Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rautenberg, Wolfgang Co-Author Distance Author ID: rautenberg.wolfgang Published as: Rautenberg, Wolfgang; Rautenberg, W. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 68 Publications since 1960, including 10 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 13 Co-Authors with 18 Joint Publications 162 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 49 single-authored 7 Hauschild, Kurt 4 Herre, Heinrich 2 Korec, Ivan 2 Lenski, Wolfgang 2 Müller, Gert Heinz 1 Asser, Günter 1 Franzke, Norbert 1 Jahns, C. 1 Klötzer, G. 1 Peretyat’kin, Mikhail G. 1 Quaisser, Erhard 1 Wolter, Frank 1 Zakharyaschev, Michael Viktorovich all top 5 Serials 14 Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 8 Bulletin of the Section of Logic 7 Studia Logica 6 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 3 Mathematische Semesterberichte 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 2 Archiv für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 2 Algebra Universalis 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Mathematisch-Physikalische Semesterberichte, Neue Folge 2 Universitext 2 Perspectives in Mathematical Logic 1 Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1 Reports on Mathematical Logic 1 Archive for Mathematical Logic 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Berliner Studienreihe zur Mathematik 1 Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik all top 5 Fields 52 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 281 times in 220 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Klassische und nichtklassische Aussagenlogik. Zbl 0424.03007 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 72 1979 Modal tableau calculi and interpolation. Zbl 0547.03015 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 32 1983 2-element matrices. Zbl 0493.03006 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 27 1981 Splitting lattices of logics. Zbl 0453.03017 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 26 1980 Der Verband der normalen verzweigten Modallogiken. Zbl 0414.03011 Rautenberg, W. 16 1977 A concise introduction to mathematical logic. 3rd revised and enlarged ed. Zbl 1185.03002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 10 2010 On reduced matrices. Zbl 0771.03003 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 6 1993 A calculus for the common rules of \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\). Zbl 0707.03006 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 6 1989 Consequence relations of 2-element algebras. Zbl 0623.03034 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 5 1985 Axiomatization of semigroup consequences. Zbl 0688.03017 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 5 1989 Interpretierbarkeit in der Gruppentheorie. Zbl 0215.04801 Hauschild, Kurt; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 4 1971 The elementary Archimedean schema in geometry and some of its applications. Zbl 0169.30504 Rautenberg, W. 4 1968 Orthogonalitätsrelationen in der affinen Geometrie. Zbl 0181.23302 Rautenberg, W.; Quaisser, E. 4 1969 A concise introduction to mathematical logic. 2nd ed. Zbl 1093.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 4 2006 Willem Blok and modal logic. Zbl 1105.03020 Rautenberg, W.; Zakharyaschev, M.; Wolter, F. 4 2006 Model-interpretability into trees and applications. Zbl 0324.02041 Korec, Ivan; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 3 1976 Interpretierbarkeit und Entscheidbarkeit in der Graphentheorie. I. (Interpretability and decidability in graph theory. I). Zbl 0231.02058 Rautenberg, Wolfgang; Hauschild, Kurt 3 1971 Über metatheoretische Eigenschaften einiger geometrischer Theorien. Zbl 0112.24701 Rautenberg, W. 3 1962 Euklidische und Minkowskische Orthogonalitätsrelationen. Zbl 0176.17304 Rautenberg, W. 3 1969 Elementare Schemata nichtelementarer Axiome. Zbl 0207.29604 Rautenberg, W. 3 1967 More about the lattice of tense logics. Zbl 0411.03015 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 3 1979 Common logic of 2-valued semigroup connectives. Zbl 0741.03003 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1991 Strongly finitely based equational theories. Zbl 0742.08004 Rautenberg, W. 2 1991 Finite replacement and finite Hilbert-style axiomatizability. Zbl 0813.03005 Herrmann, B.