Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Crowley, Diarmuid John Co-Author Distance Author ID: crowley.diarmuid-j Published as: Crowley, Diarmuid; Crowley, Diarmuid J.; Crowley, D. more...less Homepage: http://www.dcrowley.net External Links: MGP · ORCID · Google Scholar Documents Indexed: 44 Publications since 1998, including 1 Book and 8 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 38 Co-Authors with 42 Joint Publications 779 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 6 Nordström, Johannes 5 Bowden, Jonathan Peter 3 Conway, Anthony 3 Goette, Sebastian 3 Macko, Tibor 3 Nagy, Csaba L. 3 Powell, Mark 3 Schick, Thomas 3 Sixt, Jörg 3 Skopenkov, Arkadiĭ Borisovich 3 Stipsicz, András I. 2 Friedl, Stefan 2 Grant, Mark 2 Gu, Xing 2 Steimle, Wolfgang 2 Wraith, David J. 1 Bokor, Imre 1 Carey, Alan L. 1 Davis, Jim 1 Dearricott, Owen 1 Escher, Christine M. 1 Ferry, Steven C. 1 Hambleton, Ian 1 Hasemeyer, Christian 1 Hebestreit, Fabian 1 Kasproswki, Daniel 1 Kellner, Bernd C. 1 Land, Markus 1 Leistner, Thomas 1 Löh, Clara 1 Lück, Wolfgang 1 Murray, Michael K. 1 Nicholson, John 1 Nikolayevsky, Yuri 1 Rovi, Carmen 1 Sims, Blake 1 Skopenkov, Mikhail B. 1 Tillmann, Stephan 1 Tuschmann, Wilderich 1 Zvengrowski, Peter D. all top 5 Serials 4 Geometry & Topology 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 2 Journal of Topology 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Differential Geometry and its Applications 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 1 Annals of \(K\)-Theory all top 5 Fields 42 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 12 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 33 Publications have been cited 255 times in 199 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ New invariants of \(G_{2}\)-structures. Zbl 1346.53029 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 31 2015 The Gromoll filtration, \(KO\)-characteristic classes and metrics of positive scalar curvature. Zbl 1285.57015 Crowley, Diarmuid; Schick, Thomas 26 2013 A classification of \(S^{3}\)-bundles over \(S^{4}\). Zbl 1027.55014 Crowley, Diarmuid; Escher, Christine M. 23 2003 The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions. I. Zbl 1314.53134 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 22 2014 Harmonic spinors and metrics of positive curvature via the Gromoll filtration and Toda brackets. Zbl 1466.57013 Crowley, Diarmuid; Schick, Thomas; Steimle, Wolfgang 14 2018 Functorial seminorms on singular homology and (in)flexible manifolds. Zbl 1391.57008 Crowley, Diarmuid; Löh, Clara 13 2015 The classification of 2-connected 7-manifolds. Zbl 1429.57029 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 12 2019 The classification of highly connected manifolds in dimensions 7 and 15. Zbl 0999.57027 Crowley, Diarmuid J. 11 2001 Stably diffeomorphic manifolds and \(l_{2q+1}(\mathbb Z[\pi ])\). Zbl 1243.57024 Crowley, Diarmuid; Sixt, Jörg 11 2011 The rational homotopy type of \((n-1)\)-connected manifolds of dimension up to \(5n-3\). Zbl 1458.55007 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 9 2020 Principal bundles and the Dixmier Douady class. Zbl 0909.57007 Carey, Alan L.; Crowley, Diarmuid; Murray, Michael K. 9 1998 Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds. Zbl 1390.53022 Crowley, Diarmuid; Wraith, David J. 8 2017 A classification of smooth embeddings of four-manifolds in seven-space. II. Zbl 1230.57026 Crowley, Diarmuid; Skopenkov, Arkadiy 8 2011 Kreck-Stolz invariants for