Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Nowak, Martin Andreas Co-Author Distance Author ID: nowak.martin-a Published as: Nowak, Martin A.; Nowak, Martin; A. Nowak, Martin; Nowak, M. A. more...less Homepage: https://oeb.harvard.edu/people/martin-nowak External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 114 Publications since 1989, including 2 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 89 Co-Authors with 108 Joint Publications 1,724 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 15 Traulsen, Arne 12 Ohtsuki, Hisashi 10 Iwasa, Yoh 10 Sigmund, Karl 9 Allen, Benjamin L. 8 Michor, Franziska 7 Chatterjee, Krishnendu 7 May, Robert McCredie 7 Tarniţǎ, Corina E. 6 Hauert, Christoph 6 Olejarz, Jason W. 6 Rand, David G. 5 Antal, Tibor 5 Komarova, Natalia L. 5 Pacheco, Jorge M. 4 Fudenberg, Drew 4 Ghang, Whan 4 Hilbe, Christian 4 Taylor, Christine Jiayou 3 Fu, Feng 3 Imhof, Lorens A. 3 Manapat, Michael L. 3 McAvoy, Alex 3 Veller, Carl 3 Wakeley, John 2 Adlam, Ben 2 Boerlijst, Maarten C. 2 Bonhoeffer, Sebastian 2 Jeong, Hyeong-Chai 2 Kaveh, Kamran 2 P. Hauser, Oliver 2 Sasaki, Akira 2 Sengupta, Anirvan Mayukh 1 Blumberg, Baruch S. 1 Bordalo, Pedro 1 Brandt, Hannelore 1 Bürger, Reinhard 1 Cavaliere, Matteo 1 Chen, Irene A. 1 Coakley, Sarah 1 Csikász-Nagy, Attila 1 De Silva, Hannelore 1 Doebeli, Michael 1 Dreber, Anna 1 El-Sedy, Esam. A. S. 1 Ellingsen, Tore 1 Fotouhi, Babak 1 Fraiman, Nicolas 1 Frank, Steven A. 1 Gadagkar, Raghavendra 1 Garrett Mitchener, W. 1 Gokhale, Chaitanya S. 1 Hill, Alison L. 1 Hoffman, Moshe 1 Humplik, Jan 1 Ibsen-Jensen, Rasmus 1 Kim, Beom Jun 1 Langer, Philipp 1 Lippner, Gábor 1 Markvoort, Albert J. 1 McAavoy, Alex 1 Momeni, Naghmeh 1 Niyogi, Partha 1 Novak, Sebastian 1 Oh, Seung-Yoon 1 Page, Karen M. 1 Park, Hyejin 1 Pavlogiannis, Andreas 1 Pawlowitsch, Christina 1 Payne, Robert J. H. 1 Priklopil, Tadeas 1 Reiter, Johannes G. 1 Sedwards, Sean 1 Shoresh, Noam 1 Sinai, Sam 1 Stekel, Dov J. 1 Su, Qi 1 Taubes, Clifford Henry 1 Taylor, Peter D. 1 Tkadlec, Josef 1 Trapa, Peter E. 1 van Veelen, Matthijs 1 Wang, Long 1 Willensdorfer, Martin 1 Wilson, Edward O. 1 Wodarz, Dominik 1 Wu, Bin 1 Yau, Shing-Tung 1 Zufferey, Damien all top 5 Serials 61 Journal of Theoretical Biology 7 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 6 Theoretical Population Biology 5 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 4 Mathematical Biosciences 3 Journal of Mathematical Biology 3 Science 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Games 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Games and Economic Behavior 1 Journal of Theoretical Medicine 1 EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences all top 5 Fields 83 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 80 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 105 Publications have been cited 4,119 times in 2,303 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Virus dynamics. Mathematical principles of immunology and virology. Zbl 1101.92028 Nowak, Martin A.; May, Robert M. 612 2000 Evolutionary dynamics. Exploring the equations of life. Zbl 1115.92047 Nowak, Martin A. 484 2006 Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation. Zbl 1098.92051 Nowak, Martin A. 214 2006 Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations. Zbl 1334.92372 Taylor, Christine; Fudenberg, Drew; Sasaki, Akira; Nowak, Martin A. 145 2004 The spatial dilemmas of evolution. Zbl 0870.92011 Nowak, Martin A.; May, Robert M. 137 1993 Via freedom to coercion: the emergence of costly punishment. Zbl 1226.91010 Hauert, Christoph; Traulsen, Arne; Brandt, Hannelore; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 137 2007 Evolutionary game dynamics in a Wright-Fisher process. Zbl 1110.92028 Imhof, Lorens A.; Nowak, Martin A. 96 2006 The replicator equation on graphs. Zbl 1447.91024 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 91 2006 Synergy and discounting of cooperation in social dilemmas. Zbl 1446.91017 Hauert, Christoph; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A.; Doebeli, Michael 85 2006 Pairwise comparison and selection temperature in evolutionary game dynamics. Zbl 1451.92268 Traulsen, Arne; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Nowak, Martin A. 83 2007 Positive interactions promote public cooperation. Zbl 1226.91018 Rand, David G.; Dreber, Anna; Ellingsen, Tore; Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A. 73 2009 Strategy selection in structured populations. Zbl 1402.91064 Tarnita, Corina E.