systems. Zbl 1211.37020 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R.; Saleh, K.; Wagener, F. O. O. 12 2007 Melnikov functions and Bautin ideal. Zbl 1081.37030 Roussarie, Robert 11 2001 Alien limit cycles near a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1083.34025 Caubergh, Magdalena; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 11 2005 Bifurcations of a predator-prey model with non-monotonic response function. Zbl 1096.34532 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, Vincent; Roussarie, Robert; Saleh, Khairul 10 2005 Perturbations of symmetric elliptic Hamiltonians of degree four. Zbl 1105.37034 Li, Chengzhi; Mardešić, Pavao; Roussarie, Robert 10 2006 Some remarks on stability of foliations. Zbl 0313.57016 Rosenberg, Harold; Roussarie, Robert 10 1975 Smooth linearization of germs of \(\mathbb{R}^2\)-actions and holomorphic vector fields. Zbl 0418.58015 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 10 1980 Bifurcation of relaxation oscillations in dimension two. Zbl 1157.34037 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussairie, Robert 10 2007 On the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation for planar diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0938.37512 Broer, H. W.; Roussarie, R.; Simó, C. 9 1993 Exponential confinement of chaos in the bifurcation sets of real analytic diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1198.37069 Broer, Henk W.; Roussarie, Robert 9 2001 Canard cycles of finite codimension with two breaking parameters. Zbl 1261.34044 Mamouhdi, Lylia; Roussarie, Robert 9 2012 Analysis of a slow-fast system near a cusp singularity. Zbl 1341.34059 Jardón-Kojakhmetov, H.; Broer, Henk W.; Roussarie, R. 9 2016 Canard-cycle transition at a fast-fast passage through a jump point. (Transition de cycles canard pour un passage rapide-rapide par un point de saut.) Zbl 1287.34044 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 9 2014 Almost planar homoclinic loops in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\). Zbl 0849.34036 Roussarie, Robert; Rousseau, Christiane 8 1996 Alien limit cycles in rigid unfoldings of a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1138.34020 Caubergh, Magdalena; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 8 2007 Une condition suffisante pour qu’un feuilletage soit sans holonomie. Zbl 0196.26902 Moussu, R.; Roussarie, R. 8 1970 Sur les feuilletages des variétés de dimension trois. Zbl 0208.25702 Roussarie, R. 8 1971 Weak and continuous equivalences for families on line diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0641.58037 Roussarie, R. 8 1987 Smoothness property for bifurcation diagrams. Zbl 0888.34032 Roussarie, R. 6 1997 On the geometric structure of the class of planar quadratic differential systems. Zbl 1043.34035 Roussarie, Robert; Schlomiuk, Dana 6 2002 Detecting alien limit cycles near a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1194.34084 Luca, Stijn; Dumortier, Freddy; Caubergh, Magdalena; Roussarie, Robert 6 2009 Multi-layer canard cycles and translated power functions. Zbl 1355.34055 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 6 2008 The cyclicity of the elliptic segment loops of the reversible quadratic Hamiltonian systems under quadratic perturbations. Zbl 1071.34032 Li, Chengzhi; Roussarie, Robert 5 2004 Techniques in the theory of local bifurcations: Cyclicity and desingularization. Zbl 0791.58079 Roussarie, Robert 5 1993 Bifurcations of cuspidal loops preserving nilpotent singularities. Zbl 1090.37037 Panazzolo, D.; Roussarie, R. 5 2005 A study of the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation. Zbl 0848.34022 Roussarie, R.; Wagener, F. 4 1995 Sur l’isotopie des formes fermées en dimension 3. Zbl 0467.58004 Ngo Van Que; Roussarie, Robert 4 1981 Extension du ’closing lemma’ aux actions de \(R^ 2\) sur les variétés de \(\dim=3\). Zbl 0202.55101 Roussarie, Robert; Weil, Daniel 4 1970 On the saddle loop bifurcation. Zbl 0731.34010 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 4 1990 Germes de difféomorphismes et