Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ferziger, Joel Henry Co-Author Distance Author ID: ferziger.joel-henry Published as: Ferziger, Joel H.; Ferziger, J. H. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 67 Publications since 1962, including 7 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 48 Co-Authors with 51 Joint Publications 1,096 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 7 Koseff, Jeffrey R. 7 Perić, Milovan 6 Monismith, Stephen G. 5 Tseng, Yu-Heng 4 Leonard, Anthony 4 Reynolds, William Craig 3 Garg, Rajat P. 2 Briggs, David A. 2 Buckner, J. K. 2 Lele, Sanjiva K. 2 Loyalka, S. K. 2 Nagarajan, Santhanam 2 Segal, Ben M. 2 Shariff, Karim 2 Shih, Lucinda H. 2 Street, Robert L. 2 Thompson, Mark Christopher 1 Bastian, Peter 1 Biringen, Sedat 1 Bruneaux, G. 1 Cain, A. B. 1 Cantwell, Brian J. 1 Clark, Robert A. 1 Eggleton, Charles D. 1 Enright, Douglas 1 Fedkiw, Ronald P. 1 Feiereisen, W. J. 1 Finlay, W. H. 1 Golub, Gene Howard 1 Hinatsu, M. 1 Holt, Steven E. 1 Horton, Graham 1 Im, Hong G. 1 Ivey, Gregory N. 1 Keller, Joseph Bishop 1 Lund, Thomas S. 1 Lyrio, A. A. 1 Mansour, Nagi N. 1 Métais, Olivier 1 Mitchell, Ian M. 1 Moin, Parviz 1 Oliger, Joseph E. 1 Orlandi, Paolo 1 Örs, Haluk 1 Poinsot, Thierry 1 Pulliam, Thomas H. 1 Rehmann, Chris R. 1 Scheuerer, G. 1 Shirani, Ebrahim 1 Tezel, Akin 1 Venkata, Ramana G. 1 Volkert, Jens J. 1 Yang, Kyung-Soo 1 Yuan, Lester L. all top 5 Serials 10 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 6 AIAA Journal 6 Journal of Computational Physics 6 Physics of Fluids 5 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 5 Physics of Fluids 2 Journal of Turbulence 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Physics of Fluids, A 1 Annals of Physics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Physical Review, II. Series 1 Lecture Notes in Physics all top 5 Fields 58 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 19 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 60 Publications have been cited 2,166 times in 1,995 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Zbl 0869.76003 Ferziger, J. H.; Perić, M. 449 1996 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 3rd rev. ed. Zbl 0998.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 394 2002 A hybrid particle level set method for improved interface capturing. Zbl 1021.76044 Enright, Douglas; Fedkiw, Ronald; Ferziger, Joel; Mitchell, Ian 308 2002 A ghost-cell immersed boundary method for flow in complex geometry. Zbl 1047.76575 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 259 2003 Evaluation of subgrid-scale models using an accurately simulated turbulent flow. Zbl 0394.76052 Clark, Robert A.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Reynolds, W. C. 157 1979 A robust high-order compact method for large eddy simulation. Zbl 1051.76030 Nagarajan, Santhanam; Lele, Sanjiva K.; Ferziger, Joel H. 120 2003 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0943.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 78 1999 An adaptive multigrid technique for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0665.76034 Thompson, M. C.; Ferziger, J. H. 67 1989 Parameterization of turbulent fluxes and scales using homogeneous sheared stably stratified turbulence simulations. Zbl 1065.76108 Shih, Lucinda H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ivey, Gregory N.; Ferziger, Joel H. 48 2005 Leading-edge effects in bypass transition. Zbl 1145.76025 Nagarajan, S.; Lele, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 45 2007 A numerical study of the evolution and structure of homogeneous stably stratified sheared turbulence. Zbl 0825.76310 Holt, Steven E.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ferziger, Joel H. 41 1992 Large-eddy simulations of a round jet in crossflow. Zbl 0942.76029 Yuan, Lester L.; Street, Robert L.; Ferziger, Joel H. 37 1999 Scaling and parametrization of stratified homogeneous turbulent shear flow. Zbl 0981.76038 Shih, Lucinda H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Rehmann, Chris R. 34 2000 Model dependence of the slip coefficient. Zbl 0204.27901 Loyalka, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 33 1967 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 2nd updated edition. (Numerische Strömungsmechanik.) Zbl 1452.