Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Brezinski, Claude Co-Author Distance Author ID: brezinski.claude Published as: Brezinski, Claude; Brezinski, C.; Brezinski, Cl. more...less Homepage: http://math.univ-lille1.fr/~brezinsk/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 225 Publications since 1970, including 14 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 20 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 1 Package Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 55 Co-Authors with 113 Joint Publications 1,548 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 133 single-authored 66 Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 12 Sadok, Hassane 6 Seatzu, Sebastiano 5 Van Iseghem, Jeannette 4 He, Yi 4 Hu, Xingbiao 4 Rodriguez, Giuseppe 4 Sun, Jianqing 3 Gautschi, Walter 3 Sameh, Ahmed H. 2 Chehab, Jean-Paul 2 De Marchi, Stefano 2 Delahaye, Jean-Paul 2 Driver, Kathy A. 2 Fika, Paraskevi 2 Iske, Armin 2 Lembarki, Alami 2 Maroni, Pascal 2 Matos, Ana Cristina 2 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 2 Mitrouli, Marilena 2 Morandi Cecchi, Maria 2 Ronveaux, André 2 Saad, Yousef 2 Salam, Ahmed 2 Vianello, Marco 1 Abkowicz, A. 1 Bantegnies, F. 1 Beckermann, Bernhard 1 Butcher, John C. 1 Carnicer, Jésus Miguel 1 Carnier, Jesus M. 1 Ciarlet, Philippe Gaston 1 Cipolla, Stefano 1 Crouzeix, Michel 1 Draux, André 1 Gander, Martin Jakob 1 Germain-Bonne, Bernard 1 González-Vera, Pablo 1 Gori, Laura 1 Gross-Cholesky, Michel 1 Hayek Calil, Nácere 1 Higham, Nicholas John 1 Korevaar, Jacob 1 Kulisch, Ulrich W. 1 Lorentzen, Lisa 1 Magnus, Alphonse Ph. 1 Meurant, Gérard A. 1 Monegato, Giovanni 1 Musschoot, C. 1 Novati, Paolo 1 Nuvet, Raymond 1 Padé, Henri 1 Paszkowski, Stefan 1 Raydan, Marcos 1 Reichel, Lothar 1 Rieu, Alain C. 1 Segura, Javier 1 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 1 Spalević, Miodrag M. 1 Tam, Hon-Wah 1 Tournès, Dominique 1 Van Assche, Walter 1 Varga, Richard Steven 1 Venturino, Ezio 1 Walz, Guido 1 Wanner, Gerhard 1 Weniger, Ernst Joachim 1 Wuytack, Luc all top 5 Serials 27 Numerical Algorithms 22 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 18 Applied Numerical Mathematics 14 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 13 Numerische Mathematik 7 Linear Algebra and its Applications 5 Mathematics of Computation 3 Calcolo 3 Journal of Approximation Theory 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Matapli 3 Contemporary Mathematicians 2 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 BIT 2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 2 SIAM Review 2 Applicationes Mathematicae 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Annals of Numerical Mathematics 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Revue Française d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle 2 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2 Springer Series in Computational Mathematics 2 Studies in Computational Mathematics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Inverse Problems 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Zastosowania Matematyki 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Computing 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 The Mathematics Student 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 1 Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria II. Wiadomości Matematyczne 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Elemente der Mathematik 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Revue d’Histoire des Mathématiques 1 Skrifter. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab 1 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1 Communications in Applied Analysis 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 RACSAM. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas 1 Rendiconti di Matematica, VI. Serie 1 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico. Universitá e Politecnico di Torino 1 Cahiers d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences. Nouvelle Série 1 IMACS Annals on Computing and Applied Mathematics 1 ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1 Numerical Methods and Algorithms 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 1 Jaen Journal on Approximation 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Rouge 1 Other Titles in Applied Mathematics all top 5 Fields 185 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 57 