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1992 Applications of weak Kripke semantics to intermediate consequences. Zbl 0635.03020 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1986 Propositional logic based on the dynamics of disbelief. Zbl 0925.03109 Pearce, David; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1991 Axiomatization of the De Morgan type rules. Zbl 0721.03006 Herrmann, B.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1990 Introduction to mathematical logic. A textbook considering logic programming. (Einführung in die mathematische Logik. Ein Lehrbuch mit Berücksichtigung der Logikprogrammierung.) Zbl 0866.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1996 Definability in structures of finite valency. Zbl 0276.02036 Korec, I.; Peretyat’kin, M. G.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1974 Beweis des Kommutativgesetzes in elementar-archimedisch geordneten Gruppen. Zbl 0135.24901 Rautenberg, W. 2 1965 The lattice of normal modal logics (Preliminary report). Zbl 0404.03055 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1977 Incompleteness, undecidability, undefinability. (Unvollständigkeit, Unentscheidbarkeit, Nichtdefinierbarkeit.) Zbl 0747.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1991 Axiomatizing logics closely related to varieties. Zbl 0749.03020 Rautenberg, W. 1 1991 Elementary foundations of analysis. (Elementare Grundlagen der Analysis.) Zbl 0824.00001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1993 Zur Approximation von e durch \((1+1/n)^ n\). (On the approximation of e by \((1+1/n)^ n)\). Zbl 0632.26002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1986 The common rules of binary connectives are finitely based. Zbl 0673.03022 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1989 Interpretierbarkeit und Entscheidbarkeit in der Graphentheorie. II. Zbl 0284.02023 Hauschild, Kurt; Herre, Heinrich; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1972 Entscheidbarkeit der monadischen Theorie 2. Stufe der n-separierten Graphen. Zbl 0264.02046 Hauschild, Kurt; Herre, Heinrich; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1972 Universelle Interpretierbarkeit in Verbänden. Zbl 0275.02043 Hauschild, Kurt; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1970 A note on implicational intermediate consequences. Zbl 0584.03017 Rautenberg, W. 1 1985 Ein Beweis des Satzes von Pappus-Pascal in der affinen Geometrie. Zbl 0132.14301 Rautenberg, W. 1 1965 Ein Verfahren zur Axiomatisierung der Kontradiktionen gewisser zweiwertiger Aussagenkalküle. Zbl 0095.00701 Asser, Günter; Rautenberg, W. 1 1960 Bemerkung zur Axiomatik der Vektorgeometrie. Zbl 0117.37503 Rautenberg, W. 1 1963 Measuring and counting. A simple construction of real numbers. (Messen und Zählen. Eine einfache Konstruktion der reellen Zahlen.) Zbl 1229.00001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 2007 Unentscheidbarkeit der Euklidischen Inzidenzgeometrie. Zbl 0166.26304 Rautenberg, W. 1 1961 Konstruktionen in der hyperbolischen Geometrie. Zbl 0173.48202 Rautenberg, W. 1 1963 Axiomatische Theorie der Translationsgruppen affiner Räume und Translationsebenen. Zbl 0203.23001 Rautenberg, W. 1 1970 Introduction to mathematical logic. A textbook. 3rd revised ed. (Einführung in die mathematische Logik. Ein Lehrbuch.) Zbl 1152.03002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 2008 A concise introduction to mathematical logic. 3rd revised and enlarged ed. Zbl 1185.03002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 10 2010 Introduction to mathematical logic. A textbook. 3rd revised ed. (Einführung in die mathematische Logik. Ein Lehrbuch.) Zbl 1152.03002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 2008 Measuring and counting. A simple construction of real numbers. (Messen und Zählen. Eine einfache Konstruktion der reellen Zahlen.) Zbl 1229.00001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 2007 A concise introduction to mathematical logic. 2nd ed. Zbl 1093.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 4 2006 Willem Blok and modal logic. Zbl 1105.03020 Rautenberg, W.; Zakharyaschev, M.; Wolter, F. 4 2006 Introduction to mathematical logic. A textbook considering logic programming. (Einführung in die mathematische Logik. Ein Lehrbuch mit Berücksichtigung der Logikprogrammierung.) Zbl 0866.