Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Euler, Leonhard (b. 1707 d. 1783) Co-Author Distance Author ID: euler.leonhard Published as: Euler, Leonhard; Eulerus, Leonhardus; Euler, L.; Euler, Leonard; Euler, Leonh.; Eulerus, L. more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 177 Publications since 1796, including 123 Books and 42 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Further Contributions Biographic References: 479 Publications Co-Authors: 5 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications 9 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 70 single-authored 10 Blanc, Charles 9 Bell, Jordan 9 Speiser, Andreas 7 Rudio, Ferdinand 7 Yushkevich, Adol’f Pavlovich 5 Courvoisier, Leo 5 Krazer, Adolf 5 Mattmüller, Martin 5 Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose III 4 Fellmann, Emil A. 4 Fuss, Nikolaus 4 Habicht, Walter 4 Kleinert, Andreas 4 Verdun, Andreas 3 Blanton, John D. 3 Engel, Friedrich 3 Fueter, Rudolf 3 Goldbach, Christian 3 Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 3 Mikhajlov, Gleb K. 3 Winter, Eduard 2 Bernoulli, Daniel 2 Bernoulli, Jacob I 2 Boehm, Carl 2 Caddeo, Renzo 2 de Haller, Pierre 2 Fleckenstein, Joachim Otto 2 Grigor’yan, Ashot Tigranovich 2 Grüson, Johann Philipp 2 Gutzmer, August 2 Haschier, Xavier 2 Jehel, Pierre 2 Kopelevich, Yu. Kh. 2 Lemmermeyer, Franz Josef 2 Lyapunov, Aleksandr Mikhaĭlovich 2 Monecke, Uta 2 Papadopoulos, Athanase 2 Papadopoulos, Hélène 2 Pogrebysskij, J. B. 2 Schlesinger, Ludwig 2 Speiser, David 2 Stäckel, Paul 2 Walter, Wolfgang 1 Ackeret, Jakob 1 Aycock, Alexander 1 Bernoulli, Johann I 1 Bernoulli, Johann II 1 Bernoulli, Johann III 1 Bertrand, Louis 1 Bodenmann, Siegfried 1 Bonnet, Charles 1 Bosshart, Beatrice 1 Brauer, Ernst Adolf 1 Breuer, Samson 1 Brown, D. M. 1 Burckhardt, Johann Jakob 1 Chatterji, Srishti Dhar 1 Chemla, Karine 1 Cherbuliez, Emil 1 Clairaut, Alexis Claude 1 Costabel, Pierre 1 Cramer, Gabriel 1 Cramer, Philibert 1 Cuenz, Gaspard 1 D’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste le Rond 1 de Castillon, Jean 1 Dulac, Henri 1 Durán Guardeño, Antonio José 1 Ellis, C. A. 1 Euler, Johann Albrecht 1 Faber, Georg 1 Favre, Henri 1 Frederick II of Prussia 1 Gokhman, V. S. 1 Herzberger, Max 1 Hewlett, Joseph 1 Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried 1 Hoppe, Edmund 1 Hug, Vanja 1 Ilić, Mirjana 1 Kleinert, Gisela 1 Kopelevič, Judith Kh. 1 Labey, J. B. 1 Le Sage, Georges-Louis 1 Linsenbarth, Hermann 1 Matter, Karl 1 Matvievskaya, Galina Pavlovna 1 Maupertuis, Pierre Louis 1 Meier, John 1 Nevskaya, N. I. 1 Niessner, Joh. 1 Oldfather, W. A. 1 Ozhigova, Elena Petrovna 1 Pacanovskij, E. L. 1 Pérez-Fernández, Francisco Javier 1 Picolet, Guy 1 Purkert, Walter 1 Radelet-de Grave, Patricia 1 Robins, Benjamin 1 Sandifer, C. Edward ...and 19 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 31 Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series Prima: Opera Mathematica 30 Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series Secunda: Opera Mechanica et Astronomica 13 Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series Tertia: Opera Physica, Miscellanea 10 Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series Quarta A: Commercium Epistolicum 8 Ostwalds Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften 2 Physica D 2 Collection du GREAM. Théorie de la Musique 2 Cambridge Library Collection - Mathematics 1 Fluid Dynamics 1 Biometrika 1 ISIS 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 NTM. Schriftenreihe für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 1 Colección Clásicos de las Ciencias 1 MAA Spectrum all top 5 Fields 147 History and biography (01-XX) 24 Number theory (11-XX) 9 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 75 Publications have been cited 571 times in 484 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes, sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti. Reprint of the 1744 Orig. Zbl 0788.01072 Euler, Leonhard 154 1993 Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Bd. 2. (Введение в анализ бесконечных.) Zbl 0096.00303 Euler, Leonhard 74 1961 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Book I. Transl. by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0657.01013 Euler, Leonard 44 1988 Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. VIII: Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Tomus primus. Ediderunt A. Krazer et F. Rudio. JFM 48.0007.02 Euler, L. 33 1922 Opera omnia. Serie I. Opera mathematica. Vol. 4. Commentationes arithmeticae. III. Ed. R. Fueter. JFM 67.0967.03 Euler, L. 18 1941 Nautical science. Part I. Edited by Clifford Ambrose Truesdell. (Leonhardi Euleri scientia navalis. Pars prima.) Zbl 0183.00501 Euler, Leonhard 15 1967 Leonhard Euler’s Elastic Curves. Zbl 0007.38801 Oldfather, W. A.; Ellis, C. A.; Brown, D. M. 14 1933 Opera omnia. Series prima: Opera mathematica. Vol. XV: Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam seriarum infinitarum pertinentes, II. Edidit G. Faber. JFM 53.0020.03 Euler, L. 13 1911 Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Bd. 1. 