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Antal, Tibor; Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A. 72 2009 Spatial games and the maintenance of cooperation. Zbl 0799.92010 Nowak, Martin A.; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; May, Robert M. 70 1994 The evolution of stochastic strategies in the prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0722.90092 Nowak, Martin; Sigmund, Karl 70 1990 More spatial games. Zbl 0884.90147 Nowak, Martin A.; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; May, Robert M. 68 1994 Active linking in evolutionary games. Zbl 1447.91025 Pacheco, Jorge M.; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 61 2006 Evolution of cooperation by phenotypic similarity. Zbl 1355.92145 Antal, Tibor; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Wakeley, John; Taylor, Peter D.; Nowak, Martin A. 58 2009 Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations with strong selection and weak mutation. Zbl 1112.92044 Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A.; Taylor, Christine; Imhof, Lorens A. 56 2006 Mathematical biology of HIV infections: Antigenic variation and diversity threshold. Zbl 0738.92008 Nowak, Martin A.; May, Robert M. 55 1991 Analytical results for individual and group selection of any intensity. Zbl 1144.92035 Traulsen, Arne; Shoresh, Noam; Nowak, Martin A. 55 2008 Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games. Zbl 1202.91029 Traulsen, Arne; Hauert, Christoph; De Silva, Hannelore; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 54 2009 Games on graphs. Zbl 1303.91040 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 54 2014 Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with multiple strategies. Zbl 1402.91039 Antal, Tibor; Traulsen, Arne; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A. 53 2009 Evolution of extortion in iterated prisoner’s dilemma games. Zbl 1292.91031 Hilbe, Christian; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 49 2013 Evolving cooperation. Zbl 1337.92152 44 2012 Evolution of universal grammar. Zbl 1226.91060 Nowak, Martin A.; Komarova, Natalia L.; Niyogi, Partha 43 2001 Strategy abundance in \(2\times 2\) games for arbitrary mutation rates. Zbl 1400.91058 Antal, Tibor; Nowak, Martin A.; Traulsen, Arne 41 2009 Evolutionary graph theory: breaking the symmetry between interaction and replacement. Zbl 1451.92229 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Nowak, Martin A. 40 2007 Stochastic payoff evaluation increases the temperature of selection. Zbl 1450.91006 Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A.; Pacheco, Jorge M. 37 2007 Mutation-selection networks of cancer initiation: tumor suppressor genes and chromosomal instability. Zbl 1464.92067 Komarova, Natalia L.; Sengupta, Anirvan; Nowak, Martin A. 36 2003 Evolutionary game dynamics with non-uniform interaction rates. Zbl 1109.92037 Taylor, Christine; Nowak, Martin A. 34 2006 Evolutionary stability on graphs. Zbl 1398.91079 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 33 2008 The one-third law of evolutionary dynamics. Zbl 1453.92221 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Bordalo, Pedro; Nowak, Martin A. 32 2007 Repeated games and direct reciprocity under active linking. Zbl 1397.91075 Pacheco, Jorge M.; Traulsen, Arne; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 31 2008 Evolutionary dynamics of invasion and escape. Zbl 1439.92132 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A. 31 2004 How mutation affects evolutionary games on graphs. Zbl 1337.91016 Allen, Benjamin; Traulsen, Arne; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A. 29 2012 Invasion and expansion of cooperators in lattice populations: prisoner’s dilemma vs. snowdrift games. Zbl 1407.91043 Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A.; Hauert, Christoph 28 2010 Evolution of fairness in the one-shot anonymous ultimatum game. Zbl 1292.91050 Rand, David G.; Tarnita, Corina E.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 27 2013 Automata, repeated games and noise. Zbl 0837.90140 Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl; El-Sedy, Esam 26 1995 Multi-player games on the cycle. Zbl 1307.91018 van Veelen, Matthijs; Nowak, Martin A. 26 2012 Tit-for-tat or win-stay, lose-shift? Zbl 1455.92104 Imhof, Lorens A.; Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A. 25 2007 A symmetry of fixation times in evoultionary dynamics. Zbl 1447.92296 Taylor, Christine; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A. 24 2006 Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with mixed strategies. Zbl 1403.91046 Tarnita, Corina E.; Antal, Tibor; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2009 Evolutionary performance of zero-determinant strategies in multiplayer games. Zbl 1341.91018 Hilbe, Christian; Wu, Bin; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2015 Evolutionary dynamics with game transitions. Zbl 1456.91018 Su, Qi; Mcavoy, Alex; Wang, Long; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2019 Stochastic strategies in the prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0726.92015 Nowak, Martin 22 1990 Immune responses and viral phenotype: Do replication rate and cytopathogenicity influence virus load? Zbl 0943.92024 Wodarz, Dominik; Nowak, Martin A. 21 2000 Direct reciprocity with costly punishment: generous tit-for-tat prevails. Zbl 1400.91054 Rand, David G.