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan; Street, Robert L. 28 2020 Discrete orthogonal function expansions for non-uniform grids using the fast Fourier transform. Zbl 0557.65097 Cain, A. B.; Ferziger, J. H.; Reynolds, W. C. 27 1984 Mixing and available potential energy in stratified flows. Zbl 1184.76559 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 23 2001 Numerical computation of unsteady incompressible flow in complex geometry using a composite multigrid technique. Zbl 0741.76044 Hinatsu, M.; Ferziger, J. H. 21 1991 Model dependence of the temperature slip coefficient. Zbl 0182.28603 Loyalka, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 21 1968 Improved methods for large eddy simulations of turbulence. Zbl 0455.76048 Mansour, N. N.; Moin, P.; Reynolds, W. C.; Ferziger, J. H. 19 1979 Instability and transition in curved channel flow. Zbl 0645.76049 Finlay, W. H.; Keller, J. B.; Ferziger, J. H. 17 1988 Direct simulation of homogeneous turbulent shear flows on the ILLIAC IV computer: Applications to compressible and incompressible modelling. Zbl 0518.76050 Feiereisen, W. J.; Shirani, E.; Ferziger, J. H.; Reynolds, W. C. 17 1982 Numerical methods for engineering application. Zbl 0461.65001 Ferziger, Joel H. 16 1981 Stably stratified turbulent channel flows. I: Stratification regimes and turbulence suppression mechanism. Zbl 1184.76175 Garg, Rajat P.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Monismith, Stephen G.; Koseff, Jeffrey R. 16 2000 Large-eddy simulation of turbulent obstacle flow using a dynamic subgrid- scale model. Zbl 0800.76163 Yang, Kyung-Soo; Ferziger, Joel H. 15 1993 Entrainment in a shear-free turbulent mixing layer. Zbl 0863.76027 Briggs, D. A.; Ferziger, J. H.; Koseff, J. R.; Monismith, S. G. 11 1996 Linearized boundary value problem for a gas and sound propagation. Zbl 0156.45708 Buckner, J. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 11 1966 A contour dynamics algorithm for axisymmetric flow. Zbl 1146.76041 Shariff, Karim; Leonard, Anthony; Ferziger, Joel H. 11 2008 Dynamical systems analysis of fluid transport in time-periodic vortex ring flows. Zbl 1185.76701 Shariff, Karim; Leonard, Anthony; Ferziger, Joel H. 10 2006 Large eddy simulation of turbulent front propagation with dynamic subgrid models. Zbl 1185.76836 Im, Hong G.; Lund, Thomas S.; Ferziger, Joel H. 10 1997 Shock-wave structure using nonlinear model Boltzmann equations. Zbl 0247.76061 Segal, Ben M.; Ferziger, Joel H. 9 1972 Large eddy simulation of turbulent wavy boundary flow—illustration of vortex dynamics. Zbl 1083.76544 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 9 2004 Flow of a rarefied gas through a cylindrical tube. Zbl 0149.44601 Ferziger, J. H. 9 1967 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Translated from the 3rd English edition by Kerstin Perić. (Numerische Strömungsmechanik.) Zbl 1183.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 8 2008 Turbulent mixing in a shear-free stably stratified two-layer fluid. Zbl 0920.76037 Briggs, David A.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Monismith, Stephen G. 7 1998 Implicit noniterative schemes for unsteady boundary layers. Zbl 0475.76038 Orlandi, P.; Ferziger, J. H. 7 1981 Large eddy numerical simulations of turbulent flows. Zbl 0359.76054 Ferziger, Joel H. 7 1977 Large eddy simulation. Zbl 0882.76069 Ferziger, Joel H. 6 1996 Further discussion of numerical errors in CFD. Zbl 0892.76073 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 6 1996 Numerical methods for engineering application. 