de champs de vecteurs en classe de différentiabilite finie. Zbl 0488.58005 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 4 1983 Smooth normal linearization of vector fields near lines of singularities. Zbl 1221.34104 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 4 2010 A numerical survey on the Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation for diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1026.37517 Simó, Carles; Broer, Henk; Roussarie, Robert 3 1991 Les feuilles exceptionnelles ne sont pas exceptionnelles. Zbl 0209.54705 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 3 1970 Un exemple de feuilletage sur \(S^ 3\). Zbl 0198.28403 Laudenbach, F.; Roussarie, R. 3 1970 Déformations génériques des cusps. (Generic deformations of cusps). Zbl 0656.58002 Roussarie, R. 3 1987 Some applications of the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. Zbl 1480.37041 Roussarie, Robert 3 2021 Bifurcations of planar vector fields and Hilbert’s sixteenth problem. Reprint of the 1998 edition. Zbl 1278.37002 Roussarie, Robert 3 2013 A Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for analytic families of vector fields. Zbl 0837.58023 Panazzolo, D.; Roussarie, R. 2 1995 Quasi-regularity property for unfoldings of hyperbolic polycycles. Zbl 0810.58028 El Morsalani, M.; Mourtada, A.; Roussarie, R. 2 1994 Finite cyclicity of some center graphics through a nilpotent point inside quadratic systems. Zbl 1334.34077 Roussarie, Robert; Rousseau, Christiane 2 2015 Desingularization of unfoldings of cuspidal loops. Zbl 0765.58023 Roussarie, R. 2 1992 Linearisation différentiable des germes singuliers d’actions de \(R^2\) et de champs de vecteurs holomorphes. Zbl 0367.58003 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 2 1977 Existence of a traveling wave solution in a free interface problem with fractional order kinetics. Zbl 1459.35408 Brauner, Claude-Michel; Roussarie, Robert; Shang, Peipei; Zhang, Linwan 2 2021 A topological study of planar vector field singularities. Zbl 1448.34068 Roussarie, Robert 2 2020 Generic unfoldings with the same bifurcation diagram which are not \((C^0,C^0)\)-equivalent. Zbl 0901.58033 Annabi, H.; Annabi, M. L.; Roussarie, R. 1 1997 Quasi-conformal mapping theorem and bifurcations. Zbl 0930.30019 Roussarie, Robert 1 1998 Extension of catastrophe theory to Dulac unfoldings. Zbl 1103.37033 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R. 1 2005 Bifurcations of planar vector fields. Proceedings of a meeting held in Luminy, France, Sept. 18-22, 1989. Zbl 0707.00011 1 1990 Sur les feuilletages des variétés orientables de dimension 3. Zbl 0212.56301 Roussarie, R. 1 1969 Singularites des champs de vecteurs et existence d’intégrales premieres. Zbl 0414.58025 Roussarie, R. 1 1976 Finite cyclicity of nilpotent graphics of pp-type surrounding a center. Zbl 1165.34019 Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 1 2008 Constructions de feuilletages (d’apres W. Thurston). Zbl 0384.57012 Roussarie, Robert 1 1978 Topological invariants as numbers of translation. Zbl 0575.58026 Palis, J.; Roussarie, R. 1 1985 Canard cycles. From birth to transition. Zbl 1515.34002 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 16 2022 Some applications of the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. Zbl 1480.37041 Roussarie, Robert 3 2021 Existence of a traveling wave solution in a free interface problem with fractional order kinetics. Zbl 1459.35408 Brauner, Claude-Michel; Roussarie, Robert; Shang, Peipei; Zhang, Linwan 2 2021 A topological study of planar vector field singularities. Zbl 1448.34068 Roussarie, Robert 2 2020 Analysis of a slow-fast system near a cusp singularity. Zbl 1341.34059 Jardón-Kojakhmetov, H.; Broer, Henk W.; Roussarie, R. 9 2016 Finite cyclicity of some center graphics through a nilpotent point inside quadratic systems. Zbl 1334.34077 Roussarie, Robert; Rousseau, Christiane 2 2015 Canard cycle transition at a slow-fast passage through a jump point. (Transition de cycles canard pour un passage lent-rapide par un point de saut.) Zbl 1291.34097 