Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Quincampoix, Marc Co-Author Distance Author ID: quincampoix.marc Published as: Quincampoix, Marc; Quincampoix, M.; Quincapoix, Marc more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 125 Publications since 1990, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 129 Reviews Co-Authors: 61 Co-Authors with 115 Joint Publications 1,676 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 20 Buckdahn, Rainer 15 Cardaliaguet, Pierre 11 Saint-Pierre, Patrick 9 Kamenskiĭ, Mikhaĭl Igor’evich 9 Veliov, Vladimir M. 6 Lygeros, John 6 Marigonda, Antonio 6 Nistri, Paolo 6 Rainer, Catherine 5 Frankowska, Hélène 5 Gabor, Grzegorz 5 Jimenez, Chloé 4 Gao, Yan 4 Gudovich, Anastasia Nikolaevna 4 Plaskacz, Sławomir 4 Rascanu, Aurel 4 Renault, Jérôme 4 Seube, Nicolas 4 Zlateva, Nadia P. 3 Bivas, Mira 3 Cannarsa, Piermarco 3 Donchev, Tzanko Donchev 3 Krastanov, Mikhail Ivanov 3 Li, Juan 2 Bettiol, Piernicola 2 Daniilidis, Aris 2 Gaitsgory, Vladimir G. 2 Goreac, Dan 2 Perchet, Vianney 2 Serea, Oana-Silvia 2 Tessitore, Gianmario 2 Xu, Yuhong 1 Aubin, Jean-Pierre 1 Averboukh, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 1 Capuani, Rossana 1 Cavagnari, Giulia 1 Cruck, Eva 1 Domínguez Corella, Alberto 1 Dontchev, Asen L. 1 Forti, Mauro 1 Gaubert, Stéphane 1 Ivanov, Milen 1 Jørgensen, Steffen 1 Li, Xiaoxi 1 Mendico, Cristian 1 Moitie, Rodéric 1 Ouknine, Youssef 1 Patsko, Valerii S. 1 Peng, Shige 1 Pergamenchtchikov, Serge 1 Rzezuchowski, Tadeusz 1 Sastry, S. Shankar 1 Scarinci, Teresa 1 Sedrakyan, Hayk 1 Sorin, Sylvain 1 Soulaimani, Sami As 1 Teichmann, Josef 1 Vincent, Thomas L. 1 Vinter, Richard B. 1 Watbled, Frédérique 1 Zhang, Huilong all top 5 Serials 12 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 6 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 6 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Differential Equations 4 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 3 International Journal of Game Theory 3 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 3 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 3 Dynamic Games and Applications 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 Set-Valued Analysis 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Journal of Convex Analysis 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 2 Journal of Dynamics and Games 1 International Journal of Control 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Control and Cybernetics 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 PLISKA. Studia Mathematica Bulgarica 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Optimization 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Differential and Integral Equations 1 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Advances in Differential Equations 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie VIII. Sezione B. Articoli di Ricerca Matematica 1 International Game Theory Review 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers all top 5 Fields 72 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 48 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 38 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 32 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 17 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 15 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 113 Publications have been cited 1,360 times in 829 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Set-valued numerical analysis for optimal control and differential games. Zbl 0982.91014 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 67 1999 Generalized neural network for nonsmooth nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 1374.90356 Forti, Mauro; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 67 2004 Impulse differential inclusions: a viability approach to hybrid systems. Zbl 1364.49018 Aubin, Jean-Pierre; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Sastry, Shankar; Seube, Nicolas 61 2002 Deterministic differential games under probability knowledge of initial condition. Zbl 1152.91358 Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 49 2008 Linear programming approach to deterministic infinite horizon optimal control problems with discounting. Zbl 1201.49040 Gaitsgory, Vladimir; Quincampoix, Marc 47 2009 Some recent aspects of differential game theory. Zbl 1214.91013 Buckdahn, R.; Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 45 2011 Hölder metric regularity of set-valued maps. Zbl 1262.90173 Frankowska, Hélène; Quincampoix, Marc 43 2012 Aubin criterion for metric regularity. Zbl 1098.49018 Dontchev, A. L.; Quincampoix, M.; Zlateva, N. 41 2006 Mayer control problem with probabilistic uncertainty on initial positions. Zbl 1392.49040 Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 35 2018 Pursuit differential games with state constraints. Zbl 1140.91320 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 35 2001 Existence of stochastic control under state constraints. Zbl 1036.49026 Buckdahn, Rainer; Peng, Shige; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine 32 1998 Viability property for a backward stochastic differential equation and applications to partial differential equations. Zbl 