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 20 2009 Some basic properties of immune selection. Zbl 1440.92027 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin 20 2004 Games among relatives revisited. Zbl 1343.91004 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 19 2015 Public goods games in populations with fluctuating size. Zbl 1397.92588 McAvoy, Alex; Fraiman, Nicolas; Hauert, Christoph; Wakeley, John; Nowak, Martin A. 18 2018 Empathy leads to fairness. Zbl 1334.91005 Page, Karen M.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2002 Nash equilibria for an evolutionary language game. Zbl 0984.91015 Trapa, Peter E.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2000 Population genetics of tumor suppressor genes. Zbl 1442.92103 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2005 Game-dynamical aspects of the prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0673.90104 Nowak, Martin; Sigmund, Karl 16 1989 Global migration can lead to stronger spatial selection than local migration. Zbl 1264.92040 Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A. 16 2013 Direct reciprocity on graphs. Zbl 1455.92106 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 16 2007 Spatial invasion of cooperation. Zbl 1397.91070 Langer, Philipp; Nowak, Martin A.; Hauert, Christoph 16 2008 Prosperity is associated with instability in dynamical networks. Zbl 1337.91018 Cavaliere, Matteo; Sedwards, Sean; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A.; Csikász-Nagy, Attila 14 2012 Limitations of inclusive fitness. Zbl 1355.91057 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A.; Wilson, Edward O. 13 2013 Amplifiers of selection. Zbl 1371.92093 Adlam, B.; Chatterjee, K.; Nowak, M. A. 13 2015 Indirect reciprocity with optional interactions. Zbl 1314.91032 Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 12 2015 Evolutionary construction by staying together and coming together. Zbl 1406.92440 Tarnita, Corina E.; Taubes, Clifford H.; Nowak, Martin A. 12 2013 Stochastic dynamics of metastasis formation. Zbl 1447.92098 Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A.; Iwasa, Yoh 12 2006 Stochastic evolutionary dynamics resolve the traveler’s dilemma. Zbl 1337.91022 Manapat, Michael L.; Rand, David G.; Pawlowitsch, Christina; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2012 Stochastic evolutionary dynamics on two levels. Zbl 1445.92211 Traulsen, Arne; Sengupta, Anirvan M.; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2005 Evolutionary dynamics in finite populations can explain the full range of cooperative behaviors observed in the centipede game. Zbl 1397.91076 Rand, David G.; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2012 Punishment does not promote cooperation under exploration dynamics when anti-social punishment is possible. Zbl 1343.92363 P. Hauser, Oliver; A. Nowak, Martin; G. Rand, David 10 2014 The evolutionary dynamics of the lexical matrix. Zbl 1323.92142 Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 9 2001 Equal pay for all prisoners. Zbl 1044.91500 Boerlijst, Maarten C.; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 9 1997 Virus evolution within patients increases pathogenicity. Zbl 1442.92033 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A. 9 2005 Evolutionary shift dynamics on a cycle. Zbl 1337.92166 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 8 2012 Optional games on cycles and complete graphs. Zbl 1412.91007 Jeong, Hyeong-Chai; Oh, Seung-Yoon; Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 8 2014 Genetic instability and clonal expansion. Zbl 1447.92260 Nowak, Martin A.; Michor, Franziska; Iwasa, Yoh 7 2006 Mutation in evolutionary games can increase average fitness at equilibrium. Zbl 1445.92217 Willensdorfer, Martin; Nowak, Martin A. 7 2005 The pace of evolution across fitness valleys. Zbl 1402.92311 Gokhale, Chaitanya S.; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A.; Traulsen, Arne 6 2009 Indirect reciprocity with optional interactions and private information. Zbl 1402.91056 Olejarz, Jason; Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2015 Faster Monte Carlo algorithms for fixation probability of the Moran process on