Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Caballero-Águila, Raquel Co-Author Distance Author ID: caballero-aguila.raquel Published as: Caballero-Águila, R.; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Caballero Águila, R. more...less External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 49 Publications since 2000 Co-Authors: 12 Co-Authors with 49 Joint Publications 176 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 46 Linares-Pérez, Josefa 37 Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora 16 Nakamori, Seiichi 9 Jiménez-López, José Domingo 7 García-Garrido, Irene 4 Hu, Jun 2 Chen, Cai 1 Fan, Shuting 1 Hu, Zhibin 1 Lei, Bingxin 1 Liu, Hongjian 1 Yi, Xiaojian all top 5 Serials 9 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Signal Processing 4 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 International Journal of General Systems 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematical Sciences (Ruse) 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (España) 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 International Mathematical Forum 1 ISRN Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics Fields 35 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 16 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 38 Publications have been cited 263 times in 173 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Optimal state estimation for networked systems with random parameter matrices, correlated noises and delayed measurements. Zbl 1309.93152 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 28 2015 New distributed fusion filtering algorithm based on covariances over sensor networks with random packet dropouts. Zbl 1371.93184 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 26 2017 Extended and unscented filtering algorithms in nonlinear fractional order systems with uncertain observations. Zbl 1253.62067 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 17 2012 Information fusion algorithms for state estimation in multi-sensor systems with correlated missing measurements. Zbl 1353.93106 Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I.; Linares-Pérez, J. 17 2014 Optimal linear filter design for systems with correlation in the measurement matrices and noises: recursive algorithm and applications. Zbl 1290.93189 Linares-Pérez, J.; Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I. 16 2014 Distributed optimal fusion filtering for singular systems with random transmission delays and packet dropout compensations. Zbl 1508.93302 Hu, Jun; Wang, Chen; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Liu, Hongjian 14 2023 New design of estimators using covariance information with uncertain observations in linear discrete-time systems. Zbl 1016.62110 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 12 2003 Second-order polynomial estimators from uncertain observations using covariance information. Zbl 1026.62096 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 10 2003 Least-squares linear filtering using observations coming from multiple sensors with one- or two-step random delay. Zbl 1178.94142 Linares-Pérez, J.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Jiménez-López, J. D. 10 2009 Distributed fusion filtering for uncertain systems with coupled noises, random delays and packet loss prediction compensation. Zbl 1520.93563 Caballero-Águila, R.; Linares-Pérez, J. 10 2023 Linear estimation based on covariances for networked systems featuring sensor correlated random delays. Zbl 1278.93247 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 9 2013 Recursive estimation of discrete-time signals from nonlinear randomly delayed observations. Zbl 1189.93136 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Nakamori, S. 8 2009 Signal estimation based on covariance information from observations featuring correlated uncertainty and coming from multiple sensors. Zbl 1151.94375 Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A. 7 2008 A new estimation algorithm from measurements with multiple-step random delays and packet dropouts. Zbl 1189.62153 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 7 2010 Linear and quadratic estimation using uncertain observations from multiple sensors with correlated uncertainty. Zbl 1203.94024 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 6 2011 Linear recursive discrete-time estimators using covariance information under uncertain observations. Zbl 1144.93375 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 6 2003 Fusion estimation from multisensor observations with multiplicative noises and correlated random delays in transmission. Zbl 1383.93080 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 5 2017 Quadratic estimation problem in discrete-time stochastic systems with random parameter matrices. Zbl 1410.93119 Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I.; Linares-Pérez, J. 5 2016 New recursive estimators from correlated interrupted observations using covariance information. Zbl 1122.93078 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 5 2005 Distributed resilient fusion filtering for nonlinear systems with multiple missing measurements via dynamic event-triggered mechanism. Zbl 1533.93804 Hu, Jun; Hu, Zhibin; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Chen, Cai; Fan, Shuting; Yi, Xiaojian 5 2023 Polynomial fixed-point smoothing of uncertainly observed signals based on covariances. Zbl 1283.93326 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J.; Linares-Pérez, J. 4 2008 Fixed-point smoothing with non-independent uncertainty using covariance information. Zbl 1079.93040 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 4 2003 Distributed estimation based on covariances under network-induced phenomena described by random measurement matrices. Zbl 1342.93104 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 3 2016 Distributed fusion filtering in networked systems with random measurement matrices and correlated noises. Zbl 1418.93262 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 3 2015 Signal estimation with nonlinear uncertain observations using covariance information. Zbl 1161.62063 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J. 3 2009 Recursive fixed-point smoothing algorithm from covariances based on uncertain observations with correlation in the uncertainty. Zbl 1157.65314 Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Nakamori, S. 3 2008 Distributed fusion estimation from measurements with correlated random parameter matrices and noise correlation. Zbl 1485.93581 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 3 2020 Quadratic estimation from uncertain observations with white plus coloured noises using covariance information. Zbl 1053.94523 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2004 Least-squares polynomial estimation from observations featuring correlated random delays. Zbl 1197.62132 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2010 Design of recursive Wiener fixed-point smoothers based on innovations approach in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Zbl 1125.93497 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2005 An innovation approach to the smoothing problem from uncertain observations with correlated signal and noise. Zbl 1070.62078 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2005 Covariance-based estimation from multisensor delayed measurements with random parameter matrices and correlated noises. Zbl 1407.93368 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2014 Least-squares \(\nu\) th-order polynomial estimation of signals from observations affected by non-independent uncertainty. Zbl 1095.65009 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2006 Existence of steady-state second-order polynomial filtering in stationary systems with uncertain observations. Zbl 0997.93092 Caballero Águila, R.; Hermoso Carazo, A.; Linares Pérez, J. 1 2000 Quadratic estimation for stochastic systems in the presence of random parameter matrices, time-correlated additive noise and deception attacks. Zbl 1525.93433 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2023 Distributed fusion filtering for multi-sensor systems with correlated random transition and measurement matrices. Zbl 1485.93582 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2020 Least-squares filtering algorithm in sensor networks with noise correlation and multiple random failures in transmission. Zbl 1426.93327 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 1 2017 RLS Wiener estimators from observations with multiple and random delays in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Zbl 1337.62293 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2013 Distributed optimal fusion filtering for singular systems with random transmission delays and packet dropout compensations. Zbl 1508.93302 Hu, Jun; Wang, Chen; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Liu, Hongjian 14 2023 Distributed fusion filtering for uncertain systems with coupled noises, random delays and packet loss prediction compensation. Zbl 1520.93563 Caballero-Águila, R.; Linares-Pérez, J. 10 2023 Distributed resilient fusion filtering for nonlinear systems with multiple missing measurements via dynamic event-triggered mechanism. Zbl 1533.93804 Hu, Jun; Hu, Zhibin; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Chen, Cai; Fan, Shuting; Yi, Xiaojian 5 2023 Quadratic estimation for stochastic systems in the presence of random parameter matrices, time-correlated additive noise and deception attacks. Zbl 1525.93433 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2023 Distributed fusion estimation from measurements