Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Arrow, Kenneth Joseph (b. 1921 d. 2017) Co-Author Distance Author ID: arrow.kenneth-joseph Published as: Arrow, Kenneth J.; Arrow, K. J.; Arrow, Kenneth more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Awards: Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (1972) Documents Indexed: 67 Publications since 1949, including 9 Books 11 Contributions as Editor · 6 Further Contributions Biographic References: 14 Publications Co-Authors: 43 Co-Authors with 47 Joint Publications 577 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 34 single-authored 11 Hurwicz, Leonid 5 Karlin, Samuel 4 Hahn, Frank Horace 4 Intriligator, Michael D. 2 Blackwell, David Harold 2 Block, Henry David 2 Dasgupta, Partha S. 2 Enthoven, Alain C. 2 Green, Jerry R. 2 Heller, Walter Perrin 2 Kurz, Mordecai 2 Laffont, Jean-Jacques 2 Mäler, Karl-Göran 2 Marschak, Thomas A. 2 Nerlove, Marc L. 2 Radner, Roy 2 Scarf, Herbert E. 2 Sen, Amartya Kumar 2 Solow, Robert Merton 2 Starr, Ross M. 2 Starrett, David A. 2 Suppes, Patrick 2 Suzumura, Kotaro 2 Uzawa, Hirofumi 1 Alexander, Sidney S. 1 Aliprantis, Charalambos Dionisios 1 Anderson, Philip Warren 1 Assorodobraj-Kula, N. 1 Aumann, Robert John 1 Balasko, Yves 1 Barankin, Edward W. 1 Beckmann, Martin J. 1 Bergstrom, Theodore C. 1 Bjerkholt, Olav 1 Bobrowski, C. 1 Chang, Sheldon S. L. 1 Chenery, Hollis B. 1 Chichilnisky, Graciela 1 Czarkowski, J. 1 Debreu, Gérard 1 Dobrska, Z. 1 Enelow, James M. 1 Geanakoplos, John D. 1 Gessford, John 1 Girshick, Meyer Abraham 1 Gómez M., Guillermo L. 1 Gorman, W. M. 1 Gould, Floyd J. 1 Haavelmo, Trygve 1 Hagemejer, H. 1 Hammond, Peter Jackson 1 Harris, Theodore Edward 1 Hart, Oliver D. 1 Herer, W. 1 Hinich, Melvin J. 1 Hoffenberg, Marvin 1 Honkapohja, Seppo 1 Howe, S. M. 1 Ito, Takatoshi 1 Johnson, Selmer M. 1 Kelly, Jerry S. 1 King, Mervyn A. 1 Konig, Heinz 1 Kubler, Felix 1 Kula, W. 1 Lesnodorski, B. 1 Levhari, David 1 Lipinski, Edward 1 Łoś, Jerzy 1 Markowitz, Harry Max 1 Marschak, Jacob 1 Maskin, Eric Stark 1 McManus, Maurice 1 Muth, Richard F. 1 Myerson, Roger Bruce 1 Oniki, Hajime 1 Pesotchinsky, Leon 1 Phillips, Peter Charles Bonest 1 Pines, David 1 Polemarchakis, Herakles M. 1 Raynaud, Hervé 1 Rothschild, K. W. 1 Rothschild, Michael 1 Shell, Karl 1 Shephard, Ronald W. 1 Sheshinski, Eytan 1 Shubik, Martin 1 Sobel, Milton 1 Stokey, Nancy L. 1 Taylor, John Brian 1 Tintner, Gerhard 1 Weiss, Laurence 1 Wu, Ho-Mou 1 Yaari, Menahem E. 1 Yannelis, Nicholas Constantine all top 5 Serials 15 Econometrica 5 Handbooks in Economics 3 Operations Research 3 Games and Economic Behavior 2 The Review of Economic Studies 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 International Economic Review 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Metroeconomica 1 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1 Economic Theory 1 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 1 Econometric Theory 1 Review of Economic Design 1 Discrete Optimization 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 1 Advanced Textbooks in Economics 1 Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity 1 Studies in Economic Theory all top 5 Fields 51 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 66 Publications have been cited 4,550 times in 4,097 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Social choice and individual values. Zbl 0984.91513 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1,020 1951 Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy. Zbl 0055.38007 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Debreu, Gerard 587 1954 Studies in linear and non-linear programming. Zbl 0091.16002 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid; Uzawa, Hirofumi 475 1958 General competitive analysis. Zbl 0311.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, F. H. 387 1971 Essays in the theory of risk-bearing. Zbl 0215.58602 Arrow, K. J. 368 1970 Studies in the mathematical theory of inventory and production. Zbl 0079.36003 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Karlin, Samuel; Scarf, Herbert; Beckmann, Martin J.; Gessford, John; Muth, Richard F. 198 1958 Handbook of social choice and welfare. Vol. 1. Zbl 1307.91009 157 2002 Quasi-concave programming. Zbl 0104.14302 Arrow, K. J.; Enthoven, Alain C. 129 1961 Optimal inventory policy. Zbl 0045.23205 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Harris, Theodore; Marschak, Jacob 123 1951 Admissible points of convex sets. Zbl 0050.14203 Arrow, K. J.; Barankin, E. W.; Blackwell, D. 82 1953 On the stability of the competitive equilibrium. I. Zbl 0084.15604 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 74 1958 Optimal insurance and generalized deductibles. Zbl 0306.90009 Arrow, Kenneth J. 70 1974 On the stability of the competitive equilibrium. II. Zbl 0095.34301 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Block, H. D.; Hurwicz, Leonid 65 1959 Social choice and multicriterion decision-making. Zbl 0602.