0969.60061 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Răşcanu, Aurel 31 2000 Optimal control of multiagent systems in the Wasserstein space. Zbl 1436.49003 Jimenez, Chloé; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 28 2020 On the existence of a limit value in some nonexpansive optimal control problems. Zbl 1234.49003 Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 28 2011 On the reachability problem for uncertain hybrid systems. Zbl 1366.91021 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc 28 2007 Stochastic optimal control and linear programming approach. Zbl 1226.93137 Buckdahn, R.; Goreac, D.; Quincampoix, M. 27 2011 Optimal times for constrained nonlinear control problems without local controllability. Zbl 0884.49002 Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M.; Saint-Pierre, P. 26 1997 Metric regularity and stability of optimal control problems for linear systems. Zbl 1279.49014 Quincampoix, M.; Veliov, V. M. 24 2013 Differential inclusions and target problems. Zbl 0862.49006 Quincampoix, Marc 20 1992 A representation formula for the mean curvature motion. Zbl 1074.93037 Buckdahn, R.; Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 19 2001 On sets of occupational measures generated by a deterministic control system on an infinite time horizon. Zbl 1278.49042 Gaitsgory, V.; Quincampoix, M. 19 2013 On the control of uncertain impulsive systems: approximate stabilization and controlled invariance. Zbl 1070.93041 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 19 2004 On existence of solutions to differential equations or inclusions remaining in a prescribed closed subset of a finite-dimensional space. Zbl 1034.34016 Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 18 2002 An algorithm for viability kernels in Hölderian case: Approximation by discrete dynamical systems. Zbl 0831.34016 Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 17 1995 On limiting values of stochastic differential equations with small noise intensity tending to zero. Zbl 1178.60041 Buckdahn, R.; Ouknine, Y.; Quincampoix, M. 17 2009 Pure and random strategies in differential game with incomplete informations. Zbl 1304.49075 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Jimenez, Chloé; Quincampoix, Marc 17 2014 Zero-sum state constrained differential games: Existence of value for Bolza problem. Zbl 1103.49019 Bettiol, Piernicola; Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc 17 2006 Differential games through viability theory: old and recent results. Zbl 1152.91360 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 16 2007 Repeated games and qualitative differential games: approachability and comparison of strategies. Zbl 1193.91025 Soulaimani, Sami As; Quincampoix, Marc; Sorin, Sylvain 16 2009 Local small time controllability and attainability of a set for nonlinear control system. Zbl 1082.93003 Krastanov, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 16 2001 Some algorithms for differential games with two players and one target. Zbl 0821.90145 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 15 1994 A characterization of approximately controllable linear stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1121.60061 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Tessitore, Gianmario 15 2006 Numerical schemes for dicontinuous value functions of optimal control. Zbl 0988.49016 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 14 2000 Value-functions for differential games and control systems with discontinuous terminal cost. Zbl 0977.49018 Plaskacz, Slawomir; Quincampoix, Marc 14 2001 Viability of moving sets for stochastic differential equation. Zbl 1037.60055 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Răşcanu, Aurel 13 2002 Value in mixed strategies for zero-sum stochastic differential games without Isaacs condition. Zbl 1296.49034 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc 13 2014 On representation formulas for long run averaging optimal control problem. Zbl 1326.49067 Buckdahn, R.; Quincampoix, M.; Renault, J. 13 2015 The problem of optimal control with reflection studied through a linear optimization problem stated on occupational measures. Zbl 1180.49025 Quincampoix, Marc; Serea, Oana Silvia 12 2010 Existence of asymptotic values for nonexpansive stochastic control systems. Zbl 1294.93083 Buckdahn, Rainer; Goreac, Dan; Quincampoix, Marc 12 2014 Value function of differential games without Isaacs conditions. An approach with nonanticipative mixed strategies. Zbl 1277.91015 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc 11 2013 On representation formulas for Hamilton Jacobi’s equations related to calculus of variations problems. Zbl 1021.49024 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 11 2002 Averaging method for discontinuous Mayer’s problem of singularly perturbed control systems. Zbl 1020.49022 Quincampoix, M.; Watbled, F. 11 2003 Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations for differential games with asymmetric information on probabilistic initial condition. Zbl 1415.91051 Jimenez, C.; Quincampoix, M. 11 2018 Vanishing discount limit and nonexpansive optimal control and differential games. Zbl 1327.49002 Cannarsa, P.; Quincampoix, M. 11 