with correlated random parameter matrices and noise correlation. Zbl 1485.93581 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 3 2020 Distributed fusion filtering for multi-sensor systems with correlated random transition and measurement matrices. Zbl 1485.93582 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2020 New distributed fusion filtering algorithm based on covariances over sensor networks with random packet dropouts. Zbl 1371.93184 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 26 2017 Fusion estimation from multisensor observations with multiplicative noises and correlated random delays in transmission. Zbl 1383.93080 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 5 2017 Least-squares filtering algorithm in sensor networks with noise correlation and multiple random failures in transmission. Zbl 1426.93327 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 1 2017 Quadratic estimation problem in discrete-time stochastic systems with random parameter matrices. Zbl 1410.93119 Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I.; Linares-Pérez, J. 5 2016 Distributed estimation based on covariances under network-induced phenomena described by random measurement matrices. Zbl 1342.93104 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 3 2016 Optimal state estimation for networked systems with random parameter matrices, correlated noises and delayed measurements. Zbl 1309.93152 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 28 2015 Distributed fusion filtering in networked systems with random measurement matrices and correlated noises. Zbl 1418.93262 Caballero-Águila, Raquel; García-Garrido, Irene; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 3 2015 Information fusion algorithms for state estimation in multi-sensor systems with correlated missing measurements. Zbl 1353.93106 Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I.; Linares-Pérez, J. 17 2014 Optimal linear filter design for systems with correlation in the measurement matrices and noises: recursive algorithm and applications. Zbl 1290.93189 Linares-Pérez, J.; Caballero-Águila, R.; García-Garrido, I. 16 2014 Covariance-based estimation from multisensor delayed measurements with random parameter matrices and correlated noises. Zbl 1407.93368 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2014 Linear estimation based on covariances for networked systems featuring sensor correlated random delays. Zbl 1278.93247 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 9 2013 RLS Wiener estimators from observations with multiple and random delays in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Zbl 1337.62293 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 1 2013 Extended and unscented filtering algorithms in nonlinear fractional order systems with uncertain observations. Zbl 1253.62067 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 17 2012 Linear and quadratic estimation using uncertain observations from multiple sensors with correlated uncertainty. Zbl 1203.94024 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 6 2011 A new estimation algorithm from measurements with multiple-step random delays and packet dropouts. Zbl 1189.62153 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 7 2010 Least-squares polynomial estimation from observations featuring correlated random delays. Zbl 1197.62132 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2010 Least-squares linear filtering using observations coming from multiple sensors with one- or two-step random delay. Zbl 1178.94142 Linares-Pérez, J.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Jiménez-López, J. D. 10 2009 Recursive estimation of discrete-time signals from nonlinear randomly delayed observations. Zbl 1189.93136 Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Nakamori, S. 8 2009 Signal estimation with nonlinear uncertain observations using covariance information. Zbl 1161.62063 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J. 3 2009 Signal estimation based on covariance information from observations featuring correlated uncertainty and coming from multiple sensors. Zbl 1151.94375 Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A. 7 2008 Polynomial fixed-point smoothing of uncertainly observed signals based on covariances. Zbl 1283.93326 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J.; Linares-Pérez, J. 4 2008 Recursive fixed-point smoothing algorithm from covariances based on uncertain observations with correlation in the uncertainty. Zbl 1157.65314 Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Nakamori, S. 3 2008 Least-squares \(\nu\) th-order polynomial estimation of signals from observations affected by non-independent uncertainty. Zbl 1095.65009 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2006 New recursive estimators from correlated interrupted observations using covariance information. Zbl 1122.93078 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 5 2005 Design of recursive Wiener fixed-point smoothers based on innovations approach in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. Zbl 1125.93497 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2005 An innovation approach to the smoothing problem from uncertain observations with correlated signal and noise. Zbl 1070.62078 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Jiménez-López, J. D.