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Raynaud, Hervé 62 1986 Uncertainty, information, and communication. Essays in honor of Kenneth J. Arrow. Vol. III. Zbl 0666.90008 54 1986 An extension of the basic theorems of classical welfare economics. Zbl 0044.34608 Arrow, Kenneth J. 49 1951 Handbook of social choice and welfare. Vol. 2. Zbl 1307.91010 48 2011 Constraint qualifications in maximization problems. Zbl 0129.34103 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, L.; Uzawa, Hirofumi 46 1961 Alternative approaches to the theory of choice in risktaking situations. Zbl 0044.15304 Arrow, Kenneth J. 44 1951 Bayes and minimax solutions of sequentials decision problems. Zbl 0034.07504 Arrow, K. J.; Blackwell, D.; Girshick, M. A. 40 1949 A note on dynamic stability. Zbl 0107.37201 Arrow, K. J.; McManus, M. 40 1958 Optimal growth irreversible investment in a Ramsey model. Zbl 0196.23405 Arrow, K. J.; Kurz, Mordecai 36 1970 Selected readings in economic theory from Econometrica. Zbl 0233.00020 34 1971 Le rôle des valeurs boursières pour la répartition la meilleure des risques. Zbl 0053.41803 Arrow, Kenneth J. 33 1953 The economy as an evolving complex system. The proceedings of the evolutionary paths of the global economy workshop, held September 1987 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Zbl 0678.00029 32 1988 Handbook of mathematical economics. Vol. II. Zbl 0522.90001 29 1982 Application of control theory to economic growth. Zbl 0323.90014 Arrow, K. J. 27 1974 A general saddle point result for constrained optimization. Zbl 0276.90055 Arrow, K. J.; Gould, F. J.; Howe, S. M. 21 1973 A theorem on expectations and the stability of equilibrium. Zbl 0074.15001 Enthoven, Alain C.; Arrow, Kenneth J. 20 1956 Competitive stability under weak gross substitutability: The ”Euclidean distance” approach. Zbl 0104.38305 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 19 1960 Equilibrium analysis. Essays in honor of Kenneth J. Arrow. Vol. II. Zbl 0666.90007 17 1986 Applications of control theory to economic growth. Zbl 0193.20302 Arrow, Kenneth J. 17 1968 A note on expectations and stability. Zbl 0107.37105 Arrow, K. J.; Nerlove, M. 16 1958 Stability of the gradient process in \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0101.37104 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 15 1960 Studies in applied probability and management science. Zbl 0116.12003 Arrow, K. J.; Karlin, S.; Scarf, H. 15 1962 Reduction of constrained maxima to saddle-point problems. Zbl 0070.05804 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 14 1956 Handbook of mathematical economics. Volume III. Zbl 0587.00023 12 1986 Handbook of mathematical economics. Vol. I. Zbl 0456.00035 12 1981 Optimal capital adjustment. Zbl 0131.36605 Arrow, K. J. 11 1962 Some remarks on the equilibria of economic systems. Zbl 0090.37004 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 10 1960 Optimal capital policy, the cost of capital, and myopic decision rules. Zbl 0137.14201 Arrow, Kenneth J. 9 1964 Notes on sequence economies, transaction costs, and uncertainty. Zbl 0940.91043 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, Frank 8 1999 Functions of a theory of behaviour under uncertainty. Zbl 0104.38304 Arrow, K. J. 8 1959 On partitioning a sample with binary-type questions in lieu of collecting observations. Zbl 0465.62014 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Pesotchinsky, Leon; Sobel, Milton 8 1981 The genuine savings criterion and the value of population. Zbl 1043.91044 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Dasgupta, Partha; Mäler, Karl-Göran 7 2003 Price-quantity adjustments in multiple markets with rising demands. Zbl 0099.36401 Arrow, Kenneth J. 7 1960 A “dynamic” proof of the Frobenius-Perron theorem for Metzler matrices. Zbl 0696.15015 Arrow, Kenneth J. 6 1989 Alternative proof of the substitution theorem for Leontief models in the general case. Zbl 0045.09606 Arrow, Kenneth J. 6 1951 Allocation of resources in large teams. Zbl 0416.90013 Arrow, K. J.; Radner, R. 6 1979 Mathematical methods in the social sciences, 1959. Proceedings of the first Stanford symposium. Zbl 0100.14904 5 1960 Exposition of the theory of choice under uncertainty. Zbl 0249.