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 25 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 22 History and biography (01-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 19 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 208 Publications have been cited 2,990 times in 1,423 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Padé-type approximation and general orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0418.41012 Brezinski, Claude 280 1980 Extrapolation methods theory and practice. Zbl 0744.65004 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo Zaglia, Michela 228 1991 A general extrapolation algorithm. Zbl 0444.65001 Brezinski, C. 118 1980 Accélération de la convergence en analyse numérique. Zbl 0352.65003 Brezinski, C. 91 1977 History of continued fractions and Padé approximants. Zbl 0714.01001 Brezinski, Claude 73 1991 Généralisations de la transformation de Shanks, de la table de Padé et de l’\(\varepsilon\)-algorithme. Zbl 0329.65006 Brezinski, C. 71 1976 Biorthogonality and its applications to numerical analysis. Zbl 0757.41001 Brezinski, Claude 58 1992 Convergence acceleration during the 20th century. Zbl 0976.65003 Brezinski, C. 56 2000 Other manifestations of the Schur complement. Zbl 0662.65037 Brezinski, Claude 53 1988 Quasi-orthogonality with applications to some families of classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1047.33002 Brezinski, C.; Driver, K. A.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 52 2004 Algorithmes d’accélération de la convergence. Étude numérique. Zbl 0396.65001 Brezinski, Claude 51 1978 Error estimates for linear systems with applications to regularization. Zbl 1162.65018 Brezinski, C.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 42 2008 Accélération du suites à convergence logarithmique. Zbl 0248.65004 Brezinski, Claude 40 1971 Error estimates for the regularization of least squares problems. Zbl 1166.65331 Brezinski, C.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 40 2009 Recursive interpolation, extrapolation and projection. Zbl 0525.65007 Brezinski, Claude 40 1983 Multi-parameter regularization techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems. Zbl 1024.65036 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 38 2003 Avoiding breakdown and near-breakdown in Lanczos type algorithms. Zbl 0748.65033 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 32 1991 A breakdown-free Lanczos type algorithm for solving linear systems. Zbl 0739.65027 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 32 1992 Lanczos-type algorithms for solving systems of linear equations. Zbl 0780.65020 Brezinski, Claude; Sadok, Hassane 30 1993 Shanks sequence transformations and Anderson acceleration. Zbl 1395.65001 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Saad, Yousef 30 2018 Hybrid procedures for solving linear systems. Zbl 0797.65023 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 29 1994 Projection methods for linear systems. Zbl 0867.65009 Brezinski, C. 29 1997 Extrapolation methods. Zbl 0814.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 28 1994 The Mühlbach-Neville-Aitken algorithm and some extensions. Zbl 0462.65006 Brezinski, C. 26 1980 The PageRank vector: properties, computation, approximation, and acceleration. Zbl 1116.65042 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 26 2006 Extrapolation techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems. Zbl 0921.65032 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 25 1998 Rational approximation to formal power series. Zbl 0401.41013 Brezinski, C. 25 1979 Computational aspects of linear control. Zbl 1010.93003 Brezinski, Claude 25 2002 A taste of Padé approximation. Zbl 0827.41010 Brezinski, Claude; Van Iseghem, Jeannette 24 1995 Error estimates for the solution of linear systems. Zbl 0944.65050 Brezinski, C. 24 1999 Sequences of transformations and triangular recursion schemes, with applications in numerical analysis. Zbl 0732.65004 Brezinski, Claude; Walz, Guido 23 1991 A Schur complement approach to a general extrapolation algorithm. Zbl 1027.65001 Brezinski, C.; Zaglia, M. Redivo 23 2003 A new presentation of orthogonal polynomials with applications to their computation. Zbl 0752.65011 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M. 22 1991 Padé approximations. Zbl 0875.65025 Brezinski, Claude; Van Iseghem, Jeannette 22 1994 Projection methods for systems of equations. Zbl 0889.65023 Brezinski, Claude 22 1997 Extrapolation