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2005 Quadratic estimation from uncertain observations with white plus coloured noises using covariance information. Zbl 1053.94523 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 2 2004 New design of estimators using covariance information with uncertain observations in linear discrete-time systems. Zbl 1016.62110 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 12 2003 Second-order polynomial estimators from uncertain observations using covariance information. Zbl 1026.62096 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 10 2003 Linear recursive discrete-time estimators using covariance information under uncertain observations. Zbl 1144.93375 Nakamori, Seiichi; Caballero-Águila, Raquel; Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora; Linares-Pérez, Josefa 6 2003 Fixed-point smoothing with non-independent uncertainty using covariance information. Zbl 1079.93040 Nakamori, S.; Caballero-Águila, R.; Hermoso-Carazo, A.; Linares-Pérez, J. 4 2003 Existence of steady-state second-order polynomial filtering in stationary systems with uncertain observations. Zbl 0997.93092 Caballero Águila, R.; Hermoso Carazo, A.; Linares Pérez, J. 1 2000 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 284 Authors 45 Wang, Zidong 44 Linares-Pérez, Josefa 35 Hermoso-Carazo, Aurora 28 Caballero-Águila, Raquel 23 Hu, Jun 15 Nakamori, Seiichi 13 Dong, Hongli 10 Shen, Bo 8 Alsaadi, Fuad Eid Salem 8 García-Ligero, María Jesús 8 Jiménez-López, José Domingo 7 Zou, Lei 6 Chen, Dongyan 6 García-Garrido, Irene 6 Liu, Hongjian 6 Yi, Xiaojian 5 Chen, Cai 5 Gao, Huijun 5 Gao, Zhe 5 Sun, Shuli 4 Du, Junhua 4 Liu, Yurong 4 Shen, Yuxuan 4 Wang, Shaoying 4 Wei, Guoliang 3 He, Xiao 3 Jia, Chaoqing 3 Liang, Jinling 3 Liu, Qinyuan 3 Liu, Xiaohui 3 Ma, Lifeng 3 Yang, Chunshan 3 Zhao, Ying 3 Zhou, Donghua 2 Chen, Yun 2 Deng, Zili 2 Fan, Shuting 2 Fang, Huajing 2 Feng, Jianxin 2 Han, Qinglong 2 Hu, Zhibin 2 Ji, Donghai 2 Li, Jiahui 2 Li, Qi 2 Li, Yinya 2 Liu, Shuai 2 Pan, Quan 2 Qi, Guoqing 2 Qin, Yuemei 2 Qu, Bogang 2 Ramezani, Abdolrahman 2 Safarinejadian, Behrouz 2 Sheng, Andong 2 Shu, Huisheng 2 Sierociuk, Dominik 2 Song, Baoye 2 Wang, Dong 2 Wang, Fan 2 Wu, Zhihui 2 Yang, Hua 2 Yang, Yanbo 2 Zhao, Di 2 Zhao, Zhongyi 1 Abdeljawad, Thabet 1 Abkerane, Samir 1 Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 1 Aydi, Hassen Mohamed 1 Azam, Akbar 1 Bai, Xiaojun 1 Bai, Xingzhen 1 Bhaumik, Shovan 1 Bo, Yuming 1 Boem, Francesca 1 Caballero-Áuguila, R. 1 Cao, Zhipeng 1 Carravetta, Francesco 1 Chang, Xiaoheng 1 Chang, Yurui 1 Chen, Jie 1 Chen, Kai 1 Chen, Sujuan 1 Chen, Tianfei 1 Chen, Weilu 1 Chen, Xiaojiao 1 Chen, Xuemin 1 Chen, Yunqi 1 Cheng, Jianlian 1 Cheng, Teddy M. 1 Cheng, Yuhua 1 Chitraganti, Shaikshavali 1 Chu, Tianpeng 1 Cui, Ying 1 Dai, Dongyan 1 Deng, Feiqi 1 Ding, Bo 1 Ding, Derui 1 Dong, Xin 1 Du, Baozhu 1 Fei, Weiyin 1 Feng, Lichao ...and 184 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 42 Serials 27 Automatica 17 Applied Mathematics and Computation 17 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 15 Journal of the Franklin Institute 12 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 9 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 6 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 5 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 4 International Journal of General Systems 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Information Sciences 4 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 4 Signal Processing 4 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 International Journal of Control 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 2 Asian Journal of Control 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Neural Networks 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Complexity 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Stochastics 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 IET Control Theory & Applications 1 Symmetry 1 ISRN Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics 1 Control Theory and Technology all top 5 Cited in 17 Fields 154 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 21 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 18 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year