Author ID: caraiani.ana Recent zbMATH articles by "Caraiani, Ana"
Published as: Caraiani, Ana
Homepage: https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~acaraian/
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Videos: carmin.tv
Awards: EMS Prize (2020) · New Horizons in Mathematics Prize (2023)
Documents Indexed: 22 Publications since 2010, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints
1 Further Contribution
Biographic References: 3 Publications
Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 18 Joint Publications
316 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

13 Publications have been cited 326 times in 223 Documents Cited by Year
On the generic part of the cohomology of compact unitary Shimura varieties. Zbl 1401.11108
Caraiani, Ana; Scholze, Peter
Patching and the \(p\)-adic local Langlands correspondence. Zbl 1403.11073
Caraiani, Ana; Emerton, Matthew; Gee, Toby; Geraghty, David; Paškūnas, Vytautas; Shin, Sug Woo
Local-global compatibility and the action of monodromy on nearby cycles. Zbl 1405.22028
Caraiani, Ana
Monodromy and local-global compatibility for \(l=p\). Zbl 1310.11061
Caraiani, Ana
Potential automorphy over CM fields. Zbl 1521.11034
Allen, Patrick B.; Calegari, Frank; Caraiani, Ana; Gee, Toby; Helm, David; Le Hung, Bao; Newton, James; Scholze, Peter; Taylor, Richard; Thorne, Jack A.
Patching and the \(p\)-adic Langlands program for \(\mathrm{GL}_{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})\). Zbl 1461.11157
Caraiani, Ana; Emerton, Matthew; Gee, Toby; Geraghty, David; Paškūnas, Vytautas; Shin, Sug Woo
On the image of complex conjugation in certain Galois representations. Zbl 1404.11073
Caraiani, Ana; Le Hung, Bao V.
Kisin modules with descent data and parahoric local models. Zbl 1450.11049
Caraiani, Ana; Levin, Brandon
Shimura varieties at level \(\Gamma_1(p^{\infty})\) and Galois representations. Zbl 1452.11063
Caraiani, Ana; Gulotta, Daniel R.; Hsu, Chi-Yun; Johansson, Christian; Mocz, Lucia; Reinecke, Emanuel; Shih, Sheng-Chi
\(p\)-adic \(q\)-expansion principles on unitary Shimura varieties. Zbl 1416.11095
Caraiani, Ana; Eischen, Ellen; Fintzen, Jessica; Mantovan, Elena; Varma, Ila
Perfectoid spaces. Lectures from the 20th Arizona winter school, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, USA, March 11–17, 2017. With an introduction by Peter Scholze. Zbl 1428.14002
On the étale cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties with torsion coefficients. Zbl 1537.14041
Caraiani, Ana; Tamiozzo, Matteo
Perfectoid Shimura varieties. Zbl 1451.14082
Caraiani, Ana
Potential automorphy over CM fields. Zbl 1521.11034
Allen, Patrick B.; Calegari, Frank; Caraiani, Ana; Gee, Toby; Helm, David; Le Hung, Bao; Newton, James; Scholze, Peter; Taylor, Richard; Thorne, Jack A.
On the étale cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties with torsion coefficients. Zbl 1537.14041
Caraiani, Ana; Tamiozzo, Matteo
Shimura varieties at level \(\Gamma_1(p^{\infty})\) and Galois representations. Zbl 1452.11063
Caraiani, Ana; Gulotta, Daniel R.; Hsu, Chi-Yun; Johansson, Christian; Mocz, Lucia; Reinecke, Emanuel; Shih, Sheng-Chi
Perfectoid spaces. Lectures from the 20th Arizona winter school, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, USA, March 11–17, 2017. With an introduction by Peter Scholze. Zbl 1428.14002
Perfectoid Shimura varieties. Zbl 1451.14082
Caraiani, Ana
Kisin modules with descent data and parahoric local models. Zbl 1450.11049
Caraiani, Ana; Levin, Brandon
On the generic part of the cohomology of compact unitary Shimura varieties. Zbl 1401.11108
Caraiani, Ana; Scholze, Peter
Patching and the \(p\)-adic Langlands program for \(\mathrm{GL}_{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})\). Zbl 1461.11157
Caraiani, Ana; Emerton, Matthew; Gee, Toby; Geraghty, David; Paškūnas, Vytautas; Shin, Sug Woo
Patching and the \(p\)-adic local Langlands correspondence. Zbl 1403.11073
Caraiani, Ana; Emerton, Matthew; Gee, Toby; Geraghty, David; Paškūnas, Vytautas; Shin, Sug Woo
On the image of complex conjugation in certain Galois representations. Zbl 1404.11073
Caraiani, Ana; Le Hung, Bao V.
\(p\)-adic \(q\)-expansion principles on unitary Shimura varieties. Zbl 1416.11095
Caraiani, Ana; Eischen, Ellen; Fintzen, Jessica; Mantovan, Elena; Varma, Ila
Monodromy and local-global compatibility for \(l=p\). Zbl 1310.11061
Caraiani, Ana
Local-global compatibility and the action of monodromy on nearby cycles. Zbl 1405.22028
Caraiani, Ana
all top 5