2nd ed. Zbl 0927.65001 Ferziger, Joel H. 6 1998 Linear stability of the reacting mixing layer. Zbl 0737.76026 Shin, D. S.; Ferziger, J. H. 5 1991 Premixed flame-wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow: Budget for the flame surface density evolution equation and modelling. Zbl 0900.76740 Bruneaux, G.; Poinsot, T.; Ferziger, J. H. 5 1997 Numerical simulation of geophysical turbulence. Zbl 1004.76045 Ferziger, Joel H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Monismith, Stephen G. 5 2002 Effects of coastal geometry and the formation of cyclonic/anti-cyclonic eddies on turbulent mixing in upwelling simulation. Zbl 1082.86501 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 4 2001 Interfacial transfer in Tryggvason’s method. Zbl 1040.80001 Ferziger, Joel H. 4 2003 Higher-level simulations of turbulent flows. Zbl 0537.76023 Ferziger, J. H. 4 1983 Linear stability of the compressible reacting mixing layer. Zbl 0775.76048 Shin, D. S.; Ferziger, J. H. 3 1993 Hybrid spectral finite difference simulations of stratified turbulent flows on distributed memory architectures. Zbl 0886.76058 Garg, Rajat P.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Monismith, Stephen G. 3 1997 Simulation of environmental flows: similarities and differences from technological flows. Zbl 1044.86001 Ferziger, J. H. 3 2003 Moderate Reynolds number entry flow and boundary-layer approximations for a viscoelastic fluid. Zbl 0827.76004 Eggleton, C. D.; Ferziger, J. H.; Pulliam, T. H. 2 1994 A coordinate system independent streamwise upwind method for fluid flow computation. Zbl 1060.76616 Ferziger, Joel H.; Tseng, Yu-heng 2 2004 Stability of low-speed reacting flows. Zbl 0733.76029 Mahalingam, S.; Cantwell, B. J.; Ferziger, J. H. 2 1991 Linearized initial value problem for a gas. Zbl 0156.45801 Buckner, J. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 2 1966 Composite grids for flow computations on complex 3D domains. Zbl 0800.76381 Venkata, Ramana G.; Oliger, Joseph; Ferziger, Joel 1 1992 Direct and large eddy simulation of turbulence. Zbl 0927.76086 Ferziger, Joel H. 1 1998 Adaptive multigrid solution of the convection-diffusion on the DIRMU multiprocessor. Zbl 0675.65106 Bastian, P.; Ferziger, J. H.; Horton, G.; Volkert, J. 1 1989 The potential flow bounded by a mixing layer and a solid surface. Zbl 0566.76044 Wood, D. H.; Ferziger, J. H. 1 1984 A method of predicting unsteady turbulent flows and its application to diffusers with unsteady inlet conditions. Zbl 0508.76063 Lyrio, A. A.; Ferziger, J. H. 1 1983 Energy-dependent neutron transport theory. Zbl 0125.25201 Ferziger, J. H.; Leonard, A. 1 1963 State of the art in subgrid-scale modeling. Zbl 0524.76065 Ferziger, Joel H. 1 1982 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 2nd updated edition. (Numerische Strömungsmechanik.) Zbl 1452.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan; Street, Robert L. 28 2020 A contour dynamics algorithm for axisymmetric flow. Zbl 1146.76041 Shariff, Karim; Leonard, Anthony; Ferziger, Joel H. 11 2008 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Translated from the 3rd English edition by Kerstin Perić. (Numerische Strömungsmechanik.) Zbl 1183.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 8 2008 Leading-edge effects in bypass transition. Zbl 1145.76025 Nagarajan, S.; Lele, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 45 2007 Dynamical systems analysis of fluid transport in time-periodic vortex ring flows. Zbl 1185.76701 Shariff, Karim; Leonard, Anthony; Ferziger, Joel H. 10 2006 Parameterization of turbulent fluxes and scales using homogeneous sheared stably stratified turbulence simulations. Zbl 1065.76108 Shih, Lucinda H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ivey, Gregory N.; Ferziger, Joel H. 48 2005 Large eddy simulation of turbulent wavy boundary flow—illustration of vortex dynamics. Zbl 1083.76544 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 9 2004 A coordinate system independent streamwise upwind method for fluid flow computation. Zbl 1060.76616 Ferziger, Joel H.; Tseng, Yu-heng 2 2004 A ghost-cell immersed boundary method for flow in complex geometry. Zbl 1047.76575 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 259 2003 A robust high-order compact method for large eddy simulation. Zbl 1051.76030 Nagarajan, Santhanam; Lele, Sanjiva K.; Ferziger, Joel H. 120 2003 Interfacial transfer in Tryggvason’s method. Zbl 1040.80001 Ferziger, Joel H. 4 2003 Simulation of environmental flows: similarities and differences from technological flows. Zbl 1044.86001 Ferziger, J. H. 3 2003 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 3rd rev. ed. Zbl 0998.