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 15 2014 Canard-cycle transition at a fast-fast passage through a jump point. (Transition de cycles canard pour un passage rapide-rapide par un point de saut.) Zbl 1287.34044 De Maesschalck, Peter; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 9 2014 Bifurcations of planar vector fields and Hilbert’s sixteenth problem. Reprint of the 1998 edition. Zbl 1278.37002 Roussarie, Robert 3 2013 Canard cycles of finite codimension with two breaking parameters. Zbl 1261.34044 Mamouhdi, Lylia; Roussarie, Robert 9 2012 Cyclicity of common slow-fast cycles. Zbl 1233.34014 De Maesschalck, P.; Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 41 2011 Smooth normal linearization of vector fields near lines of singularities. Zbl 1221.34104 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 4 2010 Birth of canard cycles. Zbl 1186.34080 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 37 2009 Detecting alien limit cycles near a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1194.34084 Luca, Stijn; Dumortier, Freddy; Caubergh, Magdalena; Roussarie, Robert 6 2009 Multi-layer canard cycles and translated power functions. Zbl 1355.34055 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 6 2008 Finite cyclicity of nilpotent graphics of pp-type surrounding a center. Zbl 1165.34019 Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 1 2008 More limit cycles than expected in Liénard equations. Zbl 1130.34018 Dumortier, Freddy; Panazzolo, Daniel; Roussarie, Robert 60 2007 Dynamics of a predator-prey model with non-monotonic response. Zbl 1129.92061 Broer, H. W.; Saleh, K.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R. 26 2007 Putting a boundary to the space of Liénard equations. Zbl 1131.34036 Roussarie, Robert 22 2007 Canard cycles with two breaking parameters. Zbl 1140.34019 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 16 2007 Organising centres in the semi-global analysis of dynamical systems. Zbl 1211.37020 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R.; Saleh, K.; Wagener, F. O. O. 12 2007 Bifurcation of relaxation oscillations in dimension two. Zbl 1157.34037 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussairie, Robert 10 2007 Alien limit cycles in rigid unfoldings of a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1138.34020 Caubergh, Magdalena; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 8 2007 Abelian integrals and limit cycles. Zbl 1111.34028 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 40 2006 A predator-prey model with non-monotonic response function. Zbl 1164.37318 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R.; Saleh, K. 13 2006 Perturbations of symmetric elliptic Hamiltonians of degree four. Zbl 1105.37034 Li, Chengzhi; Mardešić, Pavao; Roussarie, Robert 10 2006 Alien limit cycles near a Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycle. Zbl 1083.34025 Caubergh, Magdalena; Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 11 2005 Bifurcations of a predator-prey model with non-monotonic response function. Zbl 1096.34532 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, Vincent; Roussarie, Robert; Saleh, Khairul 10 2005 Bifurcations of cuspidal loops preserving nilpotent singularities. Zbl 1090.37037 Panazzolo, D.; Roussarie, R. 5 2005 Extension of catastrophe theory to Dulac unfoldings. Zbl 1103.37033 Broer, H. W.; Naudot, V.; Roussarie, R. 1 2005 Existence of a singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycle in the Lorenz system and its dynamical consequences. I. Zbl 1061.34036 Kokubu, Hiroshi; Roussarie, Robert 38 2004 Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings of generic parabolic diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1077.37035 Mardešić, P.