2015 Stabilization of uncertain control systems through piecewise constant feedback. Zbl 0891.93068 Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 10 1998 Impulse differential inclusions driven by discrete measures. Zbl 1221.93110 Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Rzezuchowski, Tadeusz 9 2007 Differential games with asymmetric information and without Isaacs’ condition. Zbl 1388.91058 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Xu, Yuhong 9 2016 Optimal control of uncertain systems with incomplete information for the disturbances. Zbl 1101.49024 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 9 2005 Compatibility of state constraints and dynamics for multiagent control systems. Zbl 1479.49068 Cavagnari, Giulia; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 8 2021 Differential games with incomplete information on a continuum of initial positions and without Isaacs condition. Zbl 1348.91054 Jimenez, Chloe; Quincampoix, Marc; Xu, Yuhong 8 2016 Discontinuous Mayer control problem under state-constraints. Zbl 0970.49008 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 7 2000 Approximate stabilisation of uncertain hybrid systems. Zbl 1032.93059 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 7 2003 Singular perturbations for systems of differential inclusions. Zbl 0836.34017 Quincampoix, Marc 7 1995 Optimal control with hysteresis nonlinearity and multidimensional Play operator. Zbl 1218.49004 Gudovich, Anastasia; Quincampoix, Marc 7 2011 Controlled stochastic differential equations under constraints in infinite dimensional spaces. Zbl 1157.93041 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Tessitore, Gianmario 6 2008 Strong bi-metric regularity in affine optimal control problems. Zbl 1486.49035 Domínguez Corella, Alberto; Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 6 2021 Limit value for optimal control with general means. Zbl 1326.93129 Li, Xiaoxi; Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 6 2016 Solution tubes to differential inclusions within a collection of sets. Zbl 1126.49303 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 6 2002 Optimal times for constrained controlled systems without local controllability. (Temps optimaux pour des problèmes de contrôle avec contraintes et sans contrôlabilité locale.) Zbl 0799.49017 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 5 1994 Equilibria and strict equilibria of multivalued maps on noninvariant sets. Zbl 1099.54018 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 5 2003 Another proof for the equivalence between invariance of closed sets with respect to stochastic and deterministic systems. Zbl 1186.93067 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Teichmann, Josef 5 2010 Frontières de domaines d’invariance et de viabilité pour des inclusions différentielles avec contraintes. (Boundaries of invariant and viability domains of differential inclusions with constraints). Zbl 0705.34014 Quincampoix, Marc 5 1990 Oleinik-Lax formulas and multitime Hamilton-Jacobi systems. Zbl 1019.49028 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 5 2002 A viability approach for optimal control with infimum cost. Zbl 1058.49004 Quincampoix, Marc; Serea, Oana-Silvia 5 2002 Stochastic control with exit time and constraints, application to small time attainability of sets. Zbl 1059.93133 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Răşcanu, Aurel 5 2004 Advances in dynamic game theory. Numerical methods, algorithms, and applications to ecology and economics. Most of the papers based on the presentations at the 11th international symposium on dynamics games and application, Tucson, AZ, USA, December 2004. Zbl 1113.91004 4 2007 Pursuit-evasion games with impulsive dynamics. Zbl 1152.91365 Crück, Eva; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 4 2007 On open-loop and feedback attainability of a closed set for nonlinear control systems. Zbl 1031.93015 Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2002 Stochastic control and compatible subsets of constraints. Zbl 1153.93532 Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine 4 2005 Dissipative control systems and disturbance attention for nonlinear \(H^\infty\) problems. Zbl 0943.93022 Frankowska, H.; Quincampoix, M. 4 1999 Open-loop viable control under uncertain initial state information. Zbl 0927.93029 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir 4 1999 On the small-time controllability of discontinuous piece-wise linear systems. Zbl 1259.93026 Krastanov, Mikhail Ivanov; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2013 Contribution à l’étude des perturbations singulières pour les systèmes contrôlés et les inclusions différentielles. (Contributions to the investigation of singular perturbations for control system and differential inclusions). Zbl 0769.93055 Quincampoix, Marc 4 1993 Lipschitz continuity and semiconcavity properties of the value function of a stochastic control problem. Zbl 1205.93162 Buckdahn, Rainer; Cannarsa, Piermarco; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2010 Un algorithme déterminant les noyaux de viabilité pour des inclusions différentielles avec contraintes. (An algorithm for viability kernels of differential inclusions