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1996 On reduced matrices. Zbl 0771.03003 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 6 1993 Elementary foundations of analysis. (Elementare Grundlagen der Analysis.) Zbl 0824.00001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1993 Finite replacement and finite Hilbert-style axiomatizability. Zbl 0813.03005 Herrmann, B.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1992 Common logic of 2-valued semigroup connectives. Zbl 0741.03003 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1991 Strongly finitely based equational theories. Zbl 0742.08004 Rautenberg, W. 2 1991 Propositional logic based on the dynamics of disbelief. Zbl 0925.03109 Pearce, David; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1991 Incompleteness, undecidability, undefinability. (Unvollständigkeit, Unentscheidbarkeit, Nichtdefinierbarkeit.) Zbl 0747.03001 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1991 Axiomatizing logics closely related to varieties. Zbl 0749.03020 Rautenberg, W. 1 1991 Axiomatization of the De Morgan type rules. Zbl 0721.03006 Herrmann, B.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1990 A calculus for the common rules of \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\). Zbl 0707.03006 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 6 1989 Axiomatization of semigroup consequences. Zbl 0688.03017 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 5 1989 The common rules of binary connectives are finitely based. Zbl 0673.03022 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1989 Applications of weak Kripke semantics to intermediate consequences. Zbl 0635.03020 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1986 Zur Approximation von e durch \((1+1/n)^ n\). (On the approximation of e by \((1+1/n)^ n)\). Zbl 0632.26002 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1986 Consequence relations of 2-element algebras. Zbl 0623.03034 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 5 1985 A note on implicational intermediate consequences. Zbl 0584.03017 Rautenberg, W. 1 1985 Modal tableau calculi and interpolation. Zbl 0547.03015 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 32 1983 2-element matrices. Zbl 0493.03006 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 27 1981 Splitting lattices of logics. Zbl 0453.03017 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 26 1980 Klassische und nichtklassische Aussagenlogik. Zbl 0424.03007 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 72 1979 More about the lattice of tense logics. Zbl 0411.03015 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 3 1979 Der Verband der normalen verzweigten Modallogiken. Zbl 0414.03011 Rautenberg, W. 16 1977 The lattice of normal modal logics (Preliminary report). Zbl 0404.03055 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 2 1977 Model-interpretability into trees and applications. Zbl 0324.02041 Korec, Ivan; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 3 1976 Definability in structures of finite valency. Zbl 0276.02036 Korec, I.; Peretyat’kin, M. G.; Rautenberg, W. 2 1974 Interpretierbarkeit und Entscheidbarkeit in der Graphentheorie. II. Zbl 0284.02023 Hauschild, Kurt; Herre, Heinrich; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1972 Entscheidbarkeit der monadischen Theorie 2. Stufe der n-separierten Graphen. Zbl 0264.02046 Hauschild, Kurt; Herre, Heinrich; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1972 Interpretierbarkeit in der Gruppentheorie. Zbl 0215.04801 Hauschild, Kurt; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 4 1971 Interpretierbarkeit und Entscheidbarkeit in der Graphentheorie. I. (Interpretability and decidability in graph theory. I). Zbl 0231.02058 Rautenberg, Wolfgang; Hauschild, Kurt 3 1971 Universelle Interpretierbarkeit in Verbänden. Zbl 0275.02043 Hauschild, Kurt; Rautenberg, Wolfgang 1 1970 Axiomatische Theorie der Translationsgruppen affiner Räume und Translationsebenen. Zbl 0203.23001 Rautenberg, W. 1 1970 Orthogonalitätsrelationen in der affinen Geometrie. Zbl 0181.23302 Rautenberg, W.; Quaisser, E. 4 1969 Euklidische und Minkowskische Orthogonalitätsrelationen. Zbl 0176.17304 Rautenberg, W. 3 1969 The elementary Archimedean schema in geometry and some of its applications. Zbl 0169.30504 Rautenberg, W. 4 1968 Elementare Schemata nichtelementarer Axiome. Zbl 0207.29604 Rautenberg, W. 3 1967 Beweis des Kommutativgesetzes in elementar-archimedisch