Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Medina, Jesús Co-Author Distance Author ID: medina.jesus Published as: Medina, Jesús; Medina, J. External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 116 Publications since 1994, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 11 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 54 Co-Authors with 114 Joint Publications 1,206 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 37 Cornejo, Maria Eugenia 37 Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 36 Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 14 Lobo, David 9 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos 8 Benítez-Caballero, María José 7 Aragón, Roberto G. 6 Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 6 Ślęzak, Dominik 6 Valverde, Agustín 6 Vojtáš, Peter 6 Yager, Ronald R. 5 Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette 5 Galán, M. Ángeles 5 Kóczy, László T. 4 Mérida-Casermeiro, Enrique 3 Díaz, Juan Carlos 3 Fariñas del Cerro, Luis 3 Madrid, Nicolás 3 Perfilieva, Irina G. 3 Pichler, Reinhard 3 Portillo, José Ramon 3 Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 3 Verdegay Galdeano, José Luis 2 Cabrera, Inma P. 2 Chacón-Gómez, Fernando 2 Ciucci, Davide 2 Couso, Inés 2 Damásio, Carlos V. 2 Dubois, Didier 2 Iranzo, Pascual Julián 2 López-Marchante, Víctor 2 Pelta, David Alejandro 2 Petturiti, Davide 2 Prade, Henri M. 2 Turunen, Esko 1 Alcalde, Cristina 1 Bartl, Eduard 1 Burusco, Ana 1 Conejo, Antonio J. 1 Cornelis, Chris 1 De Baets, Bernard 1 de Barros Ruano, Antonio Eduardo 1 El-Zekey, Moataz Saleh 1 Garcia-Rubio, Raquel 1 González del Santo, J. 1 Harmati, István Á. 1 Julián, Pascual 1 Konecny, Jan 1 Krajči, Stanislav 1 Lencses, Rastislav 1 Liñeiro-Barea, Valentín 1 Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada 1 Merkl, Timo Camillo 1 Mesiar, Radko 1 Moreno, Ginés 1 Navareño, Pablo 1 Pérez Thoden, F. 1 Pocs, Jozef 1 Ramírez, Eloisa 1 Rodríguez, Rafael 1 Stepanović, Vanja 1 Tepavčević, Andreja 1 Torné-Zambrano, José Antonio 1 Verbiest, Nele 1 Vigo-Aguiar, Jesus 1 Yao, JingTao 1 Zhang, Yan all top 5 Serials 26 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 19 Information Sciences 6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Communications in Computer and Information Science 4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 Studies in Computational Intelligence 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Journal of Applied Logic 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathware & Soft Computing 1 Top 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis all top 5 Fields 91 Computer science (68-XX) 51 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 41 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 94 Publications have been cited 949 times in 317 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Formal concept analysis via multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1187.68589 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 95 2009 Multi-adjoint t-concept lattices. Zbl 1187.68587 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 62 2010 Similarity-based unification: A multi-adjoint approach. Zbl 1073.68026 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtáš, Peter 57 2004 Multi-adjoint property-oriented and object-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1248.68479 Medina, Jesús 52 2012 Relating attribute reduction in formal, object-oriented and property-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1268.06007 Medina, Jesús 48 2012 Multi-adjoint logic programming with continuous semantics. Zbl 1007.68023 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtáš, Peter 47 2001 A comparative study of adjoint triples. Zbl 1272.03111 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez, Eloisa 46 2013 Characterizing when an ordinal sum of t-norms is a t-norm on bounded lattices. Zbl 1272.03112 Medina, Jesús 41 2012 Multi-adjoint relation equations: definition, properties and solutions using concept lattices. Zbl 1320.68173 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 38 2013 Multi-adjoint fuzzy rough sets: definition, properties and attribute selection. Zbl 1316.03028 Cornelis, Chris; Medina, Jesús; Verbiest, Nele 35 2014 Multi-adjoint algebras versus non-commutative residuated structures. Zbl 1350.06003 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 28 2015 Characterizing reducts in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1436.68330 Cornejo, Maria Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 28 2018 Attribute reduction in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1360.68805 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 26 2015 On multi-adjoint concept lattices based on heterogeneous conjunctors. Zbl 1252.06003 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 25 2012 Attribute and size reduction mechanisms in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1382.68236 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 21 2017 Minimal solutions of general fuzzy relation equations on linear carriers. An algebraic characterization. Zbl 1393.03027 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Turunen, Esko 20 2017 Using concept lattice theory to obtain the set of solutions of multi-adjoint relation equations. Zbl 1339.03043 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 19 2014 Dual multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1293.06001 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 19 2013 Termination of logic programs with imperfect information: applications and query procedure. Zbl 1122.68025 Damásio, C. V.