with constraints). Zbl 0719.58007 Frankowska, Hélène; Quincampoix, Marc 4 1991 Qualitative and quantitative differential games with state constraints. (Contribution à l’étude des jeux différentiels quantitatifs et qualitatifs avec contrainte sur l’état.) Zbl 0842.90138 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 3 1995 Differential games with state-constraints. Zbl 1057.91009 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 3 2002 Singular perturbations in non-linear optimal control systems. Zbl 0821.65041 Quincampoix, Marc; Zhang, Huilong 3 1995 Optimal control for the evolution of deterministic multi-agent systems. Zbl 1444.49011 Bivas, Mira; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2020 Extremal shift rule and viability property for mean field-type control systems. Zbl 1466.49032 Averboukh, Yurii; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2021 Representation formulas for limit values of long run stochastic optimal controls. Zbl 1467.93326 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 3 2020 On a unified framework for approachability with full or partial monitoring. Zbl 1377.91029 Perchet, Vianney; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2015 Existence of fixed points on compact epilipschitz sets without invariance conditions. Zbl 1098.54034 Kamenskii, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2005 On the dynamics of a differential inclusion built upon a nonconvex constrained minimization problem. Zbl 1090.90157 Nistri, P.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2005 Singular perturbations for differential equations and inclusions: An approach through constrained systems. Zbl 0934.34043 Quincampoix, Marc 3 1998 Viability of an open set for stochastic control systems. Zbl 1479.49033 Buckdahn, R.; Frankowska, H.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2019 Optimal control of discrete-time uncertain systems with imperfect measurement. Zbl 1364.49047 Moitié, Rodéric; Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 3 2002 Nonemptiness of viability kernels for infinite-dimensional differential inclusions. Zbl 1054.34100 Donchev, T. D.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2003 Nonsmooth feedback control for multi-agent dynamics. Zbl 1476.34137 Bivas, Mira; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2021 An algorithm for invariance kernels of differential inclusions. Zbl 0794.49005 Quincampoix, Marc 2 1993 Invariance envelopes for Lipschitzian differential inclusions: Application to target problems. (Enveloppes d’invariance pour des inclusions différentielles lipschitziennes: Application aux problèmes de cibles.) Zbl 0764.49004 Quincampoix, Marc 2 1992 Singularly perturbed second order differential inclusions by an averaging method. Zbl 1032.34010 Kamenski, Mikhail; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2002 Sliding mode control of uncertain systems: A singular perturbation approach. Zbl 1032.93005 Kamenski, Mikhail; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2002 Optimal control in the presence of unobservable uncertainties. Zbl 1015.49027 Quincampoix, M.; Veliov, V. 2 2002 Characterization of Filippov representable maps and Clarke subdifferentials. Zbl 1486.34058 Bivas, Mira; Daniilidis, Aris; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2021 Averaging problem for weakly coupled nonexpansive control systems. Zbl 1300.93115 Quincampoix, Marc; Sedrakyan, Hayk 2 2015 On the existence of solutions to differential equations remaining in a given closed set. (De l’existence de solutions d’équations différentielles assujetties à rester dans un ensemble fermé.) Zbl 1009.34009 Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2001 The reachability problem for uncertain hybrid systems revisited: A viability theory perspective. Zbl 1178.93073 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincapoix, Marc 2 2006 On Lipschitz regularity of minimizers of a calculus of variations problem with non locally bounded Lagrangians. Zbl 1093.49023 Quincampoix, Marc; Zlateva, Nadia 2 2006 Averaging of perturbed one sided Lipschitz differential inclusions. Zbl 1067.34063 Donchev, T.; Kamenskii, M.; Quincampoix, M. 2 2004 Dynamical systems and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations on the Wasserstein space and their \(L^2\) representations. Zbl 1526.35118 Jimenez, Chloé; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 1 2023 Compatibility of state constraints and dynamics for multiagent control systems. Zbl 1479.49068 Cavagnari, Giulia; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 8 2021 Strong bi-metric regularity in affine optimal control problems. Zbl 1486.49035 Domínguez Corella, Alberto; Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 6 2021 Extremal shift rule and viability property for mean field-type control systems. Zbl 1466.49032 Averboukh, Yurii; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2021 Nonsmooth feedback control for multi-agent dynamics. Zbl 1476.34137 Bivas, Mira; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2021 Characterization of Filippov representable maps and Clarke subdifferentials. Zbl 1486.34058 Bivas, Mira; Daniilidis, Aris; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2021 Optimal control of multiagent systems in the Wasserstein space. Zbl 1436.49003 Jimenez, Chloé; Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 28 2020 Optimal control for the evolution of deterministic multi-agent systems. Zbl 1444.49011 Bivas, Mira; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2020 Representation formulas for limit values of long run stochastic optimal controls. Zbl 1467.93326 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 3 2020 On the metric regularity of affine optimal control problems. Zbl 1439.49012 Quincampoix, Marc; Scarinci, Teresa; Veliov, Vladimir M. 1 2020 Viability of an open set for stochastic control systems. Zbl 1479.49033 Buckdahn, R.; Frankowska, H.