2. Aufl. (Введение в анализ бесконечных.) Zbl 0096.00302 Euler, Leonhard 13 1961 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäkkel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen decimum. Institutiones calculi differentialis edidit Gerhard Kowalewski. JFM 44.0010.03 Euler, Leonhard 12 1913 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra. Zbl 0083.24406 Euler, Leonhard 10 1959 Briefwechsel 1729–1764. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von A. P. Yushkevich und E. Winter. Zbl 0257.01004 Euler, Leonhard; Goldbach, Christian 9 1965 Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with Christian Goldbach. Part II. Edited by Martin Mattmüller and Franz Lemmermeyer. (Leonhardi Euleri commercium epistolicum cum Christiano Goldbach. Pars II.) Zbl 1361.01009 Euler, Leonhard 9 2015 Foundations of differential calculus. Transl. from the Latin by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0949.01030 Euler, Leonhard 8 2000 An essay on continued fractions (translated by Myra F. Wyman and Bostwick F. Wyman). Zbl 0591.01015 Euler, Leonhard 8 1985 On the representation of the spherical surface on the plane. (De repraesentatione superficiei sphaericae super plano.) Zbl 1505.01065 Euler, Leonhard 8 2022 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Réimpression en 2 volumes. (Introduction à l’analyse infinitésimale. Trad. du latin en français. Avec des notes et des éclaircissements par J. B. Labey. Réimpression en 2 volumes.) Zbl 0683.01018 Euler, Leonhard 7 1988 Opera omnia. Sub auspiciis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, A. Speiser, L. G. du Pasquier. (1) XIV: Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes vol. I, ediderunt C. Boehm, G. Faber. JFM 51.0022.03 Euler, L. 7 1925 Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite. (Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen. Erster Teil. Ins Deutsche übertragen von H. Maser.) JFM 17.0200.01 Euler, L. 7 1885 On the geographical projection of the surface of the sphere. (De proiectione geographica superficiei sphaericae.) Zbl 1505.01066 Euler, Leonhard 7 2022 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Book II. Transl. from the Latin by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0688.01015 Euler, Leonard 5 1990 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt Ferdinand Rudio, Adolf Krazer, Paul Stäckel. Series prima: Opera mathematica. JFM 42.0008.01 Euler, Leonhard 5 1911 Letters to a German princess on various topics of physics and philosophy. Published under the direction of Srishti D. Chatterji. (Lettres à une princesse d’Allemagne. Sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie.) Zbl 1039.01004 Euler, Leonhard 5 2003 Correspondence with Johann I Bernoulli and Niklaus I Bernoulli. Edited by Emil A. Fellmann and Gleb K. Mikhajlov. With the collaboration of Beatrice Bosshart, Adolf P. Juškevič and Judith Kh. Kopelevič. (Briefwechsel mit Johann I Bernoulli und Niklaus I Bernoulli.) Zbl 0899.01033 Euler, Leonhard 5 1998 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra. Neue Ausgabe. JFM 49.0007.03 Euler, L. 4 1923 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series secunda. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Volumen primum. Volumen secundum. Mechanica sive motus scientia analytice exposita. Edidit Paul Stäckel. Tomus primus. Adiecta est Euleri effigies ad imaginem a Webero aeri incisam expressa. JFM 43.0017.01 Euler, Leonhard 4 1912 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer , P. Stäckel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen undecimum. Institutiones Calculi integralis ediderunt Friedrich Engel et Ludwig Schlesinger. Volumen primum. JFM 44.0011.01 Euler, Leonhard 4 1913 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXIV. Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti. Vol. XXV. Commentationes analyticae ad calculum variationum pertinentes. Ed. C. Carathéodory. Auctoritate et impensis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae. Zbl 0049.19502 Eulerus, L. 4 1952 Opera omnia, Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXIX. Commentationes geometricae. (Vol. IV.) Ed. Andreas Speiser. Zbl 0075.00102 Eulerus, Leonhardus 4 1956 Correspondance of Leonhard Euler with A. C. Clairaut, J. d’Alembert and J. L. Lagrange. Edited by Adolf P. Juskevic and René Taton. With the collaboration of Charles Blanc, Asot T. Grigorijan, Walter Habicht and Guy Picolet. (Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec A. C. Clairaut, J. d’Alembert et J. L. Lagrange.) Zbl 0462.01022 Euler, Leonhard 4 1980 Principles of integral calculus. Part III. Edited by Friedrich Engel and Ludwig Schlesinger. (Institutiones calculi integralis. Volumen tertium.) Zbl 1469.01016 Euler, Leonhard 4 1914 Theory of motion of solid or rigid bodies. Part I. Edited by Charles Blanc. (Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilita et ad omnes motus qui in huiusmodi corpora cadere possunt accomodata. Vol. prius.) Zbl 1447.01032 Euler, Leonhard 4 1948 On Delisle’s geographical projection used for a general map of the Russian Empire. (De proiectione geographica