undirected graphs. Zbl 1447.92274 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Ibsen-Jensen, Rasmus; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2017 Evolutionary game dynamics in populations with different learners. Zbl 1397.91062 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Zufferey, Damien; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2012 Language dynamics in finite populations. Zbl 1464.91065 Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2003 Competitive exclusion and coexistence of universal grammars. Zbl 1334.91065 Mitchener, W. Garrett; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2003 Evolution, games, and God. The principle of cooperation. Zbl 1288.91005 5 2013 Mutation landscapes. Zbl 1465.92079 Sasaki, Akira; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2003 Heterogeneity in background fitness acts as a suppressor of selection. Zbl 1411.92210 Hauser, Oliver P.; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2014 Computer simulations of cellular group selection reveal mechanism for sustaining cooperation. Zbl 1412.92019 Markvoort, Albert J.; Sinai, Sam; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2014 A cellular model to explain the pathogenesis of infection by the hepatitis B virus. Zbl 0817.92008 Payne, Robert J. H.; Nowak, Martin A.; Blumberg, Baruch S. 4 1994 Density games. Zbl 1397.91074 Novak, Sebastian; Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Nowak, Martin A. 4 2013 The fastest evolutionary trajectory. Zbl 1453.92226 Traulsen, Arne; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A. 4 2007 Invasion dynamics of the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0840.90143 Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 3 1995 Some inequalities for BMOA functions. Zbl 0689.30027 Nowak, M. 3 1991 A two-player iterated survival game. Zbl 1406.91028 Wakeley, John; Nowak, Martin 3 2019 Evolutionary dynamics of biological auctions. Zbl 1322.92053 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Reiter, Johannes G.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2012 Evolution of staying together in the context of diffusible public goods. Zbl 1343.91018 Olejarz, Jason W.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Stochastic evolution of staying together. Zbl 1343.92409 Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases in finite populations. Zbl 1343.92483 Humplik, Jan; Hill, Alison L.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Games of multicellularity. Zbl 1343.92126 Kaveh, Kamran; Veller, Carl; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2016 Compact Hankel operators with conjugate analytic symbols. Zbl 0972.30016 Nowak, M. 2 1998 The evolutionary dynamics of HIV infections. Zbl 0810.92017 Nowak, Martin A. 2 1994 The basic reproductive ratio of life. Zbl 1406.92430 Manapat, Michael L.; Chen, Irene A.; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2010 Originator dynamics. Zbl 1400.92373 Manapat, Michael; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Bürger, Reinhard; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2009 Evolutionary dynamics with game transitions. Zbl 1456.91018 Su, Qi; Mcavoy, Alex; Wang, Long; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2019 A two-player iterated survival game. Zbl 1406.91028 Wakeley, John; Nowak, Martin 3 2019 Reactive learning strategies for iterated games. Zbl 1427.91056 McAvoy, Alex; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2019 Public goods games in populations with fluctuating size. Zbl 1397.92588 McAvoy, Alex; Fraiman, Nicolas; Hauert, Christoph; Wakeley, John; Nowak, Martin A. 18 2018 Stationary frequencies and mixing times for neutral drift processes with spatial structure. Zbl 1407.92095 McAavoy, Alex; Adlam, Ben; Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2018 Selection for synchronized cell division in simple multicellular organisms. Zbl 1406.92155 Olejarz, Jason; Kaveh, Kamran; Veller, Carl; Nowak, Martin A. 1 2018 Faster Monte Carlo algorithms for fixation probability of the Moran process on undirected graphs. Zbl 1447.92274 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Ibsen-Jensen, Rasmus; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2017 Optional interactions and suspicious behaviour facilitates trustful cooperation in prisoners dilemma. Zbl 1394.91049 Priklopil, Tadeas; Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Nowak, Martin 1 2017 Games of multicellularity. Zbl 1343.92126 Kaveh, Kamran; Veller, Carl; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2016 Evolutionary performance of zero-determinant strategies in multiplayer games. Zbl 1341.91018 Hilbe, Christian; Wu, Bin; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2015 