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2019 Preface: DGAA special issue on pursuit-evasion games and differential games with incomplete information. Zbl 1429.00030 1 2019 A differential game on Wasserstein space. Application to weak approachability with partial monitoring. Zbl 1425.91062 Perchet, Vianney; Quincampoix, Marc 1 2019 Existence and characterization of the values of two player differential games with state constraints. Zbl 1429.49043 Bettiol, Piernicola; Quincampoix, Marc; Vinter, Richard B. 1 2019 Mayer control problem with probabilistic uncertainty on initial positions. Zbl 1392.49040 Marigonda, Antonio; Quincampoix, Marc 35 2018 Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations for differential games with asymmetric information on probabilistic initial condition. Zbl 1415.91051 Jimenez, C.; Quincampoix, M. 11 2018 Differential games with asymmetric information and without Isaacs’ condition. Zbl 1388.91058 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Xu, Yuhong 9 2016 Differential games with incomplete information on a continuum of initial positions and without Isaacs condition. Zbl 1348.91054 Jimenez, Chloe; Quincampoix, Marc; Xu, Yuhong 8 2016 Limit value for optimal control with general means. Zbl 1326.93129 Li, Xiaoxi; Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 6 2016 On representation formulas for long run averaging optimal control problem. Zbl 1326.49067 Buckdahn, R.; Quincampoix, M.; Renault, J. 13 2015 Vanishing discount limit and nonexpansive optimal control and differential games. Zbl 1327.49002 Cannarsa, P.; Quincampoix, M. 11 2015 On a unified framework for approachability with full or partial monitoring. Zbl 1377.91029 Perchet, Vianney; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2015 Averaging problem for weakly coupled nonexpansive control systems. Zbl 1300.93115 Quincampoix, Marc; Sedrakyan, Hayk 2 2015 Pure and random strategies in differential game with incomplete informations. Zbl 1304.49075 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Jimenez, Chloé; Quincampoix, Marc 17 2014 Value in mixed strategies for zero-sum stochastic differential games without Isaacs condition. Zbl 1296.49034 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc 13 2014 Existence of asymptotic values for nonexpansive stochastic control systems. Zbl 1294.93083 Buckdahn, Rainer; Goreac, Dan; Quincampoix, Marc 12 2014 Metric regularity and stability of optimal control problems for linear systems. Zbl 1279.49014 Quincampoix, M.; Veliov, V. M. 24 2013 On sets of occupational measures generated by a deterministic control system on an infinite time horizon. Zbl 1278.49042 Gaitsgory, V.; Quincampoix, M. 19 2013 Value function of differential games without Isaacs conditions. An approach with nonanticipative mixed strategies. Zbl 1277.91015 Buckdahn, Rainer; Li, Juan; Quincampoix, Marc 11 2013 On the small-time controllability of discontinuous piece-wise linear systems. Zbl 1259.93026 Krastanov, Mikhail Ivanov; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2013 Hölder metric regularity of set-valued maps. Zbl 1262.90173 Frankowska, Hélène; Quincampoix, Marc 43 2012 Some recent aspects of differential game theory. Zbl 1214.91013 Buckdahn, R.; Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 45 2011 On the existence of a limit value in some nonexpansive optimal control problems. Zbl 1234.49003 Quincampoix, Marc; Renault, Jérôme 28 2011 Stochastic optimal control and linear programming approach. Zbl 1226.93137 Buckdahn, R.; Goreac, D.; Quincampoix, M. 27 2011 Optimal control with hysteresis nonlinearity and multidimensional Play operator. Zbl 1218.49004 Gudovich, Anastasia; Quincampoix, Marc 7 2011 The problem of optimal control with reflection studied through a linear optimization problem stated on occupational measures. Zbl 1180.49025 Quincampoix, Marc; Serea, Oana Silvia 12 2010 Another proof for the equivalence between invariance of closed sets with respect to stochastic and deterministic systems. Zbl 1186.93067 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Teichmann, Josef 5 2010 Lipschitz continuity and semiconcavity properties of the value function of a stochastic control problem. Zbl 1205.93162 Buckdahn, Rainer; Cannarsa, Piermarco; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2010 Existence of equilibria of set-valued maps on bounded epi-Lipschitz domains in Hilbert spaces without invariance conditions. Zbl 1225.47058 Gudovich, Anastasia; Kamenskii, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 