De Lisliana in mappa generali Imperii Russici usitata.) Zbl 1505.01067 Euler, Leonhard 4 2022 Elements of algebra. Transl. from the French by John Hewlett. Reprinted from the fifth edition, Longman, Orme, and Co., London 1840. With an introduction by C. Truesdell. Zbl 0557.01014 Euler, Leonhard 3 1984 Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. VI: Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam aequationum pertinentes. Ediderunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. JFM 48.0007.01 Euler, L. 3 1921 Observations on the foregoing dissertation of Bernoulli. Zbl 0099.24405 Euler, L. 3 1961 Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen. Teil 1. Mit einer Einführung zur Reprintausg. von Wolfgang Walter. Reprint. Zbl 0521.01031 Euler, Leonhard 3 1983 Principles of the motion of fluids. Zbl 1143.76303 Euler, Leonhard 3 2008 Treatise on fluid mechanics. Part I. With an English introduction. Edited by Clifford Ambrose Truesdell. (Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum fluidorum pertinentes. Vol. prius.) Zbl 1447.01030 Euler, Leonhard 3 1954 Leonhard Euler – writings on music. Volume 2. Memories about music, letters to a German princess, correspondence. Edited by Renzo Caddeo, Xavier Haschier, Pierre Jehel, Athanase Papadopoulos and Hélène Papadopoulos. (Leonhard Euler – Écrits sur la musique. Volume 2. Mémoires sur la musique, lettres à une princesse d’Allemagne, correspondance.) Zbl 1326.01003 Euler, Leonhard 2 2015 How Euler did even more. Zbl 1314.01005 Sandifer, C. Edward 2 2015 Complete instruction to elementary and advanced algebra. Vol. 1, 2. Edited by Johann Philipp Grüson. With a German translation of Lagrange’s French additions by Kaußler. (Vollständige Anleitung zur Niedern und Höhern Algebra. Band 1, 2.) Zbl 1207.01039 Euler, Leonhard 2 1796 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series prima. Volumen vicesimum. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium ellipticorum pertinentes. Edidit Adolf Krazer. Volumen prius. JFM 43.0015.06 Euler, Leonhard 2 1912 Collected works. Issue I: Mathematical works. Vol. VII: Algebraic paper regarding the theory of combination and probability. (Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. Vol. VII: Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam combinationum et probabilitatum pertinentes. Edidit L. G. du Pasquier.) JFM 49.0007.02 Euler, L. 2 1911 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen duodecimum. Institutiones Calculi integralis ediderunt Friedrich Engel et Ludwig Schlesinger. Volumen secundum. Adiectae sunt Laurenti Mascheronii Annotationes ad Calculum integralem Euleri. JFM 45.0014.05 Euler, Leonhard 2 1914 Arithmetical studies. Part II. Edited by Ferdinand Rudio. (Commentationes arithmeticae. Volumen secundum.) Zbl 1470.01035 Euler, Leonhard 2 1917 Arithmetical studies. Part I. Edited by Ferdinand Rudio. (Commentationes arithmeticae. Volumen primum.) Zbl 1470.01034 Euler, Leonhard 2 1915 Leonhard Euler – writings on music. Volume 1. Tentamen novae theoriae musicae. Edited by Renzo Caddeo, Xavier Haschier, Pierre Jehel, Athanase Papadopoulos and Hélène Papadopoulos. (Leonhard Euler – Écrits sur la musique. Volume 1. Tentamen novae theoriae musicae.) Zbl 1326.01002 Euler, Leonhard 1 2015 Elements of algebra. Transl. from the French by John Hewlett. Reprint of the 1822 original. Zbl 1200.01043 Euler, Leonhard 1 2009 Zur Theorie komplexer Funktionen. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von A. P. Juschkewitsch. Hrsg. von H. Wußing. Ins Deutsche übertragen von W. Purkert u.a. (On the theoy of complex functions). Zbl 0597.01019 Euler, Leonhard 1 1983 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Vol. I: Facsimile of the 1st edition of 1748. Vol. II: Translated from the Latin by José Luis Arantegui Tamayo. With critical annotations by Antonio José Durán Guardeño. Edited by Durán Guardeño and Francisco Javier Pérez Fernández. (Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Introducción al análisis de los infinitos. Vol. I, II.) Zbl 0967.01027 Euler, Leonhard 1 2000 Relevant analytical studies to integral theory. Part III. Edited by A. Liapounoff, A. Krazer, G. Faber. (Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes, III. Ediderunt A. Liapounoff, A. Krazer, G. Faber.) JFM 58.0037.05 Euler, L. 1 1932 Opera omnia. Series tertia: Opera physica. Vol. I: Commentationes physicae ad physicam generalem et ad theoriam soni pertinentes. Ediderunt E. Bernoulli, R. Bernoulli, F. Rudio, A. Speiser. JFM 52.0021.07 Euler, L. 1 1926 Opera omnia. Ser. 1: Opera mathematica. Vol. 8: Introductio in analysis infinitorum. Adiecta est Euleri Effigies ad imaginem ab E. Handmann pictam expressa. Edid. A. Krazer et F. Rudio. JFM 48.1113.01 Euler, L. 1 1922 Opera omnia. Series II: Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XIV: Neue Grundsätze der Artillerie. Aus dem Englischen des Herrn B. Robins übersetzt und mit vielen Anmerkungen versehen. Mit vier ballistischen Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von F. R. Scherrer. JFM 48.1113.02 Euler, Leonhard 1 1922 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra mit den Zusätzen von Joseph Louis Lagrange. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Weber. Mit einem Bilde nach dem Stiche von Mechel, einem Vorwort zu Eulerausgabe und der Lobrede von Nicolaus Fuß. JFM 42.0008.02 Euler, Leonhard 1 1911 Zwei Abhandlungen über sphärische Trigonometrie 1753 und 1779. Uebersetzt und herausgegeben von E. Hammer. JFM 27.0406.04 Euler, L. 1 1896 General laws of the motion of fluids. Zbl 0955.76500 Euler, Leonhard 1 1999 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Vol. 23. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam aequationum differentialium pertinentes. Vol. 2. Zbl 0019.34501 Euler, Leonhard 1 1938 Opera omnia. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXVI. Commentationes geometricae. Vol. primum. Edidit Andreas Speiser. Zbl 0052.24106 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1953 Opera omnia. Ser. 2. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XXV. Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes. Vol. 1. Ed. Max Schürer. Zbl 0125.00208 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1960 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXVII. Commentationes geometricae. (Vol. 2). Ed. A Speiser. Zbl 0055.38008 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1954 Opera omnia. Ser. 2. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XI/Sect. I. Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes. Vol. posterius, Sect. I. Ed. Fritz Stüssi et Ernst Trost. Zbl 0125.00205 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1957 Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with L. Bertrand, Ch. Bonnet, M. M. Bousquet, J. de Castillon, G. Cramer, Ph. Cramer, G. Cuenz, A. von Haller, G. L. Lesage, J. M. von Loen and J. C. Wettstein. Edited by Siegfried Bodenmann, Vanja Hug, Mirjana Ilić and Andreas Kleinert. (Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec L. Bertrand, Ch. Bonnet, M. M. Bousquet, J. de Castillon, G. Cramer, Ph. Cramer, G. Cuenz, A. von Haller, G. L. Lesage, J. M. von Loen, J. C. Wettstein.) Zbl 1382.01013 Euler, Leonhard 1 2017 Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam machinarum pertinentes. Volumen tertium. Ed. by Charles Blanc and Pierre de Haller. Zbl 0521.01030 Euler, Leonhard 1 1982 Correspondence. Edited by Adolf P. Juškevič, Vladimir I. Smirnov and Walter Habicht. (Briefwechsel.) Zbl 0323.01018 Euler, Leonhard 1 1975 On the theory of complex functions. Introduced and annotated by A. P. Juschkewitsch. 2. Aufl. (Zur Theorie komplexer Funktionen. Herausgabe und Geleitwort von Hans Wußing. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von A. P. Juschkewitsch.) Zbl 0883.01050 Euler, Leonhard 1 1996 Manuscripta Euleriana archivi Academiae Scientiarum USSR. Tomus I. Descriptio scientifica. Zbl 0178.30002 Euler, Leonhard 1 1962 Unpublished papers of L. Euler on number theory. (Неопубликованные материалы Л. Эйлера по теории чисел.) Zbl 0908.01040 1 1997 General principles of the motion of fluids. Zbl 1143.76302 Euler, Leonhard 1 2008 Leonhardi Euleri opera omnia. Ser. 3. Opera physica miscellanea. Vol. IX. Commentationes opticae. Vol. 5. Ediderunt Walter Habicht, Emil Alfred Fellmann. Auctoritate et impensis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae. Zbl 0289.01029 Euler, Leonhard 1 1973 Relevant astronomical studies of the theory of perturbation. Part 2. Edited by Andreas Verdun. (Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes. Volumen secundum. Edidit Andreas Verdun.) Zbl 1460.01020 Euler, Leonhard 1 2019 Principles of the motion of fluids. Translated from the 1752 Latin original by E. V. Ivanova and V. M. Ovsyannikov. (Principia motus fluidorum. Принципы движения жидкостей.) Zbl 1410.01030 Euler, Leonhard 1 2018 Analytical comments pertaining to the theory of infinite series Part III. Section 2. Edited by Carl Boehm. (Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes. Volumen tertium, sectio altera.) Zbl 1470.01036 Euler, Leonhard 1 1935 Relevant mechanical studies to the theory of flexible and elastic bodies. Part I. Edited by Fritz Stüssi and Henri Favre. (Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes. Volumen prius.) Zbl 1474.01062 Euler, Leonhard 1 1947 On the representation of the spherical surface on the plane. (De repraesentatione superficiei sphaericae super plano.) Zbl 1505.01065 Euler, Leonhard 8 2022 On the geographical projection of the surface of the sphere. (De proiectione geographica superficiei sphaericae.) Zbl 1505.01066 Euler, Leonhard 7 2022 On Delisle’s geographical projection used for a general map of the Russian Empire. (De proiectione geographica De Lisliana in mappa generali Imperii Russici usitata.) Zbl 1505.01067 Euler, Leonhard 4 2022 Relevant astronomical studies of the theory of perturbation. Part 2. Edited by Andreas Verdun. (Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes. Volumen secundum. Edidit Andreas Verdun.) Zbl 1460.01020 Euler, Leonhard 1 2019 Principles of the motion of fluids. Translated from the 1752 Latin original by E. V. Ivanova and V. M. Ovsyannikov. (Principia motus fluidorum. Принципы