algorithms for filtering series of functions, and treating the Gibbs phenomenon. Zbl 1071.42003 Brezinski, C. 22 2004 Extrapolation algorithms and Padé approximations: A historical survey. Zbl 0854.65001 Brezinski, C. 21 1996 The simplified topological \(\varepsilon\)-algorithms for accelerating sequences in a vector space. Zbl 1308.65006 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 21 2014 Some determinantal identities in a vector space, with applications. Zbl 0542.41016 Brezinski, Claude 20 1984 A general extrapolation procedure revisited. Zbl 0828.65006 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 19 1994 Orthogonal polynomials and their applications. Proceedings of the third international symposium held in Erice, Italy, June 1-8, 1990. Zbl 0812.00027 19 1991 Avoiding breakdown in the CGS algorithm. Zbl 0766.65024 Brezinski, Claude; Sadok, Hassane 18 1991 New representations of Padé, Padé-type, and partial Padé approximants. Zbl 1323.30044 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 18 2015 Application de l’\(\varepsilon\)-algorithme à la résolution des systèmes non linéaires. (Application of the \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm for solving nonlinear systems). Zbl 0228.65043 Brezinski, Claude 18 1970 Some new convergence acceleration methods. Zbl 0487.65005 Brezinski, Claude 18 1982 The genesis and early developments of Aitken’s process, Shanks’ transformation, the \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, and related fixed point methods. Zbl 1477.65011 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 18 2019 Nonlinear hybrid procedures and fixed point iterations. Zbl 0910.65034 Brezinski, C.; Chehab, J.-P. 17 1998 Estimations of the trace of powers of positive self-adjoint operators by extrapolation of the moments. Zbl 1287.65042 Brezinski, Claude; Fika, Paraskevi; Mitrouli, Marilena 17 2012 A classification of quasi-Newton methods. Zbl 1030.65053 Brezinski, C. 17 2003 Rational extrapolation for the PageRank vector. Zbl 1195.65046 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 17 2008 A derivation of extrapolation algorithms based on error estimates. Zbl 0854.65002 Brezinski, Claude; Matos, Ana C. 16 1996 Quasi-linear extrapolation processes. Zbl 0654.65006 Brezinski, Claude 16 1988 Extrapolation methods for PageRank computations. Zbl 1066.65040 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 15 2005 Error control in convergence acceleration processes. Zbl 0515.65004 Brezinski, Claude 15 1983 Moments of a linear operator, with applications to the trace of the inverse of matrices and the solution of equations. Zbl 1289.15014 Brezinski, Claude; Fika, Paraskevi; Mitrouli, Marilena 15 2012 Treatment of near-breakdown in the CGS algorithm. Zbl 0810.65028 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 14 1994 Partial Padé approximations. Zbl 0683.41029 Brezinski, Claude 14 1988 Some results in the theory of the vector \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm. Zbl 0273.65026 Brezinski, Claude 14 1974 Numerical analysis: Historical developments in the 20th century. Zbl 0985.65002 14 2001 The simplified topological \(\varepsilon\)-algorithms: software and applications. Zbl 1362.65004 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 13 2017 Generalizations of aitken’s process for accelerating the convergence of sequences. Zbl 1182.65007 Brezinski, Claude; Zaglia, Michela Redivo 13 2007 Padé approximants and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0368.41008 Brezinski, C. 13 1977 New look-ahead Lanczos-type algorithms for linear systems. Zbl 0932.65040 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 13 1999 Addendum to “Avoiding breakdown and near-breakdown in Lanczos type algorithms”. Zbl 0769.65014 Brezinski, C.; Zaglia, M. Redivo; Sadok, H. 12 1992 Sequence transformations. With an introduction by Claude Brezinski. Zbl 0652.65004 Delahaye, Jean-Paul 12 1988 Multistep \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, Shanks’ transformation, and the Lotka-Volterra system by Hirota’s method. Zbl 1421.65002 Brezinski, Claude; He, Yi; Hu, Xing-Biao; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Sun, Jian-Qing 12 2012 Remarque sur le procédé \(\Delta^ 2\) d’Aitken. Zbl 0193.12101 Brezinski, C.; Crouzeix, M. 12 1970 Composite sequence transformations. Zbl 0568.65001 Brezinski, Claude 12 1985 Convergence acceleration methods: The past decade. Zbl 0574.65002 Brezinski, Claude 12 1985 Matrix and vector sequence