1 2010 Linear programming approach to deterministic infinite horizon optimal control problems with discounting. Zbl 1201.49040 Gaitsgory, Vladimir; Quincampoix, Marc 47 2009 On limiting values of stochastic differential equations with small noise intensity tending to zero. Zbl 1178.60041 Buckdahn, R.; Ouknine, Y.; Quincampoix, M. 17 2009 Repeated games and qualitative differential games: approachability and comparison of strategies. Zbl 1193.91025 Soulaimani, Sami As; Quincampoix, Marc; Sorin, Sylvain 16 2009 Existence of periodic solutions of a ordinary differential equation perturbed by a small parameter: An averaging approach. Zbl 1162.34030 Gudovich, Anastasia; Kamenskii, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 1 2009 Deterministic differential games under probability knowledge of initial condition. Zbl 1152.91358 Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 49 2008 Controlled stochastic differential equations under constraints in infinite dimensional spaces. Zbl 1157.93041 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Tessitore, Gianmario 6 2008 On the reachability problem for uncertain hybrid systems. Zbl 1366.91021 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc 28 2007 Differential games through viability theory: old and recent results. Zbl 1152.91360 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 16 2007 Impulse differential inclusions driven by discrete measures. Zbl 1221.93110 Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Rzezuchowski, Tadeusz 9 2007 Advances in dynamic game theory. Numerical methods, algorithms, and applications to ecology and economics. Most of the papers based on the presentations at the 11th international symposium on dynamics games and application, Tucson, AZ, USA, December 2004. Zbl 1113.91004 4 2007 Pursuit-evasion games with impulsive dynamics. Zbl 1152.91365 Crück, Eva; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 4 2007 Aubin criterion for metric regularity. Zbl 1098.49018 Dontchev, A. L.; Quincampoix, M.; Zlateva, N. 41 2006 Zero-sum state constrained differential games: Existence of value for Bolza problem. Zbl 1103.49019 Bettiol, Piernicola; Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc 17 2006 A characterization of approximately controllable linear stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1121.60061 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Tessitore, Gianmario 15 2006 The reachability problem for uncertain hybrid systems revisited: A viability theory perspective. Zbl 1178.93073 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincapoix, Marc 2 2006 On Lipschitz regularity of minimizers of a calculus of variations problem with non locally bounded Lagrangians. Zbl 1093.49023 Quincampoix, Marc; Zlateva, Nadia 2 2006 Optimal control of uncertain systems with incomplete information for the disturbances. Zbl 1101.49024 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 9 2005 Stochastic control and compatible subsets of constraints. Zbl 1153.93532 Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine 4 2005 Existence of fixed points on compact epilipschitz sets without invariance conditions. Zbl 1098.54034 Kamenskii, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 3 2005 On the dynamics of a differential inclusion built upon a nonconvex constrained minimization problem. Zbl 1090.90157 Nistri, P.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2005 Generalized neural network for nonsmooth nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 1374.90356 Forti, Mauro; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 67 2004 On the control of uncertain impulsive systems: approximate stabilization and controlled invariance. Zbl 1070.93041 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 19 2004 Stochastic control with exit time and constraints, application to small time attainability of sets. Zbl 1059.93133 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Răşcanu, Aurel 5 2004 Averaging of perturbed one sided Lipschitz differential inclusions. Zbl 1067.34063 Donchev, T.; Kamenskii, M.; Quincampoix, M. 2 2004 On attainability of a set by at least one solution to a differential inclusion. Zbl 1153.34315 Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 1 2004 Averaging method for discontinuous Mayer’s problem of singularly perturbed control systems. Zbl 1020.49022 Quincampoix, M.; Watbled, F. 11 2003 Approximate stabilisation of uncertain hybrid systems. Zbl 1032.93059 Gao, Yan; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 7 2003 Equilibria and strict equilibria of multivalued maps on noninvariant sets. Zbl 1099.54018 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 5 2003 Nonemptiness of viability kernels for infinite-dimensional differential inclusions. Zbl 1054.34100 Donchev, T. D.; Quincampoix, M. 3 2003 Impulse differential inclusions: a viability approach to hybrid systems. Zbl 1364.49018 Aubin, Jean-Pierre; Lygeros, John; Quincampoix, Marc; Sastry, Shankar; Seube, Nicolas 61 2002 On existence of solutions to differential equations or inclusions remaining in a prescribed closed subset of a finite-dimensional space. Zbl 1034.34016 Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 18 2002 Viability of moving