движения жидкостей.) Zbl 1410.01030 Euler, Leonhard 1 2018 Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with L. Bertrand, Ch. Bonnet, M. M. Bousquet, J. de Castillon, G. Cramer, Ph. Cramer, G. Cuenz, A. von Haller, G. L. Lesage, J. M. von Loen and J. C. Wettstein. Edited by Siegfried Bodenmann, Vanja Hug, Mirjana Ilić and Andreas Kleinert. (Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec L. Bertrand, Ch. Bonnet, M. M. Bousquet, J. de Castillon, G. Cramer, Ph. Cramer, G. Cuenz, A. von Haller, G. L. Lesage, J. M. von Loen, J. C. Wettstein.) Zbl 1382.01013 Euler, Leonhard 1 2017 Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with Christian Goldbach. Part II. Edited by Martin Mattmüller and Franz Lemmermeyer. (Leonhardi Euleri commercium epistolicum cum Christiano Goldbach. Pars II.) Zbl 1361.01009 Euler, Leonhard 9 2015 Leonhard Euler – writings on music. Volume 2. Memories about music, letters to a German princess, correspondence. Edited by Renzo Caddeo, Xavier Haschier, Pierre Jehel, Athanase Papadopoulos and Hélène Papadopoulos. (Leonhard Euler – Écrits sur la musique. Volume 2. Mémoires sur la musique, lettres à une princesse d’Allemagne, correspondance.) Zbl 1326.01003 Euler, Leonhard 2 2015 How Euler did even more. Zbl 1314.01005 Sandifer, C. Edward 2 2015 Leonhard Euler – writings on music. Volume 1. Tentamen novae theoriae musicae. Edited by Renzo Caddeo, Xavier Haschier, Pierre Jehel, Athanase Papadopoulos and Hélène Papadopoulos. (Leonhard Euler – Écrits sur la musique. Volume 1. Tentamen novae theoriae musicae.) Zbl 1326.01002 Euler, Leonhard 1 2015 Elements of algebra. Transl. from the French by John Hewlett. Reprint of the 1822 original. Zbl 1200.01043 Euler, Leonhard 1 2009 Principles of the motion of fluids. Zbl 1143.76303 Euler, Leonhard 3 2008 General principles of the motion of fluids. Zbl 1143.76302 Euler, Leonhard 1 2008 Letters to a German princess on various topics of physics and philosophy. Published under the direction of Srishti D. Chatterji. (Lettres à une princesse d’Allemagne. Sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie.) Zbl 1039.01004 Euler, Leonhard 5 2003 Foundations of differential calculus. Transl. from the Latin by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0949.01030 Euler, Leonhard 8 2000 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Vol. I: Facsimile of the 1st edition of 1748. Vol. II: Translated from the Latin by José Luis Arantegui Tamayo. With critical annotations by Antonio José Durán Guardeño. Edited by Durán Guardeño and Francisco Javier Pérez Fernández. (Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Introducción al análisis de los infinitos. Vol. I, II.) Zbl 0967.01027 Euler, Leonhard 1 2000 General laws of the motion of fluids. Zbl 0955.76500 Euler, Leonhard 1 1999 Correspondence with Johann I Bernoulli and Niklaus I Bernoulli. Edited by Emil A. Fellmann and Gleb K. Mikhajlov. With the collaboration of Beatrice Bosshart, Adolf P. Juškevič and Judith Kh. Kopelevič. (Briefwechsel mit Johann I Bernoulli und Niklaus I Bernoulli.) Zbl 0899.01033 Euler, Leonhard 5 1998 Unpublished papers of L. Euler on number theory. (Неопубликованные материалы Л. Эйлера по теории чисел.) Zbl 0908.01040 1 1997 On the theory of complex functions. Introduced and annotated by A. P. Juschkewitsch. 2. Aufl. (Zur Theorie komplexer Funktionen. Herausgabe und Geleitwort von Hans Wußing. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von A. P. Juschkewitsch.) Zbl 0883.01050 Euler, Leonhard 1 1996 Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes, sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti. Reprint of the 1744 Orig. Zbl 0788.01072 Euler, Leonhard 154 1993 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Book II. Transl. from the Latin by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0688.01015 Euler, Leonard 5 1990 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Book I. Transl. by John D. Blanton. Zbl 0657.01013 Euler, Leonard 44 1988 Introduction to analysis of the infinite. Réimpression en 2 volumes. (Introduction à l’analyse infinitésimale. Trad. du latin en français. Avec des notes et des éclaircissements par J. B. Labey. Réimpression en 2 volumes.) Zbl 0683.01018 Euler, Leonhard 7 1988 An essay on continued fractions (translated by Myra F. Wyman and Bostwick F. Wyman). Zbl 0591.01015 Euler, Leonhard 8 1985 Elements of algebra. Transl. from the French by John Hewlett. Reprinted from the fifth edition, Longman, Orme, and Co., London 1840. With an introduction by C. Truesdell. Zbl 0557.01014 Euler, Leonhard 3 1984 Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen. Teil 1. Mit einer Einführung zur Reprintausg. von Wolfgang Walter. Reprint. Zbl 0521.01031 Euler, Leonhard 3 1983 Zur Theorie komplexer Funktionen. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von A. P. Juschkewitsch. Hrsg. von H. Wußing. Ins Deutsche übertragen von W. Purkert u.a. (On the theoy of complex functions). Zbl 0597.01019 Euler, Leonhard 1 1983 Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam machinarum pertinentes. Volumen tertium. Ed. by Charles Blanc and Pierre de Haller. Zbl 0521.01030 Euler, Leonhard 1 1982 Correspondance of Leonhard Euler with A. C. Clairaut, J. d’Alembert and J. L. Lagrange. Edited by Adolf P. Juskevic and René Taton. With the collaboration of Charles Blanc, Asot T. Grigorijan, Walter Habicht and Guy Picolet. (Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec A. C. Clairaut, J. d’Alembert et J. L. Lagrange.) Zbl 0462.01022 Euler, Leonhard 4 1980 Correspondence. Edited by Adolf P. Juškevič, Vladimir I. Smirnov and Walter Habicht. (Briefwechsel.) Zbl 0323.01018 Euler, Leonhard 1 1975 Leonhardi Euleri opera omnia. Ser. 3. Opera physica miscellanea. Vol. IX. Commentationes opticae. Vol. 5. Ediderunt Walter Habicht, Emil Alfred Fellmann. Auctoritate et impensis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae. Zbl 0289.01029 Euler, Leonhard 1 1973 Nautical science. Part I. Edited by Clifford Ambrose Truesdell. (Leonhardi Euleri scientia navalis. Pars prima.) Zbl 0183.00501 Euler, Leonhard 15 1967 Briefwechsel 1729–1764. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von A. P. Yushkevich und E. Winter. Zbl 0257.01004 Euler, Leonhard; Goldbach, Christian 9 1965 Manuscripta Euleriana archivi Academiae Scientiarum USSR. Tomus I. Descriptio scientifica. Zbl 0178.30002 Euler, Leonhard 1 1962 Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Bd. 2. (Введение в анализ бесконечных.) Zbl 0096.00303 Euler, Leonhard 74 1961 Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Bd. 1. 2. Aufl. (Введение в анализ бесконечных.) Zbl 0096.00302 Euler, Leonhard 13 1961 Observations on the foregoing dissertation of Bernoulli. Zbl 0099.24405 Euler, L. 3 1961 Opera omnia. Ser. 2. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XXV. Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes. Vol. 1. Ed. Max Schürer. Zbl 0125.00208 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1960 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra. Zbl 0083.24406 Euler, Leonhard 10 1959 Opera omnia. Ser. 2. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XI/Sect. I. Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes. Vol. posterius, Sect. I. Ed. Fritz Stüssi et Ernst Trost. Zbl 0125.00205 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1957 Opera omnia, Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXIX. Commentationes geometricae. (Vol. IV.) Ed. Andreas Speiser. Zbl 0075.00102 Eulerus, Leonhardus 4 1956 Treatise on fluid mechanics. Part I. With an English introduction. Edited by Clifford Ambrose Truesdell. (Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum fluidorum pertinentes. Vol. prius.) Zbl 1447.01030 Euler, Leonhard 3 1954 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXVII. Commentationes geometricae. (Vol. 2). Ed. A Speiser. Zbl 0055.38008 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1954 Opera omnia. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXVI. Commentationes geometricae. Vol. primum. Edidit Andreas Speiser. Zbl 0052.24106 Eulerus, Leonhardus 1 1953 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Opera mathematica. Vol. XXIV. Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu accepti. Vol. XXV. Commentationes analyticae ad calculum variationum pertinentes. Ed. C. Carathéodory. Auctoritate et impensis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae. Zbl 0049.19502 Eulerus, L. 4 1952 Theory of motion of solid or rigid bodies. Part I. Edited by Charles Blanc. (Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilita et ad omnes motus qui in huiusmodi corpora cadere possunt accomodata. Vol. prius.) Zbl 1447.01032 Euler, Leonhard 4 1948 Relevant mechanical studies to the theory of flexible and elastic bodies. Part I. Edited by Fritz Stüssi and Henri Favre. (Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes. Volumen prius.) Zbl 1474.01062 Euler, Leonhard 1 1947 Opera omnia. Serie I. Opera mathematica. Vol. 4. Commentationes arithmeticae. III. Ed. R. Fueter. JFM 67.0967.03 Euler, L. 18 1941 Opera omnia. Ser. 1. Vol. 23. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam aequationum differentialium pertinentes. Vol. 2. Zbl 0019.34501 Euler, Leonhard 1 1938 Analytical comments pertaining to the theory of infinite series Part III. Section 2. Edited by Carl Boehm. (Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes. Volumen tertium, sectio altera.) Zbl 1470.01036 Euler, Leonhard 1 1935 Leonhard Euler’s Elastic Curves. Zbl 0007.38801 Oldfather, W. A.; Ellis, C. A.; Brown, D. M. 14 1933 Relevant analytical studies to integral theory. Part III. Edited by A. Liapounoff, A. Krazer, G. Faber. (Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes, III. Ediderunt A. Liapounoff, A. Krazer, G. Faber.) JFM 58.0037.05 Euler, L. 1 1932 Opera omnia. Series tertia: Opera physica. Vol. I: Commentationes physicae ad physicam generalem et ad theoriam soni pertinentes. Ediderunt E. Bernoulli, R. Bernoulli, F. Rudio, A. Speiser. JFM 52.0021.07 Euler, L. 1 1926 Opera omnia. Sub auspiciis Societatis Scientiarum Naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, A. Speiser, L. G. du Pasquier. (1) XIV: Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes vol. I, ediderunt C. Boehm, G. Faber. JFM 51.0022.03 Euler, L. 7 1925 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra. Neue Ausgabe. JFM 49.0007.03 Euler, L. 4 1923 Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. VIII: Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Tomus primus. Ediderunt A. Krazer et F. Rudio. JFM 48.0007.02 Euler, L. 33 1922 Opera omnia. Ser. 1: Opera mathematica. Vol. 8: Introductio in analysis infinitorum. Adiecta est Euleri Effigies ad imaginem ab E. Handmann pictam expressa. Edid. A. Krazer et F. Rudio. JFM 48.1113.01 Euler, L. 1 1922 Opera omnia. Series II: Opera mechanica et astronomica. Vol. XIV: Neue Grundsätze der Artillerie. Aus dem Englischen des Herrn B. Robins übersetzt und mit vielen Anmerkungen versehen. Mit vier ballistischen Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von F. R. Scherrer. JFM 48.1113.02 Euler, Leonhard 1 1922 Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. VI: Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam aequationum pertinentes. Ediderunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. JFM 48.0007.01 Euler, L. 3 1921 Arithmetical studies. Part II. Edited by Ferdinand Rudio. (Commentationes arithmeticae. Volumen secundum.) Zbl 1470.01035 Euler, Leonhard 2 1917 Arithmetical studies. Part I. Edited by Ferdinand Rudio. (Commentationes arithmeticae. Volumen primum.) Zbl 1470.01034 Euler, Leonhard 2 1915 Principles of integral calculus. Part III. Edited by Friedrich Engel and Ludwig Schlesinger. (Institutiones calculi integralis. Volumen tertium.) Zbl 1469.01016 Euler, Leonhard 4 1914 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen duodecimum. Institutiones Calculi integralis ediderunt Friedrich Engel et Ludwig Schlesinger. Volumen secundum. Adiectae sunt Laurenti Mascheronii Annotationes ad Calculum integralem Euleri. JFM 45.0014.05 Euler, Leonhard 2 1914 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäkkel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen decimum. Institutiones calculi differentialis edidit Gerhard Kowalewski. JFM 44.0010.03 Euler, Leonhard 12 1913 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer , P. Stäckel. Series prima. Opera mathematica. Volumen undecimum. Institutiones Calculi integralis ediderunt Friedrich Engel et Ludwig Schlesinger. Volumen primum. JFM 44.0011.01 Euler, Leonhard 4 1913 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series secunda. Opera mechanica et astronomica. Volumen primum. Volumen secundum. Mechanica sive motus scientia analytice exposita. Edidit Paul Stäckel. Tomus primus. Adiecta est Euleri effigies ad imaginem a Webero aeri incisam expressa. JFM 43.0017.01 Euler, Leonhard 4 1912 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt F. Rudio, A. Krazer, P. Stäckel. Series prima. Volumen vicesimum. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium ellipticorum pertinentes. Edidit Adolf Krazer. Volumen prius. JFM 43.0015.06 Euler, Leonhard 2 1912 Opera omnia. Series prima: Opera mathematica. Vol. XV: Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam seriarum infinitarum pertinentes, II. Edidit G. Faber. JFM 53.0020.03 Euler, L. 13 1911 Opera omnia sub auspiciis Societatis scientiarum naturalium Helveticae edenda curaverunt Ferdinand Rudio, Adolf Krazer, Paul Stäckel. Series prima: Opera mathematica. JFM 42.0008.01 Euler, Leonhard 5 1911 Collected works. Issue I: Mathematical works. Vol. VII: Algebraic paper regarding the theory of combination and probability. (Opera omnia. Series I: Opera mathematica. Vol. VII: Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam combinationum et probabilitatum pertinentes. Edidit L. G. du Pasquier.) JFM 49.0007.02 Euler, L. 2 1911 Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra mit den Zusätzen von Joseph Louis Lagrange. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Weber. Mit einem Bilde nach dem Stiche von Mechel, einem Vorwort zu Eulerausgabe und der Lobrede von Nicolaus Fuß. JFM 42.0008.02 Euler, Leonhard 1 1911 Zwei Abhandlungen über sphärische Trigonometrie 1753 und 1779. Uebersetzt und herausgegeben von E. Hammer. JFM 27.0406.04 Euler, L. 1 1896 Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite. (Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen. Erster Teil. Ins Deutsche übertragen von H. Maser.) JFM 17.0200.01 Euler, L. 7 1885 Complete instruction to elementary and advanced algebra. Vol. 1, 2. Edited by Johann Philipp Grüson. With a German translation of Lagrange’s French additions by Kaußler. (Vollständige Anleitung zur Niedern und Höhern Algebra. Band 1, 2.) Zbl 1207.01039 Euler, Leonhard 2 1796 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 657 Authors 13 Sachkov, Yuriĭ Leonidovich 11 Stević, Stevo 8 Ferraro, Giovanni 7 Papadopoulos, Athanase 5 Garay, Oscar Jesus 4 Barretta, Raffaele 4 dell’Isola, Francesco 4 Iričanin, Bratislav D. 4 Kosmala, Witold A. J. 4 Kurşungöz, Kağan 4 Romano, Giovanni P. 4 Šmarda, Zdeněk 3 Carrera, Erasmo 3 Charitos, Charalampos 3 Della Corte, Alessandro 3 Duits, Remco 3 Fraser, Craig G. 3 Kanovei, Vladimir G. 3 Katz, Karin Usadi 3 Katz, Mikhail G. 3 Murakami, Hidetoshi 3 