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J. 5 1972 Optimal pricing, use, and exploration of uncertain natural resource stocks. Zbl 0455.90019 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Chang, Sheldon S. L. 5 1980 Gradient methods for constrained maxima. Zbl 1414.90361 Arrow, Kenneth; Hurwicz, Leonid 5 1957 Political and economic evaluation of social effects and externalities. Zbl 0319.90007 Arrow, Kenneth J. 4 1971 A time series analysis of interindustry demands. Zbl 0089.16204 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hoffenberg, Marvin 4 1959 A note on uncertainty and discounting in models of economic growth. Zbl 1166.91321 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 2009 The value of and demand for information. Zbl 0261.90008 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1972 The demand for information and the distribution of income. Zbl 1133.91402 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1987 Decision theory and the choice of a level of significance for the \(t\)-test. Zbl 0114.35001 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1960 Mathematical methods in the social sciences, 1959. Proceedings of the first Stanford symposium. Zbl 0099.36204 2 1960 Advances in spatial theory of voting. Foreword by Kenneth Arrow. Reprint of the 1990 hardback ed. Zbl 1157.91005 2 2008 General competitive analysis. 2nd printing. Zbl 0476.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, F. H. 2 1980 The genesis of “Optimal inventory policy”. Zbl 1163.90313 Arrow, Kenneth J. 2 2002 Personal reflections on applied general equilibrium models. Zbl 1203.91140 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1 2010 The nature and logic of econometric inference: the 1942 Hillside lecture. Zbl 1237.91003 Haavelmo, Trygve 1 2007 The genesis of dynamic systems governed by Metzler matrices. Zbl 0352.34043 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1 1977 Handbook of social choice and welfare. Vol. 2. Zbl 1307.91010 48 2011 Personal reflections on applied general equilibrium models. Zbl 1203.91140 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1 2010 A note on uncertainty and discounting in models of economic growth. Zbl 1166.91321 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 2009 Advances in spatial theory of voting. Foreword by Kenneth Arrow. Reprint of the 1990 hardback ed. Zbl 1157.91005 2 2008 The nature and logic of econometric inference: the 1942 Hillside lecture. Zbl 1237.91003 Haavelmo, Trygve 1 2007 The genuine savings criterion and the value of population. Zbl 1043.91044 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Dasgupta, Partha; Mäler, Karl-Göran 7 2003 Handbook of social choice and welfare. Vol. 1. Zbl 1307.91009 157 2002 The genesis of “Optimal inventory policy”. Zbl 1163.90313 Arrow, Kenneth J. 2 2002 Notes on sequence economies, transaction costs, and uncertainty. Zbl 0940.91043 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, Frank 8 1999 A “dynamic” proof of the Frobenius-Perron theorem for Metzler matrices. Zbl 0696.15015 Arrow, Kenneth J. 6 1989 The economy as an evolving complex system. The proceedings of the evolutionary paths of the global economy workshop, held September 1987 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Zbl 0678.00029 32 1988 The demand for information and the distribution of income. Zbl 1133.91402 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1987 Social choice and multicriterion decision-making. Zbl 0602.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Raynaud, Hervé 62 1986 Uncertainty, information, and communication. Essays in honor of Kenneth J. Arrow. Vol. III. Zbl 0666.90008 54 1986 Equilibrium analysis. Essays in honor of Kenneth J. Arrow. Vol. II. Zbl 0666.90007 17 1986 Handbook of mathematical economics. Volume III. Zbl 0587.00023 12 1986 Handbook of mathematical economics. Vol. II. Zbl 0522.90001 29 1982 Handbook of mathematical economics. Vol. I. Zbl 0456.00035 12 1981 On partitioning a sample with binary-type questions in lieu of collecting observations. Zbl 0465.62014 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Pesotchinsky, Leon; Sobel, Milton 8 1981 Optimal pricing, use, and exploration of uncertain natural resource stocks. Zbl 0455.90019 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Chang, Sheldon S. L. 5 1980 General competitive analysis. 