transformations revisited. Zbl 0835.65001 Brezinski, C.; Salam, A. 11 1995 The solution of systems of equations using the \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, and an application to boundary-value problems. Zbl 0293.65060 Brezinski, Claude; Rieu, Alain C. 11 1974 A direct proof of the Christoffel-Darboux identity and its equivalence to the recurrence relationship. Zbl 0714.33006 Brezinski, Claude 11 1990 Prediction properties of some extrapolation methods. Zbl 0619.65001 Brezinski, Claude 11 1985 Breakdowns in the computation of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0812.65008 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 10 1994 Look-ahead in Bi-CGSTAB and other product methods for linear systems. Zbl 0831.65032 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 10 1995 Some vector sequence transformations with applications to systems of equations. Zbl 0794.65002 Brezinski, C.; Sadok, H. 10 1992 Variations on Richardson’s method and acceleration. Zbl 0863.65011 Brezinski, Claude 10 1996 Vector and matrix sequence transformations based on biorthogonality. Zbl 0865.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M. 10 1996 Computation of the eigenelements of a matrix by the \(\varepsilon\)- algorithm. Zbl 0311.65028 Brezinski, Claude 10 1975 Sur un algorithme de résolution des systèmes non linéaires. (On a method for solving nonlinear systems). Zbl 0228.65044 Brezinski, Claude 10 1971 Convergence acceleration of Kaczmarz’s method. Zbl 1360.65098 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 10 2015 A subroutine for the general interpolation and extrapolation problems. Zbl 0485.65005 Brezinski, C. 10 1982 The asymptotic behavior of sequences and new series transformations based on the Cauchy product. Zbl 0741.65003 Brezinski, Claude 9 1991 Bordering methods and progressive forms for sequence transformations. Zbl 0742.65003 Brezinski, C. 9 1990 Continued fractions and Padé approximants. Reprint from Appl. Numer. Math. Zbl 0712.00008 9 1990 Méthodes d’accélération de la convergence en analyse numérique. Zbl 0296.65002 Brezinski, Claude 9 1971 Vector sequence transformations: Methodology and applications to linear systems. Zbl 0933.65003 Brezinski, C. 9 1998 A new approach to convergence acceleration methods. Zbl 0707.40002 Brezinski, Claude 9 1988 Computation of Padé approximants and continued fractions. Zbl 0341.65007 Brezinski, Claude 9 1976 Acceleration of extended Fibonacci sequences. Zbl 0612.65002 Brezinski, C.; Lembarki, A. 9 1986 Multiparameter iterative schemes for the solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations. Zbl 0949.65054 Brezinski, C.; Chehab, J.-P. 9 1999 Extrapolation and rational approximation. The works of the main contributors. Zbl 1477.65006 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 9 2020 Convergence acceleration by extraction of linear subsequences. Zbl 0529.65001 Brezinski, C.; Delahaye, J. P.; Germain-Bonne, B. 9 1983 Construction of extrapolation processes. Zbl 0739.65001 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo Zaglia, Michela 8 1991 The linear convergence of limit periodic continued fractions. Zbl 0662.30003 Brezinski, C.; Lembarki, A. 8 1987 Sur le calcul de certains rapports de déterminants. Zbl 0432.41012 Brezinski, Claude 8 1979 Études sur les \(\epsilon\)-et p-algorithmes. Zbl 0204.48305 Brezinski, C. 8 1971 On the kernel of sequence transformations. Zbl 0819.65004 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 7 1994 Formal orthogonality on an algebraic curve. Zbl 0855.42015 Brezinski, C. 7 1995 Vector orthogonal polynomials of dimension \(-d\). Zbl 0821.42015 Brezinski, C.; van Iseghem, J. 7 1994 Shanks and Anderson-type acceleration techniques for systems of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1506.65003 Brezinski, Claude; Cipolla, Stefano; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Saad, Yousef 3 2022 A survey of Shanks’ extrapolation methods and their applications. Zbl 1469.65011 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 1 2021 Extrapolation and rational approximation. The works of the main contributors. Zbl 1477.65006 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 9 2020 The genesis and early developments of Aitken’s process, Shanks’ transformation, the \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, and related fixed point methods. Zbl 1477.65011 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 18 2019 Extrapolation methods for