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 16 2004 The cyclicity of the elliptic segment loops of the reversible quadratic Hamiltonian systems under quadratic perturbations. Zbl 1071.34032 Li, Chengzhi; Roussarie, Robert 5 2004 On the geometric structure of the class of planar quadratic differential systems. Zbl 1043.34035 Roussarie, Robert; Schlomiuk, Dana 6 2002 Multiple canard cycles in generalized Liénard equations. Zbl 1024.34038 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 50 2001 Geometric singular perturbation theory beyond normal hyperbolicity. Zbl 1007.34058 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 23 2001 Melnikov functions and Bautin ideal. Zbl 1081.37030 Roussarie, Robert 11 2001 Exponential confinement of chaos in the bifurcation sets of real analytic diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1198.37069 Broer, Henk W.; Roussarie, Robert 9 2001 Bifurcation of planar vector fields and Hilbert’s sixteenth problem. Zbl 0898.58039 Roussarie, Robert 184 1998 Quasi-conformal mapping theorem and bifurcations. Zbl 0930.30019 Roussarie, Robert 1 1998 Bifurcations of cuspidal loops. Zbl 0908.58043 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert; Sotomayor, Jorge 32 1997 Smoothness property for bifurcation diagrams. Zbl 0888.34032 Roussarie, R. 6 1997 Generic unfoldings with the same bifurcation diagram which are not \((C^0,C^0)\)-equivalent. Zbl 0901.58033 Annabi, H.; Annabi, M. L.; Roussarie, R. 1 1997 Canard cycles and center manifolds. Zbl 0851.34057 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 252 1996 Invariant circles in the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation for diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0876.58032 Broer, Henk; Roussarrie, Robert; Simó, Carles 41 1996 Almost planar homoclinic loops in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\). Zbl 0849.34036 Roussarie, Robert; Rousseau, Christiane 8 1996 A study of the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation. Zbl 0848.34022 Roussarie, R.; Wagener, F. 4 1995 A Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for analytic families of vector fields. Zbl 0837.58023 Panazzolo, D.; Roussarie, R. 2 1995 Hilbert’s 16th problem for quadratic vector fields. Zbl 0802.34028 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 73 1994 Elementary graphics of cyclicity 1 and 2. Zbl 0855.58043 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Rousseau, C. 38 1994 Quasi-regularity property for unfoldings of hyperbolic polycycles. Zbl 0810.58028 El Morsalani, M.; Mourtada, A.; Roussarie, R. 2 1994 On the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation for planar diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0938.37512 Broer, H. W.; Roussarie, R.; Simó, C. 9 1993 Techniques in the theory of local bifurcations: Cyclicity and desingularization. Zbl 0791.58079 Roussarie, Robert 5 1993 Desingularization of unfoldings of cuspidal loops. Zbl 0765.58023 Roussarie, R. 2 1992 Bifurcations of planar vector fields. Nilpotent singularities and Abelian integrals. Zbl 0755.58002 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Sotomayor, J.; Żoładek, H. 116 1991 A method of desingularization for analytic two-dimensional vector field families. Zbl 0783.32019 Denkowska, Zofia; Roussarie, Robert 16 1991 A numerical survey on the Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation for diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1026.37517 Simó, Carles; Broer, Henk; Roussarie, Robert 3 1991 On the saddle loop bifurcation. Zbl 0731.34010 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 4 1990 Bifurcations of planar vector fields. Proceedings of a meeting held in Luminy, France, Sept. 18-22, 1989. Zbl 0707.00011 1 1990 Cyclicité finie des lacets et des points cuspidaux. (Finite cyclicity of loops and cusps). Zbl 0679.58037 Roussarie, Robert 26 1989 A note on finite cyclicity property and Hilbert’s 16th problem. Zbl 0676.58046 Roussarie, R. 31 1988 Generic 3-parameter families of vector fields on the plane, unfolding a singularity with nilpotent linear part. The cusp case of codimension 3. Zbl 0608.58034 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R.; Sotomayor, J. 114 1987 Weak and continuous equivalences for families on line diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0641.58037 Roussarie, R. 8 1987 