quaternionic line bundles. Zbl 1281.58014 Crowley, Diarmuid; Goette, Sebastian 7 2013 The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions. II (with an appendix by Bernd C. Kellner). Zbl 1380.32016 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 6 2015 Contact structures on \(M\times S^2\). Zbl 1286.57022 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 6 2014 On the mapping class groups of \(\#_r(S^p \times S^p)\) for \(p = 3, 7\). Zbl 1236.57038 Crowley, Diarmuid J. 6 2011 Connected sum decompositions of high-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 1486.57042 Bokor, Imre; Crowley, Diarmuid; Friedl, Stefan; Hebestreit, Fabian; Kasproswki, Daniel; Land, Markus; Nicholson, Johnny 4 2021 The rational classification of links of codimension \(> 2\). Zbl 1300.57032 Crowley, Diarmuid; Ferry, Steven C.; Skopenkov, Mikhail 4 2014 Exotic \(G_2\)-manifolds. Zbl 1481.57045 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 3 2021 Embeddings of non-simply-connected 4-manifolds in 7-space. I: Classification modulo knots. Zbl 1484.57024 Crowley, D.; Skopenkov, A. 3 2021 Embeddings of non-simply-connected 4-manifolds in 7-space. II: On the smooth classification. Zbl 1490.57036 Crowley, D.; Skopenkov, A. 2 2022 The additivity of the \(\rho \)-invariant and periodicity in topological surgery. Zbl 1242.57017 Crowley, Diarmuid; Macko, Tibor 2 2011 Finite group actions on Kervaire manifolds. Zbl 1373.57054 Crowley, Diarmuid; Hambleton, Ian 2 2015 Intermediate curvatures and highly connected manifolds. Zbl 07661040 Crowley, Diarmuid; Wraith, David J. 2 2022 On the non-invariance of span and immersion co-dimension for manifolds. Zbl 1212.57009 Crowley, Diarmuid J.; Zvengrowski, Peter D. 2 2008 The smooth structure set of \(S^{p} \times S^{q}\). Zbl 1207.57043 Crowley, Diarmuid 2 2010 Simply connected manifolds with large homotopy stable classes. Zbl 07738136 Conway, Anthony; Crowley, Diarmuid; Powell, Mark; Sixt, Joerg 2 2023 The topological period-index conjecture for \(\mathrm{spin}^c\) 6-manifolds. Zbl 1440.57033 Crowley, Diarmuid; Grant, Mark 1 2020 Distinguishing \(G_2\)-manifolds. Zbl 1447.57031 Crowley, Diarmuid; Goette, Sebastian; Nordström, Johannes 1 2020 Differential geometry in the large. Proceedings of the Australian-German workshop on differential geometry in the large, Creswick, Australia, February 4–15, 2019. Zbl 1503.53003 1 2021 Contact open books with flexible pages. Zbl 1533.57059 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid 1 2023 The Poincaré-Hopf theorem for line fields revisited. Zbl 1370.57011 Crowley, Diarmuid; Grant, Mark 1 2017 Simply connected manifolds with large homotopy stable classes. Zbl 07738136 Conway, Anthony; Crowley, Diarmuid; Powell, Mark; Sixt, Joerg 2 2023 Contact open books with flexible pages. Zbl 1533.57059 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid 1 2023 Embeddings of non-simply-connected 4-manifolds in 7-space. II: On the smooth classification. Zbl 1490.57036 Crowley, D.; Skopenkov, A. 2 2022 Intermediate curvatures and highly connected manifolds. Zbl 07661040 Crowley, Diarmuid; Wraith, David J. 2 2022 Connected sum decompositions of high-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 1486.57042 Bokor, Imre; Crowley, Diarmuid; Friedl, Stefan; Hebestreit, Fabian; Kasproswki, Daniel; Land, Markus; Nicholson, Johnny 4 2021 Exotic \(G_2\)-manifolds. Zbl 1481.57045 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 3 2021 Embeddings of non-simply-connected 4-manifolds in 