the numerical solution of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations. Zbl 1416.65013 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 5 2019 Zeros of quadratic quasi-orthogonal order 2 polynomials. Zbl 1507.33008 Brezinski, Claude; Driver, Kathy A.; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 4 2019 Obituary: Reminiscences of Peter Wynn. Zbl 1405.01032 Brezinski, C. 2 2019 Matrix Shanks transformations. Zbl 1431.65002 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 2 2019 Shanks sequence transformations and Anderson acceleration. Zbl 1395.65001 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Saad, Yousef 30 2018 Hirota’s bilinear method, Shanks’ transformation, and the \(\varepsilon\)-algorithms. Zbl 1424.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 2 2018 The simplified topological \(\varepsilon\)-algorithms: software and applications. Zbl 1362.65004 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 13 2017 Shanks function transformations in a vector space. Zbl 1372.65003 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 2 2017 New representations of Padé, Padé-type, and partial Padé approximants. Zbl 1323.30044 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 18 2015 Convergence acceleration of Kaczmarz’s method. Zbl 1360.65098 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 10 2015 The simplified topological \(\varepsilon\)-algorithms for accelerating sequences in a vector space. Zbl 1308.65006 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 21 2014 André-Louis Cholesky. Mathematician, topographer and army officer. Zbl 1320.01002 Brezinski, Claude; Tournès, Dominique 2 2014 Walter Gautschi, Volume 2. Selected works with commentaries. Edited by Claude Brezinski and Ahmed Sameh. Zbl 1292.01006 Gautschi, Walter 1 2014 Walter Gautschi, Volume 3. Selected works with commentaries. Edited by Claude Brezinski and Ahmed Sameh. Zbl 1292.01007 Gautschi, Walter 1 2014 Padé-type rational and barycentric interpolation. Zbl 1276.65005 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 7 2013 Estimations of the trace of powers of positive self-adjoint operators by extrapolation of the moments. Zbl 1287.65042 Brezinski, Claude; Fika, Paraskevi; Mitrouli, Marilena 17 2012 Moments of a linear operator, with applications to the trace of the inverse of matrices and the solution of equations. Zbl 1289.15014 Brezinski, Claude; Fika, Paraskevi; Mitrouli, Marilena 15 2012 Multistep \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, Shanks’ transformation, and the Lotka-Volterra system by Hirota’s method. Zbl 1421.65002 Brezinski, Claude; He, Yi; Hu, Xing-Biao; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Sun, Jian-Qing 12 2012 A rational Arnoldi approach for ill-conditioned linear systems. Zbl 1254.65051 Brezinski, C.; Novati, P.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 6 2012 Confluent form of the multistep \(\varepsilon\)-algorithm, and the relevant integrable system. Zbl 1242.65002 Brezinski, Claude; He, Yi; Hu, Xing-Biao; Sun, Jian-Qing; Tam, Hon-Wah 6 2011 Cross rules and non-Abelian lattice equations for the discrete and confluent non-scalar \(\varepsilon \)-algorithms. Zbl 1192.82048 Brezinski, C. 6 2010 Extensions of Drummond’s process for convergence acceleration. Zbl 1201.65005 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 5 2010 Some pioneers of extrapolation methods. Zbl 1192.65006 Brezinski, Claude 5 2010 From numerical quadrature to Padé approximation. Zbl 1202.41027 Brezinski, C. 4 2010 A generalization of the \(G\)-transformation and the related algorithms. Zbl 1203.65011 Brezinski, Claude; He, Yi; Hu, Xing-Biao; Sun, Jian-Qing 3 2010 Cross rules of some extrapolation algorithms. Zbl 1215.65005 Brezinski, Claude; He, Yi; Hu, Xing-Biao; Sun, Jian-Qing 2 2010 Extended procedures for extrapolation to the limit. Zbl 1200.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 2 2010 Special issue: Approximation and extrapolation of of convergent and divergent sequences and series. Selected papers based on the presentations at the conference, Marseille, France, September 28–October 2, 2009. Zbl 1205.65005 2 2010 Error estimates for the regularization of least squares problems. Zbl 1166.65331 Brezinski, C.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 40 2009 Error estimates for linear systems with applications to regularization. Zbl 1162.65018 Brezinski, C.