Déformations génériques des cusps. (Generic deformations of cusps). Zbl 0656.58002 Roussarie, R. 3 1987 On the number of limit cycles which appear by perturbation of separatrix loop of planar vector fields. Zbl 0628.34032 Roussarie, R. 145 1986 Topological invariants as numbers of translation. Zbl 0575.58026 Palis, J.; Roussarie, R. 1 1985 Germes de difféomorphismes et de champs de vecteurs en classe de différentiabilite finie. Zbl 0488.58005 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 4 1983 Germs of diffeomorphisms in the plane. Zbl 0502.58001 Dumortier, Freddy; Rodrigues, Paulo R.; Roussarie, Robert 31 1981 Sur l’isotopie des formes fermées en dimension 3. Zbl 0467.58004 Ngo Van Que; Roussarie, Robert 4 1981 Smooth linearization of germs of \(\mathbb{R}^2\)-actions and holomorphic vector fields. Zbl 0418.58015 Dumortier, F.; Roussarie, R. 10 1980 Constructions de feuilletages (d’apres W. Thurston). Zbl 0384.57012 Roussarie, Robert 1 1978 Linearisation différentiable des germes singuliers d’actions de \(R^2\) et de champs de vecteurs holomorphes. Zbl 0367.58003 Dumortier, Freddy; Roussarie, Robert 2 1977 Modeles locaux de champs et de formes. Zbl 0327.57017 Roussarie, Robert 32 1976 Singularites des champs de vecteurs et existence d’intégrales premieres. Zbl 0414.58025 Roussarie, R. 1 1976 Some remarks on stability of foliations. Zbl 0313.57016 Rosenberg, Harold; Roussarie, Robert 10 1975 Plongements dans les variétés feuilletees et classification de feuilletages sans holonomie. Zbl 0356.57017 Roussarie, R. 27 1973 Rélations de conjugaison et de cobordisme entre certains feuilletages. Zbl 0356.57018 Moussu, R.; Roussarie, R. 16 1973 Sur les feuilletages des variétés de dimension trois. Zbl 0208.25702 Roussarie, R. 8 1971 Topological equivalence of Reeb foliations. Zbl 0211.26602 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 18 1970 Reeb foliations. Zbl 0198.28402 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 17 1970 A classification of closed orientable 3-manifolds of rank two. Zbl 0195.25404 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R.; Weil, D. 15 1970 Une condition suffisante pour qu’un feuilletage soit sans holonomie. Zbl 0196.26902 Moussu, R.; Roussarie, R. 8 1970 Extension du ’closing lemma’ aux actions de \(R^ 2\) sur les variétés de \(\dim=3\). Zbl 0202.55101 Roussarie, Robert; Weil, Daniel 4 1970 Les feuilles exceptionnelles ne sont pas exceptionnelles. Zbl 0209.54705 Rosenberg, H.; Roussarie, R. 3 1970 Un exemple de feuilletage sur \(S^ 3\). Zbl 0198.28403 Laudenbach, F.; Roussarie, R. 3 1970 Sur les feuilletages des variétés orientables de dimension 3. Zbl 0212.56301 Roussarie, R. 1 1969 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,089 Authors 62 Han, Maoan 45 Dumortier, Freddy 44 Llibre, Jaume 34 De Maesschalck, Peter 33 Roussarie, Robert 26 Huzak, Renato 24 Kühn, Christian 24 Uldall Kristiansen, K. 23 Huang, Jicai 23 Rousseau, Christiane 23 Torregrosa, Joan 21 Villadelprat, Jordi 20 Broer, Henk W. 19 Zhang, Xiang 18 Li, Chengzhi 18 Mardešić, Pavao 18 Wechselberger, Martin 17 Teixeira, Marco Antonio 16 Szmolyan, Peter 15 Gavrilov, Lubomir 14 Algaba, Antonio 14 Gasull, Armengol 14 Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro J. 14 Xiao, Dongmei 14 Yang, Junmin 14 Yu, Pei 14 Zhu, Huaiping 13 Kaper, Tasso J. 12 Desroches, Mathieu 12 Romanovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Georgievich 11 Da Silva, Paulo Ricardo 11 García, Isaac A. 11 Jardón-Kojakhmetov, Hildeberto 11 Krupa, Martin 11 Simó, Carles 11 Wang, Haijun 11 Zang, Hong 11 Zhao, Liqin 10 Artés, Joan Carles 10 Françoise, Jean-Pierre 10 Marín Pérez, David 10 Popović, Nikola 10 Ruan, Shigui 10 Zhang, Tonghua 9 Bonckaert, Patrick 9 Caubergh, Magdalena 9 Jelbart, Samuel 9 Oliveira, Regilene D. S. 8 Buzzi, Claudio Aguinaldo 8 Gaiko, Valery A. 8 Giné, Jaume 8 Li, Xianyi 8 Lu, Min 8 Naudot, Vincent 8 Resman, Maja 7 Asheghi, Rasoul 7 Chen, Hebai 7 Garcia, Ronaldo A. 7 Il’yashenko, Yuliĭ Sergeevich 7 Liu, Changjian 7 Mañosas, Francesc 7 Schlomiuk, Dana I. 7 Shen, Jianhe 7 Sotomayor, Jorge 7 Vo, Theodore 