7-space. I: Classification modulo knots. Zbl 1484.57024 Crowley, D.; Skopenkov, A. 3 2021 Differential geometry in the large. Proceedings of the Australian-German workshop on differential geometry in the large, Creswick, Australia, February 4–15, 2019. Zbl 1503.53003 1 2021 The rational homotopy type of \((n-1)\)-connected manifolds of dimension up to \(5n-3\). Zbl 1458.55007 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 9 2020 The topological period-index conjecture for \(\mathrm{spin}^c\) 6-manifolds. Zbl 1440.57033 Crowley, Diarmuid; Grant, Mark 1 2020 Distinguishing \(G_2\)-manifolds. Zbl 1447.57031 Crowley, Diarmuid; Goette, Sebastian; Nordström, Johannes 1 2020 The classification of 2-connected 7-manifolds. Zbl 1429.57029 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 12 2019 Harmonic spinors and metrics of positive curvature via the Gromoll filtration and Toda brackets. Zbl 1466.57013 Crowley, Diarmuid; Schick, Thomas; Steimle, Wolfgang 14 2018 Positive Ricci curvature on highly connected manifolds. Zbl 1390.53022 Crowley, Diarmuid; Wraith, David J. 8 2017 The Poincaré-Hopf theorem for line fields revisited. Zbl 1370.57011 Crowley, Diarmuid; Grant, Mark 1 2017 New invariants of \(G_{2}\)-structures. Zbl 1346.53029 Crowley, Diarmuid; Nordström, Johannes 31 2015 Functorial seminorms on singular homology and (in)flexible manifolds. Zbl 1391.57008 Crowley, Diarmuid; Löh, Clara 13 2015 The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions. II (with an appendix by Bernd C. Kellner). Zbl 1380.32016 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 6 2015 Finite group actions on Kervaire manifolds. Zbl 1373.57054 Crowley, Diarmuid; Hambleton, Ian 2 2015 The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions. I. Zbl 1314.53134 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 22 2014 Contact structures on \(M\times S^2\). Zbl 1286.57022 Bowden, Jonathan; Crowley, Diarmuid; Stipsicz, András I. 6 2014 The rational classification of links of codimension \(> 2\). Zbl 1300.57032 Crowley, Diarmuid; Ferry, Steven C.; Skopenkov, Mikhail 4 2014 The Gromoll filtration, \(KO\)-characteristic classes and metrics of positive scalar curvature. Zbl 1285.57015 Crowley, Diarmuid; Schick, Thomas 26 2013 Kreck-Stolz invariants for quaternionic line bundles. Zbl 1281.58014 Crowley, Diarmuid; Goette, Sebastian 7 2013 Stably diffeomorphic manifolds and \(l_{2q+1}(\mathbb Z[\pi ])\). Zbl 1243.57024 Crowley, Diarmuid; Sixt, Jörg 11 2011 A classification of smooth embeddings of four-manifolds in seven-space. II. Zbl 1230.57026 Crowley, Diarmuid; Skopenkov, Arkadiy 8 2011 On the mapping class groups of \(\#_r(S^p \times S^p)\) for \(p = 3, 7\). Zbl 1236.57038 Crowley, Diarmuid J. 6 2011 The additivity of the \(\rho \)-invariant and periodicity in topological surgery. Zbl 1242.57017 Crowley, Diarmuid; Macko, Tibor 2 2011 The smooth structure set of \(S^{p} \times S^{q}\). Zbl 1207.57043 Crowley, Diarmuid 2 2010 On the non-invariance of span and immersion co-dimension for manifolds. Zbl 1212.57009 Crowley, Diarmuid J.; Zvengrowski, Peter D. 2 2008 A classification of \(S^{3}\)-bundles over \(S^{4}\). Zbl 1027.55014 Crowley, Diarmuid; Escher, Christine M. 23 2003 The classification of highly connected manifolds in dimensions 7 and 15. Zbl 0999.57027 Crowley, Diarmuid J. 11 2001 Principal bundles and the Dixmier Douady class. Zbl 0909.57007 Carey, Alan L.; Crowley, Diarmuid; Murray, Michael K. 9 1998 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 239 Authors 