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 17 2007 Multi-adjoint concept lattices with heterogeneous conjunctors and hedges. Zbl 1322.06004 Konecny, J.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 17 2014 Rough-set-driven approach for attribute reduction in fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1452.68189 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślȩzak, Dominik 17 2020 Fuzzy logic programming via multilattices. Zbl 1111.68016 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 16 2007 Sorted multi-adjoint logic programs: Termination results and applications. Zbl 1111.68379 Damásio, C. V.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 16 2004 Bireducts with tolerance relations. Zbl 1440.68283 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślȩzak, Dominik 16 2018 A procedural semantics for multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1053.68540 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtás, Peter 15 2001 On the solvability of bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the product negation. Zbl 1433.03125 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 15 2019 Minimal solutions of generalized fuzzy relational equations: clarifications and corrections towards a more flexible setting. Zbl 1422.03119 Medina, Jesús 14 2017 On multi-adjoint concept lattices: definition and representation theorem. Zbl 1187.68588 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 13 2007 On basic conditions to generate multi-adjoint concept lattices via Galois connections. Zbl 1320.06005 Díaz-Moreno, J. C.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 13 2014 \(L\)-fuzzy relational mathematical morphology based on adjoint triples. Zbl 1441.68268 Madrid, Nicolás; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Medina, Jesús; Perfilieva, Irina 13 2019 On the solvability of bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the standard negation. Zbl 1464.03053 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 12 2021 A computational procedure for variable selection preserving different initial conditions. Zbl 1484.68239 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślęzak, Dominik 11 2020 On the Dedekind-MacNeille completion and formal concept analysis based on multilattices. Zbl 1386.06003 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Pócs, J.; Ramírez-Poussa, E. 11 2016 Bipolar fuzzy relation equations systems based on the product t-norm. Zbl 1430.03064 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 10 2019 Adjoint negations, more than residuated negations. Zbl 1522.03071 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 10 2016 Attribute reduction in rough set theory and formal concept analysis. Zbl 1489.68266 Benítez-Caballero, María José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 9 2017 Syntax and semantics of multi-adjoint normal logic programming. Zbl 1397.68026 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 9 2018 Disjunctive attribute dependencies in formal concept analysis under the epistemic view of formal contexts. Zbl 1539.68340 Dubois, D.; Medina, J.; Prade, H.; Ramírez-Poussa, E. 9 2021 Solving systems of fuzzy relation equations by fuzzy property-oriented concepts. Zbl 1293.68258 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 8 2013 Extended multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1452.68038 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 8 2020 On reductants in the framework of multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1392.68137 Julián-Iranzo, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 8 2017 Fuzzy concept lattices and fuzzy relation equations in the retrieval processing of images and signals. Zbl 1469.68105 Alcalde, Cristina; Burusco, Ana; Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 8 2017 Lattice-based sums. Zbl 1293.06002 El-Zekey, Moataz; Medina, Jesús; Mesiar, Radko 7 2013 Set functors, \(L\)-fuzzy set categories, and generalized terms. Zbl 1035.03030 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 7 2002 On the use of thresholds in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1327.06008 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 7 2015 