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 394 2002 A hybrid particle level set method for improved interface capturing. Zbl 1021.76044 Enright, Douglas; Fedkiw, Ronald; Ferziger, Joel; Mitchell, Ian 308 2002 Numerical simulation of geophysical turbulence. Zbl 1004.76045 Ferziger, Joel H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Monismith, Stephen G. 5 2002 Mixing and available potential energy in stratified flows. Zbl 1184.76559 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 23 2001 Effects of coastal geometry and the formation of cyclonic/anti-cyclonic eddies on turbulent mixing in upwelling simulation. Zbl 1082.86501 Tseng, Yu-Heng; Ferziger, Joel H. 4 2001 Scaling and parametrization of stratified homogeneous turbulent shear flow. Zbl 0981.76038 Shih, Lucinda H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Rehmann, Chris R. 34 2000 Stably stratified turbulent channel flows. I: Stratification regimes and turbulence suppression mechanism. Zbl 1184.76175 Garg, Rajat P.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Monismith, Stephen G.; Koseff, Jeffrey R. 16 2000 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0943.76001 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 78 1999 Large-eddy simulations of a round jet in crossflow. Zbl 0942.76029 Yuan, Lester L.; Street, Robert L.; Ferziger, Joel H. 37 1999 Turbulent mixing in a shear-free stably stratified two-layer fluid. Zbl 0920.76037 Briggs, David A.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Monismith, Stephen G. 7 1998 Numerical methods for engineering application. 2nd ed. Zbl 0927.65001 Ferziger, Joel H. 6 1998 Direct and large eddy simulation of turbulence. Zbl 0927.76086 Ferziger, Joel H. 1 1998 Large eddy simulation of turbulent front propagation with dynamic subgrid models. Zbl 1185.76836 Im, Hong G.; Lund, Thomas S.; Ferziger, Joel H. 10 1997 Premixed flame-wall interaction in a turbulent channel flow: Budget for the flame surface density evolution equation and modelling. Zbl 0900.76740 Bruneaux, G.; Poinsot, T.; Ferziger, J. H. 5 1997 Hybrid spectral finite difference simulations of stratified turbulent flows on distributed memory architectures. Zbl 0886.76058 Garg, Rajat P.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Monismith, Stephen G. 3 1997 Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Zbl 0869.76003 Ferziger, J. H.; Perić, M. 449 1996 Entrainment in a shear-free turbulent mixing layer. Zbl 0863.76027 Briggs, D. A.; Ferziger, J. H.; Koseff, J. R.; Monismith, S. G. 11 1996 Large eddy simulation. Zbl 0882.76069 Ferziger, Joel H. 6 1996 Further discussion of numerical errors in CFD. Zbl 0892.76073 Ferziger, Joel H.; Perić, Milovan 6 1996 Moderate Reynolds number entry flow and boundary-layer approximations for a viscoelastic fluid. Zbl 0827.76004 Eggleton, C. D.; Ferziger, J. H.; Pulliam, T. H. 2 1994 Large-eddy simulation of turbulent obstacle flow using a dynamic subgrid- scale model. Zbl 0800.76163 Yang, Kyung-Soo; Ferziger, Joel H. 15 1993 Linear stability of the compressible reacting mixing layer. Zbl 0775.76048 Shin, D. S.; Ferziger, J. H. 3 1993 A numerical study of the evolution and structure of homogeneous stably stratified sheared turbulence. Zbl 0825.76310 Holt, Steven E.; Koseff, Jeffrey R.; Ferziger, Joel H. 41 1992 Composite grids for flow computations on complex 3D domains. Zbl 0800.76381 Venkata, Ramana G.; Oliger, Joseph; Ferziger, Joel 1 1992 Numerical computation of unsteady incompressible flow in complex geometry using a composite multigrid technique. Zbl 0741.76044 Hinatsu, M.; Ferziger, J. H. 21 1991 Linear stability of the reacting mixing layer. Zbl 0737.76026 Shin, D. S.; Ferziger, J. H. 5 1991 Stability of low-speed reacting flows. Zbl 0733.76029 Mahalingam, S.; Cantwell, B. J.; Ferziger, J. H. 2 1991 An adaptive multigrid technique for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0665.76034 Thompson, M. C.; Ferziger, J. H. 67 1989 Adaptive multigrid solution of the convection-diffusion on the DIRMU multiprocessor. Zbl 0675.65106 Bastian, P.; Ferziger, J. H.; Horton, G.; Volkert, J. 