2nd printing. Zbl 0476.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, F. H. 2 1980 Allocation of resources in large teams. Zbl 0416.90013 Arrow, K. J.; Radner, R. 6 1979 The genesis of dynamic systems governed by Metzler matrices. Zbl 0352.34043 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1 1977 Optimal insurance and generalized deductibles. Zbl 0306.90009 Arrow, Kenneth J. 70 1974 Application of control theory to economic growth. Zbl 0323.90014 Arrow, K. J. 27 1974 A general saddle point result for constrained optimization. Zbl 0276.90055 Arrow, K. J.; Gould, F. J.; Howe, S. M. 21 1973 Exposition of the theory of choice under uncertainty. Zbl 0249.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J. 5 1972 The value of and demand for information. Zbl 0261.90008 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1972 General competitive analysis. Zbl 0311.90001 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, F. H. 387 1971 Selected readings in economic theory from Econometrica. Zbl 0233.00020 34 1971 Political and economic evaluation of social effects and externalities. Zbl 0319.90007 Arrow, Kenneth J. 4 1971 Essays in the theory of risk-bearing. Zbl 0215.58602 Arrow, K. J. 368 1970 Optimal growth irreversible investment in a Ramsey model. Zbl 0196.23405 Arrow, K. J.; Kurz, Mordecai 36 1970 Applications of control theory to economic growth. Zbl 0193.20302 Arrow, Kenneth J. 17 1968 Optimal capital policy, the cost of capital, and myopic decision rules. Zbl 0137.14201 Arrow, Kenneth J. 9 1964 Studies in applied probability and management science. Zbl 0116.12003 Arrow, K. J.; Karlin, S.; Scarf, H. 15 1962 Optimal capital adjustment. Zbl 0131.36605 Arrow, K. J. 11 1962 Quasi-concave programming. Zbl 0104.14302 Arrow, K. J.; Enthoven, Alain C. 129 1961 Constraint qualifications in maximization problems. Zbl 0129.34103 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, L.; Uzawa, Hirofumi 46 1961 Competitive stability under weak gross substitutability: The ”Euclidean distance” approach. Zbl 0104.38305 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 19 1960 Stability of the gradient process in \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0101.37104 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 15 1960 Some remarks on the equilibria of economic systems. Zbl 0090.37004 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 10 1960 Price-quantity adjustments in multiple markets with rising demands. Zbl 0099.36401 Arrow, Kenneth J. 7 1960 Mathematical methods in the social sciences, 1959. Proceedings of the first Stanford symposium. Zbl 0100.14904 5 1960 Decision theory and the choice of a level of significance for the \(t\)-test. Zbl 0114.35001 Arrow, Kenneth J. 3 1960 Mathematical methods in the social sciences, 1959. Proceedings of the first Stanford symposium. Zbl 0099.36204 2 1960 On the stability of the competitive equilibrium. II. Zbl 0095.34301 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Block, H. D.; Hurwicz, Leonid 65 1959 Functions of a theory of behaviour under uncertainty. Zbl 0104.38304 Arrow, K. J. 8 1959 A time series analysis of interindustry demands. Zbl 0089.16204 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hoffenberg, Marvin 4 1959 Studies in linear and non-linear programming. Zbl 0091.16002 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid; Uzawa, Hirofumi 475 1958 Studies in the mathematical theory of inventory and production. Zbl 0079.36003 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Karlin, Samuel; Scarf, Herbert; Beckmann, Martin J.; Gessford, John; Muth, Richard F. 198 1958 On the stability of the competitive equilibrium. I. Zbl 0084.15604 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 74 1958 A note on dynamic stability. Zbl 0107.37201 Arrow, K. J.; McManus, M. 40 1958 A note on expectations and stability. Zbl 0107.37105 Arrow, K. J.; Nerlove, M. 16 1958 Gradient methods for constrained maxima. Zbl 1414.90361 Arrow, Kenneth; Hurwicz, Leonid 5 1957 A theorem on expectations and