Games among relatives revisited. Zbl 1343.91004 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 19 2015 Amplifiers of selection. Zbl 1371.92093 Adlam, B.; Chatterjee, K.; Nowak, M. A. 13 2015 Indirect reciprocity with optional interactions. Zbl 1314.91032 Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 12 2015 Indirect reciprocity with optional interactions and private information. Zbl 1402.91056 Olejarz, Jason; Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2015 Games on graphs. Zbl 1303.91040 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 54 2014 Punishment does not promote cooperation under exploration dynamics when anti-social punishment is possible. Zbl 1343.92363 P. Hauser, Oliver; A. Nowak, Martin; G. Rand, David 10 2014 Optional games on cycles and complete graphs. Zbl 1412.91007 Jeong, Hyeong-Chai; Oh, Seung-Yoon; Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 8 2014 Heterogeneity in background fitness acts as a suppressor of selection. Zbl 1411.92210 Hauser, Oliver P.; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2014 Computer simulations of cellular group selection reveal mechanism for sustaining cooperation. Zbl 1412.92019 Markvoort, Albert J.; Sinai, Sam; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2014 Evolution of staying together in the context of diffusible public goods. Zbl 1343.91018 Olejarz, Jason W.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Stochastic evolution of staying together. Zbl 1343.92409 Ghang, Whan; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases in finite populations. Zbl 1343.92483 Humplik, Jan; Hill, Alison L.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2014 Evolution of extortion in iterated prisoner’s dilemma games. Zbl 1292.91031 Hilbe, Christian; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 49 2013 Evolution of fairness in the one-shot anonymous ultimatum game. Zbl 1292.91050 Rand, David G.; Tarnita, Corina E.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 27 2013 Global migration can lead to stronger spatial selection than local migration. Zbl 1264.92040 Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A. 16 2013 Limitations of inclusive fitness. Zbl 1355.91057 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A.; Wilson, Edward O. 13 2013 Evolutionary construction by staying together and coming together. Zbl 1406.92440 Tarnita, Corina E.; Taubes, Clifford H.; Nowak, Martin A. 12 2013 Evolution, games, and God. The principle of cooperation. Zbl 1288.91005 5 2013 Density games. Zbl 1397.91074 Novak, Sebastian; Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Nowak, Martin A. 4 2013 Evolving cooperation. Zbl 1337.92152 44 2012 How mutation affects evolutionary games on graphs. Zbl 1337.91016 Allen, Benjamin; Traulsen, Arne; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A. 29 2012 Multi-player games on the cycle. Zbl 1307.91018 van Veelen, Matthijs; Nowak, Martin A. 26 2012 Prosperity is associated with instability in dynamical networks. Zbl 1337.91018 Cavaliere, Matteo; Sedwards, Sean; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A.; Csikász-Nagy, Attila 14 2012 Stochastic evolutionary dynamics resolve the traveler’s dilemma. Zbl 1337.91022 Manapat, Michael L.; Rand, David G.; Pawlowitsch, Christina; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2012 Evolutionary dynamics in finite populations can explain the full range of cooperative behaviors observed in the centipede game. Zbl 1397.91076 Rand, David G.; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2012 Evolutionary shift dynamics on a cycle. Zbl 1337.92166 Allen, Benjamin; Nowak, Martin A. 8 2012 Evolutionary game dynamics in populations with different learners. Zbl 1397.91062 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Zufferey, Damien; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2012 Evolutionary dynamics of biological auctions. Zbl 1322.92053 Chatterjee, Krishnendu; Reiter, Johannes G.; Nowak, Martin A. 3 2012 Invasion and expansion of cooperators in lattice populations: prisoner’s dilemma vs. snowdrift games. Zbl 1407.91043 Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A.; Hauert, Christoph 28 2010 The basic reproductive ratio of life. Zbl 1406.92430 Manapat, Michael L.; Chen, Irene A.; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2010 Positive interactions promote public cooperation. Zbl 1226.91018 Rand, David G.; Dreber, Anna; Ellingsen, Tore; Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A. 73 2009 Strategy selection in structured populations. Zbl 1402.91064 Tarnita, Corina E.