Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Popken, Jan Co-Author Distance Author ID: popken.jan Published as: Popken, J.; Popken, Jan External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND Documents Indexed: 63 Publications since 1928, including 4 Books Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 14 Joint Publications 49 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 49 single-authored 5 Van der Corput, Johannes Gualtherus 4 Mahler, Kurt 2 Koksma, Jurjen Ferdinand 1 Kuiper, F. Kent 1 Kuipers, Lauwerens 1 Turkstra, Hessel all top 5 Serials 21 Proceedings. Akadamie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam 8 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 7 Euclides 4 Verslag van de Gewone Vergadering van de Afdeling Natuurkunde 3 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique 2 Norsk Matematisk Tidsskrift 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Académie Serbe des Sciences, Publications de l’Institut Mathématique Fields 11 Number theory (11-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 23 Publications have been cited 74 times in 61 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Zur Transzendenz von \(e\). JFM 55.0117.01 Popken, J. 12 1929 Über arithmetische Eigenschaften analytischer Funktionen. JFM 61.1136.01 Popken, J. 5 1935 Ein neues Prinzip für Transzendenzbeweise. Zbl 0012.34101 Popken, J.; Mahler, K. 5 1935 Über ein Maximumproblem aus der Arithmetik. Zbl 0051.00709 Mahler, K.; Popken, J. 5 1953 Über arithmetische Eigenschaften analytischer Funktionen. Zbl 0013.27004 Popken, Jan 4 1935 Irrational power series. Zbl 0115.04403 Popken, J. 4 1963 On multiplicative arithmetic functions. Zbl 0115.26604 Popken, J. 4 1962 Algebraic independence of certain zeta-functions. Zbl 0148.02304 Popken, J. 4 1966 A p-adic analogue of a theorem of Lebesgue in the theory of measure. Zbl 0063.06312 Popken, J.; Turkstra, H. 4 1946 On convolutions in number theory. Zbl 0067.27602 Popken, J. 4 1955 Sur la nature arithmétique du nombre \(e\). JFM 54.0214.02 Popken, J. 3 1928 On the so-called von Neumann-numbers. Zbl 0112.28002 Kuiper, F.; Popken, J. 3 1962 Asymptotic expansions from an algebraic standpoint. Zbl 0051.04803 Popken, J. 3 1953 Zur Transzendenz von \(\pi\). JFM 55.0117.02 Popken, J. 2 1929 Algebraic dependence of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0111.05201 Popken, J. 2 1962 Note on a generalization of a problem of Hilbert. Zbl 0158.29704 Popken, J. 2 1965 Über die Irrationalität von \(\pi\). Zbl 0032.27001 Popken, J. 2 1948 Ein neues Prinzip für Transzendenzbeweise. JFM 61.0187.02 Popken, J.; Mahler, K. 1 1935 Zur Transzendenz von \(e^\pi \). JFM 58.0207.03 Koksma, J. F.; Popken, J. 1 1932 A measure for the differential-transcendence of the zeta-function of Riemann. Zbl 0209.34703 Popken, J. 1 1968 An arithmetical theorem concerning linear differential equations of infinite order. Zbl 0038.19202 Popken, J. 1 1950 A property of a Dirichlet series, representing a function satisfying an algebraic difference-differential equation. Zbl 0033.12101 Popken, J. 1 1949 Arithmetical properties of the Taylor coefficients of algebraic functions. Zbl 0088.25803 Popken, J. 1 1959 A measure for the differential-transcendence of the zeta-function of Riemann. Zbl 0209.34703 Popken, J. 1 1968 Algebraic independence of certain zeta-functions. Zbl 0148.02304 Popken, J. 4 1966 Note on a generalization of a problem of Hilbert. Zbl 0158.29704 Popken, J. 2 1965 Irrational power series. Zbl 0115.04403 Popken, J. 4 1963 On multiplicative arithmetic