Pámpano, Álvaro 3 Sofo, Anthony 3 Varin, Victor P. 3 Yoshizawa, Kensuke 2 A’Campo-Neuen, Annette 2 Allahverdiev, Bilender Paşaoğlu 2 Altın, Ayşe 2 Andrews, George Eyre 2 Ardentov, Andrei A. 2 Ardentov, Andrey A. 2 Augello, Riccardo 2 Baltus, Christopher 2 Battista, Antonio 2 Błaszczyk, Piotr 2 Bullynck, Maarten 2 Butzer, Paul Leo 2 Craik, Alex D. D. 2 Demirkol, Ridvan Cem 2 Diaco, Marina 2 Domingues, João Caramalho 2 Dutka, Jacques 2 Elstrodt, Jürgen 2 Frei, Günther 2 Ghosh, Arpan 2 Grabovsky, Yury 2 Grunau, Hans-Christoph 2 Guillén, Elías Fuentes 2 Haije, Tom Dela 2 Hančl, Jaroslav 2 Humer, Alexander 2 Jahnke, Hans Niels 2 Jenkinson, Oliver 2 Katz, Victor Joseph 2 Keith, William J. 2 Knobloch, Eberhard 2 Korpinar, Talat 2 Laugwitz, Detlef 2 Lemmermeyer, Franz Josef 2 Lokutsievskiy, Lev Viacheslavovich 2 Matsutani, Shigeki 2 Merca, Mircea 2 Miura, Tatsuya 2 Müller, Marius 2 Nimbran, Amrik Singh 2 Okabe, Shinya 2 Pagani, Alfonso 2 Pogány, Tibor K. 2 Pollicott, Mark 2 Protasov, Vladimir Yu. 2 Scano, Daniele 2 Seppecher, Pierre 2 Sherry, David M. 2 Sheynin, Oscar B. 2 Smadja, Ivahn 2 Stein, Erwin 2 Steuding, Jörn 2 Tang, Dazhao 2 Tikhomirov, Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich 2 Tou, Erik R. 2 Tuna, Hüseyin 2 Yang, Shengyou 1 Ablinger, Jakob 1 Abrate, Marco 1 Adler, Allan 1 Aguillon, Yasmin 1 Aksenov, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 1 Al-Salam, Waleed A. 1 Al, Busra 1 Alegri, Mateus 1 Alexanderson, Gerald L. 1 Alkan, Mustafa 1 Allagui, Mohamed Ali 1 Ambartzumian, Ruben Victorovich 1 Andreaus, Ugo A. 1 Angell, David F. 1 Annila, Arto 1 Antman, Stuart S. 1 Antoulas, Athanasios C. 1 Aragona, Riccardo ...and 557 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 226 Serials 39 Historia Mathematica 24 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 Journal of Number Theory 8 Physica D 8 The Ramanujan Journal 8 Advances in Difference Equations 6 The Mathematical Intelligencer 6 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Acta Mechanica 5 American Mathematical Monthly 5 Mathematische Semesterberichte 5 Advances in Mathematics 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Advances in Applied Mathematics 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 4 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 4 Foundations of Science 4 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 4 International Journal of Number Theory 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 International Journal of Engineering Science 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Geometry and Physics 3 Journal of Approximation Theory 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 3 Elemente der Mathematik 3 Journal of Elasticity 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 3 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Annals of Science 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 2 International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 The Mathematical Gazette 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Mathematics Magazine 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2 Nonlinear Dynamics 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Integers 2 Miscelánea Matemática 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 The College Mathematics Journal 2 Science in Context 2 Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática 2 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2 Lettera Matematica. International Edition 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 British Journal for the History of Mathematics 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Centaurus 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Inverse Problems 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physica A 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Physics Reports 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys ...and 126 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 61 Fields 141 History and biography (01-XX) 121 Number theory (11-XX) 66 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 57 Differential geometry (53-XX) 50 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 45 Combinatorics (05-XX) 33 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 29 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 26 Real functions (26-XX) 23 Special functions (33-XX) 22 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 20 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 19 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 18 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 16 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 15 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 15 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 13 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 11 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 11 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 10 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Mathematics education (97-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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