the stability of equilibrium. Zbl 0074.15001 Enthoven, Alain C.; Arrow, Kenneth J. 20 1956 Reduction of constrained maxima to saddle-point problems. Zbl 0070.05804 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hurwicz, Leonid 14 1956 Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy. Zbl 0055.38007 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Debreu, Gerard 587 1954 Admissible points of convex sets. Zbl 0050.14203 Arrow, K. J.; Barankin, E. W.; Blackwell, D. 82 1953 Le rôle des valeurs boursières pour la répartition la meilleure des risques. Zbl 0053.41803 Arrow, Kenneth J. 33 1953 Social choice and individual values. Zbl 0984.91513 Arrow, Kenneth J. 1,020 1951 Optimal inventory policy. Zbl 0045.23205 Arrow, Kenneth J.; Harris, Theodore; Marschak, Jacob 123 1951 An extension of the basic theorems of classical welfare economics. Zbl 0044.34608 Arrow, Kenneth J. 49 1951 Alternative approaches to the theory of choice in risktaking situations. Zbl 0044.15304 Arrow, Kenneth J. 44 1951 Alternative proof of the substitution theorem for Leontief models in the general case. Zbl 0045.09606 Arrow, Kenneth J. 6 1951 Bayes and minimax solutions of sequentials decision problems. Zbl 0034.07504 Arrow, K. J.; Blackwell, D.; Girshick, M. A. 40 1949 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,214 Authors 25 Cato, Susumu 24 Khan, Mohammed Ali 22 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 19 Chichilnisky, Graciela 18 Bossert, Walter 18 Saari, Donald Gene 17 Campbell, Donald E. 16 Powers, Robert C. 16 Suzumura, Kotaro 15 McMorris, Frederick R. 14 Donato, Maria Bernadette 14 Milasi, Monica 13 Balasko, Yves 13 Bandyopadhyay, Taradas 13 Ma, Changfeng 13 Mitra, Tapan 13 Sanver, M. Remzi 13 Wakker, Peter Paul 12 Weymark, John Allan 11 Deng, Xiao-Tie 11 Mas-Colell, Andreu 11 Salles, Maurice 11 Tanaka, Yasuhito 10 Candeal, Juan Carlos 10 De Baets, Bernard 10 Ghossoub, Mario 10 Jiang, Wenjun 10 Kelly, Jerry S. 10 Mulder, Henry Martyn 10 Pattanaik, Prasanta Kumar 10 Polemarchakis, Herakles M. 10 Uyanık, Metin 10 Yuan, Xiaoming 9 Barthelemy, Jean-Pierre 9 Brandt, Felix 9 Endriss, Ulle 9 Ferland, Jacques A. 9 Geanakoplos, John D. 9 Georgescu, Irina 9 Induráin, Esteban 9 Karni, Edi 9 Le Van, Cuong 9 Marinacci, Massimo 9 Peleg, Bezalel 9 Schaible, Siegfried 9 Xu, Yongsheng 9 Yannelis, Nicholas Constantine 9 Zhang, Liwei 8 Aleskerov, Fuad T. 8 Boonen, Tim J. 8 Bridges, Douglas Suth 8 Hervés-Beloso, Carlos 8 Jouini, Elyès 8 Martins-da-Rocha, V. Filipe 8 Park, Choonkil 8 Piggins, Ashley 8 Ye, Yinyu 8 Zheng, Qingqing 7 Aliprantis, Charalambos Dionisios 7 Bensoussan, Alain 7 Cojocaru, Monica-Gabriela 7 Crouzeix, Jean-Pierre 7 Donaldson, David John 7 Duddy, Conal 7 Fleurbaey, Marc 7 Garg, Jugal 7 Hayashi, Takashi 7 Hens, Thorsten 7 Lewis, Alain A. 7 Meyer, Jack 7 Moreno-Ternero, Juan D. 7 Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 7 Schofield, Norman James 7 Sertel, Murat R. 7 Vazirani, Vijay V. 7 Vitanza, Carmela 7 Yager, Ronald R. 6 Bai, Zhongzhi 6 Barberà, Salvador 6 Campión, María Jesús 6 Chambers, Christopher P. 6 Changat, Manoj 6 Cornet, Bernard 6 Correia-da-Silva, João 6 Cotrina, John 6 Dong, Yucheng 6 Elkind, Edith 6 Han, Deren 6 He, Bingsheng 6 Herings, P. Jean-Jacques 6 Herrera, Francisco 6 Holzman, Ron 6 Jofré, Alejandro 6 Ju, Biung-Ghi 6 Kalman, Peter J. 6 Kim, Won Kyu 6 Kogan, Konstantin 6 Konnov, Igor Vasilyevich 6 Li, Jingyuan 6 Liu, Jiuqiang ...and 5,114 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 462 Serials 357 Journal of Economic Theory 270 Journal of Mathematical Economics 256 European Journal of Operational Research 190 Mathematical Social Sciences 120 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 118 Social Choice and Welfare 100 Theory and Decision 98 Economics Letters 98 Economic Theory 72 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 61 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 61 Games and Economic Behavior 54 Applied Mathematics and Computation 54 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 46 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 43 Annals of Operations Research 38 Automatica 35 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 31 Operations Research Letters 28 Mathematical Programming 26 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 26 Metroeconomica 26 Journal of Global Optimization 25 Optimization 24 Econometrica 23 Discrete Applied