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Antal, Tibor; Fu, Feng; Nowak, Martin A. 72 2009 Evolution of cooperation by phenotypic similarity. Zbl 1355.92145 Antal, Tibor; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Wakeley, John; Taylor, Peter D.; Nowak, Martin A. 58 2009 Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games. Zbl 1202.91029 Traulsen, Arne; Hauert, Christoph; De Silva, Hannelore; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 54 2009 Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with multiple strategies. Zbl 1402.91039 Antal, Tibor; Traulsen, Arne; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Tarnita, Corina E.; Nowak, Martin A. 53 2009 Strategy abundance in \(2\times 2\) games for arbitrary mutation rates. Zbl 1400.91058 Antal, Tibor; Nowak, Martin A.; Traulsen, Arne 41 2009 Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with mixed strategies. Zbl 1403.91046 Tarnita, Corina E.; Antal, Tibor; Nowak, Martin A. 23 2009 Direct reciprocity with costly punishment: generous tit-for-tat prevails. Zbl 1400.91054 Rand, David G.; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 20 2009 The pace of evolution across fitness valleys. Zbl 1402.92311 Gokhale, Chaitanya S.; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A.; Traulsen, Arne 6 2009 Originator dynamics. Zbl 1400.92373 Manapat, Michael; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Bürger, Reinhard; Nowak, Martin A. 2 2009 Analytical results for individual and group selection of any intensity. Zbl 1144.92035 Traulsen, Arne; Shoresh, Noam; Nowak, Martin A. 55 2008 Evolutionary stability on graphs. Zbl 1398.91079 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 33 2008 Repeated games and direct reciprocity under active linking. Zbl 1397.91075 Pacheco, Jorge M.; Traulsen, Arne; Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 31 2008 Spatial invasion of cooperation. Zbl 1397.91070 Langer, Philipp; Nowak, Martin A.; Hauert, Christoph 16 2008 Via freedom to coercion: the emergence of costly punishment. Zbl 1226.91010 Hauert, Christoph; Traulsen, Arne; Brandt, Hannelore; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 137 2007 Pairwise comparison and selection temperature in evolutionary game dynamics. Zbl 1451.92268 Traulsen, Arne; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Nowak, Martin A. 83 2007 Evolutionary graph theory: breaking the symmetry between interaction and replacement. Zbl 1451.92229 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Nowak, Martin A. 40 2007 Stochastic payoff evaluation increases the temperature of selection. Zbl 1450.91006 Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A.; Pacheco, Jorge M. 37 2007 The one-third law of evolutionary dynamics. Zbl 1453.92221 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Bordalo, Pedro; Nowak, Martin A. 32 2007 Tit-for-tat or win-stay, lose-shift? Zbl 1455.92104 Imhof, Lorens A.; Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A. 25 2007 Direct reciprocity on graphs. Zbl 1455.92106 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 16 2007 The fastest evolutionary trajectory. Zbl 1453.92226 Traulsen, Arne; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A. 4 2007 Evolutionary dynamics. Exploring the equations of life. Zbl 1115.92047 Nowak, Martin A. 484 2006 Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation. Zbl 1098.92051 Nowak, Martin A. 214 2006 Evolutionary game dynamics in a Wright-Fisher process. Zbl 1110.92028 Imhof, Lorens A.; Nowak, Martin A. 96 2006 The replicator equation on graphs. Zbl 1447.91024 Ohtsuki, Hisashi; Nowak, Martin A. 91 2006 Synergy and discounting of cooperation in social dilemmas. Zbl 1446.91017 Hauert, Christoph; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A.; Doebeli, Michael 85 2006 Active linking in evolutionary games. Zbl 1447.91025 Pacheco, Jorge M.; Traulsen, Arne; Nowak, Martin A. 61 2006 Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations with strong selection and weak mutation. Zbl 1112.92044 Fudenberg, Drew; Nowak, Martin A.; Taylor, Christine; Imhof, Lorens A. 56 2006 Evolutionary game dynamics with non-uniform interaction rates. Zbl 1109.92037 Taylor, Christine; Nowak, Martin A. 34 2006 A symmetry of fixation times in evoultionary dynamics. Zbl 1447.92296 Taylor, Christine; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A. 24 2006 Stochastic dynamics of metastasis formation. Zbl 1447.92098 Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A.; Iwasa, Yoh 12 2006 Genetic instability and clonal expansion. Zbl 1447.92260 Nowak, Martin A.; Michor, Franziska; Iwasa, Yoh 7 2006 Population genetics of tumor suppressor genes. Zbl 1442.92103 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2005 Stochastic evolutionary dynamics on two levels. Zbl 1445.92211 