functions. Zbl 0115.26604 Popken, J. 4 1962 On the so-called von Neumann-numbers. Zbl 0112.28002 Kuiper, F.; Popken, J. 3 1962 Algebraic dependence of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0111.05201 Popken, J. 2 1962 Arithmetical properties of the Taylor coefficients of algebraic functions. Zbl 0088.25803 Popken, J. 1 1959 On convolutions in number theory. Zbl 0067.27602 Popken, J. 4 1955 Über ein Maximumproblem aus der Arithmetik. Zbl 0051.00709 Mahler, K.; Popken, J. 5 1953 Asymptotic expansions from an algebraic standpoint. Zbl 0051.04803 Popken, J. 3 1953 An arithmetical theorem concerning linear differential equations of infinite order. Zbl 0038.19202 Popken, J. 1 1950 A property of a Dirichlet series, representing a function satisfying an algebraic difference-differential equation. Zbl 0033.12101 Popken, J. 1 1949 Über die Irrationalität von \(\pi\). Zbl 0032.27001 Popken, J. 2 1948 A p-adic analogue of a theorem of Lebesgue in the theory of measure. Zbl 0063.06312 Popken, J.; Turkstra, H. 4 1946 Über arithmetische Eigenschaften analytischer Funktionen. JFM 61.1136.01 Popken, J. 5 1935 Ein neues Prinzip für Transzendenzbeweise. Zbl 0012.34101 Popken, J.; Mahler, K. 5 1935 Über arithmetische Eigenschaften analytischer Funktionen. Zbl 0013.27004 Popken, Jan 4 1935 Ein neues Prinzip für Transzendenzbeweise. JFM 61.0187.02 Popken, J.; Mahler, K. 1 1935 Zur Transzendenz von \(e^\pi \). JFM 58.0207.03 Koksma, J. F.; Popken, J. 1 1932 Zur Transzendenz von \(e\). JFM 55.0117.01 Popken, J. 12 1929 Zur Transzendenz von \(\pi\). JFM 55.0117.02 Popken, J. 2 1929 Sur la nature arithmétique du nombre \(e\). JFM 54.0214.02 Popken, J. 3 1928 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 69 Authors 5 Laohakosol, Vichian 4 Wallisser, Rolf V. 3 Diamond, Harold George 3 Rubel, Lee Albert 3 Schwarz, Wolfgang Karl 2 Altman, Harry J. 2 Bundschuh, Peter 2 Ernvall-Hytönen, Anne-Maria 2 Fan, Ai Hua 2 Fan, Shilei 2 Koksma, Jurjen Ferdinand 2 Mahler, Kurt 2 Panzone, Pablo Andrés 2 Ruengsinsub, Pattira 2 Schneider, Theodor 1 Adams, William Wells 1 Alkan, Emre 1 Amitsur, Shimshon Avraham 1 Amou, Masaaki 1 Arias de Reyna Martinez, Juan 1 Bergeron, François 1 Blambert, Maurice 1 Breuer, Jonathan 1 Bugeaud, Yann 1 Cordwell, Katherine 1 Denef, Jan 1 Dujella, Marta 1 Durand, Alain 1 Epstein, Alyssa 1 Fel’dman, Naum Il’ich 1 Fraenkel, Aviezri Siegmund 1 Frey, Linda 1 Hemmandy, Anand 1 Jin, Emma Yu 1 Komatsu, Takao 1 Korevaar, Jacob 1 Lang, Serge 1 Liao, Lingmin 1 Lipshitz, Leonard 1 Loxton, John H. 1 Matala-aho, Tapani 1 Mavecha, Sukrawan 1 Miller, Steven J. 1 Nesterenko, Yuriĭ Valentinovich 1 Oliveira, André P. 1 Ooto, Tomohiro 1 Osgood, Charles F. 1 Pabhapote, Nittiya 1 Palsson, Eyvindur Ari 1 Ponpetch, Kanet 1 Reich, Axel 1 Reidys, Christian Michael 1 Reutenauer, Christophe 1 Robert, Pierre 1 Roy, Bidisha 1 Schmidt, Hermann Karl 1 Seppälä, Louna 1 Sharma, Aaditya 1 Shi, Ruxi 1 Sieburg, Hans-Bernd 1 Simon, Barry 1 Steinerberger, Stefan 1 Steinig, John 1 Töpfer, Thomas 1 Truong Vu, Yen Nhi 1 Van der Corput, Johannes Gualtherus 1 van der Poorten, Alfred J. 1 Waldschmidt, Michel 1 Wittich, Hans all top 5 Cited in 34 Serials 6 Mathematische Annalen 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Aequationes Mathematicae 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 Integers 2 International Journal of Number Theory 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Mathematika 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society all top 5 Cited in 19 Fields 40 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.