1 1989 Instability and transition in curved channel flow. Zbl 0645.76049 Finlay, W. H.; Keller, J. B.; Ferziger, J. H. 17 1988 Discrete orthogonal function expansions for non-uniform grids using the fast Fourier transform. Zbl 0557.65097 Cain, A. B.; Ferziger, J. H.; Reynolds, W. C. 27 1984 The potential flow bounded by a mixing layer and a solid surface. Zbl 0566.76044 Wood, D. H.; Ferziger, J. H. 1 1984 Higher-level simulations of turbulent flows. Zbl 0537.76023 Ferziger, J. H. 4 1983 A method of predicting unsteady turbulent flows and its application to diffusers with unsteady inlet conditions. Zbl 0508.76063 Lyrio, A. A.; Ferziger, J. H. 1 1983 Direct simulation of homogeneous turbulent shear flows on the ILLIAC IV computer: Applications to compressible and incompressible modelling. Zbl 0518.76050 Feiereisen, W. J.; Shirani, E.; Ferziger, J. H.; Reynolds, W. C. 17 1982 State of the art in subgrid-scale modeling. Zbl 0524.76065 Ferziger, Joel H. 1 1982 Numerical methods for engineering application. Zbl 0461.65001 Ferziger, Joel H. 16 1981 Implicit noniterative schemes for unsteady boundary layers. Zbl 0475.76038 Orlandi, P.; Ferziger, J. H. 7 1981 Evaluation of subgrid-scale models using an accurately simulated turbulent flow. Zbl 0394.76052 Clark, Robert A.; Ferziger, Joel H.; Reynolds, W. C. 157 1979 Improved methods for large eddy simulations of turbulence. Zbl 0455.76048 Mansour, N. N.; Moin, P.; Reynolds, W. C.; Ferziger, J. H. 19 1979 Large eddy numerical simulations of turbulent flows. Zbl 0359.76054 Ferziger, Joel H. 7 1977 Shock-wave structure using nonlinear model Boltzmann equations. Zbl 0247.76061 Segal, Ben M.; Ferziger, Joel H. 9 1972 Model dependence of the temperature slip coefficient. Zbl 0182.28603 Loyalka, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 21 1968 Model dependence of the slip coefficient. Zbl 0204.27901 Loyalka, S. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 33 1967 Flow of a rarefied gas through a cylindrical tube. Zbl 0149.44601 Ferziger, J. H. 9 1967 Linearized boundary value problem for a gas and sound propagation. Zbl 0156.45708 Buckner, J. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 11 1966 Linearized initial value problem for a gas. Zbl 0156.45801 Buckner, J. K.; Ferziger, J. H. 2 1966 Energy-dependent neutron transport theory. Zbl 0125.25201 Ferziger, J. H.; Leonard, A. 1 1963 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,837 Authors 14 Caulfield, C. P. 14 Kozelkov, Andrey Sergeevich 13 Moin, Parviz 12 Sarkar, Sutanu 10 Geurts, Bernard J. 10 Lele, Sanjiva K. 10 Meneveau, Charles 9 Henningson, Dan S. 9 Jha, Navnit 9 Klein, Markus 9 Lien, Fue-Sang 9 van Wachem, Berend G. M. 9 Yang, Kyung-Soo 9 Zhang, Guofeng 8 Bellan, Josette 8 Clain, Stéphane Louis 8 Denner, Fabian 8 Ferziger, Joel Henry 8 Fröhlich, Jochen 8 Jasak, Hrvoje 8 Liang, Zhaozheng 8 Meldi, Marcello 8 Scalo, Carlo 8 Siewert, Charles E. 7 Chakraborty, Nilanjan 7 Denaro, Filippo Maria 7 Loyalka, S. K. 7 Manhart, Michael 7 Okong’o, Nora A. 7 Schäfer, Michael 7 Schneider, Kai 7 Zaki, Tamer A. 6 Choi, Haecheon 6 Damián, Santiago Márquez 6 Durbin, Paul A. 6 Durst, Franz 6 Fuchs, László 6 Henshaw, William D. 6 Klaij, Christiaan M. 6 Lamballais, Eric 6 Mahesh, Krishnan 6 Piscaglia, Federico 6 Prosperetti, Andrea 6 Riley, James J. 6 Sagaut, Pierre 6 Schlatter, Philipp 6 Shu, Chang 6 Smyth, William D. 6 Taylor, John R. 6 Tuković, Željko 6 Visonneau, Michel 6 Yee, Eugene 6 Zhang, Hanxin 5 Adams, Nikolaus A. 5 Aoki, Kazuo 5 Armfield, Steven William 5 Baiges, Joan 5 Brethouwer, Geert 5 Breuer, Michael 5 Codina, Ramon 5 de Bruyn Kops, Stephen M. 5 Efremov, V. R. 5 Farhat, Charbel H. 5 Fatehi, Rouhollah 5 Ham, Frank E. 5 Iliescu, Traian 5 Ji, Hua 5 John, Volker 5 Kempe, Tobias 5 Kurkin, Andrey Alexandrovitch 5 Laizet, Sylvain 5 Liu, Gui-Rong 5 Marchi, Carlos Henrique 5 Menon, Suresh 5 Nigro, Norberto M. 5 Nishikawa, Hiroaki 5 Pirozzoli, Sergio 5 Ricco, Pierre 5 Rozza, Gianluigi 5 Rung, Thomas 5 Schröder, Wolfgang 5 Shen, Lian 5 Tarasova, Nataliya Vladimirovna 5 Tseng, Yu-Heng 5 Tucker, Paul Gary 5 Tyliszczak, Artur 5 Venayagamoorthy, Subhas Karan 5 Yang, Di 4 Ardekani, Arezoo M. 