Mathematics 23 Computers & Operations Research 22 Artificial Intelligence 22 Operations Research 22 Journal of Economics 22 Linear Algebra and its Applications 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 Theoretical Computer Science 18 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 17 Information Sciences 17 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 17 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 17 Computational Optimization and Applications 17 Theoretical Economics 16 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 16 Synthese 16 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 15 International Journal of Systems Science 15 International Journal of Game Theory 15 SIAM Journal on Optimization 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 14 Journal of Econometrics 14 Systems & Control Letters 14 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 14 Journal of Scientific Computing 14 Optimization Letters 13 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 13 Applied Mathematics Letters 13 Applied Mathematical Modelling 13 International Transactions in Operational Research 13 Mathematical Finance 13 Review of Economic Design 12 Physica A 12 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 12 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 12 Decisions in Economics and Finance 11 International Economic Review 11 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 11 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 10 Automation and Remote Control 10 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 10 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 10 Unternehmensforschung 10 International Journal of Economic Theory 9 Journal of Philosophical Logic 9 Computational Economics 9 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 9 Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 International Game Theory Review 9 Mathematics and Financial Economics 8 Computers and Fluids 8 Discrete Mathematics 8 Journal of Computational Physics 8 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 8 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 8 Naval Research Logistics 8 Opsearch 8 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 8 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 8 Quantitative Finance 8 North American Actuarial Journal 7 Information Processing Letters 7 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 7 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 7 Numerische Mathematik 7 Sequential Analysis 7 Numerical Algorithms 7 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 7 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 7 Soft Computing 7 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 7 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 6 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa ...and 362 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 48 Fields 2,761 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1,041 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 264 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 252 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 229 Computer science (68-XX) 185 Statistics (62-XX) 150 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 123 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 119 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 68 Operator theory (47-XX) 59 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 56 Combinatorics (05-XX) 56 Real functions (26-XX) 52 Functional analysis (46-XX) 49 General topology (54-XX) 49 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 47 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 45 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 42 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 41 History and biography (01-XX) 40 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 36 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 32 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 30 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 27 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 21 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 16 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 15 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 8 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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