21 Crowley, Diarmuid John 6 Bowden, Jonathan Peter 6 Skopenkov, Arkadiĭ Borisovich 5 González-Álvaro, David 5 Löh, Clara 5 Neofytidis, Christoforos 5 Nordström, Johannes 4 Belegradek, Igor 4 Ebert, Johannes Felix 4 Fino, Anna 4 Krannich, Manuel 4 Powell, Mark 4 Raffero, Alberto 4 Sati, Hisham 4 Schick, Thomas 4 Walsh, Mark G. 4 Wraith, David J. 4 Zhou, Zhengyi 3 Botvinnik, Boris I. 3 Casals, Roger 3 Conway, Anthony 3 Goette, Sebastian 3 Macko, Tibor 3 Mathai, Varghese 3 Milivojević, Aleksandar 3 Moreno, Agustín S. 3 Muñoz Velázquez, Vicente 3 Presas, Francisco 3 Randal-Williams, Oscar 3 Steimle, Wolfgang 3 Stipsicz, András I. 3 Tuschmann, Wilderich 3 Wiemeler, Michael 2 Bazzoni, Giovanni 2 Bouwknegt, Peter G. 2 Eliashberg, Yakov Matveevich 2 Evslin, Jarah 2 Fernández Rodríguez, Marisa 2 Frenck, Georg 2 Friedl, Stefan 2 Galaz-Garcia, Fernando 2 Gironella, Fabio 2 Goodman, Mcfeely Jackson 2 Grigorian, Sergey 2 Hambleton, Ian 2 Hanke, Bernhard 2 Heuer, Nicolaus 2 Huang, Ruizhi 2 Karigiannis, Spiro 2 Kennon, Aaron 2 Kordaß, Jan-Bernhard 2 Kovalev, Alexei G. 2 Kwon, Myeonggi 2 Lazarev, Oleg 2 Lotay, Jason Dean 2 Manin, Fedor 2 Maruyama, Shuhei 2 Mickelsson, Jouko 2 Niederkrüger, Klaus 2 Oba, Takahiro 2 Pancholi, Dishant M. 2 Ray, Arunima 2 Reiser, Philipp 2 Sá Earp, Henrique N. 2 Skopenkov, Mikhail B. 2 Tillmann, Stephan 2 Wheeler, Matthew W. 2 Zibrowius, Marcus 1 Aggarwal, Daattavya 1 Albuquerque, Rui P. 1 Ammann, Bernd Eberhard 1 Avvakumov, Sergey Ya. 1 Ayaz, Fethi 1 Bagaglini, Leonardo 1 Balko, Ľudovít 1 Ball, Gavin 1 Becker, Katrin 1 Becker, Melanie 1 Berdnikov, Aleksandr 1 Bohm, Christoph 1 Boyer, Charles P. 1 Brendle, Tara E. 1 Broaddus, Nathan 1 Bugden, Mark 1 Bunke, Ulrich 1 Burdick, Bradley Lewis 1 Burkemper, Matthew 1 Bustamante, Mauricio 1 Butter, Daniel 1 Buzano, Reto 1 Calvo-Andrade, Omegar 1 Campagnolo, Caterina 1 Carey, Alan L. 1 Cavenaghi, Leonardo Francisco 1 Chan, Ki Fung 1 Cieliebak, Kai 1 Conway, James 1 Corro, Diego 1 Costoya, Cristina 1 da C. Guio, Thaisa C. ...and 139 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 76 Serials 13 Geometry & Topology 9 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 9 Journal of Topology 8 Mathematische Annalen 8 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Topology and its Applications 6 Journal of Geometry and Physics 6 Geometriae Dedicata 5 Journal of Differential Geometry 5 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Forum Mathematicum 4 Differential Geometry and its Applications 3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of High Energy Physics 3 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Physics Letters. B 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Revista Matemática Complutense 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Applied Sciences 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1 Journal of Topology and Analysis 1 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 1 Axioms 1 EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques all top 5 Cited in 26 Fields 119 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 106 Differential geometry (53-XX) 59 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 39 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 16 Quantum theory (81-XX) 13 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 13 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 11 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 11 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Citations by Year