Cited by 222 Authors

14 Gee, Toby
13 Thorne, Jack
10 Le, Daniel
10 Shin, Sug Woo
9 Caraiani, Ana
9 Morra, Stefano
7 Calegari, Frank
7 Emerton, Matthew
7 Johansson, Christian
7 Le Hung, Bao Viet
7 Levin, Brandon
7 Newton, James
7 Paškūnas, Vytautas
6 Breuil, Christophe
6 Geraghty, David
6 Scholze, Peter
6 Schraen, Benjamin
5 Hellmann, Eugen
5 Herzig, Florian
5 Hu, Yongquan
5 Khare, Chandrashekhar
5 Liu, Yifeng
4 Barnet-Lamb, Thomas
4 Boyer, Pascal
4 Ding, Yiwen
4 Eischen, Ellen Elizabeth
4 Hansen, David
4 Kret, Arno
4 Sorensen, Claus Mazanti
4 Taylor, Richard
4 Xiao, Liang
3 Ash, Avner
3 Clozel, Laurent
3 Dospinescu, Gabriel
3 Fakhruddin, Najmuddin
3 Harris, Michael Howard
3 Hong, Serin
3 Howe, Sean
3 Ludwig, Judith
3 Patrikis, Stefan T.
3 Shotton, Jack
3 Tian, Yichao
3 Tung, Shen-Ning
2 Allen, Patrick B.
2 Andreatta, Fabrizio
2 Bergdall, John
2 Birkbeck, Christopher
2 Böckle, Gebhard
2 Boxer, George
2 Colmez, Pierre
2 Dieulefait, Luis Victor
2 Doud, Darrin
2 Gehrmann, Lennart
2 Görtz, Ulrich
2 Gulotta, Daniel R.
2 Hamacher, Paul
2 Helm, David
2 Kim, Wansu
2 Koshikawa, Teruhisa
2 Kozioł, Karol
2 Lan, Kai-Wen
2 Li, Chao
2 Manning, Jeffrey A.
2 Marshall, Simon
2 Nie, Sian
2 Nizioł, Wiesława
2 Pan, Lue
2 Park, Chol
2 Pyvovarov, Alexandre
2 Qian, Zicheng
2 Ren, Rufei
2 Saha, Jyoti Prakash
2 Savitt, David
2 Shen, Xu
2 Templier, Nicolas
2 Urban, Eric
2 van Hoften, Pol
2 Varma, Ila
2 Viehmann, Eva
2 Wear, Peter
2 Wedhorn, Torsten
2 Zhang, Wei
2 Zhu, Xinwen
1 Abbes, Ahmed
1 Abe, Noriyuki
1 Amadio Guidi, Federico
1 Amri, Mohammed Amin
1 Anastassiades, Christos
1 Arias-de-Reyna, Sara
1 Assaf, Eran
1 Atobe, Hiraku
1 Banaszak, Grzegorz
1 Banerjee, Debargha
1 Bertoloni Meli, Alexander
1 Blomer, Valentin
1 Brumley, Farrell
1 Bültel, Oliver
1 Buzzard, Kevin
1 Cantoral-Farfán, Victoria
1 Caruso, Xavier
...and 122 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 59 Serials

16 Compositio Mathematica
12 Mathematische Annalen
12 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
11 Algebra & Number Theory
10 Inventiones Mathematicae
9 Documenta Mathematica
9 Forum of Mathematics, Pi
9 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
7 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
6 Duke Mathematical Journal
6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
6 Mathematische Zeitschrift
5 Publications Mathématiques
5 Journal of Number Theory
5 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
5 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques
4 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
3 Advances in Mathematics
3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
3 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
3 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
3 Peking Mathematical Journal
2 Journal of Algebra
2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
2 Manuscripta Mathematica
2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
2 The Ramanujan Journal
2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series
2 Oberwolfach Reports
2 International Journal of Number Theory
2 Annales Mathématiques du Québec
2 Research in the Mathematical Sciences
2 European Journal of Mathematics
1 Israel Journal of Mathematics
1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 American Journal of Mathematics
1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics
1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
1 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Journal of Algebraic Geometry
1 Representation Theory
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series
1 Research in Number Theory
1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B
1 European Mathematical Society Magazine
1 Essential Number Theory

Citations by Year

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