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 42 2008 Rational extrapolation for the PageRank vector. Zbl 1195.65046 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 17 2008 Generalizations of aitken’s process for accelerating the convergence of sequences. Zbl 1182.65007 Brezinski, Claude; Zaglia, Michela Redivo 13 2007 Cauchy-Schwarz and Kantorovich type inequalities for scalar and matrix moment sequences. Zbl 1117.15018 Brezinski, C.; Raydan, M. 3 2007 A brief introduction to integrable systems. Zbl 1184.37050 Brezinski, C. 2 2007 The PageRank vector: properties, computation, approximation, and acceleration. Zbl 1116.65042 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 26 2006 The life and work of André Cholesky. Zbl 1113.65001 Brezinski, C. 3 2006 Iterative numerical methods. Level M 1. (Méthodes numériques itératives. Niveau M 1.) Zbl 1327.65001 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 1 2006 Extrapolation methods for PageRank computations. Zbl 1066.65040 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 15 2005 The method of Cholesky. (La méthode de Cholesky.) Zbl 1177.01003 Brezinski, Claude 3 2005 Quasi-orthogonality with applications to some families of classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1047.33002 Brezinski, C.; Driver, K. A.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 52 2004 Extrapolation algorithms for filtering series of functions, and treating the Gibbs phenomenon. Zbl 1071.42003 Brezinski, C. 22 2004 New vector sequence transformations. Zbl 1080.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 3 2004 Model reduction by state space projection. Zbl 1139.93309 Brezinski, C. 2 2004 The multiparameter conjugate gradient algorithm. Zbl 1238.65022 Bantegnies, F.; Brezinski, C. 2 2004 Multi-parameter regularization techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems. Zbl 1024.65036 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 38 2003 A Schur complement approach to a general extrapolation algorithm. Zbl 1027.65001 Brezinski, C.; Zaglia, M. Redivo 23 2003 A classification of quasi-Newton methods. Zbl 1030.65053 Brezinski, C. 17 2003 Comparisons between vector and matrix Padé approximants. Zbl 1362.41002 Brezinski, Claude 2 2003 Computational aspects of linear control. Zbl 1010.93003 Brezinski, Claude 25 2002 Block descent methods and hybrid procedures for linear systems. Zbl 1044.65023 Brezinski, C. 6 2002 A review of formal orthogonality in Lanczos-based methods. Zbl 0996.65031 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 5 2002 Block projection methods for linear systems. Zbl 0992.65023 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M. 2 2002 Biorthogonal vector sequence transformations and Padé approximation of vector series. Zbl 1001.65001 Brezinski, C. 1 2002 An introduction to formal orthogonality and some of its applications. Zbl 1047.42020 Brezinski, C. 1 2002 Numerical analysis: Historical developments in the 20th century. Zbl 0985.65002 14 2001 Dynamical systems and sequence transformations. Zbl 1001.37092 Brezinski, C. 3 2001 Convergence acceleration during the 20th century. Zbl 0976.65003 Brezinski, C. 56 2000 The block Lanczos and Vorobyev methods. Zbl 0961.65024 Brezinski, Claude 7 2000 The matrix and polynomial approaches to Lanczos-type algorithms. Zbl 0964.65030 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 5 2000 Numerical analysis in the 20th century. (In 7 vols.) Vol. 2: Interpolation and extrapolation. Special issue. Zbl 0959.00009 3 2000 Numerical analysis 2000. Vol. 2: Interpolation and extrapolation. Repr. from the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 122, Nr 1-2 (2000). Zbl 0954.65002 2 2000 Acceleration procedures for matrix iterative methods. Zbl 0972.65023 Brezinski, C. 2 2000 Difference and differential equations and convergence acceleration algorithms. Zbl 0959.65004 Brezinski, C. 1 2000 Variations on Lanczos’ tridiagonalization process. Zbl 0973.65032 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 1 2000 Error estimates for the solution of linear systems. Zbl 0944.65050 Brezinski, C. 24 1999 New look-ahead Lanczos-type algorithms for linear systems. Zbl 0932.65040 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 13 1999 Multiparameter iterative schemes for the solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations. Zbl 0949.65054 Brezinski, C.; Chehab, J.