Powersets of terms and composite monads. Zbl 1127.68017 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 6 2007 A multi-adjoint logic approach to abductive reasoning. Zbl 1053.68707 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtás, Peter 6 2001 Generating fuzzy attribute rules via fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1429.68278 Liñeiro-Barea, Valentín; Medina, Jesús; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada 6 2018 Relating generalized concept lattices and concept lattices for non-commutative conjunctors. Zbl 1187.06003 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 6 2008 A neural implementation of multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1073.68025 Medina, J.; Mérida-Casermeiro, E.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 5 2004 Editorial. Formal concept analysis, rough sets, and three-way decisions. Zbl 1478.00039 5 2022 A categorical approach to unification of generalised terms. Zbl 1270.03141 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 5 2002 Adjoint pairs on interval-valued fuzzy sets. Zbl 1209.68547 Medina, Jesús 5 2010 Bipolar equations on complete distributive symmetric residuated lattices: the case of a join-irreducible right-hand side. Zbl 1522.06015 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús; De Baets, Bernard 5 2022 Similarities between powersets of terms. Zbl 1091.68022 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 4 2004 Rough sets based on Galois connections. Zbl 1477.68308 Madrid, Nicolás; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2020 Implication operators generating pairs of weak negations and their algebraic structure. Zbl 1464.03091 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2021 Characterizing fuzzy y-models in multi-adjoint normal logic programming. Zbl 1523.68022 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 4 2018 Multi-adjoint concept lattices, preferences and Bousi Prolog. Zbl 1398.68511 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 4 2016 Algebraic structure and characterization of adjoint triples. Zbl 1522.06010 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2021 Impact of local congruences in attribute reduction. Zbl 1512.68321 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 3 2020 Notes on “Solution sets of inf-\(\alpha_{\mathcal{T}}\) fuzzy relational equations on complete Brouwerian lattices” and “Fuzzy relational equations on complete Brouwerian lattices”. Zbl 1429.03177 Medina, Jesús 3 2017 On the hierarchy of equivalence classes provided by local congruences. Zbl 1509.68250 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 3 2020 A graphical approach to monad compositions. Zbl 1264.03084 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 3 2001 OWA operators with functional weights. Zbl 1467.91033 Medina, Jesús; Yager, Ronald R. 3 2021 Impact Zadeh’s theory to algebraic structures. Multi-adjoint algebras. Zbl 1495.03076 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús 2 2021 FCA attribute reduction in information systems. Zbl 1512.68322 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 2 2018 Current computational tools for science engineering and economics at CMMSE. Zbl 1360.00105 2 2017 Toward the use of fuzzy relations in the definition of mathematical morphology operators. Zbl 1356.68255 Madrid, Nicolás; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Perfilieva, Irina 2 2016 Towards the use of hypergraphs in multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1430.68024 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Portillo, José R. 2 2019 Impact of local congruences in variable selection from datasets. Zbl 1516.68094 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 2 2022 Generalized quantifiers in formal concept analysis. Zbl 1524.68362 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 2 2022 On the impact of sup-compositions in the resolution of multi-adjoint relation equations. Zbl 07793786 Lobo, David; López-Marchante, Víctor; Medina, Jesús 2 2023 Fuzzy logic programs as hypergraphs. Termination results. Zbl 1522.68107 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Portillo, José R. 2 2022 Medium-term hydro-thermal coordination via hydro and thermal subsystem decomposition. Zbl 0826.90081 Medina, J.; Conejo, A.; Pérez Thoden, F.; González del Santo, J. 1 1994 A neural approach to abductive multi-adjoint reasoning. Zbl 1020.68518 Medina, Jesús; Mérida-Casermeiro, Enrique; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2002 Non-commutativity and expressive deductive logic databases. Zbl 1013.68073 Krajči, S.; Lencses, R.