sets for stochastic differential equation. Zbl 1037.60055 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine; Răşcanu, Aurel 13 2002 On representation formulas for Hamilton Jacobi’s equations related to calculus of variations problems. Zbl 1021.49024 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 11 2002 Solution tubes to differential inclusions within a collection of sets. Zbl 1126.49303 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 6 2002 Oleinik-Lax formulas and multitime Hamilton-Jacobi systems. Zbl 1019.49028 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 5 2002 A viability approach for optimal control with infimum cost. Zbl 1058.49004 Quincampoix, Marc; Serea, Oana-Silvia 5 2002 On open-loop and feedback attainability of a closed set for nonlinear control systems. Zbl 1031.93015 Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 4 2002 Differential games with state-constraints. Zbl 1057.91009 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 3 2002 Optimal control of discrete-time uncertain systems with imperfect measurement. Zbl 1364.49047 Moitié, Rodéric; Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir M. 3 2002 Singularly perturbed second order differential inclusions by an averaging method. Zbl 1032.34010 Kamenski, Mikhail; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2002 Sliding mode control of uncertain systems: A singular perturbation approach. Zbl 1032.93005 Kamenski, Mikhail; Nistri, Paolo; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2002 Optimal control in the presence of unobservable uncertainties. Zbl 1015.49027 Quincampoix, M.; Veliov, V. 2 2002 Pursuit differential games with state constraints. Zbl 1140.91320 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 35 2001 A representation formula for the mean curvature motion. Zbl 1074.93037 Buckdahn, R.; Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M. 19 2001 Local small time controllability and attainability of a set for nonlinear control system. Zbl 1082.93003 Krastanov, Mikhail; Quincampoix, Marc 16 2001 Value-functions for differential games and control systems with discontinuous terminal cost. Zbl 0977.49018 Plaskacz, Slawomir; Quincampoix, Marc 14 2001 On the existence of solutions to differential equations remaining in a given closed set. (De l’existence de solutions d’équations différentielles assujetties à rester dans un ensemble fermé.) Zbl 1009.34009 Gabor, Grzegorz; Quincampoix, Marc 2 2001 Viability property for a backward stochastic differential equation and applications to partial differential equations. Zbl 0969.60061 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Răşcanu, Aurel 31 2000 Numerical schemes for dicontinuous value functions of optimal control. Zbl 0988.49016 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 14 2000 Discontinuous Mayer control problem under state-constraints. Zbl 0970.49008 Plaskacz, Sławomir; Quincampoix, Marc 7 2000 Set-valued numerical analysis for optimal control and differential games. Zbl 0982.91014 Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 67 1999 Dissipative control systems and disturbance attention for nonlinear \(H^\infty\) problems. Zbl 0943.93022 Frankowska, H.; Quincampoix, M. 4 1999 Open-loop viable control under uncertain initial state information. Zbl 0927.93029 Quincampoix, Marc; Veliov, Vladimir 4 1999 Existence of stochastic control under state constraints. Zbl 1036.49026 Buckdahn, Rainer; Peng, Shige; Quincampoix, Marc; Rainer, Catherine 32 1998 Stabilization of uncertain control systems through piecewise constant feedback. Zbl 0891.93068 Quincampoix, Marc; Seube, Nicolas 10 1998 Singular perturbations for differential equations and inclusions: An approach through constrained systems. Zbl 0934.34043 Quincampoix, Marc 3 1998 Control systems with constraints and uncertain initial conditions. Zbl 0952.93075 Quincampoix, M.; Veliov, V. 2 1998 Optimal times for constrained nonlinear control problems without local controllability. Zbl 0884.49002 Cardaliaguet, P.; Quincampoix, M.; Saint-Pierre, P. 26 1997 Viability for backward stochastic differential equations, applications to PDE’s. (Propriété de viabilité pour des équations différentielles stochastiques rétrogrades et applications à des équations aux dérivées partielles.) Zbl 0906.34040 Buckdahn, Rainer; Quincampoix, Marc; Rascanu, Aurel 2 1997 Multi-target control problems. Zbl 0934.49003 Doyen, L.; Quincampoix, M. 2 1997 An algorithm for viability kernels in Hölderian case: Approximation by discrete dynamical systems. Zbl 0831.34016 Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 17 1995 ...and 13 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,009 Authors 57 Quincampoix, Marc 32 Goreac, Dan 16 Gaitsgory, Vladimir G. 16 Veliov, Vladimir M. 15 Frankowska, Hélène 15 Serea, Oana-Silvia 13 Marigonda, Antonio 13 Zidani, Hasnaa 12 Buckdahn, Rainer 12 Li, Juan 11 Feng, Enmin 10 Cardaliaguet, Pierre 10 Gabor, Grzegorz 10 Gao, Yan 10 Lygeros, John 10 Saint-Pierre, Patrick 9 Kumkov, Sergey S. 9 Xiu, Zhilong 8 Aubin, Jean-Pierre 8 Bettiol, Piernicola 8 Patsko, Valerii S. 8 Qin, Sitian 8 Shvartsman, Ilya A. 8 Staritsyn, Maksim Vladimirovich 7 Averboukh, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 7 Bauso, Dario 7 