-P. 9 1999 Multiparameter descent methods. Zbl 0932.65039 Brezinski, C. 6 1999 Krylov subspace methods, biorthogonal polynomials and Padé-type approximants. Zbl 0936.65034 Brezinski, C. 4 1999 Error estimates in Padé approximation. Zbl 0949.41008 Brezinski, C. 2 1999 Transpose-free look-ahead algorithms for Lanczos’ method. Zbl 0937.65040 Brezinski, Claude; Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 1 1999 Extrapolation techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems. Zbl 0921.65032 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Rodriguez, G.; Seatzu, S. 25 1998 Nonlinear hybrid procedures and fixed point iterations. Zbl 0910.65034 Brezinski, C.; Chehab, J.-P. 17 1998 Vector sequence transformations: Methodology and applications to linear systems. Zbl 0933.65003 Brezinski, C. 9 1998 Transpose-free Lanczos-type algorithms for nonsymmetric linear systems. Zbl 0907.65031 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 5 1998 Hybrid methods for solving systems of equations. Zbl 0898.65017 Brezinski, C. 4 1998 Projection methods for linear systems. Zbl 0867.65009 Brezinski, C. 29 1997 Projection methods for systems of equations. Zbl 0889.65023 Brezinski, Claude 22 1997 Breakdowns in the implementation of the Lánczos method for solving linear systems. Zbl 0871.65025 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M.; Sadok, H. 6 1997 A transpose-free “Lanczos/Orthodir” algorithm for linear systems. Zbl 0877.65013 Brezinski, Claude 1 1997 On the zeros of various kinds of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0885.30005 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 1 1997 Extrapolation algorithms and Padé approximations: A historical survey. Zbl 0854.65001 Brezinski, C. 21 1996 A derivation of extrapolation algorithms based on error estimates. Zbl 0854.65002 Brezinski, Claude; Matos, Ana C. 16 1996 Variations on Richardson’s method and acceleration. Zbl 0863.65011 Brezinski, Claude 10 1996 Vector and matrix sequence transformations based on biorthogonality. Zbl 0865.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo Zaglia, M. 10 1996 The methods of Vorobyev and Lanczos. Zbl 0923.65023 Brezinski, C. 5 1996 The algebra of linear functionals on polynomials, with applications to Padé approximation. Zbl 0862.42016 Brezinski, C.; Maroni, P. 4 1996 Acceleration properties of the hybrid procedure for solving linear systems. Zbl 0852.65033 Abkowicz, A.; Brezinski, C. 3 1996 A look-ahead strategy for the implementation of some old and new extrapolation methods. Zbl 0851.65002 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 1 1996 A taste of Padé approximation. Zbl 0827.41010 Brezinski, Claude; Van Iseghem, Jeannette 24 1995 Matrix and vector sequence transformations revisited. Zbl 0835.65001 Brezinski, C.; Salam, A. 11 1995 Look-ahead in Bi-CGSTAB and other product methods for linear systems. Zbl 0831.65032 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 10 1995 Formal orthogonality on an algebraic curve. Zbl 0855.42015 Brezinski, C. 7 1995 Hybrid procedures for solving linear systems. Zbl 0797.65023 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 29 1994 Extrapolation methods. Zbl 0814.65001 Brezinski, C.; Redivo-Zaglia, M. 28 1994 Padé approximations. Zbl 0875.65025 Brezinski, Claude; Van Iseghem, Jeannette 22 1994 ...and 108 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,533 Authors 95 Brezinski, Claude 56 Reichel, Lothar 47 Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 36 Sadok, Hassane 29 Jbilou, Khalide 23 Sidi, Avram 20 González-Vera, Pablo 20 Prévost, Marc 16 Hu, Xingbiao 16 Marcellán Español, Francisco 15 Cuyt, Annie A. M. 15 Jordaan, Kerstin 14 Driver, Kathy A. 14 Graves-Morris, Peter R. 14 Gu, Chuanqing 14 Weniger, Ernst Joachim 13 Bultheel, Adhemar François 13 He, Yi 13 Matos, Ana Cristina 12 Durán, Antonio José 11 Chang, Xiangke 11 Mühlbach, Günter W. 11 Rodriguez, Giuseppe 10 Draux, André 10 Lubinsky, Doron S. 10 Messaoudi, Abderrahim 9 Fika, Paraskevi 9 Homeier, Herbert H. H. 9 Mitrouli, Marilena 9 Raydan, Marcos 9 Salam, Ahmed 9 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 9 Walz, Guido 8 Chehab, Jean-Paul 8 Noschese, Silvia 8 Orive Rodríguez, Ramón Angel 8 Sadaka, Rachid 8 Safouhi, Hassan 8 Wang, Tongke 7 Benouahmane, Brahim 7 Bentbib, Abdeslem Hafid 7 Doliwa, Adam 7 Ekström, Sven-Erik 7 Huang, Ting-Zhu 7 Iserles, Arieh 7 Magnus, Alphonse Ph. 7 Njåstad, Olav 7 Osada, Naoki 7 Wen, Chun 7 Zhang, Jun 6 Beckermann, Bernhard 6 Chen, Chaoping 6 Jooste, Alta S. 6 Le Ferrand, Hervé 6 Lembarki, Alami 6 Morandi Cecchi, Maria 6 Roy, Dhiranjan 6 Slevinsky, Richard Mikaël 6 Stanimirović, Predrag S. 