4 Bagheri, Shervin 4 Belliard, Michel 4 Berselli, Luigi Carlo 4 Bijl, Hester 4 Bothe, Dieter 4 Bourantas, George C. 4 Buscaglia, Gustavo Carlos 4 C. B. Sousa, Victor 4 Capuano, Francesco 4 Chamarthi, Amareshwara Sainadh 4 Collins, Lance R. ...and 3,737 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 172 Serials 408 Journal of Computational Physics 270 Computers and Fluids 236 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 128 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 128 Physics of Fluids 68 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 45 Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 32 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 29 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 28 Applied Mathematics and Computation 25 Computer Physics Communications 24 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 24 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 20 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 19 Fluid Dynamics 17 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 17 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 17 Journal of Scientific Computing 16 Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 Journal of Turbulence 13 Physics of Fluids, A 12 Applied Numerical Mathematics 12 Computational Mechanics 11 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 10 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 10 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 8 Journal of Statistical Physics 8 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 7 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 7 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 6 Journal of Mathematical Physics 6 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 6 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 6 Communications in Computational Physics 5 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 5 Physica D 5 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 5 International Journal of Computational Methods 5 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 Acta Mechanica 4 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 4 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 4 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 4 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 4 Computing and Visualization in Science 4 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 4 Computational Geosciences 4 Acta Mechanica Sinica 4 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 4 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 3 International Journal of Engineering Science 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 3 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 3 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 3 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 3 Sādhanā 3 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 3 Journal of Theoretical Biology 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 Mathematical Biosciences 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 2 Parallel Computing 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 2 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 2 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematics in Industry 2 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 2 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Physics Reports 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Wave Motion 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Automatica 1 BIT 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications ...and 72 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 1,776 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 589 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 160 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 143 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 143 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 69 Geophysics (86-XX) 50 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 46 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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