Huang, Lihong 7 Jimenez, Chloé 7 Pogodaev, Nikolaĭ Il’ich 6 Dontchev, Asen L. 6 Geoffroy, Michel H. 6 Henrion, Didier 6 Hermosilla, Cristopher 6 Khlopin, Dmitriĭ Valer’evich 6 Krastanov, Mikhail Ivanov 6 Kruger, Alexander Y. 6 Piétrus, Alain 6 Simpson, David John Warwick 6 Turetsky, Vladimir 6 Wang, Jun 6 Yuan, Jinlong 6 Zheng, Xiyin 5 Bagagiolo, Fabio 5 Bokanowski, Olivier 5 Borkar, Vivek Shripad 5 Cavagnari, Giulia 5 Cibulka, Radek 5 Domínguez Corella, Alberto 5 Donchev, Tzanko Donchev 5 Glizer, Valery Y. 5 Lv, Jianfeng 5 Mitchell, Ian M. 5 Peng, Shige 5 Perchet, Vianney 5 Phan Quôc Khánh 5 Renault, Jérôme 5 Sanfelice, Ricardo G. 5 Scarinci, Teresa 5 Świȩch, Andrzej 5 Teel, Andrew Richard 5 Turova, Varvara L. 5 Wu, Xiaochi 5 Yu, Zhiyong 5 Zhou, Yong 4 Bardi, Martino 4 Bednarczuk, Ewa M. 4 Bonnet, Benoît 4 Cao, Jinde 4 Ciotir, Ioana 4 Doyen, Luc 4 Falcone, Maurizio 4 Gangbo, Wilfrid 4 Gfrerer, Helmut 4 Goebel, Rafal 4 Grüne, Lars 4 Hosseini, Alireza 4 Jean-Alexis, Célia 4 Kamneva, Liudmila 4 Krawczyk, Jacek Bogdan 4 Kuske, Rachel A. 4 Lamantia, Fabio 4 Liu, Qingshan 4 Misztela, Arkadiusz 4 Ng, Kung-Fu 4 Nistri, Paolo 4 Plaskacz, Sławomir 4 Radi, Davide 4 Rainer, Catherine 4 Rapaport, Alain 4 Satco, Bianca-Renata 4 Seube, Nicolas 4 Soravia, Pierpaolo 4 Touzi, Nizar 4 Ushakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 4 Wang, Juan 4 Wang, Yanqing 4 Wu, Zhen 4 Xue, Xiaoping 4 Yang, Yongqing 4 Yin, Hongchao ...and 909 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 197 Serials 35 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 33 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 33 Dynamic Games and Applications 31 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 29 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 28 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 27 Automatica 25 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 25 Neural Networks 23 Systems & Control Letters 19 Journal of Differential Equations 16 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 14 SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 Optimization 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 9 Mathematics of Operations Research 9 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 9 Asian Journal of Control 8 Journal of Global Optimization 8 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 8 Set-Valued Analysis 8 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 8 Journal of Dynamics and Games 7 International Journal of Game Theory 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 6 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 6 Journal of Convex Analysis 6 International Game Theory Review 6 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Statistics & Probability Letters 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 5 Automation and Remote Control 5 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 5 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 5 European Journal of Control 5 Nonlinear Dynamics 5 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 4 Computational Management Science 4 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 4 Optimization Letters 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Positivity 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 3 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 3 Stochastics and Dynamics 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i eë Prilozheniya 3 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings and Surveys 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 International Journal of Control 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Physica A 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 2 The Annals of Probability 2 Journal of Mathematical Economics 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 2 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Journal of Scientific Computing 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 Neural Computation 2 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 2 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 2 Sbornik: Mathematics 2 Finance and Stochastics 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Mathematical Finance 2 Natural Resource Modeling 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of Evolution Equations ...and 97 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 383 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 282 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 196 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 169 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 142 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 111 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 99 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 51 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 50 Operator theory (47-XX) 46 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 30 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Computer science (68-XX) 19 Real functions (26-XX) 19 General topology (54-XX) 16 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 14 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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