Traulsen, Arne; Sengupta, Anirvan M.; Nowak, Martin A. 11 2005 Virus evolution within patients increases pathogenicity. Zbl 1442.92033 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A. 9 2005 Mutation in evolutionary games can increase average fitness at equilibrium. Zbl 1445.92217 Willensdorfer, Martin; Nowak, Martin A. 7 2005 Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations. Zbl 1334.92372 Taylor, Christine; Fudenberg, Drew; Sasaki, Akira; Nowak, Martin A. 145 2004 Evolutionary dynamics of invasion and escape. Zbl 1439.92132 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin A. 31 2004 Some basic properties of immune selection. Zbl 1440.92027 Iwasa, Yoh; Michor, Franziska; Nowak, Martin 20 2004 Mutation-selection networks of cancer initiation: tumor suppressor genes and chromosomal instability. Zbl 1464.92067 Komarova, Natalia L.; Sengupta, Anirvan; Nowak, Martin A. 36 2003 Language dynamics in finite populations. Zbl 1464.91065 Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 6 2003 Competitive exclusion and coexistence of universal grammars. Zbl 1334.91065 Mitchener, W. Garrett; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2003 Mutation landscapes. Zbl 1465.92079 Sasaki, Akira; Nowak, Martin A. 5 2003 Somatic selection for and against cancer. Zbl 1464.92069 Michor, Franziska; Frank, Steven A.; May, Robert M.; Iwasa, Yoh; Nowak, Martin A. 1 2003 Empathy leads to fairness. Zbl 1334.91005 Page, Karen M.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2002 Evolution of universal grammar. Zbl 1226.91060 Nowak, Martin A.; Komarova, Natalia L.; Niyogi, Partha 43 2001 The evolutionary dynamics of the lexical matrix. Zbl 1323.92142 Komarova, Natalia L.; Nowak, Martin A. 9 2001 Virus dynamics. Mathematical principles of immunology and virology. Zbl 1101.92028 Nowak, Martin A.; May, Robert M. 612 2000 Immune responses and viral phenotype: Do replication rate and cytopathogenicity influence virus load? Zbl 0943.92024 Wodarz, Dominik; Nowak, Martin A. 21 2000 Nash equilibria for an evolutionary language game. Zbl 0984.91015 Trapa, Peter E.; Nowak, Martin A. 17 2000 Compact Hankel operators with conjugate analytic symbols. Zbl 0972.30016 Nowak, M. 2 1998 Equal pay for all prisoners. Zbl 1044.91500 Boerlijst, Maarten C.; Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 9 1997 Automata, repeated games and noise. Zbl 0837.90140 Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl; El-Sedy, Esam 26 1995 Invasion dynamics of the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma. Zbl 0840.90143 Nowak, Martin A.; Sigmund, Karl 3 1995 Spatial games and the maintenance of cooperation. Zbl 0799.92010 Nowak, Martin A.; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; May, Robert M. 70 1994 More spatial games. Zbl 0884.90147 Nowak, Martin A.; Bonhoeffer, Sebastian; May, Robert M. 68 1994 A cellular model to explain the pathogenesis of infection by the hepatitis B virus. Zbl 0817.92008 Payne, Robert J. H.; Nowak, Martin A.; Blumberg, Baruch S. 4 1994 The evolutionary dynamics of HIV infections. Zbl 0810.92017 Nowak, Martin A. 2 1994 The spatial dilemmas of evolution. Zbl 0870.92011 Nowak, Martin A.; May, Robert M. 137 1993 ...and 5 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,478 Authors 81 Nowak, Martin Andreas 41 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 36 Traulsen, Arne 30 Perc, Matjaž 28 Wang, Long 27 Tanimoto, Jun 27 Wang, Xianjia 26 Bellomo, Nicola 25 Ohtsuki, Hisashi 23 Chen, Xiaojie 22 Broom, Mark 20 He, Mingfeng 20 Iwasa, Yoh 20 Pan, Qiuhui 19 Hauert, Christoph 19 Lessard, Sabin 19 Xia, Chengyi 18 Komarova, Natalia L. 17 Kurokawa, Shun 17 Pacheco, Jorge M. 17 Rychtár, Jan 17 Shi, Lei 17 Szolnoki, Attila 16 Quan, Ji 16 Tao, Yi 16 Wang, Yan 15 Allen, Benjamin L. 15 Alshamrani, Noura H. 15 Ma, Wanbiao 15 Masuda, Naoki 15 Rand, David G. 15 Wu, Te 14 Iwami, Shingo 13 Heffernan, Jane Marie 13 Li, Cong 13 Perelson, Alan S. 13 Shen, Chen 13 Sigmund, Karl 13 Wang, Zhen 13 Wu, Bin 12 Fu, Feng 12 Gokhale, Chaitanya S. 12 Jiang, Daqing 12 Knopoff, Damian A. 12 Santos, Francisco C. 12 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 11 Rong, Libin 11 van Veelen, Matthijs 11 Wang, Juan 11 Wang, Kaifa 11 Wodarz, Dominik 11 Zhang, Jianlei 10 Chu, Chen 10 Korobeinikov, Andrei 10 Liu, Xuesong 10 Michor, Franziska 10 Souza, Max O. 10 Zheng, Xiudeng 9 Chalub, Fabio A. C. C. 9 Cressman, Ross 9 Durrett, Richard Timothy 9 Han, The Anh 9 Huang, Yangxin 9 Imhof, Lorens A. 9 Jia, Danyang 9 Kroumi, Dhaker 9 McAvoy, Alex 9 Mobilia, Mauro 9 Sánchez, Angel 9 Tarniţǎ, Corina E. 9 Wang, Zhen 9 Wu, Hulin 9 Zhang, Boyu 8 Antal, Tibor 8 Bocharov, Gennady A. 8 Guo, Hao 8 Hilbe, Christian 8 Levin, Simon Asher 8 Li, Michael Yi 8 Liu, Linjie 8 