6 Sun, Jianqing 6 Van Barel, Marc 6 Van Iseghem, Jeannette 5 Abouir, Jilali 5 Chen, Xiaomin 5 Díaz-Mendoza, Carlos 5 Donatelli, Marco 5 Dykes, Laura 5 Fdil, Abdelhaq 5 Gasca, Mariano 5 Grammaticos, Basil 5 Huang, Guang-Xin 5 Lima, Pedro Miguel 5 Paszkowski, Stefan 5 Pozza, Stefano 5 Ronveaux, André 5 Sablonnière, Paul 5 Shen, Zhaoli 5 Strakoš, Zdeněk 5 Sugiura, Hiroshi 5 Tam, Hon-Wah 5 Toókos, Ferenc 5 Verdonk, Brigitte M. 5 Xiu, Dongbin 4 Berlinet, Alain F. 4 Bhattacharya, Ranjan 4 Bhaya, Amit 4 Bugeaud, Yann 4 Carpentieri, Bruno 4 Cipolla, Stefano 4 Deeb, Ahmad Ali 4 Delahaye, Jean-Paul 4 Dueñas, Herbert 4 Gabutti, Bruno 4 Garoni, Carlo 4 Gilewicz, Jacek 4 Gochhayat, Priyabrat 4 Hämarik, Uno 4 Heyouni, Mohammed 4 Jiménez Paiz, Mateo M. 4 Jones, William Branham ...and 1,433 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 248 Serials 253 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 191 Numerical Algorithms 114 Applied Numerical Mathematics 44 Linear Algebra and its Applications 42 Journal of Approximation Theory 35 Applied Mathematics and Computation 35 Numerische Mathematik 25 Computer Physics Communications 25 Journal of Computational Physics 23 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 19 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 19 Mathematics of Computation 19 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 14 Calcolo 13 BIT 12 Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 Applied Mathematics Letters 9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 9 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 9 Advances in Computational Mathematics 9 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 8 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 8 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 8 Constructive Approximation 8 Journal of Scientific Computing 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 7 The Ramanujan Journal 7 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 5 Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Physics Letters. A 5 Computing 5 Studies in Applied Mathematics 5 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 5 Historia Mathematica 5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 Inverse Problems 4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Results in Mathematics 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Statistics & Probability Letters 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 4 Journal of Shanghai University 3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 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RACSAM 3 Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 2 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 2 Artificial Intelligence 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Nuclear Physics. B 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 RAIRO. Analyse Numérique 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics 2 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2 Annals of Physics 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 European Journal of Operational Research ...and 148 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 53 Fields 915 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 285 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 168 Special functions (33-XX) 154 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 131 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 87 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 77 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 74 Computer science (68-XX) 64 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 62 Number theory (11-XX) 50 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 45 Statistics (62-XX) 39 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 36 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 36 Operator theory (47-XX) 34 Integral equations (45-XX) 33 Quantum theory (81-XX) 28 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 25 Combinatorics (05-XX) 25 Real functions (26-XX) 23 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 22 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 22 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 21 History and biography (01-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 19 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 16 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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