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A.; Vojtáš, P. 1 2002 Towards a classification of rough set bireducts. Zbl 1512.68332 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2020 Solving general fuzzy relation equations using property-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1252.03115 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Rodríguez, Rafael 1 2012 Unifying reducts in formal concept analysis and rough set theory. Zbl 1430.68328 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2019 Bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the product negation. Zbl 1430.03065 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 1 2019 Optimization of partially monotonic functions subject to bipolar fuzzy relation equations. Zbl 1533.90135 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 1 2023 Reducing concept lattices by means of a weaker notion of congruence. Zbl 1467.06007 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2021 Linguistic descriptions of data via fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1471.68276 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 1 2022 Multi-lattices as a basis for generalized fuzzy logic programming. Zbl 1168.68347 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 1 2006 Efficient thresholded tabulation for fuzzy query answering. Zbl 1202.68090 Julián, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Moreno, Ginés; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2010 Factorizing formal contexts from closures of necessity operators. Zbl 1549.68040 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2024 Algebraic structure of fuzzy signatures. Zbl 1467.94037 Kóczy, László T.; Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús 1 2021 A logical characterization of multi-adjoint algebras. Zbl 1522.03343 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Fariñas del Cerro, Luis; Medina, Jesús 1 2021 Immediate consequences operator on generalized quantifiers. Zbl 1522.68114 Medina, Jesús; Torné-Zambrano, José Antonio 1 2023 Preferences in discrete multi-adjoint formal concept analysis. Zbl 07758476 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 1 2023 Revisiting reductants in the multi-adjoint logic programming framework. Zbl 1432.68058 Julián-Iranzo, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2014 Solutions of matrix equations with weak fuzzy equivalence relations. Zbl 1537.15011 Medina, Jesús; Stepanović, Vanja; Tepavčević, Andreja 1 2023 A fuzzy extension of data exchange. Zbl 1418.68076 Medina, Jesús; Pichler, Reinhard 1 2014 Factorizing formal contexts from closures of necessity operators. Zbl 1549.68040 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2024 On the impact of sup-compositions in the resolution of multi-adjoint relation equations. Zbl 07793786 Lobo, David; López-Marchante, Víctor; Medina, Jesús 2 2023 Optimization of partially monotonic functions subject to bipolar fuzzy relation equations. Zbl 1533.90135 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 1 2023 Immediate consequences operator on generalized quantifiers. Zbl 1522.68114 Medina, Jesús; Torné-Zambrano, José Antonio 1 2023 Preferences in discrete multi-adjoint formal concept analysis. Zbl 07758476 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 1 2023 Solutions of matrix equations with weak fuzzy equivalence relations. Zbl 1537.15011 Medina, Jesús; Stepanović, Vanja; Tepavčević, Andreja 1 2023 Editorial. Formal concept analysis, rough sets, and three-way decisions. Zbl 1478.00039 5 2022 Bipolar equations on complete distributive symmetric residuated lattices: the case of a join-irreducible right-hand side. Zbl 1522.06015 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús; De Baets, Bernard 5 2022 Impact of local congruences in variable selection from datasets. Zbl 1516.68094 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 2 2022 Generalized quantifiers in formal concept analysis. Zbl 1524.68362 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 2 2022 Fuzzy logic programs as hypergraphs. Termination results. Zbl 1522.68107 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Portillo, José R. 2 2022 Linguistic descriptions of data via fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1471.68276 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 1 2022 On the solvability of bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the standard negation. Zbl 1464.03053 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 12 2021 Disjunctive attribute dependencies in formal concept analysis under the epistemic view of formal contexts. Zbl 1539.68340 Dubois, D.; Medina, J.; Prade, H.; Ramírez-Poussa, E. 9 2021 Implication operators generating pairs of weak negations and their algebraic structure. Zbl 1464.03091 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2021 Algebraic structure and characterization of adjoint triples. Zbl 1522.06010 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2021 OWA operators with functional weights. Zbl 1467.91033 Medina, Jesús; Yager, Ronald R. 3 2021 Impact Zadeh’s theory to algebraic structures. Multi-adjoint algebras. Zbl 1495.03076 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús 2 2021 Reducing concept lattices