Wakano, Joe Yuichiro 8 Wang, Chaoqian 8 Wang, Jianwei 8 Yu, Fengyuan 7 Ahmed, Elsayed 7 Allali, Karam 7 Brezzi, Franco 7 Browne, Cameron J. 7 Chaplain, Mark A. J. 7 Chatterjee, Krishnendu 7 Duong, Manh Hong 7 Geng, Yini 7 He, Jialu 7 Huang, Changwei 7 Li, Jianquan 7 Liu, Xianning 7 Ruan, Shigui 7 Sasaki, Tatsuya 7 Simon, Burton 7 Soler, Juan S. ...and 3,378 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 249 Serials 474 Journal of Theoretical Biology 172 Applied Mathematics and Computation 118 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 106 Physica A 87 Journal of Mathematical Biology 80 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70 Theoretical Population Biology 64 Mathematical Biosciences 56 Dynamic Games and Applications 51 Games 39 Chaos 36 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 33 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 33 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 31 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 28 Physics Letters. A 23 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 23 International Journal of Biomathematics 21 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 19 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 16 Games and Economic Behavior 15 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 14 Journal of Statistical Physics 14 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 14 Advances in Difference Equations 14 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 13 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 13 Journal of Biological Systems 11 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 11 Physica D 11 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 11 Journal of Biological Dynamics 11 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 10 The Annals of Applied Probability 10 International Journal of Modern Physics C 9 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 9 Applied Mathematical Modelling 9 Advances in Complex Systems 9 Journal of Dynamics and Games 8 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 8 Journal of Economic Theory 8 Nonlinear Dynamics 8 New Journal of Physics 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 7 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 7 Automatica 7 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 6 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 5 SIAM Review 5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 5 Computational Economics 5 Complexity 5 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 4 Physics Reports 4 Information Sciences 4 Synthese 4 European Journal of Operational Research 4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 4 The Annals of Applied Statistics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 4 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 4 AIMS Mathematics 3 Journal of Applied Probability 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 3 Theoretical Computer Science 3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Algorithmica 3 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Random Structures & Algorithms 3 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 3 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 3 Mathematical Population Studies 3 Journal of Applied Statistics 3 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 3 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 3 International Game Theory Review 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 Differential Equations 3 Stochastic Models 3 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 3 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 3 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 3 Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 International Journal of Modern Physics B ...and 149 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 41 Fields 1,329 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1,244 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 330 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 209 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 189 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 138 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 83 Combinatorics (05-XX) 72 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 70 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 53 Computer science (68-XX) 50 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 49 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 22 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Integral equations (45-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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