7 Wang, Hao 7 Zangeneh, Hamid R. Z. 7 Županović, Vesna 6 Brøns, Morten 6 Grau, Maite 6 Iliev, Iliya Dimov 6 Kazemi, Rasool 6 Merino, Manuel 6 Novikov, Dmitry 6 Qiao, Yuanhua 6 Qin, Bo-Wei 6 Rabanal, Roland 6 Rojas, David 6 Saavedra, Mariana 6 Shan, Chunhua 6 Sun, Xianbo 6 Teruel, Antonio E. 6 Wang, Jihua 6 Yomdin, Yosef 6 Zhang, Weinian 6 Zhang, Zhifen 6 Zhao, Yulin 5 Alvarez, María Jesus 5 Banerjee, Malay 5 Chung, Kwok-Wai 5 Deng, Shengfu 5 Engel, Maximilian 5 Freire Macías, Emilio 5 Hogan, S. John 5 Kuznetsov, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Li, Ji 5 Liu, Xingbo 5 Miranda Martins, Ricardo 5 Novaes, Douglas Duarte 5 Prohens, Rafel ...and 989 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 180 Serials 178 Journal of Differential Equations 94 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 54 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 44 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 39 Physica D 37 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 32 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 28 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 26 Nonlinearity 22 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 22 Nonlinear Dynamics 20 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 19 Journal of Nonlinear Science 16 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 16 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 15 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 14 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 14 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 12 Inventiones Mathematicae 12 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 12 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 11 Journal of Mathematical Biology 11 Chaos 11 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 9 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 8 Publications Mathématiques 8 Topology and its Applications 8 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 8 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 7 Science in China. Series A 7 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 6 Advances in Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Dynamical Systems 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 5 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 5 The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Israel Journal of Mathematics 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 Mathematical Notes 4 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Functional Analysis and its Applications 4 Geometriae Dedicata 4 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 4 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série 4 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 4 International Journal of Biomathematics 3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Série V. Mathématiques 3 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 SIAM Review 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Physics Reports 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Studies in Applied Mathematics 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Journal of Biological Systems 2 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2 Moscow Mathematical Journal 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ...and 80 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 47 Fields 862 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 494 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 204 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 81 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 48 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 47 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 46 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 33 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 30 Differential geometry (53-XX) 25 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 17 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 16 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year