by means of a weaker notion of congruence. Zbl 1467.06007 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2021 Algebraic structure of fuzzy signatures. Zbl 1467.94037 Kóczy, László T.; Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús 1 2021 A logical characterization of multi-adjoint algebras. Zbl 1522.03343 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Fariñas del Cerro, Luis; Medina, Jesús 1 2021 Rough-set-driven approach for attribute reduction in fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1452.68189 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślȩzak, Dominik 17 2020 A computational procedure for variable selection preserving different initial conditions. Zbl 1484.68239 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślęzak, Dominik 11 2020 Extended multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1452.68038 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 8 2020 Rough sets based on Galois connections. Zbl 1477.68308 Madrid, Nicolás; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 4 2020 Impact of local congruences in attribute reduction. Zbl 1512.68321 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 3 2020 On the hierarchy of equivalence classes provided by local congruences. Zbl 1509.68250 Aragón, Roberto G.; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 3 2020 Towards a classification of rough set bireducts. Zbl 1512.68332 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2020 On the solvability of bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the product negation. Zbl 1433.03125 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 15 2019 \(L\)-fuzzy relational mathematical morphology based on adjoint triples. Zbl 1441.68268 Madrid, Nicolás; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Medina, Jesús; Perfilieva, Irina 13 2019 Bipolar fuzzy relation equations systems based on the product t-norm. Zbl 1430.03064 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 10 2019 Towards the use of hypergraphs in multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1430.68024 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Portillo, José R. 2 2019 Unifying reducts in formal concept analysis and rough set theory. Zbl 1430.68328 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 1 2019 Bipolar max-product fuzzy relation equations with the product negation. Zbl 1430.03065 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 1 2019 Characterizing reducts in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1436.68330 Cornejo, Maria Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 28 2018 Bireducts with tolerance relations. Zbl 1440.68283 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Ślȩzak, Dominik 16 2018 Syntax and semantics of multi-adjoint normal logic programming. Zbl 1397.68026 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 9 2018 Generating fuzzy attribute rules via fuzzy formal concept analysis. Zbl 1429.68278 Liñeiro-Barea, Valentín; Medina, Jesús; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada 6 2018 Characterizing fuzzy y-models in multi-adjoint normal logic programming. Zbl 1523.68022 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Lobo, David; Medina, Jesús 4 2018 FCA attribute reduction in information systems. Zbl 1512.68322 Benítez-Caballero, M. José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 2 2018 Attribute and size reduction mechanisms in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1382.68236 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 21 2017 Minimal solutions of general fuzzy relation equations on linear carriers. An algebraic characterization. Zbl 1393.03027 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Turunen, Esko 20 2017 Minimal solutions of generalized fuzzy relational equations: clarifications and corrections towards a more flexible setting. Zbl 1422.03119 Medina, Jesús 14 2017 Attribute reduction in rough set theory and formal concept analysis. Zbl 1489.68266 Benítez-Caballero, María José; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 9 2017 On reductants in the framework of multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1392.68137 Julián-Iranzo, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 8 2017 Fuzzy concept lattices and fuzzy relation equations in the retrieval processing of images and signals. Zbl 1469.68105 Alcalde, Cristina; Burusco, Ana; Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 8 2017 Notes on “Solution sets of inf-\(\alpha_{\mathcal{T}}\) fuzzy relational equations on complete Brouwerian lattices” and “Fuzzy relational equations on complete Brouwerian lattices”. Zbl 1429.03177 Medina, Jesús 3 2017 Current computational tools for science engineering and economics at CMMSE. Zbl 1360.00105 2 2017 On the Dedekind-MacNeille completion and formal concept analysis based on multilattices. Zbl 1386.06003 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Pócs, J.; Ramírez-Poussa, E. 