geordneten Gruppen. Zbl 0135.24901 Rautenberg, W. 2 1965 Ein Beweis des Satzes von Pappus-Pascal in der affinen Geometrie. Zbl 0132.14301 Rautenberg, W. 1 1965 Bemerkung zur Axiomatik der Vektorgeometrie. Zbl 0117.37503 Rautenberg, W. 1 1963 Konstruktionen in der hyperbolischen Geometrie. Zbl 0173.48202 Rautenberg, W. 1 1963 Über metatheoretische Eigenschaften einiger geometrischer Theorien. Zbl 0112.24701 Rautenberg, W. 3 1962 Unentscheidbarkeit der Euklidischen Inzidenzgeometrie. Zbl 0166.26304 Rautenberg, W. 1 1961 Ein Verfahren zur Axiomatisierung der Kontradiktionen gewisser zweiwertiger Aussagenkalküle. Zbl 0095.00701 Asser, Günter; Rautenberg, W. 1 1960 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 166 Authors 23 Kamide, Norihiro 16 Maksimova, Larisa L’vovna 15 Rautenberg, Wolfgang 8 Kracht, Marcus 7 Bezhanishvili, Nick 7 Humberstone, Lloyd 6 Bezhanishvili, Guram 6 Pambuccian, Victor V. 6 Wolter, Frank 6 Yun, Veta Fëdorovna 5 Kurahashi, Taishi 5 Moraschini, Tommaso 5 Nguyen, Linh Anh 4 Blok, Willem Johannes 4 Dzik, Wojciech 4 Jansana, Ramon 4 Marcelino, Sérgio 4 Wansing, Heinrich Theodor 3 Caleiro, Carlos 3 Citkin, Alex 3 Goré, Rajeev Prabhakar 3 Karpenko, Anastasia Valer’evna 3 Odintsov, Sergei P. 3 Pałasińska, Katarzyna 3 Szałas, Andrzej 3 Wojtylak, Piotr 3 Zakharyaschev, Michael Viktorovich 2 Blackburn, Patrick 2 Chen, Qian 2 Czelakowski, Janusz 2 Düntsch, Ivo 2 Font, Josep Maria 2 Herre, Heinrich 2 Humberstone, I. L. 2 Korec, Ivan 2 Kost, Sławomir 2 Ma, Minghui 2 Marcos, João 2 Marx, Maarten 2 Muravitsky, Alexei Yu. 2 Orłowska, Ewa 2 Pattinson, Dirk 2 Piazza, Mario 2 Pigozzi, Don Leonard 2 Pulcini, Gabriele 2 Rybakov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 2 Schacht, Celia 2 Schröder, Lutz 2 Schurz, Gerhard 2 Seese, Detlef G. 2 Shramko, Yaroslav V. 2 Stronkowski, Michał Marek 1 Akama, Seiki 1 Albuquerque, Hugo 1 Amerbauer, Martin 1 Artale, Alessandro 1 Avigad, Jeremy 1 Avron, Arnon 1 Baek, Seulkee 1 Baker, Kirby A. 1 Baudisch, Andreas 1 Baumann, Ringo 1 Beklemishev, Lev D. 1 Bellissima, Fabio 1 Bentkamp, Alexander 1 Béziau, Jean-Yves 1 Blatter, Christian 1 Botoeva, Elena 1 Bukor, József 1 Burghardt, F. J. 1 Carl, Merlin 1 Carter, Nathan C. 1 Celani, Sergio Arturo 1 Chagrov, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 1 Cintula, Petr 1 Compton, Kevin J. 1 D’Agostino, Giovanna 1 Demri, Stéphane P. 1 Du, Shan 1 Dunin-Kȩplicz, Barbara 1 Dziobiak, Wiesław 1 Erickson, Jeff 1 Flores, Ramón J. 1 Furmanowski, Tomasz 1 Gabelaia, David 1 Gehrke, Mai 1 González, Luciano Javier 1 Goranko, Valentin F. 1 Grabmayr, Balthasar 1 Greati, Vitor 1 Guzmán, Fernando 1 Hauschild, Kurt 1 Henson, C. Ward 1 Heule, Marijn J. H. 1 Hliněný, Petr 1 Holliday, Wesley H. 1 Hustadt, Ullrich 1 Iemhoff, Rosalie 1 Ilin, Julia 1 Jakl, Tomáš ...and 66 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 53 Serials 40 Studia Logica 18 Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 10 The Review of Symbolic Logic 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 6 Algebra Universalis 5 Algebra and Logic 5 Archive for Mathematical Logic 5 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 4 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 Logica Universalis 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 Archiv für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 3 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3 Theoretical Computer Science 3 Journal of Applied Logic 2 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Journal of Geometry 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Synthese 2 History and Philosophy of Logic 2 Logic and Logical Philosophy 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Semigroup Forum 1 New Generation Computing 1 Information and Computation 1 Journal of Automated Reasoning 1 Elemente der Mathematik 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Soft Computing 1 Analysis (München) 1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Logicheskie Issledovaniya all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 196 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 21 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 17 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 10 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 Geometry (51-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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