11 2016 Adjoint negations, more than residuated negations. Zbl 1522.03071 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa 10 2016 Multi-adjoint concept lattices, preferences and Bousi Prolog. Zbl 1398.68511 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloísa; Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 4 2016 Toward the use of fuzzy relations in the definition of mathematical morphology operators. Zbl 1356.68255 Madrid, Nicolás; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Perfilieva, Irina 2 2016 Multi-adjoint algebras versus non-commutative residuated structures. Zbl 1350.06003 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 28 2015 Attribute reduction in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1360.68805 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 26 2015 On the use of thresholds in multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1327.06008 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 7 2015 Multi-adjoint fuzzy rough sets: definition, properties and attribute selection. Zbl 1316.03028 Cornelis, Chris; Medina, Jesús; Verbiest, Nele 35 2014 Using concept lattice theory to obtain the set of solutions of multi-adjoint relation equations. Zbl 1339.03043 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 19 2014 Multi-adjoint concept lattices with heterogeneous conjunctors and hedges. Zbl 1322.06004 Konecny, J.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 17 2014 On basic conditions to generate multi-adjoint concept lattices via Galois connections. Zbl 1320.06005 Díaz-Moreno, J. C.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 13 2014 Revisiting reductants in the multi-adjoint logic programming framework. Zbl 1432.68058 Julián-Iranzo, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2014 A fuzzy extension of data exchange. Zbl 1418.68076 Medina, Jesús; Pichler, Reinhard 1 2014 A comparative study of adjoint triples. Zbl 1272.03111 Cornejo, M. Eugenia; Medina, Jesús; Ramírez, Eloisa 46 2013 Multi-adjoint relation equations: definition, properties and solutions using concept lattices. Zbl 1320.68173 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 38 2013 Dual multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1293.06001 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 19 2013 Solving systems of fuzzy relation equations by fuzzy property-oriented concepts. Zbl 1293.68258 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús 8 2013 Lattice-based sums. Zbl 1293.06002 El-Zekey, Moataz; Medina, Jesús; Mesiar, Radko 7 2013 Multi-adjoint property-oriented and object-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1248.68479 Medina, Jesús 52 2012 Relating attribute reduction in formal, object-oriented and property-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1268.06007 Medina, Jesús 48 2012 Characterizing when an ordinal sum of t-norms is a t-norm on bounded lattices. Zbl 1272.03112 Medina, Jesús 41 2012 On multi-adjoint concept lattices based on heterogeneous conjunctors. Zbl 1252.06003 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 25 2012 Solving general fuzzy relation equations using property-oriented concept lattices. Zbl 1252.03115 Díaz, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Rodríguez, Rafael 1 2012 Multi-adjoint t-concept lattices. Zbl 1187.68587 Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 62 2010 Adjoint pairs on interval-valued fuzzy sets. Zbl 1209.68547 Medina, Jesús 5 2010 Efficient thresholded tabulation for fuzzy query answering. Zbl 1202.68090 Julián, Pascual; Medina, Jesús; Moreno, Ginés; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2010 Formal concept analysis via multi-adjoint concept lattices. Zbl 1187.68589 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 95 2009 Relating generalized concept lattices and concept lattices for non-commutative conjunctors. Zbl 1187.06003 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 6 2008 Termination of logic programs with imperfect information: applications and query procedure. Zbl 1122.68025 Damásio, C. V.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 17 2007 Fuzzy logic programming via multilattices. Zbl 1111.68016 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 16 2007 On multi-adjoint concept lattices: definition and representation theorem. Zbl 1187.68588 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 13 2007 Powersets of terms and composite monads. Zbl 1127.68017 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 6 2007 Multi-lattices as a basis for generalized fuzzy logic programming. Zbl 1168.68347 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 1 2006 Similarity-based unification: A multi-adjoint approach. Zbl 1073.68026 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtáš, Peter 57 2004 Sorted multi-adjoint logic programs: Termination results and applications. Zbl 1111.68379 Damásio, C. V.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 16 2004 A neural implementation of multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1073.68025 Medina, J.; Mérida-Casermeiro, E.; Ojeda-Aciego, M. 5 2004 Similarities between powersets of terms. Zbl 1091.68022 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 4 2004 Set functors, \(L\)-fuzzy set categories, and generalized terms. Zbl 1035.03030 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 7 2002 A categorical approach to unification of generalised terms. Zbl 1270.03141 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 5 2002 A neural approach to abductive multi-adjoint reasoning. Zbl 1020.68518 Medina, Jesús; Mérida-Casermeiro, Enrique; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 1 2002 Non-commutativity and expressive deductive logic databases. Zbl 1013.68073 Krajči, S.; Lencses, R.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A.; Vojtáš, P. 1 2002 Multi-adjoint logic programming with continuous semantics. Zbl 1007.68023 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtáš, Peter 47 2001 A procedural semantics for multi-adjoint logic programming. Zbl 1053.68540 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtás, Peter 15 2001 A multi-adjoint logic approach to abductive reasoning. Zbl 1053.68707 Medina, Jesús; Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel; Vojtás, Peter 6 2001 A graphical approach to monad compositions. Zbl 1264.03084 Eklund, P.; Galán, M. A.; Medina, J.; Ojeda-Aciego, M.; Valverde, A. 3 2001 Medium-term hydro-thermal coordination via hydro and thermal subsystem decomposition. Zbl 0826.90081 Medina, J.; Conejo, A.; Pérez Thoden, F.; González del Santo, J. 1 1994 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 380 Authors 74 Medina, Jesús 34 Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 33 Ramírez-Poussa, Eloisa 32 Cornejo, Maria Eugenia 15 Moreno, Ginés 14 Krídlo, Ondrej 12 Antoni, Lubomir 12 Cordero, Pablo 12 Krajči, Stanislav 12 Lobo, David 12 Madrid, Nicolás 10 Cabrera, Inma P. 9 Alcalde, Cristina 8 De Cock, Martine 8 Díaz-Moreno, Juan Carlos 8 Konecny, Jan 8 Vermeir, Dirk 7 Benítez-Caballero, María José 7 Eklund, Patrik E. 7 Penabad, Jaime 7 Pocs, Jozef 6 Aragón, Roberto G. 6 Burusco, Ana 6 Iranzo, Pascual Julián 6 Schockaert, Steven 6 Vychodil, Vilém 6 Xu, Weihua 5 Galán, M. Ángeles 5 Gutiérrez, Gloria 5 Janssen, Jeroen 5 Martínez del Castillo, Javier 5 Rubio-Manzano, Clemente 5 Šostak, Alexander P. 5 Uļjane, Ingrǐda 4 Prade, Henri M. 4 Riaza, José Antonio 4 Yang, Xiaopeng 4 Zhang, Xianyong 3 Bartl, Eduard 3 Bělohlávek, Radim 3 Dubois, Didier 3 Elias, Peter 3 Fariñas del Cerro, Luis 3 Fuentes Gonzalez, Ramón 3 Julián, Pascual 3 Kortelainen, Jari 3 Le, Van Hung 3 Li, Deyu 3 López-Rodríguez, Domingo 3 Micić, Ivana 3 Morcillo, Pedro J. 3 Muñoz-Velasco, Emilio 3 Ojeda-Hernández, Manuel 3 Perfilieva, Irina G. 3 Pichler, Reinhard 3 Portillo, José Ramon 3 Qin, Keyun 3 Ruiz-Calviño, Jorge 3 Singh, Prem Kumar 3 Ślęzak, Dominik 3 Stanimirović, Stefan 3 Straccia, Umberto 3 Turunen, Esko 2 Aliannezhadi, Samaneh 2 Alsinet, Teresa 2 Aswani Kumar, Cherukuri 2 Bustince Sola, Humberto 2 Chacón-Gómez, Fernando 2 Cornelis, Chris 2 Enciso, Manuel 2 García-Pardo, Francisca 2 Gerla, Giangiacomo 2 Godo, Lluís 2 Guo, Lankun 2 Guu, Sy-Ming 2 Halaš, Radomír 2 Helgesson, Robert 2 Jančić, Zorana 2 Kahl, Wolfram 2 Kang, Xiangping 2 Koguep Njionou, Blaise Bleriot 2 Krupka, Michal 2 Lele, Celestin 2 Li, Jinhai 2 Li, Qingguo 2 Liu, Fei 2 Liu, Zhicai 2 López-Marchante, Víctor 2 Lu, Mingyu 2 Lv, Zhiying 2 Medina-Moreno, Jesús 2 Mesiar, Radko 2 Mesiarová-Zemánková, Andrea 2 Miao, Duoqian 2 Min, Won Keun 2 Mora, Angel 2 Pang, Kuo 2 Pei, Zheng 2 Pócsová, Jana 2 Qiu, Jianjun ...and 280 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 41 Serials 66 Information Sciences 60 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 33 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 10 Soft Computing 10 Symmetry 7 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 6 International Journal of General Systems 6 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 3 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 3 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 3 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 2 Journal of Applied Logic 2 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Programming and Computer Software 1 Studia Logica 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 1 Filomat 1 Complexity 1 Honam Mathematical Journal 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering 1 Frontiers of Computer Science 1 Axioms 1 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization 1 Korean Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 221 Computer science (68-XX) 98 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 98 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 19 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year